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A Comprehensive, Chronologically Sorted Literature Database on the State of the Art in Additive Manufacturing with Cementitious Materials. Links to Open-Access Fulltexts are provided. Updated Quarterly-ish.


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3D Printed Concrete

Relax, this isn't another review paper on 3D concrete printing (3DCP)! Instead, we've curated an exhaustive database that offers a detailed look at the state-of-the-art in 3D-printing in the construction industry, mostly, but not exclusively, involving cementitious materials and extrusion-based manufacturing. To guarantee the dataset's quality and consistency, we've taken the extra step of manually curating each entry over the years, which means

  • authors are identified through their ORCiD profiles
  • universities are tagged with their respective RORs (upcoming feature)
  • citations have a semantic weight (upcoming feature)
  • open accessible papers are tagged and can be downloaded directly
  • year of publication is enhanced by the month
  • publications are evaluated by several of their centralities in the citation network over multiple topological generations
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  • community detection is applied to identify clusters of related works (upcoming feature)


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  title               = { - A Comprehensive Citation Network Graph on the State of the Artin 3D Concrete Printing},
  author              = {Auer, Daniel and Bos, Freek Paul and Fischer, Oliver},
  year                = {2024},
  booktitle           = {Proceedings of the Fourth RILEM International Conference on Concrete and Digital Fabrication},
  publisher           = {Springer Nature Switzerland},
  address             = {Cham},
  volume              = {53},
  pages               = {533--538},
  doi                 = {10.1007/978-3-031-70031-6_62},
  editor              = {Lowke, Dirk and Freund, Niklas and Böhler, David and Herding, Friedrich}


A Roadmap for Quality Control of Hardening and Hardened Printed Concrete (2022-04)

Viktor Mechtcherine , Kim van Tittelboom , Ali Kazemian , Eric Kreiger , Behzad Nematollahi , Venkatesh Nerella , Manu Santhanam , Geert de Schutter , Gideon van Zijl , Dirk Lowke , Egor Ivaniuk , Markus Taubert , Freek Bos
Journal Article – Cement and Concrete Research, Vol. 157

AbstractThis article focuses on the specifics in characterizing the properties of additively manufactured, cement-based materials in their hardening and hardened states. Such characterization is required for the material development, structural design, and quality control of both printable material and 3D-printed elements. The related challenges are associated with the printed material's layered structure, which results in higher degrees of anisotropy and inhomogeneity in comparison to conventionally cast concrete. Thus, in the production of test specimens, the particularities of the real-scale 3D-printing process must be considered. Here a distinction is made between the production of samples for material testing prior to or parallel to actual application and those extracted from full-scale elements. Specifics of destructive testing are analyzed with emphasis on mechanical characteristics, while the discussion of non-destructive testing mainly addresses the geometry of the deposited layers and printed elements, measuring deformations, and finding such defects as voids and gaps. Finally, approaches required for developing/adapting guidelines and standards for testing of 3D-printed, cement-based materials are discussed.

Overview 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12
2024 45 50 61 74 69 65 110 84 297 58 95 47
2023 42 39 51 49 31 71 67 46 82 62 56 64
2022 32 34 49 56 35 110 48 25 69 36 47 41
2021 27 31 16 27 25 27 28 26 33 32 81 39
2020 15 19 20 20 21 20 120 17 20 22 22 20
2019 8 29 9 19 16 19 15 15 28 13 15 13
2018 6 9 11 14 26 11 13 9 50 10 16 5
2017 2 3 1 8 2 9 11 6 5 3 4 3
2016 1 4 3 3 2 4 2 2 5 1
2015 1 1 1 1 5 1 3 2 3 1
2014 6 1 2 1 1 1 2
2013 2 1 1 1 1 3 3 1
2012 2 1 1 3 1 1
2011 2 1
2009 1 1 1 1
2008 1
2007 1 1
2006 1 1
2005 1 1 2
2004 1
2003 1
2002 2
2001 1
1998 1
1997 1

Data (CTRL + F)


00000 From Local Earth to Modern Structures: A Critical Review of 3D Printed Cement Composites for Sustainable and Efficient Construction, Abedi et al.
00001 Mechanical Performance of Extruded Functionally Graded Fiber-Reinforced Mortar with Targeted Fiber Injection, Alarrak et al.
00002 Development of a Novel 3D Construction Printer for Consistent Buildability of Novel Geopolymer Mortar and Its Challenges, Ali et al.
00003 Analysis of Anisotropic Behavior in 3D Concrete Printing for Mechanical Property Evaluation, Aminpour et al.
00004 Minimal Mineral – Deckensysteme neu gedacht: Die Zukunft des Bauens nachhaltig gestalten, Aziz et al.
00005 Design Optimization of 3D Printed Concrete Elements Considering Life Cycle Assessment and Life Cycle Costing, Bahoria et al.
00006 Interfacial Bond Properties Between 3D Printed Engineered Cementitious Composite (ECC) And Post-Cast Concrete, Bai et al.
00007 Experimental Study on in-Situ Mesh Fabrication for Reinforcing 3D-Printed Concrete, Cao et al.
00008 Materialminimierte Rippen‐ und Wabendecken aus extrudierten Carbonbetonstegen, Cruz et al.
00009 Experimental Investigation of Thermal Performance of 3D Printed Slab Infused with Lightweight Concrete as Insulation, Dey et al.
00010 Dynamic Damage Behavior and Anisotropic Mechanism of 3D Printed Reinforced Concrete Subjected to Penetration, Du et al.
00011 Mechanical Behavior of Hardened Printed Concrete and the Effect of Cold Joints: An Experimental Investigation, Glotz et al.
00012 3D Printed Concrete Composite Slabs Fabricated by Prestress Reinforced Permanent Formwork: Design, Manufacturing, and Performance, Guan et al.
00013 Effect of Water to Binder, Aggregate to Binder Ratio and Admixtures on Printability and Mechanical Properties of 3D Printable Mortar Mixtures, Gurunandan et al.
00014 Bond Governed Interactions Between Helical Reinforcement and 3D Printed Concrete, Hass et al.
00015 Mechanism Analysis of the Magnetic Field Assisted 3D Printed Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete, Huang et al.
00016 Waste Materials Utilization in 3D Printable Concrete for Sustainable Construction Applications: A Review, Irshidat Mohammad et al.
00017 Comprehensive Review of 3D Printed Concrete, Life Cycle Assessment, AI and ML Models: Materials, Engineered Properties and Techniques for Additive Manufacturing, Khan et al.
00018 CO2 Sequestration and Low Carbon Strategies in 3D Printed Concrete, Kopitha et al.
00019 3D Printable One-Part Alkali-Activated Mortar Derived from Brick Masonry Wastes, Kul et al.
00020 Influence of the Nozzle Geometry on Mechanical Properties of 3D-Printed Concrete: Experiment and Finite Element Study, Kumar et al.
00021 Evaluating 3D Concrete Printing Effectiveness Through a Comparative Study Using SVM, Decision Trees, and Random Forest Techniques, Latha et al.
00022 Anisotropic Behavior in 3D Printed Concrete: Finite Element Simulation Approach, Li et al.
00023 Two-Scale 3D Printed Steel Fiber Reinforcements Strategy for Concrete Structures, Li et al.
00024 Microscopic Mechanism and Predicting Calculation on Mechanical Properties of Basalt Fiber Modified 3D Printing Cement-Based Materials, Li et al.
00025 Static and Dynamic Mechanical Characteristics of 3D-Printed Anisotropic Basalt Fiber-Reinforced Cement Mortar, Li et al.
00026 Effects of Carbonated Recycled Sand on the Interfacial Bonding Performance of 3D Printed Cement-Based Material, Luo et al.
00027 Evaluation of 3D Concrete Printing Extrusion Efficiency, Maroszek et al.
00028 Rheology and Early Age Evaluation of 3D Printable Cement-Limestone Filler Pastes with Nanoclays and Methylcellulose, Márquez et al.
00029 Structural Performance of 3D Concrete Printed Load-Bearing Walls, Mohammed et al.
00030 Mineral Impregnated Carbon Fibers Reinforcement for Concrete Elements Manufactured by Extrusion, Neef et al.
00031 3D Printed Artificial Coral Reefs: Design and Manufacture, Pham et al.
00032 Printing Performance of 3D-Printed Geopolymer Through Pumpability - Extrudability - Buildability Properties: A Review, Sakhare et al.
00033 Difficulties and Benefits of Implementing 3D Printing in Housing Development, Shafei et al.
00034 Use of Polysaccharides as a Rheology Modifying Admixture for Alkali Activated Materials for 3D Printing, Shilton et al.
00035 Continuum Soft Robots with Applications in the Construction Industry, Srivastava et al.
00036 The Impact of Air Entraining on Frost Endurance in 3D-Printed Concrete: The Function of Printing Orientation and Curing Process, Tarhan et al.
00037 Research on the 3D Printing Process and Filament Shape of Cementitious Materials in Low Gravity, Wang et al.
00038 Numerical Investigation on Shear Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete Beam with 3D Printed Concrete Permanent Formwork, Wang et al.
00039 Exploring Architectural Units Through Robotic 3D Concrete Printing of Space-Filling Geometries, Yabanigül et al.
00040 Mechanical Properties and Fire Resistance of 3D-Printed Cementitious Composites with Plastic Waste, Yaqub et al.
00041 Study on the Predictive Model for Continuous Build Height of 3D Printed Concrete (3DPC) Based on Printability and Early Mechanical Properties, Zhang et al.
00042 Artificial Intelligence Based Microcracks Research in 3D Printing Concrete, Zhao et al.
00043 Real-Time and High-Accuracy Defect Monitoring for 3D Concrete Printing Using Transformer Networks, Zhao et al.
00044 Distributed Fiber Optic Sensing System for Vibration Monitoring of 3D Printed Bridges, Zhao et al.
00045 Investigation of Activated Bauxite Tailings for Application in 3D Printed Concrete via a Modified Anderson and Anderson Model, Zhou et al.
00046 Experimental Research of Concrete Temperature Distribution During Large-Scale on-Site 3D Printing Based on Infrared Thermal Imaging, Zuo et al.


00047 Enhancing the Printing Quality and Mechanical Properties of 3D-Printed Cement Composites with Date Syrup-Based Graphene Coated Sand Hybrid, Ali et al.
00048 Data-Driven Models for Predicting Compressive Strength of 3D-Printed Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Using Interpretable Machine Learning Algorithms, Arif et al.
00049 Toward 3D Printable Low Carbon Mortar: Method and Application, Bono et al.
00050 Ceramic AM and Beyond: The Potential of Hybrid Construction Systems, Carvalho et al.
00051 3D Printing of a Multi-Performative Building Envelope: Assessment of Air Permeability, Water Tightness, Wind Loads, and Impact Resistance, Cheibas et al.
00052 Sustainable Uses of 3D Printing Applied to Concrete Structures, Csótár et al.
00053 Additive Energy: 3D Printing Thermally Performative Building Elements with Low Carbon Earthen Materials, Curth et al.
00054 Thermally Stimulated Stiffening and Fly Ash’s Alkaline Activation by Ca(OH)2 Addition Facilitates 3D-Printing, Dai et al.
00055 The Rise of Aerial Additive Manufacturing in Construction:: A Review of Material Advancements, Dams et al.
00056 Designing Tomorrow's Coral Reefs: 3DCP Potential in Innovative Artificial Coral Reefs Systems Development, Dias et al.
00057 Effect of Aggregate Gradation on the Properties of 3D Printed Recycled Coarse Aggregate Concrete, Ding et al.
00058 The Contribution of 3D Printed Lost Formworks to the Compressive Capacity of Structural Columns, Flor Juncal et al.
00059 Additive Manufacturing in the Construction Industry, Forcael et al.
00060 Influence of FA and HPMC on the Fresh Properties and Anisotropy of 3D Printing Engineered Cementitious Composites (3DP-ECC), Ge et al.
00061 3D Printing of Ultra-High-Performance Concrete: Shape Stability for Various Printing Systems, Gomaa et al.
00062 Investigating Inherent Cement Setting Mechanisms to Improve the Constructability Performance of Extrusion-Based 3D Concrete Printing, Günzel et al.
00063 Sustainability Principles in 3D Concrete Printing: Analysing Trends, Classifying Strategies, and Future Directions, Habibi et al.
00064 Effect of Carbonation Curing Regime on 3D Printed Concrete: Compressive Strength, CO2 Uptake, and Characterization, Han et al.
00065 Innovations to Improve 3D Concrete Printing of Portland Cement-Steel Slag Blended Mortars, Hassan et al.
00066 Automated Workflows for Concrete Additive Manufacturing for Design, Optimization, and Fabrication of Parametrized Elements, He et al.
00067 Recycled Ceramic Brick Powder Utilization in Fiber Reinforced 3D Printing Concrete: An Eco-Friendly Substitute to Conventional Fine Aggregates, Huang et al.
00068 Additive Manufacturing and Automation in Construction, Iuorio
00069 3D-Printed Mortars with Marble Powder Towards Sustainable Construction, Jesus et al.
00070 Modelling and Experimental Study on Static Yield Stress Evolution and Structural Build-up of Cement Paste in Early Stage of Cement Hydration, Ji et al.
00071 Minimizing the Carbon Footprint of 3D Printing Concrete: Leveraging Parametric LCA and Neural Networks Through Multiobjective Optimization, Jin et al.
00072 Experimental Investigation of Key Structural Parameters for Structural Design of 3D-Printed Concrete, Joergensen et al.
00073 Sustainable Development Approach for 3D Concrete Printing, Kaszyńska et al.
00074 Effect of Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose and Aggregate Volume on Fresh and Hardened Properties of 3D Printable Concrete, Kaya et al.
00075 Influence of Internal Architecture and Ink Formulation on the Thermal Behavior of 3D-Printed Cementitious Materials, Kosson et al.
00076 Upscaling of Copper Slag-Based Geopolymer to 3D Printing Technology, Kozub et al.
00077 A Structural Engineering Perspective on Extrusion-Based 3D Concrete Printing: From Green to Solid State, Kruger
00078 Improving Mechanical Properties of 3D Printed Mortar by Exploiting Synergistic Effects of Fly Ash Microsphere and Nano-Silica, Li et al.
00079 Enhancing Thermo-Mechanical and Moisture Properties of 3D-Printed Concrete Through Recycled Ultra-Fine Waste Glass Powder, Li et al.
00080 Automated Reinforcement of 3D-Printed Engineered Cementitious Composite Beams, Lin et al.
00081 A Rapid Reinforcement Technique using FRP and Steel Wire Mesh in 3D Printed ECC Beams, Lin et al.
00082 Study on the Compression Performance of 3D Printing Concrete Permanent Formwork Composite Columns, Liu et al.
00083 Investigation of 3D Printed Self-Sensing UHPC Composites Using Graphite and Hybrid Carbon Microfibers, Liu et al.
00084 Design of 3D Printed Concrete Masonry for Wall Structures: Mechanical Behavior and Strength Calculation Methods Under Various Loads, Liu et al.
00085 Sustainable Resilience for 3D Concrete Printed Homes in New Zealand: A Three Years Research Government Funding Overview, Loporcaro et al.
00086 Penetration Test of Sheet-Like Indenter for Yield Stress Assessment of 3D-Printed Concrete, Lu et al.
00087 From 3D to 5D Printing: Additive Manufacturing of Functional Construction Materials, Lucas
00088 Rheological and Mechanical Properties of Polyformaldehyde Fiber Reinforced 3D-Printed High-Strength Concrete with the Addition of Fly Ash, Luo et al.
00089 Experimental Investigations on Layered Functionally Graded Fiber-Reinforced Concrete, Mandala et al.
00090 Improving Interlayer Adhesion of Cementitious Materials for 3D Construction Printing, Medvedev et al.
00091 Seismic Performance of Large-Scale 3D Printed Concrete Panels: An Experimental and Analytical Study, Menna
00092 Structural Build-up of 3D Printed Earth by Drying, Motamedi et al.
00093 Fire Response of 3D Printed Concrete, Mousavi et al.
00094 Waste-Driven Construction: A State-of-the-Art Review on the Integration of Waste in 3D Printed Concrete in Recent Researches for Sustainable Development, Murali et al.
00095 Evolution of Early-Age Mechanical and Failure Behavior of 3D Printed Polymer Concrete, Najvani et al.
00096 Advancing Raw Earth Reinforcement for 3D Printed Architecture: Durability Assessment, Nashed Kabalan et al.
00097 Enhancing Mechanical Properties of 3D Printed Cementitious Composites Utilizing Hybrid Recycled PP and PET Fibers, Nasr et al.
00098 To Grow a Building: Soil and Seeds 3D-Printing, Nathansohn et al.
00099 Water Absorption Reduction of 3D Printed Concrete Using Silicones, Nienaber et al.
00100 How 3D Printing Technology Makes Cities Smarter: A Review, Thematic Analysis, and Perspectives, Prasittisopin
00101 Current Developments in the Application of Extrusion-Based 3D Concrete Printing, Rajeev et al.
00102 Exploring the Fresh and Rheology Properties of 3D Printed Concrete with Fiber Reinforced Composites (3DP-FRC): A Novel Approach Using Machine Learning Techniques, Rasel et al.
00103 Comparative Environmental Value Stream Assessment of Offsite and Onsite 3D Construction Printing Processes, Raza et al.
00104 Digital Fabrication of Ribbed Slabs with Post-Tensioned 3D Printed Concrete Formwork, Raza et al.
00105 Topology Optimization of 3D Concrete Printed Columns Considering Material Anisotropy, Reddy et al.
00106 Mechanical Properties and Crack Deflection Mechanisms in 3D-Printed Porous Geopolymers with Cellular Structures, Rezaei Lori et al.
00107 Characterisation of the Alkaline Resistance of Fibre Reinforcement Strands Produced in a Dynamic Fibre Winding Process for 3D Concrete Printing, Rothe et al.
00108 Integrating 3D Modelling and Non-Linear Numerical Simulations in Concrete Additive Manufacturing, Rymeš et al.
00109 Analytical Investigation on the Structural Performance of RC Column with 3D-Printed Concrete Permanent Formwork, Sabra et al.
00110 Improving the 3D Printability of High-Volume Fly Ash Mixtures Through Addition of Mineral Admixtures, Sadeghzadeh Benam et al.
00111 Investigation of Fresh and Hardened Properties of 3D Printable Concrete Containing Ozone-Modified Carbon Fiber, Şahin et al.
00112 3D Printing with Geopolymer-Stabilized Excavated Earth: Enhancement of Printability and Engineering Performance Through Controlled Retardation, Sahoo et al.
00113 Assessing the Load-Bearing Capacity of 3D-Printed Concrete at Early Ages: An Innovative Approach, Shahzad et al.
00114 Use of Seawater as an Accelerator in 3D Printed Concrete, Sikora et al.
00115 Anisotropic Mechanical Properties of 3D Printed Mortar Determined by Standard Flexural and Compression Test and Acoustic Emission, Skibicki et al.
00116 An Indirect Methodology to Evaluate the Rheological Properties of a Digitally Fabricated Concrete Incorporating Corrosion Inhibitors, Soave et al.
00117 Comprehensive Review of 3D Printed Cementitious Composites with Carbon Inclusions: Current Status and Perspective for Self-Sensing Capabilities, Sousa et al.
00118 Experimental and Numerical Assessment of Layer Deformation in a 3D Printed Concrete Element, Sreenivas et al.
00119 Extrudability Analysis of 3D Printable Concrete as a Two-Phase Discrete Flow, Sun et al.
00120 Rheology Control of Cement Paste by in-Situ Polymerization for 3D Printing Applications, Sun et al.
00121 Is 3D Printed Concrete a Game Changer?!, Swelim
00122 Applicability of 3D Concrete Printing Technology in Building Construction with Different Architectural Design Decisions in Housing, Takva et al.
00123 Influence of Thermo-Hygrometric Conditions on the Interface Bond in 3D Printed Concrete, Taleb et al.
00124 Sustainable Construction: Additive Manufacturing in a Circular Design Framework, Thomsen et al.
00125 Experimental Study on Behaviour of Cement Concrete in 3d Printing, Vaishali et al.
00126 3D Printing Applied to Building Development Around the World: A Systematic Literature Review, Vélez et al.
00127 Evaluating the Use of Recycled Fine Aggregates in 3D Printing: A Systematic Review, Venugopal Reddy et al.
00128 Rheological and Pumpability Analysis of Sustainable 3D Printing Mortars Incorporating Recycled Sand, Vlieger et al.
00129 Optimizing Printing and Rheological Parameters for 3D Printing with Cementitious Materials, Wang et al.
00130 Manufacturing Accuracy Improvement of Concrete Product by Hybrid Additive-Subtractive Method Based on the Time-Dependent Characteristics of Cementitious Materials, Wang et al.
00131 Biochar-Augmented Climate-Positive 3D Printable Concrete, Wang et al.
00132 Additive Manufacturing in Construction Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle: Design, Implementation, and Material Properties, Wang et al.
00133 Development of Ultra-Ductile Strain Hardening 3D Printed Concrete Composite Utilizing Critical Fiber Volume and Coarse Aggregate, Warsi et al.
00134 Structural Analysis of 3D-Printed Concrete Walls Under Quasi-Static Cyclic Loading Using Composite Micro-Model, Warsi et al.
00135 Experimental Study on Buildability and Mechanical Properties of 3D Printing Cob, Wu et al.
00136 Effect of Steel Slag on Rheological and Mechanical Properties of Sulfoaluminate Cement-Based Sustainable 3D Printing Concrete, Wu et al.
00137 Innovative Early Age Mechanical Properties of 3D Printable Mortar Enhanced with SBR Latex and Kaolin, Yasin et al.
00138 Effect of Environmental Conditions on Shrinkage-Induced Cracking of 3D- Printed Mortar, You et al.
00139 Layer Interface Characteristics and Adhesion of 3D Printed Cement-Based Materials Exposed to Post-Printing Temperature Disturbance, Zhang et al.
00140 Microbial-Induced Carbonate Reinforcement for 3D-Printed Concrete: Testing in Printable and Mechanical Strength, Zhao et al.
00141 Effect of Alkali Metal Sulfates on Hydration Properties of Alpha-Calcium Sulfate Hemihydrate for 3D Printing, Zhi et al.


00142 Assessing the Prospects and Risks of Delivering Sustainable Urban Development Through 3D Concrete Printing Implementation, Adamtsevich et al.
00143 Impact of Double Hooked Steel Fibers and Nano-Kaolin Clay on Fresh Properties of 3D-Printable Ultra-High-Performance Fiber-Reinforced Concrete, Altheoy et al.
00144 Numerical and Experimental Study on Reinforced 3DCP Walls Filled with Light-Weight Concrete, Aminpour et al.
00145 Real-Time Monitoring of Extrudability and Buildability in 3D Concrete Printing Based on Target Detection Method, An et al.
00146 Unbonded Interlayer Evaluation in Freshly 3D Printed Concrete Using Electrical Resistivity Measurements, Bang et al.
00147 Testing Mortars for 3D Printing: Correlation with Rheological Behavior, Bao et al.
00148 State-of-the-Art of Mechanical Properties of 3D Printed Concrete, Cai et al.
00149 Numerical Assessment of Thermal Bridging Effects in 3D-Printed Foam Concrete Walls, Chamatete et al.
00150 Early Age Time-Dependent Mechanical Properties of 3D-Printed Concrete with Coarse Aggregates, Chen et al.
00151 Performance of Normal-Weight and Lightweight 3D Printed Cementitious Composites with Recycled Glass: Sorption and Microstructural Perspective, Cuevas et al.
00152 Interlayer Bonding Performance of 3D Printed Engineered Cementitious Composites (ECC): Rheological Regulation and Fiber Hybridization, Ding et al.
00153 Modeling Fiber Alignment in 3D Printed Ultra-High-Performance Concrete Based on Stereology Theory, Dong et al.
00154 Bio-Inspired 3D Printing of Strain-Hardening Cementitious Composites Reticulated Shell Roofs, Du et al.
00155 Bio-Inspired Innovations in 3D Concrete Printing: Structures, Materials and Applications, Du et al.
00156 Nature-Inspired Approach for Enhancing the Fracture Performance of 3D Printed Strain-Hardening Cementitious Composites (3DP-SHCC), Du et al.
00157 Methodologies to Assess the Environmental Impact of 3D Printed Buildings Using Construction Waste, Eid et al.
00158 Interaction Between Material and Process Parameters During 3D Concrete Extrusion Process, Fasihi et al.
00159 Influence of Printing Parameters on the Durability of 3D-Printed Limestone Calcined Clay Cement Mortar: Overlap Between Filaments and Nozzle Offset, Flor Juncal et al.
00160 Strengthening and 3D Printing of Magnesium Silicate Hydrate (MSH) Binder for Martian Construction, Gholami et al.
00161 Additive Manufacturing by Extrusion in Ceramics, Händle
00162 Optimizing 3D-Printed Concrete Mixtures for Extraterrestrial Habitats: A Machine Learning Framework, Hoang et al.
00163 Micro/Nano Additives in 3D Printing Concrete: Opportunities, Challenges, and Potential Outlook in Construction Applications, Jin et al.
00164 Traditional and Modern Methods of Construction: Comparative Study of the Sustainability of Single‐family Homes, Josa et al.
00165 Multi-Model Based Additive Manufacturing: A Framework for Automated Large-Scale 3D Concrete Printing with Industrial Robots, Lachmayer et al.
00166 Frontiers in Construction 3D Printing: Self-Monitoring, Multi-Robot, Drone-Assisted Processes, Li et al.
00167 A Rheological Model for Concrete Additive Manufacturing, Lim et al.
00168 Interlayer Cohesion in 3D Printed Concrete: The Role of Width-to-Height Ratio in Modulating Transport Properties and Pore Structure, Lin et al.
00169 Tool Development for Precast Concrete Elements in Robot-Assisted Flow Production, Lindner et al.
00170 Compressive Performance of PVA Fiber-Reinforced 3D Concrete Printing Permanent Formwork Composite Columns Reinforced with BFRP Bars, Liu et al.
00171 Interlayer Reinforced 3D Printed Concrete with Recycled Coarse Aggregate: Shear Properties and Enhancement Methods, Liu et al.
00172 Analytical and Numerical Investigation of Gravity Anchors for Floating Photovoltaic Systems, Lu et al.
00173 Multi-Functional Additively Constructed Honeycomb Walls for Housing and Sheltering, Mackin et al.
00174 3D Constructing: Exploring the Potential of 3D Concrete and Clay Printing with Generative Design for Architectural Innovation, Madrid et al.
00175 Sustainable Structures Unveiled: Navigating the Environmental Landscape of 3D Printing in Construction, Motalebi et al.
00176 Materialsparende Betondecke aus 3D‐gedruckten Verriegelungsblöcken, Neef et al.
00177 Topology Optimization in 3D Concrete Printing to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Oliveira et al.
00178 An Investigation of Rheological Properties and Sustainability of Various 3D Printing Concrete Mixtures with Alternative Binders and Rheological Modifiers, Over et al.
00179 Effects of Anisotropic Mechanical Behavior on Nominal Moment Capability of 3D Printed Concrete Beam with Reinforcement, Park et al.
00180 Database of 3D Concrete Printed Buildings, Placzek
00181 A Global Snapshot of 3D-Printed Buildings: Uncovering Robotic-Oriented Fabrication Strategies, Placzek et al.
00182 Comparison of Machine- and Performance Specifications of Concrete 3D Printers, Placzek et al.
00183 Microencapsulated Phase Change Material in 3D-Printable Mortars, Rahemipoor et al.
00184 Load Transfer Behavior of 3D Printed Concrete Formwork for Ribbed Slabs Under Eccentric Axial Loads, Raza et al.
00185 Integration of Additive Manufacturing, Lean and Green Construction: A Conceptual Framework, Raza et al.
00186 Efficient Production of Precast Concrete Staircases Using Additive-Manufactured, Component-Integrated Formworks Systems, Rudolph et al.
00187 Modeling and Simulation of 3D Printed Concrete Layers and Validation Using Gantry Robotic Printer, Sahai et al.
00188 Concrete Extrusion Using Sustainable Cement Alternatives, Senf et al.
00189 Influence of Chemical Admixtures on Buildability and Deformation of Concrete for Additive Manufacturing, Seo et al.
00190 Investigating the Effect of Air Voids on the Mechanical Properties of 3D Printable Cementitious Composites, Sorgenfrei et al.
00191 Exploring Multi-Directional 3D Printing for Enclosures on Earth and Beyond: Sensitivity Analysis of Buildability, Tabassum et al.
00192 3D Printable Cement-Based Composites Reinforced with Sisal Fibers: Rheology, Printability and Hardened Properties, Varela et al.
00193 Comparative Analysis of Mold-Cast and 3D-Printed Cement-Based Components: Implications for Standardization in Additive Construction, Wagner et al.
00194 Research on Mechanical Properties of a 3D Concrete Printing Component-Optimized Path by Multimodal Analysis, Wang et al.
00195 Effect of Hydration Process on the Interlayer Bond Tensile Mechanical Properties of Ultra-High Performance Concrete for 3D Printing, Yang et al.
00196 Geopolymer Composites for 3D Printing Applications: A Statistical Analysis Approach, Youssef et al.
00197 Recycled PET Fibers with Dopamine Surface Modification for Enhanced Interlayer Adhesion in 3D Printed Concrete, Yu et al.
00198 Triaxial Compressive Behavior of 3D Printed PE Fiber-Reinforced Ultra-High Performance Concrete, Zeng et al.
00199 Preparation of 3D-Printed Concrete from Solid Waste: Study of the Relationship Between Steel Slag Characteristics and Early Performance in 3D Printing, Zhao et al.


00200 Production of High-Precision Formwork Elements Using Parametrically Programmed Concrete Extrusion and Machining, Abstoß et al.
00201 As-Built Monitoring of Concrete Structures, Adams et al.
00202 Rheological Characterization of Nanomodified Ultra-High-Performance Concrete for 3D Printing, Ahmed et al.
00203 The Efficient Waste-Based Fine-Grained Fibre Concretes for 3D Printing, Aldabergenova et al.
00204 Greenhouse Gases Emission Reduction Trough Topology Optimization and 3D Printing, Alencar Oliveira et al.
00205 Optimising Concrete Slabs with Paper Formworks, Amicarelli et al.
00206 Environmental Benefits of Concrete Floor Slabs Produced with Digitally Fabricated Formworks: A Case Study, Ammann et al.
00207 Formwork Optimization for Complex 3D Concrete Printing: A Unified Theoretical, Digital, and Experimental Framework, Andreou et al.
00208 Effect of the Geometry of Representative Volumetric Masonry Elements: Experimental and Numerical Analysis, Anjos et al.
00209 Towards a Sustainable 3D‐Concrete‐Printed Architecture: Assemblies, Detailing and Ornamentation, Anton et al.
00210 How Can Nanocellulose Contribute to Enhance the Performance of Concrete 3D Printing?, Aouichat et al.
00211 A 3D Printing Platform for Design and Manufacturing of Multi-Functional Cementitious Construction Components and Its Validation for a Post-Tensioned Beam, Asaf et al.
00212 Transforming Earths: Designing 3D Printable Materials for Robotic Earth Architecture, Asaf et al.
00213 Low Clinker ECC Materials Using Biomass Ash for 3D Printing, Asensio et al.
00214 A Comprehensive Citation Network Graph on the State of the Art in 3D Concrete Printing, Auer et al.
00215 Non-Destructive Evaluation for the Unbonded Interlayer of 3D Printed Concrete, Bang et al.
00216 Effect of Expanded Perlite on the Properties of 3DCP Mixtures, Barbosa et al.
00217 Instrumentation of the Extruder Nozzle Using Load Cells: Towards an In-Line Quality Control Device for 3D Printed Cement-Based Materials, Barry et al.
00218 Rheological, Mechanical, and Environmental Performance of Printable Graphene-Enhanced Cementitious Composites with Limestone and Calcined Clay, Baytak et al.
00219 Structural Behavior of 3D Printed Load Bearing Elements, Baz et al.
00220 Non-Linear Behaviour Under Compression of Hardened 3D-Printed Concrete, Bharti et al.
00221 Construction of Boundary Wall for an International Cricket Stadium in India: A Case Study, Bhattacherjee et al.
00222 Developing a Computer Vision Application for Crack Detection, Bier et al.
00223 Durability of 3D Printed Concrete: A Comparison of Extrusion 3D Printing, Shotcrete 3D Printing and Conventional Casting, Böhler et al.
00224 Large Scale 3D Printing of a Shell Structure Reinforced by the Flow Based Pultrusion Process, Bono et al.
00225 Tailored Low Carbon Footprint Cementitious Material for 3D Printing: Strategies for Rheology Adjustment and Mechanical Performance Estimation, Bono et al.
00226 Development of the On-Line Gravity-Induced Compression Test: The Inverse Slugs Test, Bos et al.
00227 DesignBuild Project of a 3D Printed Concrete Shell with a Segmented and Stereotomic Construction Concept, Brodmann et al.
00228 Hydration Characteristics of 3D Particle Bed Printed Cementitious Specimens, Brunner et al.
00229 3D Printable Mortars with Different Recycled Concrete Powders as Fillers, Canavarro Cavalcante et al.
00230 A Strategy for the Improvement of the Bonding Performance of 3D-Printed Concrete Interlayer Interfaces, Cao et al.
00231 3D-Printed Lightweight Earth Fiber: From Tiles to Tessellations, Carcassi et al.
00232 The Sustainable Lightness of Digital Fabrication, Carpo
00233 The Effect of Using Surface Functionalized Granite Powder Waste on Fresh Properties of 3D-Printed Cementitious Composites, Chajec et al.
00234 3D Printing Strategy and Implementation for Concrete Prefabrication Industry in Sweden, Chaudhari et al.
00235 Data-Driven Reliability-Oriented Buildability Analysis of 3D Concrete Printed Curved Wall, Chen et al.
00236 Development of Set-on-Demand 3D Printable Limestone-Calcined Clay-Based Cementitious Materials Using Desalination Brine, Chen et al.
00237 Voxel-Based Path-Driven 3D Concrete Printing Process Simulation Framework Embedding Interlayer Behavior, Chen et al.
00238 Comparative Analysis of Ternary Blended Cement with Clay and Engineering Brick Aggregate for High-Performance 3D Printing, Chougan et al.
00239 Advancements in Sustainability of 3D Concrete Printing: Presenting Low-Carbon Mixtures for Additively Manufactured Concrete Structures in Practice, Colyn et al.
00240 Robotic Sand Shaping for Reusable Formworks: From Toolpath Design to Emergent Shapes and Patterns in Cast Form, Cook et al.
00241 A Digital Library for Using Mine Tailings in Low-Carbon Concrete Replacements for Mine Back-Filling & 3D Printing, Corfe
00242 EarthWorks: Zero Waste 3D Printed Earthen Formwork for Shape-Optimized, Reinforced Concrete Construction, Curth et al.
00243 3D Printed Earth Formworks for Concrete: Exploring Fabrication Feasibility for Complex Filler Slabs, Cutajar et al.
00244 Numerical Simulation of 3D Concrete Printing: From the Layer- to the Structural-Scale, Daadouch et al.
00245 Geometric Fidelity of Interlocking Bodies in Two-Component Robotic Additive Manufacturing, Daneshvar et al.
00246 Robot-Guided End Effector for an Automated Finishing of Concrete Free-Form Surfaces, David et al.
00247 Structuration Rate Measurement Using a Digital Pocket Vane, Demont et al.
00248 Impact of Very Early Age Drying on Printed Concrete Microstructures, Denis et al.
00249 Numerical Evaluation of Thermal Performance and Improvement Strategies for 3D Printed Concrete Structures, Dey et al.
00250 Uniaxial Compression on 3D-Printed Load-Bearing Walls with Openings, Dhanasekara et al.
00251 The Potential of Natural Fiber Reinforcement in 3D Printed Concrete: A Review, Dias et al.
00252 Case Study on the Use of Thermographic Analysis to Evaluate an Additively Constructed Building, Diggs-McGee et al.
00253 Advancing Construction in Existing Contexts: Prospects and Barriers of 3D Printing with Mobile Robots for Building Maintenance and Repair, Dörfler et al.
00254 Surface Processing of Shotcrete 3D Printed Concrete Elements Using a Rotating Trowel Disc: Influence of Timing on Resulting Surface Quality, Dörrie et al.
00255 Automated Reinforcement Integration in Shotcrete 3D Printing Through Green State Milling, Dörrie et al.
00256 Towards a Decentralized Physical Infrastructure for Additive Manufacturing in Architecture: A Proof of Concept for a Tamper Proof, Secure Connection Between Designs, Blockchains and 3D Printers, Dounas et al.
00257 Combined Analytical and Numerical Modelling of the Electrical Conductivity of 3D Printed Carbon Nanotube-Cementitious Nanocomposites, Dulaj et al.
00258 Different Sized Metal Reinforcement Insertion System Using Cartridge Replacement Mechanism for 3D Concrete Printer, Egawa et al.
00259 Automated Manufacturing Process and Structural Performance of Ribbed CRC Slabs, Engel et al.
00260 Improvement of Rheological Properties and Printability of Sodium-Carbonate Activated Slag-Based Systems, Ertuğrul et al.
00261 Quantifying 3D Concrete Printing Production Waste, Farhan et al.
00262 Enhancing Early Strength in LC3 3DCP with Advanced Chemical Admixtures, Farra et al.
00263 Toward the Optimal Use of Local Cementitious Materials Through Novel Admixture Technology and a Dedicated 2K Printing System, Farra et al.
00264 Scalable Equals Sustainable: The New Era of Sustainable and Digital Construction, Feringa
00265 The Effect of Coarse/Fine Aggregate Ratios on the Properties of Additively Constructed Concrete, Foiles et al.
00266 Vibrated Short Rebar Insertion: The Effect of Integration Time on the Resulting Bond Quality, Freund et al.
00267 Development of a Generative Design System for 3D-Printed Houses in Chile, García-Alvarado et al.
00268 Measurement and Control of Serial Manipulator Robots for 3D Concrete Printing, Gill et al.
00269 Experimental Behavior of a 3D Printed Concrete Wall with Fixed Base Anchorage Subjected to in-Plane Cyclic Loads, Giulivo et al.
00270 Setup for ML-Based Prediction of Concrete Rheology from 3D Slump Test Geometry, Gomzyakov et al.
00271 Digital Fabrication with Local Earthen Materials: The Relevance of Process Robustness, Gosslar et al.
00272 Circular Design Strategies for 3D Concrete Printing in the Built Environment, Gümrük et al.
00273 Scaling up in Digital Casting of Concrete: Towards Industry Integration, Gürel et al.
00274 Residence Time Distribution Evaluation Method for Inline Mixing Processes in Digital Concrete, Gürel et al.
00275 Injection 3D Concrete Printing: From Structural Geometry to Fabrication, Hack et al.
00276 Navigating the Digital Chain in Concrete 3D Printing, Hage et al.
00277 Rheology and Printability of Cement Paste Modified with Filler from Manufactured Sand, Haghighat et al.
00278 PVA Fiber Reinforced Red Mud-Based Geopolymer for 3D Printing: Printability, Mechanical Properties and Microanalysis, Han et al.
00279 Implementing the Excess Paste Concept for a Systematic Mix Design of Printable Concrete, Hanžič et al.
00280 Influence of Printing Parameters on Early-Age Shrinkage in 3D Printed Mortar, Harbouz et al.
00281 Open Time and Extrudability Performance Analysis of 3D Printed Concrete with Recycled Concrete Fine Aggregates Using Rheological and Computer Vision Techniques, Haripan et al.
00282 Feasibility Assessment of 3D Printability of Portland Cement-Steel Slag Blended Mortar, Hassan et al.
00283 A Digital Design Process for Bundling of Void Formers for Application in Functionally Graded Concrete, Haufe et al.
00284 Development of Novel Concave and Convex Trowels for Higher Interlayer Strength of 3D Printed Cement Paste, He et al.
00285 Investigations into the Dynamics of Penetration Tests in Digital Fabrication, Hechtl et al.
00286 Improving the Dimensional Accuracy in Selective Cement Activation by w/c-Ratio Gradation, Herding et al.
00287 Design for and with 3DCP: An Integrated Early Design Stage Workflow, Heywood et al.
00288 Mechano-Chemically Activated Local Clays as Sustainable Binder Replacement for 3D Concrete Mixtures, Hierden et al.
00289 Additive Manufacturing of Alkali-Activated Materials by Laser-Induced Slip Casting, Hlaváček et al.
00290 Powder-Bed 3D Printing of Cementitious Materials for Lightweight Construction Elements, Hlaváček et al.
00291 Flexural Strength of 3D Printed Concrete Beams: Exploring Barbed-Wire Reinforcement and Cross-Sectional Geometry, Hojati et al.
00292 Rheology of Fiber-Reinforced Mortar for 3D Printing Construction: Effect of Recycled Hybrid Powder and Polyethylene Fiber, Hou et al.
00293 An Assessment of the Repeatability of 3D Printed Concrete Structures, Hüsken et al.
00294 Mechanical Characterization of 3D Printed Ultra High-Performance Concrete, Irizarry et al.
00295 A Method for Measuring the Bond Strength Between Impregnated Carbon Yarn and 3D Printed Strain Hardening Cementitious Composites (SHCC), Ivaniuk et al.
00296 Automating Penetration Tests for Fresh 3D Printed Cementitious Materials, Ivaniuk et al.
00297 Fließfertigung von variablen gekrümmten Modulen für dünnwandige Schalenkonstruktionen aus Beton, Ivaniuk et al.
00298 Stability Prediction of 3D Printable Fresh Construction Materials by Analyzing Thixotropic Compressive Properties Using Extensional Dynamic Mechanical Analysis, Jacquet et al.
00299 Hygroscopic Insulation of Open Matrix Core Wall System as a Strategy to Enhance Buildability of 3D Printed Earth-Based Materials Structures, Jacquet et al.
00300 Exploring Viscosity and Friction Through Temperature: Understanding Self-Heating Dynamics of Non-Newtonian 3D Printable Construction Materials via CFD Modeling, Jacquet et al.
00301 Sustainable Construction Through On‐site Robotic Fabrication: Past and Future Concepts, Jenny et al.
00302 Reimagining Earthen Materials: The New Era of Sustainable and Digital Construction, Jenny et al.
00303 Correlation of Continuously Measured In-Line Process Parameters and Extruded Geometry in 3D Concrete Printing Experiments, Jeyifous et al.
00304 Effects of Time-Dependent Rheological Properties of Cementitious Materials on the Print Quality of Extrusion-Based 3D Printing, Jiang et al.
00305 Multi-Objective Optimization of a Sustainable Ternary Mortar for 3D Printing, Jin et al.
00306 The Nubian Slab: 3D Concrete Printed Stay-in-Place Formwork for Vaulted Slabs, Jipa et al.
00307 Blast Response of Additively Constructed Concrete, Johnson et al.
00308 The Second 3D-Printed Prefabricated Prefinished Volumetric Construction Building in Thailand: A New Sustainable and Efficient Approach for a Low-Rise Prefab Modular Building, Jongvisuttisun et al.
00309 Influence of Illitic Calcined Clay on Properties of Mixtures for 3D Concrete Printing, Joon et al.
00310 Waste-Free Production of Ultra-Thin Concrete Panels via Robotic 3D Printing and CNC Dynamic Bed Device, Kamhawi et al.
00311 Techniques and Strategies in Extrusion Based 3D Concrete Printing of Complex Components to Prevent Premature Failure, Kamhawi et al.
00312 Active Rheology Control of Concrete Using Encapsulated Accelerator as Responsive Additives for Concrete 3D Printing, Kanagasuntharam et al.
00313 Reusable Flexible Formworks for Constructing Complex Concrete Structures, Kariouh et al.
00314 X-Ray Tomography Insights into Early Drying Effects in 3D Concrete Printing, Keita et al.
00315 A Review of Developments in Low Carbon 3D Printed Concrete in Europe: Steps Towards Sustainable Construction, Khan et al.
00316 Challenges in Enhancing Workability and Printability for 3D-Printable Geopolymer Mortar, Khokher et al.
00317 Interaction of Reinforcement, Process, and Form in Digital Fabrication with Concrete, Kloft et al.
00318 An Automated Pin Insertion Method for 3DCP and Its Reinforcement Effects on Beam Specimens, Kobayashi et al.
00319 3D Printing by Selective Activation of Geopolymer-Based Binders, Kondepudi et al.
00320 Finite Element Model of 3D Printed Reinforcement for Roads, Koneswaran et al.
00321 Designing and Testing of Tailored Frequency Acoustic Panels, Korat Bensa et al.
00322 Functionally Hybridised Lightweight Concrete Components: Monolithic Building Construction Using Selective Paste Intrusion, Krakovská et al.
00323 The Use of Additive Construction in All Structural Components of a Building, Kreiger et al.
00324 Additive Construction in Practice: Realities of Acceptance Criteria, Kreiger et al.
00325 A New Approach for Automated Design and Robot-Assisted Production of Structurally Optimised Reusable Concrete Building Elements, Kromoser et al.
00326 Anisotropic Characteristics of 3D-Printed Geopolymer Mortars from End-of-Life Materials of Construction Industry, Kul et al.
00327 Early-Age Shrinkage Measurement in 3D Printed Con-Crete by Digital Image Correlation: Influence of Spray Paints, Kurup et al.
00328 Enhancing 3D Printability of Metakaolin-Based Geopolymers for Nuclear Waste Filtration Applications, Lacambra-Andreu et al.
00329 A Spatial Multi-Layer Control Concept for Strand Geometry Control in Robot-Based Additive Manufacturing Processes, Lachmayer et al.
00330 A Study on Eco-Friendly Materials for 3D Printing: Focused on Korean Hwangto (Loess), Lee et al.
00331 3D Light on Site: Bringing Concrete Print to the Construction Site, Lehr et al.
00332 Enhancing Surface Quality in Additive Manufacturing Applications: A Micro-Power Float Approach, Lei et al.
00333 Use of Genetic Optimisation Algorithms in the Design of 3D Concrete Printed Shell Structures, Licen et al.
00334 Carbon Capture and Sequestration with In-Situ CO2 and Steam Integrated 3D Concrete Printing, Lim et al.
00335 Durability of 3D Printed Concrete: Performance Assessment of a Two-Component System Against Water Absorption, Carbonation, and Chloride Ingress, Lima et al.
00336 On Site Deployment of 3D Construction Printing for the Building a Two-Story Building in China, Lin et al.
00337 Additive Fließfertigung von leichtbaugerechten Präzisions‐Betonelementen, Lindner et al.
00338 Development of a Tool for Generating a Constant Volume Flow with Peristaltic Pumps for Robot-Controlled Concrete Extrusion, Lindner et al.
00339 Early Age Shrinkage Mitigation and Quantitative Study on Water Loss Kinetics of 3D Printed Foam Concrete Modified with Superabsorbent Polymers, Liu et al.
00340 Improving Thermal Insulation Performance of 3D Printed Concrete Wall, Liu et al.
00341 Influence of Printing Interval on the Imbibition Behavior of 3D-Printed Foam Concrete for Sustainable and Green Building Applications, Liu et al.
00342 Development of Novel Alkaline Electrolyzed Water on the Properties of 3D Printed Calcium Sulphoaluminate Cement Composites, Liu et al.
00343 A New Future of Construction: Digital Fabrication and Sustainability, Lloret-Fritschi et al.
00344 Digital Fabrication with Concrete Beyond Horizontal Planar Layers, Lowke et al.
00345 Trustworthy Machine Learning-Enhanced 3D Concrete Printing: Predicting Bond Strength and Designing Reinforcement Embedment Length, Ma et al.
00346 Polyacrylonitrile Fiber Reinforced 3D Printed Concrete: Effects of Fiber Length and Content, Ma et al.
00347 Is Additive Construction Ready for Seismic Regions?: A New Seismic Protective System Enabled by Additive Construction, Mackin et al.
00348 Assessment of Airflow Performance Through Openings in 3D Printed Earthen Structure Using CFD Analysis, Mahdy et al.
00349 Robustness of Digital Concrete: Effects of Temperature, Accelerator Type and Dosage, Mahmoudi et al.
00350 Exploring Locust Bean Gum as a Robust Binder and Rheology Modifier for Earth Concrete, Maierdan et al.
00351 Concrete 3D Printed Marine Wind, Solar and Energy Storage Support Structures, Marchment
00352 Deformation Behaviour of 3D-Printed Concrete Elements Induced by Plastic Shrinkage, Markin et al.
00353 Mitigating Plastic Shrinkage and Cracking in 3D-Printed Concrete Through Surface Rewetting, Markin et al.
00354 3D Printing Architectural Applications of Cement-Lime Mortars with Microencapsulated Phase Change Materials (PCM), Márquez et al.
00355 LiDAR-Based Real-Time Geometrical Inspection for Large-Scale Additive Manufacturing, Martin et al.
00356 Developing Binders with Ceramic Waste for 3DCP Mixes, Matos et al.
00357 Low-Carbon Embodied, Self-Cleaning, and Air-Purifying Building Envelope Components Using TiO2 Photocatalysis, 3D Printing, and Recycling, Maury-Ramírez et al.
00358 Filament Extraction for 3D Printing, Mawas et al.
00359 Integration of Steel Reinforcement into Extrusion-Based 3D Concrete Printing of Monolithic Concrete Elements, Mechtcherine et al.
00360 Hybrid Approaches Towards 3D Concrete Printing for Lightweight Reinforced Concrete Structures, Meibodi et al.
00361 Thickness Optimization of 3D-Printed Structures Considering Structural Failure, Mesnil et al.
00362 Thermal and Structural Performance of Cork-Cement Composite for Additive Manufacturing (AM), Meyuhas et al.
00363 Effect of the Ambient Temperature on the Structural Build-up of 3D Printed Concrete: Experimental and Modelling Study, Mezhov et al.
00364 Topology-Optimization-Based Additive Construction for Sustainability, Migliorino et al.
00365 Practical Insights and Advances in Concrete Pumping, Mikhalev et al.
00366 Zone-Based Analysis of Layer Deformation in 3D Concrete Printing: Shoulder, Steady-State, and Foot Zones, Miranda et al.
00367 Influence of Temperature Variations on the Performance of Two-Component 3D Printable Mixtures, Mohan et al.
00368 Numerical Modeling of Lateral Resistance of 3D-Printed Concrete Walls, Mohemmi et al.
00369 Sprayed Concrete Automation: A Unique and Complete Digital Fabrication Method, Monfort et al.
00370 A Case Study in Industrialized 3D-Printing: A One Hundred Home Community Near Austin, Texas, Monkman et al.
00371 Improving Durability Performance of 3D Printed Concrete via Topological Interlocking of Layers, Mostert et al.
00372 The Effect of Printing Path on the Shear Behavior of 3D Printed Concrete Panels Under Diagonal Compression Test, Mudadu et al.
00373 Comparison of Rotational Rheometers for Ready-Mix Concrete, Muthukrishnan et al.
00374 Influence of Nozzle Diameter on the Anisotropy of Compressive Strength: Measured on 3D Printing Concrete Designed with Recycled Fine Aggregates, Muy et al.
00375 Effect of Printing Parameters on Print Quality and Fracture Propagation Behavior of 3D Printed Concrete, Nakase et al.
00376 The Computational Clay Column: Computational Ceramic Systems with Additive Manufacturing, Nan
00377 Mechanical Performance of 3D Printed Fiber Reinforced Concrete, Nana et al.
00378 Decarbonizing Concrete Construction: Case of the Phoenix 3D Printed Footbridge and Learnings for Engineering and Architecture, Nana et al.
00379 Investigation of Digitally Produced, Interlocking Concrete Blocks for a Modular Slab Construction, Neef et al.
00380 Continuous Fiber Reinforcement for Extrusion-Based 3D Concrete Printing, Neef et al.
00381 Determination of Print Speed Based on the Fresh Mechanical Strength over Time of Additively Constructed Concrete by Unconfined Compression, Negron-McFarlane et al.
00382 On-Site Ready-Mix Concrete 3D Printing with Karlos, Nerella et al.
00383 Enhancing the Performance of 3D-Printed Fiber-Reinforced Mortar: Synergistic Effects of Clays and Bacterial Cells as Viscosity Modifying Agents, Nikravan et al.
00384 Exploring Low-Carbon Cementitious Materials for 3D Printing Applications: A Comparison Between Limestone Calcined Clay Cement (LC3) And One-Part Alkai-Activated Material (AAM), Noaimat et al.
00385 Development of Low-Cement Lightweight Concrete Mixes for 3D Extrusion Printing, Obermeier et al.
00386 Flexural Performance of Fiber-Reinforced 3D Printed Concrete Beams with Axial Rebar, Ogura et al.
00387 3D-Printing with WAAM to Form and Stiffen Lightweight Steel Panels for Freeform Façades, Ojeda et al.
00388 Extended Rheological Characterization as a Tool for Low-Binder 3D-Printing Compositions, Oliveira Romano et al.
00389 Buildability Analysis of 3D Concrete Printing Using Finite Element Method, Osta et al.
00390 Low Carbon Footprint Magnesium Phosphate Cement for 3D Concrete Printing, Padilla-Encinas et al.
00391 Environmental Conditions Affecting the Shrinkage Behavior of Low Clinker 3D Printable Mortar, Palomba et al.
00392 Assessment of Printability of Concrete Based on Packing of Aggregates, Paritala et al.
00393 Optimization Shape Stability for Printed Precast Column Using Matric Suction Effect, Park et al.
00394 Preliminary Study on Multi-Functional Building Components Utilizing Variable Density Foamed Concrete via 3D Printing, Parmigiani et al.
00395 Multi-Physics Modelling for Extrusion-Based 3D-Printing: Material, Process and Applications, Pierre et al.
00396 Numerical Study of Concrete Beams with 3D Printed Strain-Hardening Cementitious Composites (SHCC), Qian et al.
00397 Impact of Groove-and-Tongue Parameters on the Bonding Behavior Between 3D-Printed UHP-SHCC and Cast Normal Concrete, Qiu et al.
00398 A Framework for Crafting Sustainable Lightweight Concrete in Additive Manufacturing, Rangel et al.
00399 Development and Holistic Suitability Assessment of 3D Printable Mortar, Rasehorn et al.
00400 Knife Cut Test of Concrete: The Introduction of a New Test Method for Measurement of the Structural Build-up of 3D Concrete Printing Materials, Rehman et al.
00401 Nozzle-Integrated Slump Scanner Test: Development of an Automated Shape Stability and Instantaneous Yield Stress Measurement Method for the Set-on-Demand 3D Concrete Printing, Rehman et al.
00402 Exploring the Impact of the Pumping Process on the Structural Build-up in the Context of 3D Concrete Printing, Rehman et al.
00403 Characterisation of the Rheological Behaviour of a Resource-Saving Sustainable Concrete in the Context of 3D Printing, Reißig et al.
00404 Rheological Behavior of Steel-Fiber-Reinforced Concrete in the Context of Additive Manufacturing, Reißig et al.
00405 A Hybrid Binder Concept for a Swift Liquid-to-Solid Transition in 3D Printing of Suspensions, Remke et al.
00406 Quantification of Porosity and Sorptivity in Fiber-Reinforced 3D-Printed Mortar: Connecting Material Composition and Structural Performance, Rider et al.
00407 Challenging the Limits of Fluid FEM Modelling in 3D Concrete Printing, Rizzieri et al.
00408 Use of a Lignin-Based Admixture for Tailoring the Rheological Properties of Mortars for 3D Printing, Rodriguez et al.
00409 One-Part and Two-Part Alkali-Activation of Iron Mining Tailings for Sustainable 3D Concrete Printing Mixes, Rodrigues e Silva et al.
00410 Large-Format Material Extrusion Additive Manufacturing for Circular Economy Practices: A Focus on Product Applications with Materials from Recycled Plastics and Biomass Waste, Romani et al.
00411 Design and Characterisation of a Two-Component Mortar System for Shotcrete 3D Printing: An Approach to the Targeted Control of Material Properties, Rudolph et al.
00412 Efficient Production of Reinforced Precast Concrete Elements Using Additive Manufactured, Integrated Formwork, Rudolph et al.
00413 Construction in the Modern Era, Rycke et al.
00414 Bio-Based Additives to Improve the Rheology of High-Volume Fly Ash Cement-Based Mortar for 3D-Printing, Sadeghzadeh Benam et al.
00415 Material Volume Reduction with Additive Manufacturing: Challenges for Structural Application, Saelens et al.
00416 Ternary Gypsum-Cement-Pozzolan Composites for 3D Printing with Reduced Environmental Impact, Sahmenko et al.
00417 Effect of Fly Ash and Ground Waste Glass as Cement Replacement in Concrete 3D-Printing for Sustainable Construction, Samrani et al.
00418 Development of 3D Printable Cement-Based Composite Containing Oil Shale Ash, Sapata et al.
00419 Filigree Façade Panels Fabricated by 3D Concrete Printing, Schmid et al.
00420 Fabrication-Aware Design Method and Experimental Assessment of a Segmented Concrete Pedestrian Bridge Using SPI Technology., Schneider et al.
00421 Investigations on Multi-Sensor Data for Monitoring Volume Flow During the Printing Process, Schönsee et al.
00422 Recycling Large-Format 3D Printed Polymer Composite Formworks Used for Casting Precast Concrete – Technical Feasibility and Challenges, Schweizer et al.
00423 The Effect of Fiber on the Green Strength and Buildability of High-Strength 3D Printing Concrete, Shahib Al Bari et al.
00424 Topology and Shape Optimization of 3D Prestressed Concrete Structures, Shakur et al.
00425 Feasibility Analysis of 3D Printed Concrete with Sludge Incineration Slag: Mechanical Properties and Environmental Impacts, Shen et al.
00426 Influence of Coarse Aggregates on the Performance of 3D Printing Concrete, Shen et al.
00427 Influence of Waste Glass Powder on Printability and Mechanical Properties of 3D Printing Geopolymer Concrete, Sheng et al.
00428 A Path Towards SDGs: Investigation of the Challenges in Adopting 3D Concrete Printing in India, Shivendra et al.
00429 Fine Recycled Concrete Aggregates in 3D Printed Concrete, Sikora et al.
00430 Composite Concrete Columns of 3DP Concrete and Self-Compacting Concrete Subjected to Normal Force, Silfwerbrand
00431 Development of 3D Printable Strain Hardening Cementitious Composites for Bridge-Related Applications, Singh et al.
00432 Fabrication Information Modeling for Closed-Loop Design and Quality Improvement in Additive Manufacturing for Construction, Slepicka et al.
00433 Experimental Set-up for Shear and Interlayer Bonding in a 3D Printed Concrete Framework, Soave et al.
00434 3D Vision in 3D Concrete Printing, Sokolov et al.
00435 Determination of Optimal Flowability of 3D Printing Concrete Based on Multi-Objective Optimization Method, Song et al.
00436 Progress and Prospects of 3D and 4D Printing in Sustainable Development: A Scientometric Review, Sood et al.
00437 Structural Testing Campaign for a 30 m Tall 3D Printed Concrete Tower, Soto et al.
00438 Effect of the Printing Process on Thermal Performance of 3D-Printed Structures, Sovetova et al.
00439 Development of Outdoor Furniture Using 3D Concrete Printing, Srinivas et al.
00440 Comparative Study into the Interlayer Bond Strength of 3D Printed Mortar: Underwater vs. Air Environments, Srinivas et al.
00441 Additive Manufacturing by the Selective Paste Intrusion: Effect of the Distance of the Print Nozzle to the Particle Bed on the Print Quality, Straßer et al.
00442 Fracture in 3D-Printed Concrete Beams: Deflection and Penetration of Impinging Cracks at Layer Interfaces, Subramaniam et al.
00443 Steel Reinforced 3D Printing Concrete Housing Building and Its Modular Assembly Construction, Sun et al.
00444 Characterization of 3D Concrete Printed Horizontal Structures Through Early-Age Deformation Analysis, Szögi et al.
00445 Experimental Study of Tunnel Invert Construction Using 3D Concrete Printing, Tanaka et al.
00446 Comparative Analysis of Carbon Emission Accounting and Carbon Reduction Effect of 3D Printed Concrete Structures at the Stage of Architecturalization, Tang et al.
00447 Static Mixing for Set-on-Demand of Digital Concrete, Tao et al.
00448 Mechanical Behaviour of 3D Printed and Textile-Reinforced Eco-Friendly Composites, Tarhan et al.
00449 A Direction-Independent Reinforcement by Combination of Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Composite and Automated Pin Insertion, Tasaki et al.
00450 Enhancing Interlayer Bond Strength and Flexural Performance in 3D Concrete Printing with SHCC Bonding Agents, Teng et al.
00451 Sustainability Potential of Additive Manufactured Concrete Structures: Studies on the Life Cycle Assessment and Circularity of an Extruded Exterior Wall, Thiel et al.
00452 Bridging Technologies: Integrating 3DCP and OSC Through BIM Implementation, Timm et al.
00453 Sustainable Support Material for Overhang Printing in 3D Concrete Printing Technology, Ting et al.
00454 3D-Printing Channel Networks with Cement Paste, Tomolt et al.
00455 Eco-Friendly 3D-Printed Concrete Using Steel Slag Aggregate: Buildability, Printability and Mechanical Properties, Tran et al.
00456 Development and Characterization of a Printable Concrete Made with Construction and Demolition Waste Aggregates, Tudela et al.
00457 Towards a Digital Twin to Enable First Time Right DED-Arc Components, Unglaub et al.
00458 Rheological and 3D Printing Assessment of Sisal Fiber Mortar for Architectural Applications, Valera et al.
00459 Evaluation of Basalt Fibers and Nanoclays to Enhance Extrudability and Buildability of 3D-Printing Mortars, Varela et al.
00460 Embedding NFC Tags into 3DCP Elements, Vargas et al.
00461 Additive Manufacturing with Concrete: The Path to Practical Implementation, Vasilić
00462 A Numerical Model for Simulating Particle Bed 3D Printing, Vasilić et al.
00463 Enhancing 3D Concrete Printing Buildability with Non-Planar Layering: A Case Study, Vele et al.
00464 Non-Planar 3D Printing of Clay Columns: A Method for Improving Stability and Performance, Vele et al.
00465 A Data-Driven View on Digital Fabrication with Concrete: The Case of Interlayer Bond Strength, Versteege et al.
00466 Shrinkage Characterization and Compensation for 3DPC, Viano et al.
00467 Improving a 3D Concrete Printing Factory Using Stochastic Modelling for Decision-Support, Walzer et al.
00468 Printing Homes: Unit Cost Estimation for Additive Manufacturing in Construction, Walzer et al.
00469 Creating Vascular Self-Healing Concrete Using Direct Ink Writing, Wan et al.
00470 Specimen Size Effect on Compressive Strength of 3D Printed Concrete Containing Coarse Aggregate with Varying Water to Binder Ratios, Wang et al.
00471 3D Cementitious Composites Printing with Pretreated Recycled Crumb Rubber: Mechanical and Acoustic Insulation Properties, Wang et al.
00472 Sustainable Digital Concrete: Myth, Reality or Emerging Opportunity?, Wangler et al.
00473 Flexural Performance of the Integrated Steel Truss Reinforced 3D Printed Concrete Beams: Experimental and Numerical Analysis, Wang et al.
00474 Effect of Strain Hardening Material on Seismic Performance of 3D Printed Concrete Wall: A Numerical Study, Warsi et al.
00475 Realization of a Reinforced SPI Façade: Direction-Dependent Material Properties and Durability Assessment, Weger et al.
00476 Large-Scale Monolithic Printing with Ready-Mixed Concrete: Challenges and Solutions, Will et al.
00477 The Status Quo of 3D Concrete Printing: Are We There yet?, Wolfs
00478 Green Klinkers: A Strategy to Include Plants in Double-Shell Masonry, Wolf et al.
00479 3D Concrete Printing and Circularity: Designing, Testing, and Modelling Dry Joints for Structural Applications, Wolfs et al.
00480 Optimization Framework for Large-Scale Powder Bed 3D Printed Concrete Structures Under Various Constraints, Wolf et al.
00481 Free-Form Structural Optimization for Additive Manufacturing in Construction, Wüchner et al.
00482 Bridging Ancient Artistry and Modern Engineering: A 3D-Printed Concrete Arch Bridge Inspired by Millennium-Old Bronze Patterns Using an Integrated Concrete 3D Printing System, Yang et al.
00483 Development and Validation of Finite Element Constitutive Model for Meso-Scale Compressive Fracture Behavior of 3D Printed Mortar, Yoshihara et al.
00484 Prediction of the Flexural Strength of 3D Printed SHCC Beams Based on a Stochastic Size-Dependent Model, Yu et al.
00485 Analysis of the Effect of Substituting Cement with Marble Powder on the Mortar Characteristics Used in 3D Printing, Zargayouna et al.
00486 Comparison Between Yield Stress Measurements for Fiber-Reinforced 3D Concrete Printing, Zat et al.
00487 Quantitative Comparison of Elastic Modulus Measurement Techniques in Early Age 3D Printable Mortar: Insights from Compression, Ultrasonic, and Microindentation Methods, Zhang et al.
00488 Prototypical Realization of Fully Automated 3D-Printing of Reinforced Concrete Using AMoRC Method, Zhang et al.
00489 Evaluation of Plasticity and Determination of Deformation Index of 3D-Printed Composite Cement-Based Materials, Zhang et al.
00490 Real-Time Monitoring and Feedback Operation System for 3D-Printed Concrete Based on Computer Vision, Zhang et al.
00491 Mechanical Properties of 3D Printable Responsive Cement Mortar After Magnetic Intervention, Zhan et al.
00492 Rheological Modifiers in Optimizing Quick Nozzle Mixing Technology for 3D Concrete Printing, Zhang et al.
00493 Understanding Carbonation in 3D Printed Cement-Based Materials with Exposed Bottom Surface, Zhang et al.
00494 Cross-Layer Reinforcement Robot for 3D Printing Concrete: Hardware, Software, and Validation, Zhao et al.
00495 Stitching Engineered Cementitious Composites (ECC ): Unraveling Anisotropy Challenges Through Architectured 3D Printing Path Design, Zhou et al.
00496 Visualizing Defects of Concrete 3D Printed Structures with Augmented Reality Based on Machine Learning-Driven Image Analysis, Zimmermann et al.


00497 A Systematic Literature Review on the Integration of Industry 4.0 Technologies in Sustainability Improvement of Transportation Construction Projects: State-of-the-Art and Future Directions, Abbasnejad et al.
00498 Exploration of the Open Time and Compressive Strength of Alkali-Activated Mixtures for 3D-Printed Concrete, Abudawaba et al.
00499 Additive Manufacturing Evolution in Construction: From Individual Terrestrial to Collective, Aerial, and Extraterrestrial Applications, Aghaee et al.
00500 Nonplanar Robotic Printing of Earth-Based Material: A Case Study Using Cob-Like Mixture, Ahmad et al.
00501 Risk Assessment for 3D Printing in Construction Projects, Ahmed et al.
00502 Comparison of Reinforcement Fibers in 3D Printing Mortars Using Multi-Criteria Analysis, Alonso-Cañon et al.
00503 New Reinforcement Approach for Freeform Concrete Components Through Carbon Fiber 3D Printing, Amiri et al.
00504 Automated Strength Monitoring of 3D Printed Structures via Embedded Sensors, Banijamali et al.
00505 Phoenix 3D Concrete-Printed Bridge: Falsework System and Construction Process Development, Bodea et al.
00506 The Effect of Post-Tensioning on the Behavior of Small-Scale 3D-Printed Concrete Beams, Bolhassani et al.
00507 Design, Structural Optimization and Fabrication of Concrete Shell Through Fiber-Reinforced 3D Printing, Bono et al.
00508 Additive Manufacturing of Wood Composite Parts by Individual Layer Fabrication: Influence of Process Parameters on Product Properties, Buschmann et al.
00509 Additive Manufacturing of Natural Materials, Carcassi et al.
00510 Recyclability of Earth-Fiber Materials for 3D Printing, Carcassi et al.
00511 3D Printing Birdhouses with Ceramic Clay Using a Six-Axis Palletizing Robot, Chaari et al.
00512 Design Approach for a Post-Tensioned Funicular Concrete Beam, Chai et al.
00513 Cadenza: 3D-Printed Formwork for a Free-Form Stair, Chousou et al.
00514 Reconsidering the Historical Cap Ceiling: Layerwise Form-Finding of Self-Supporting Vaulted Structures for in Situ 3D Printing, Chovghi et al.
00515 A Flexible and Efficient Calibration Method for Discrete Element Simulations of Additive Manufacturing in Construction, Dahlenburg et al.
00516 Development of 3D Printable Alkali-Activated Slag-Metakaolin Concrete, Dai et al.
00517 3D Printed Strain-Hardening Cementitious Composites (3DP-SHCC) Reticulated Shell Roof Inspired by the Water Spider, Du et al.
00518 Mechanochemical Activated Fly Ash Concrete Suitable for 3D Printing, Dvorkin et al.
00519 A Comprehensive Review on Integrating Vision-Based Sensing in Extrusion-Based 3D Printing Processes: Toward Geometric Monitoring of Extrusion-Based 3D Concrete Printing, Farrokhsiar et al.
00520 Effects of Coarse Aggregates on 3D Printability and Mechanical Properties of Ultra High Performance Fiber Reinforced Concrete, Fernand et al.
00521 Enhancing Structural Efficiency with Digital Concrete: Principles, Opportunities and Case Studies, Gebhard et al.
00522 Robotic 3D Printing on Inclined Surfaces Using Adaptive Formwork Principles for Prefabricated Curve-Like Structures, Georgiou et al.
00523 Effect of Pumping Process on the Properties of 3D Printed Concrete Containing Air-Entraining Agent, Givkashi et al.
00524 Experimental Characterization of Anisotropic Mechanical Behaviour and Failure Mechanisms of Hardened Printed Concrete, Glotz et al.
00525 Continuum Optimization of 3D Printed Self-Supported Shell: Hybrid Strategy for Crafting Ribbed System, Hanifa et al.
00526 Self-Supporting Lamellae: Shape Variation Methods for the 3D Concrete Printing of Large Overhang Structures, Huang et al.
00527 Test Procedures and Mechanical Properties of Three-Dimensional Printable Concrete Enclosing Different Mix Proportions: A Review and Bibliometric Analysis, Huseien et al.
00528 Technology for Automated Production of High-Performance Building Compounds for 3D Printing, Hutyra et al.
00529 Time-Dependent Behaviour of 3D Printed Fibre-Reinforced Limestone Calcined Clay Cement Concrete Under Sustained Loadings, Ibrahim et al.
00530 Optimization Strategy for Incorporating Recycled Brick Powder in 3D-Printed Concrete by Balancing Low Carbon Footprint and Enhanced Performance, Jia et al.
00531 Preparation and Performance Characterization of Low-Density 3D-Printed Expanded Perlite–Foam Concrete, Jiang et al.
00532 HiRes: 3D-Printed Formwork for an Integrated Slab, Jipa et al.
00533 Investigation of Mechanical Properties of Structures Created with Use of Automatically Reinforced 3D Concrete Printing: Preliminary Study, Klik et al.
00534 Structural Design and Analysis of Marinaressa Coral Tree, Kovaleva et al.
00535 Porosity and Durability Tests on 3D Printing Concrete: A Review, Ler et al.
00536 Performance of a Multi-Layer Aligned Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete Beam: A Preliminary Investigation Towards 3D Printing, Li et al.
00537 Feasibility of Underwater 3D Printing: Effects of Anti-Washout Admixtures on Printability and Strength of Mortar, Li et al.
00538 Fabrication-Aware Design for 3DCP Shells Using Genetic Optimization, Licen et al.
00539 Spray-Based 3D Printed Foam Concrete: Cooperative Optimization for Lightweight and High-Strength Performance, Liu et al.
00540 Overview of Injection Liquid Printing with Dredged-Based Material for Concrete Formwork, Lo et al.
00541 Nondestructive Testing Techniques for Investigating Mechanical Property and Porosity Disparities in Extrusion 3D Printed Concrete, Mani et al.
00542 3D Printing ICONs Cosmic Pavilion: A Case Study in Cementitious Extrusion of Unsupported Cantilevers, Melcher et al.
00543 Connections Between Single Elements Made by 3D Printed Concrete, Mitrović et al.
00544 Blast Resistance of 3D-Printed Bouligand Concrete Panels Reinforced with Steel Fibers: Numerical Investigations, Nguyen et al.
00545 Experimental Study of a Funicular Concrete Beam Prototype, Ororbia et al.
00546 Structural Health Monitoring for 3D-Printed Civil Infrastructures: A Review of Challenges, Applications and Future Directions, Parida et al.
00547 Snapshot on 3D Printing with Alternative Binders and Materials: Earth, Geopolymers, Gypsum and Low Carbon Concrete, Perrot et al.
00548 An Experimental Study on the Effect of a Viscosity Modifying Agent on the Rheological and Strength Behaviour of 3D Printed Concrete, Prathipati, S. R. R. Teja et al.
00549 Tough Double-Bouligand Architected Concrete Enabled by Robotic Additive Manufacturing, Prihar et al.
00550 Paradigm Shifts in Building Construction Priorities in the Last Decade, Priyadarshani et al.
00551 Migration of Particles Suspended in Yield Stress Fluids: Insights from Numerical Simulation of Pipe Flow of 3D Printable Concrete, Ravindran et al.
00552 Sustainable Development of 3D-Printable Quaternary Geopolymer Concrete, Reddy et al.
00553 Augmented Data-Driven Approach Towards 3D Printed Concrete Mix Prediction, Rehman et al.
00554 Structural Evaluation of Shotcrete 3D Printing and Robotic Fiber Winding for Thin Shell Elements, Rennen et al.
00555 Effects of Incorporating Bentonite, Metakaolin, Microsilica, and Calcium Carbonate on the Rheological Properties of Portland Cement-Based 3D Printing Inks, Robayo-Salazar et al.
00556 Optimization of Foams-Polypropylene Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Mixtures Dedicated for 3D Printing, Rudziewicz et al.
00557 Assimilation of 3D Printing, Artificial Intelligence (AI) And Internet of Things (IoT) For the Construction of Eco-Friendly Intelligent Homes: An Explorative Review, Saad Alotaibi et al.
00558 Mechanical and Rheological Properties of Fiber‐Reinforced 3D Printable Concrete in Terms of Fiber Content and Aspect Ratio, Şahin et al.
00559 A TSP-Based Continuous Path Planning for Additive Manufacturing of Concrete, Sahu et al.
00560 Assessment of Load-Bearing Capacity and Buildability Failures in 3D Printed Concrete Structures, Shahzad et al.
00561 Examining the Role of Concrete 3D Printing for Housing Construction on Indigenous Reserves in Canada, Soto Rubio et al.
00562 Thermal and Energy Efficiency in 3D-Printed Buildings: Review of Geometric Design, Materials and Printing Processes, Sovetova et al.
00563 The Effect of Nano Zinc Oxide on Freeze-Thaw Resistance of 3D-Printed Geopolymer Mortars, Tanyildizi et al.
00564 Hardened Properties of 3D Printed Concrete Influenced by Anisotropy, Thajeel et al.
00565 On the Micro-and Meso-Structure and Durability of 3D Printed Concrete Elements, Tittelboom et al.
00566 New Structures from Printed UHPC, Tomečka et al.
00567 Ultra-Thin-Layered 3D-Printed Hollow Core Sections for Concrete Casting, Vatandoost et al.
00568 Aluminate 2K Systems in Digital Concrete: Process, Design, Chemistry, and Outlook, Wangler et al.
00569 On-Line and In-Line Quality Assessment Across All Scale Levels of 3D Concrete Printing, Wolfs et al.
00570 Evaluation and Optimization of Micro-Calcium Carbonate Modified 3D Printed Rubber Crumb Concrete, Xiong et al.
00571 Study on Printability of 3D Printing Carbon Fiber Reinforced Eco-Friendly Concrete: Characterized by Fluidity and Consistency, Xu et al.
00572 Comparative Evaluation of the Applicability of 3D Printing Mortar with Different Waste Powders, Yan et al.
00573 Near Pixel-Level Characterisation of Microfibres in 3D-Printed Cementitious Composites and Migration Mechanisms Using a Novel Iterative Method, Yang et al.
00574 Flexural Behavior of Textile Reinforced 3D Printed Concrete Under Quasi-Static and Dynamic Impact Loads, Yao et al.
00575 Mechanical Properties and Failure Mechanism of 3D Printing Ultra-High Performance Concrete, Yao et al.
00576 An Investigation on Enhancing the Bonding Properties of 3D Printed Concrete Permanent Formwork and Post-Casted Concrete, Yu et al.
00577 Mechanical, Alkali Excitation, Hydrothermal Enhancement of 3D Printed Concrete Incorporated with Antimony Tailings, Yuan et al.
00578 Review on Solid Wastes Incorporated Cementitious Material using 3D Concrete Printing Technology, Zhao et al.
00579 Designing 3D-Printed Concrete Structures with Scaled Fabrication Models, Zhi et al.
00580 Drying-Induced Damages in Exposed Fresh Cement-Based Materials at Very Early Ages: From Standard Casting to 3D Printing, Zuo et al.


00581 Advancing Sustainable Construction: Terracotta Component Development Through Extrusion-Based 3D Printing with Local Clay, Aabbas et al.
00582 Digital Fabrication of Biologically Cemented Spatial Structures, Antorveza Paez et al.
00583 Granular Materials for 3D Printing of Construction Components and Structures, Asaf et al.
00584 3D Printing and Implementation of Engineered Cementitious Composites: A Review, Asghari et al.
00585 Branching Structure for Reinforcement Anchorage Produced with Wire and Arc Additive Manufacturing Technique, Babovic et al.
00586 3D Concrete Printing of Self-Supported Filaments via Entrained Cables: Constructing Formwork-Free Spanning Structures, Baghi et al.
00587 Bending Performance of 3D Printed Ultra High-Performance Concrete Composite Beams, Bai et al.
00588 Printability and Mechanical Anisotropy of 3D-Printed Concrete with Manufactured Sand Derived from Basalt, Bai et al.
00589 A Review of Recent Trends and Challenges in Numerical Modeling of the Anisotropic Behavior of Hardened 3D Printed Concrete, Baktheer et al.
00590 A Comprehensive Review on Effects of Material Composition, Mix Design, and Mixing Regimes on Rheology of 3D-Printed Geopolymer Concrete, Barve et al.
00591 Influence of Curing Conditions on the Shrinkage Behavior of Three-Dimensional Printed Concrete Formwork, Bekaert et al.
00592 Investigating the Interaction of Limestone Calcined Clay and OPC-Based Systems with a Methyl Hydroxyethyl Cellulose-Based Viscosity Modifier Used for 3D Printable Concrete, Bhattacherjee et al.
00593 Impact of Water to Solids Ratio on Stability, Printability, and Mechanical Characteristics of 3D Printable Foam Concrete, Boddepalli et al.
00594 Eco-Friendly 3D-Printed Concrete Made with Waste and Organic Artificial Aggregates, Butkutė et al.
00595 Influence of Printing Pattern on Bearing Capacity of 3D Printed Concrete Hollow Structures, Chen et al.
00596 Mechanical Performance and Permeability of Low-Carbon Printable Concrete, Cui et al.
00597 Geometric Quality Evaluation of Three-Dimensional Printable Concrete Using Computational Fluid Dynamics, Cui et al.
00598 Evaluation of Mix Design Parameters Based on Basic Constitutive Relationships for 3DCP Printing, Dias et al.
00599 Robotic Repair: In-Place 3D Printing for Repair of Building Components Using a Mobile Robot, Dielemans et al.
00600 Keeping the Processability of a Clay Mortar for Extrusion 3D Printing While Decreasing Shrinkage and Increasing the Green Strength, Dorresteijn et al.
00601 Workflow for Generating, Simulating, and Optimizing Form and Toolpath in 3D Concrete Printing of Vaults, Duarte et al.
00602 Mechanical Properties and Additive Manufacturing of Alkali-Activated Lunar Regolith in Artificial Lunar Environments, Geng et al.
00603 Interfacial Cracking at Layer and Filament Interfaces of 3D Printed Concrete: Experimental and Numerical Studies, Gerong et al.
00604 The Effect of Freeze-Thaw Cycles and Sulfuric Acid Attack Separately on the Compressive Strength and Microstructure of 3D-Printed Air-Entrained Concrete, Givkashi et al.
00605 A Compressive Load Bearing Analysis of 3D-Printed Circular Elements, Giwa et al.
00606 Additive Manufacturing with Earth Based Materials: Minimization of Shrinkage Deformation, Gleiser et al.
00607 Algorithmic Modeling of Functionally Graded Metamaterials in 3D Printed Building Envelopes, Goidea et al.
00608 Comprehensive Investigation into the Influence of Soil Composition and Water Content on Cracking Due to Drying Shrinkage in 3D-Printed Earthen Structures, Gonzales et al.
00609 Monitoring and Modeling of Formwork Pressure Exerted by Castable Earthen Materials, Guihéneuf et al.
00610 Embodied Carbon of Structural Earthen Composites with Natural Materials and Byproducts Suitable for Robotic 3D Printing, Hanifa et al.
00611 The Role of Different Clay Types in Achieving Low-Carbon 3D Printed Concretes, Hanratty et al.
00612 A Quasi-Exponential Distribution of Interfacial Voids and Its Effect on the Interlayer Strength of 3D Printed Concrete, He et al.
00613 Automated Manufacturing of Reinforced Modules of Segmented Shells Based on 3D Printing with Strain-Hardening Cementitious Composites, Ivaniuk et al.
00614 Mechanical Properties of 3D Printed ECC Beams Reinforced with FRP Mesh, Jiang et al.
00615 Life Cycle Assessment of Additively Manufactured Foundations for Ultratall Wind Turbine Towers, Jones et al.
00616 Formulating Printable Concrete Mixtures Based on Paste Rheology and Aggregate Content: Application to Alkali-Activated Binders, Kamakshi et al.
00617 Structural Performance of a Large Column with an Outer Shell Formed by Short-Fiber Reinforced Mortar Extrusion, Kinomura et al.
00618 Computer-Aided Design of 3D-Printed Clay-Based Composite Mortars Reinforced with Bioinspired Lattice Structures, Kladovasilakis et al.
00619 Robotic Rammed Earth-Concrete (RREC): A Novel Additive Manufacturing Technology to Strengthen Rammed Earth Structures by Integrated Rammed Concrete Parts, Kloft et al.
00620 Interlayer Bond Strength of 3D Printed Concrete Members with Ultra High Performance Concrete (UHPC) Mix, Lee et al.
00621 Modification of Fresh and Hardened Properties of 3D-Printed Recycled Mortar by Superabsorbent Polymers, Li et al.
00622 A Review on Design and Construction of the Lunar Launch/Landing Infrastructure, Li et al.
00623 Structural Deterioration and Mechanical Degradation of Limestone Calcined Clay Cement (LC3) Under Elevated Temperature, Liew et al.
00624 Carbon Sequestration with 3D Concrete Printing: Potentials and Challenges, Lim et al.
00625 Construction Technology of the Curved Mars House Digital Hotel Project in China Using Concrete 3D Printing, Lin et al.
00626 3D Printable Low-Carbon Concrete with Nano-Silica Pretreated Recycled Fine Aggregates, Liu et al.
00627 Effects of Vinyl Acetate and Ethylene Copolymer on Printing and Mechanical Performances of 3D Printing Cementitious Materials, Liu et al.
00628 Axial Performances of the Steel Rebar Reinforced Column Confined by the Steel Cable Reinforced 3D Concrete Printing Permanent Formwork, Liu et al.
00629 Quantitative Characterization of Bubble Stability of Foam Concrete Throughout Extrusion Process: From Yield Stress, Viscosity and Surface Tension Point of View, Liu et al.
00630 High-Performance 3D Concrete Printing with Zeolite, Lu et al.
00631 Influence of Different Types of Superabsorbent Polymers on Fresh Mechanical Properties and Interlayer Adhesion of 3D Printed Concrete, Luo et al.
00632 Exploration of 3D Printed Concrete with Recycled Fine and Coarse Aggregates: Material, Equipment and Performance, Lv et al.
00633 Mechanical Performance and Anisotropic Analysis of Rubberised 3D-Printed Concrete Incorporating PP Fibre, Lyu et al.
00634 Workflow for Earth-Based 3D-Printing, Mai et al.
00635 Advancing Mix Design Prediction in 3D Printed Concrete: Predicting Anisotropic Compressive Strength and Slump Flow, Malik et al.
00636 Specifics of Plastic Shrinkage in 3D-Printed Concrete Elements, Markin et al.
00637 Optimisation of Earth-Based Mixtures in Terms of 3D-Printability and Mechanical Properties: Feasibility Study, Markovic et al.
00638 Mechanical Properties and Fracture Phenomena in 3D-Printed Helical Cementitious Architected Materials Under Compression, Moini et al.
00639 Leveraging Clay Formwork 3D Printing for Reinforced Concrete Construction, Mozaffari et al.
00640 Machine-Learning Networks to Predict the Ultimate Axial Load and Displacement Capacity of 3D Printed Concrete Walls with Different Section Geometries, Mütevelli Özkan et al.
00641 Set-on-Demand Geopolymer for Concrete 3D Printing Using Ternary Activator, Muthukrishnan et al.
00642 Automated Force Sensitive Reinforcement for 3DCP, Nghia et al.
00643 An Integrated T-Spherical Fuzzy Einstein Interaction Aggregator Group Decision-Making Approach: A Case Study of Concrete 3D Printing Robot Application in Vietnam, Nhieu et al.
00644 3D-Printed Raw Earth Structures to Create in Cities Vegetated Oasis of Coolness, Paquet et al.
00645 Selective Sheet Extrusion: A Novel Manufacturing Process for Large-Format Material Extrusion, Parrott et al.
00646 Alkali-Activated Waste Glass-Based Geopolymer Concrete for Digital Construction, Pasupathy et al.
00647 Enhancing Clay-Based 3D-Printed Mortars with Polymeric Mesh Reinforcement Techniques, Pemas et al.
00648 Development of 3D-Printed Magnesium Silicate Hydrate Cement Mixes Involving Metakaolin as a Substitute for Silica Source, Peng et al.
00649 Structural Build-up Model for Three-Dimensional Concrete Printing Based on Kinetics Theory, Prem et al.
00650 Flexural Performance of Concrete Beams via 3D Printing Stay-in-Place Formwork Followed by Casting of Normal Concrete, Qiu et al.
00651 Evaluation of Extrusion Methods for 3D Concrete Printing, Quah et al.
00652 Using Fibre Recovered from Face Mask Waste to Improve Printability in 3D Concrete Printing, Rajeev et al.
00653 Two-Part Print Head Mixing of Hybrid Alkali-Activated Cement for Buildability Enhancement in 3D Concrete Printing, Ramakrishnan et al.
00654 Application of Textile Reinforcement for 3D Concrete Printed Structures, Ramesh et al.
00655 Economic Analysis of Offsite and Onsite 3D Construction Printing Techniques for Low Story Buildings: A Comparative Value Stream Assessment, Raza et al.
00656 An Analysis of Penetrometer Test Methods for Structural Build-up in Stiff and Accelerated 3D Concrete Printing Mixtures, Rehman et al.
00657 On the Use of 3D Printing to Enhance the Thermal Performance of Building Envelope: A Review, Rubeis et al.
00658 Design Analysis and Development of a Gantry Robot for Multi-Layer 3D Concrete Printing with Simulation and Experimental Validation, Sahai et al.
00659 3D Printing with Stabilized Earth: Material Development and Effect of Carbon Sequestration on Engineering Performance, Sahana et al.
00660 Performance Requirements and Optimum Mix Proportion of High-Volume Fly Ash 3D Printable Concrete, Şahin et al.
00661 Selection of Digital Fabrication Technique in the Construction Industry: A Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Approach, Salaimanimagudam et al.
00662 A Comparative Study of the Rheological Properties of a Fly Ash-Based Geopolymer Reinforced with PP Fiber for 3D Printing: An Experimental and Numerical Approach, Sariyev et al.
00663 Time-Dependent Buildability Evaluation of 3D Printed Concrete: Experimental Validation and Numerical Simulation, Shahzad et al.
00664 Improvements in the Printability of Printed Mortar Using in-Situ Polymerization, Shao et al.
00665 A New Strategy to Enhance 3D Printability of Cement-Based Materials: In-Situ Polymerization, Shao et al.
00666 Developing 3D-Printed Natural Fiber-Rich Earth Materials in Construction, Shin et al.
00667 Real-Time Precision in 3D Concrete Printing: Controlling Layer Morphology via Machine Vision and Learning Algorithms, Silva et al.
00668 Design, Calibration and Performance Evaluation of a Small-Scale 3D Printer for Accelerating Research in Additive Manufacturing in Construction, Sovetova et al.
00669 Influence of Printing Parameters on the Thermal Properties of 3D-Printed Construction Structures, Sovetova et al.
00670 A Study on the Effect of Mixture Constituents on Washout Resistance, Mechanical, and Transport Properties in the Context of Underwater 3D Concrete Printing, Srinivas et al.
00671 Utilization of High-Performance Concrete Mixtures for Advanced Manufacturing Technologies, Sucharda et al.
00672 Compressive Performance and Damage Mechanism of Concrete Short Columns Confined by Steel Wires Reinforced 3DPM, Sun et al.
00673 CFD Simulation of Twin-Pipe Pumping Process for 3D Concrete Printing, Tao et al.
00674 3D Printing of Large-Scale Biodegradable Material, Tay et al.
00675 Integration of Functional Materials into 3D Printing for Construction, Tay et al.
00676 Development of Strain-Hardening Cementitious Composites (SHCC) As Bonding Materials to Enhance Interlayer and Flexural Performance of 3D Printed Concrete, Teng et al.
00677 Feasibility Study on Reinforcement Placement with a BIM-Enabled Collaborative Robot System, Teng et al.
00678 Additive Manufacturing for Earth-Based Materials: An Experimental Investigation, Trento et al.
00679 Experimental Study and OpenSees Modelling for Thermal Response of 3D Printed Concrete Exposed to Fires, Wang et al.
00680 Hardening Properties and Microstructure of 3D Printed Engineered Cementitious Composites Based on Limestone Calcined Clay Cement, Wang et al.
00681 Genealogy of Construction Robotics, Wang et al.
00682 Study on the Effects of Printing Process and Reinforcement Materials on the Performance of 3D-Printed Glass Bead Insulation Mortar, Wang et al.
00683 Mechanism of the Influence of Multi-Scale Pore Structure on the Triaxial Mechanical Properties of 3D Printed Concrete with Recycled Sand, Wu et al.
00684 Comparative Environmental Assessment of 3D Concrete Printing with Engineered Cementitious Composites, Ye et al.
00685 Mechanical Behaviour Investigation for the Timber-UHPC Shear Connector in 3D Printed Concrete Based Composite Beam, Zhang et al.
00686 Effect of Magnetic Intervention Time on the Buildability of Printable Cement and Limestone Pastes Containing Fe3O4 Particles, Zhang et al.
00687 Evaluation of Anisotropy and Statistical Parameters of Compressive Strength for 3D Printed Concrete, Zhang et al.
00688 Pumping-Less 3D Concrete Printing Using Quick Nozzle Mixing, Zhang et al.
00689 Active Rheology Control for 3D Printable Cement-Based Materials by Temperature: An Exploratory Study, Zhang et al.
00690 CO2 - Driven Additive Manufacturing of Sustainable Steel Slag Mortars, Zhong et al.


00691 Sustainable 3D Printed Concrete Structures Using High-Quality Secondary Raw Materials, Aslani et al.
00692 Contribution of Production Processes in Environmental Impact of Low Carbon Materials Made by Additive Manufacturing, Assunção et al.
00693 Motives and Barriers for Offsite and Onsite Construction 3D Printing, Balkhy et al.
00694 Structuration and Yield Strength Characterization of Hybrid Alkali-Activated Cement Composites (HACC) For Ultra-Rapid 3D Construction Printing, Basha et al.
00695 3D Printing vs. Traditional Construction: Cost Comparisons from Design to Waste Disposal Stages, Besklubova et al.
00696 Comparative Analysis of Structural Build-up in One-Component Stiff and Two-Component Shotcrete-Accelerated Set-on-Demand Mixtures for 3D Concrete Printing, Birru et al.
00697 Sustainable Additive Manufacturing of Concrete with Low-Carbon Materials, Bong et al.
00698 Reinvent Reinforced Concrete with Robotics and 3D Printing, Caron et al.
00699 Cementitious Material Development for Additive Fabrication, Čítek et al.
00700 Cementitious Material Development for Additive Fabrication, Čítek et al.
00701 Interface Bonding Characteristics of 3D Printed Ultra-High Performance Concrete After Elevated Temperatures, Dong et al.
00702 Effects of Oyster Shell Derivatives on Performance Enhancement of Biomass-Based 3D Printed Concrete, Du et al.
00703 Effect of Process Parameters on Forming Quality and Flexural Strength of Continuous Fiber Reinforced Cement-Based 3D Printed Composites, Duan et al.
00704 Design for Early-Age Structural Performance of 3D Printed Concrete Structures: A Parametric Numerical Modeling Approach, Duarte et al.
00705 Integration of Laser Profiler Feedback into FIM for Additive Manufacturing in Construction, Espinosa et al.
00706 Emerging Resources for the Development of Low-Carbon Cementitious Composites for 3D Printing Applications, Ghaffar et al.
00707 3D Printed Sulfur-Regolith Concrete Performance Evaluation for Waterless Extraterrestrial Robotic Construction, Giwa et al.
00708 3D Printing Concrete with Byproducts, González-Fonteboa et al.
00709 Effect of Superabsorbent Polymer on 3D Printing Characteristics as Rheology-Modified Agent, Gu et al.
00710 Transforming Construction?: Evaluation of the State of Structural 3D Concrete Printing in Research and Practice, Hasani et al.
00711 Hydration of a 2-Component CSA-OPC-Mix-Timing of Component Blending & Setting on Demand, Jakob et al.
00712 3D Printing: A Boon or a Bane for Sustainable Construction, Kamra et al.
00713 Encapsulation of Sodium Silicate to Attain on Demand Buildability Enhancement in Concrete 3D Printing, Kanagasuntharam et al.
00714 Effects of Cellulose Nanofibrils on Rheological and Mechanical Properties of 3D Printable Cement Composites, Kilic et al.
00715 Constituent Components of 3D Printing in Construction: Mixture, Reinforcement and Their Main Characteristics, Konoplianyk et al.
00716 Additive Manufacturing of Geopolymer Composites for Sustainable Construction: Critical Factors, Advancements, Challenges, and Future Directions, Krishna et al.
00717 Inline Image-Based Reinforcement Detection for Concrete Additive Manufacturing Processes Using a Convolutional Neural Network, Lachmayer et al.
00718 3D Printing of Fiber-Reinforced Calcined Clay-Limestone-Based Cementitious Materials: From Mixture Design to Printability Evaluation, Li et al.
00719 3D Printing of Cementitious Composites with Seashell Particles: Mechanical and Microstructural Analysis, Liu et al.
00720 Supply Chain Landscape of 3D Printed Buildings: A Stakeholder Decision Support Framework, Ma et al.
00721 A Generic 3D Printing Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Framework for AEC Applications, Mantha et al.
00722 Rheological, Mechanical, and Microscopic Properties of Polypropylene Fiber Reinforced-Geopolymer Concrete for Additive Manufacturing, Masoud et al.
00723 Quality Control Tests of Fresh 3D Printable Cement-Based Materials, Matos et al.
00724 Development of a Robotic Fabrication System for Cementitious Materials, Melter et al.
00725 Influence of Print Paths on Mechanical Properties and Fracture Propagation of 3D Printed Concrete, Nakase et al.
00726 A Review of Optimization of Limestone and Calcined Clay Cement (LC3) Concrete Mixtures for 3D Printing, Ndarowa et al.
00727 Simulation and Analysis of Automated Generalised Interleaved Layered Execution (AGILE) Process for Concrete Shell Structures, Ostovari et al.
00728 3D-Printed Multi-Functional Foamed Concrete Building Components: Material Properties, Component Design, and 3D Printing Application, Parmigiani et al.
00729 Performance and Microstructural Development of 3D Printable MgO-SiO2 Mixes Containing Magnesium Silicate Monohydrate, Peng et al.
00730 DEM Modeling of Advanced Manufacturing Technologies: From SLS to 3D Concrete Printing, Quintana-Ruiz et al.
00731 Developing an Appropriate Concrete Mix for 3D Concrete Printing, Rama Krishna et al.
00732 In-Process Textile Reinforcement Method for 3D Concrete Printing and Its Structural Performance, Ramesh et al.
00733 Impact Response of Textile-Reinforced 3D Printed Concrete Panels, Ramesh et al.
00734 Fresh and Hardened Properties of 3D Printing Mortar Modified by Halloysite Nanotube, Razzaghian Ghadikolaee et al.
00735 Improving the Structural Efficiency of Textured Three-Dimensional Concrete Printing Wall by Architectural Design, Sadakorn et al.
00736 Autonomous Building Design for Manufacturing and Assembly: A Systematic Review of Design Application, Challenges, and Opportunities, Sadoughi et al.
00737 Gypsum-Cement-Pozzolan Composites for 3D Printing: Properties and Life Cycle Assessment, Sahmenko et al.
00738 Optimal Selection of Cable Reinforcement for Concrete 3D Printed Lattice Beam, Salaimanimagudam et al.
00739 The Development of a Fly Ash-Based Geopolymer for Extrusion-Based 3D Printing, Along with a Printability Prediction Method, Sando et al.
00740 Sustainable Three-Dimensional Printing Concrete: Advances, Challenges, and Future Direction, Seifan
00741 Buildability Assessment of 3D Printed Concrete Elements Through Computer Vision, Senthilnathan et al.
00742 Three-Dimensional Printable Concrete by an Ultra-Thin Nozzle and Fully Sealed Extrusion, Shen et al.
00743 Comparative Analysis of 3D Printing of Portland Cement Mortars with Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose and Microfibrillated Cellulose as Viscosity Modifying Agents, Shoaei et al.
00744 Concrete Gyroid: An Additive Manufacturing (AM) Method to 3D Print Gyroid Geometries with a Cementitious Material, Spencer et al.
00745 Experimental and FEM Evaluation of the Influence of Interlayer Bonding Strength in 3D Printed Concrete Members Under Compressive and Flexural Loadings, To et al.
00746 Quantifying Recycled Construction and Demolition Waste for Use in 3D-Printed Concrete, Villiers et al.
00747 Elaborating the 3D Microstructural Characteristics and Strength Softening Mechanical Mechanism of Fiber-Reinforced Recycled Aggregate Concrete, Wang et al.
00748 3D-Printed LC3-Based Lightweight Engineered Cementitious Composites: Fresh State, Harden Material Properties and Beam Performance, Yan et al.
00749 Enhancing Mechanical Properties of Three-Dimensional Concrete at Elevated Temperatures Through Recycled Ceramic Powder Treatment Methods, Yang et al.
00750 Monitoring of 3D Concrete Printing Quality Through Multi-View RGB-D Images, Zaki et al.
00751 Determining the Effect of Geometric and Dynamic Properties of Screws on Fiber Orientation During FRC 3D Printing Based on Discrete Element Simulation, Zhi et al.
00752 CO2 Absorbing 3D Printable Mixtures for Magnesium Slag Valorization, Zhong et al.
00753 Influence of Residue Soil on the Properties of Fly Ash-Slag-Based Geopolymer Materials for 3D Printing, Zhou et al.
00754 Buildability of Complex 3D-Printed Concrete Geometries Using Peridynamics, Zhu et al.
00755 A Comprehensive Review of Sustainable Materials and Toolpath Optimization in 3D Concrete Printing, Zhuang et al.


00756 Incorporating Coarse Aggregates into 3D Concrete Printing from Mixture Design and Process Control to Structural Behaviours and Practical Applications: A Review, An et al.
00757 Experimental and Numerical Study on the Flexural Behavior of 3D-Printed Composite Beams with U-Shaped ECC Formwork, Bai et al.
00758 Investigation of Axial Load Capacity of 3D-Printed Concrete Wall, Bayatkashkooli et al.
00759 Spatial Variation of Physical, Mechanical, and Thermophysical Properties of 3D Printed Concrete Across a Full-Scale Wall, Bayrak et al.
00760 Impact of BIM and 3D Printing Technologies on Production Process and Productivity of Precast Concrete in Construction Project, Berawi et al.
00761 Synergistic Effect of Fly Ash and Polyvinyl Alcohol Fibers in Improving Stability, Rheology, and Mechanical Properties of 3D Printable Foam Concrete, Boddepalli et al.
00762 Durability of Green Rubberized 3D Printed Lightweight Cement Composites Reinforced with Micro Attapulgite and Micro Steel Fibers: Printability and Environmental Perspective, Bodur et al.
00763 3DLightSlab: Design to 3D Concrete Printing Workflow for Stress-Driven Ribbed Slabs, Breseghello et al.
00764 Building a Greener Future: Advancing Concrete Production Sustainability and the Thermal Properties of 3D-Printed Mortars, Capêto et al.
00765 Influence of Recycled Concrete Powder on Rheology of Printable Cement-Based Matrixes, Cavalcante et al.
00766 Effect of Alkalized Straw Fibers on the Properties of Three Dimensional Printed Cementitious Composite, Chen et al.
00767 Modeling Concrete Deposition via 3D Printing Using Reproducing Kernel Particle Method, Cheng et al.
00768 Printability Region for 3D-Printable Engineered Cementitious Composites (3DP-ECC), Chen et al.
00769 An In-Line Dye Tracer Experiment to Measure the Residence Time in Continuous Concrete Processing, Deetman et al.
00770 Effects of Printing Patterns and Loading Directions on Fracture Behavior of 3D Printed Strain-Hardening Cementitious Composites, Du et al.
00771 Failure Analysis of 3D Concrete Printing Bolted Laminates Mimicking Geological Strata, Feng et al.
00772 Rheological Behavior of 3D Printed Concrete: Influential Factors and Printability Prediction Scheme, Gao et al.
00773 From BIM Model to 3D Construction Printing: A Framework Proposal, García-Alvarado et al.
00774 Extrudability Window and Offline Test Methods to Predict Buildability of 3D Printing Concrete, Gu et al.
00775 Effect of Absorption Kinetics of Superabsorbent Polymers on Printability and Interlayer Bond of 3D Printing Concrete, Gu et al.
00776 Unpacking the Dynamics of 3D Concrete Printing Adoption: An Integrated UTAUT-TOE Approach, Han et al.
00777 Development of a Real-Time Geometric Quality Monitoring System for Extruded Filaments of 3D Concrete Printing Construction, Jhun et al.
00778 An Extended Numerical Model of the First Exothermic Peak for Three Dimensional Printed Cement-Based Materials, Jiang et al.
00779 Modelling, Analysis and Comparison of Robot Energy Consumption for Three-Dimensional Concrete Printing Technology, Kajzr et al.
00780 Rheology Control and 3D Concrete Printing with Fly Ash-Based Aqueous Nano-Silica Enhanced Alkali-Activated Binders, Kamakshi et al.
00781 Recent Developments on Low Carbon 3D Printing Concrete: Revolutionizing Construction Through Innovative Technology, Khan et al.
00782 A New 3D Printing Method and Similar Materials of the Tunnel Lining for the Geomechanical Model Test, Lin et al.
00783 3D Printed Self-Sensing Cementitious Composites Using Graphite and Carbon Microfibers, Liu et al.
00784 Determine the Effects of Pore Properties on the Mechanical Performances of 3D Concrete Printing Units with Experimental and Numerical Methods, Liu et al.
00785 Utilizing CO2 to Improve Plastic Shrinkage and Mechanical Properties of 3D Printed Mortar Made with Recycled Fine Aggregates, Liu et al.
00786 Powder-Based 3D Printed Magnesium Phosphate Cement: Mechanical Isotropy Optimization Using Borax, Liu et al.
00787 Advancing Sustainable Construction: Insights into Clay-Based Additive Manufacturing for Architecture, Engineering, and Construction, Los Angeles Ortega Rosario et al.
00788 Optimization for Industrial Robot Joint Movement in Non-Horizontal 3D Printing Application, Lu et al.
00789 Study on Bending Performance of 3D Printed PVA Fiber Reinforced Cement-Based Material, Luo et al.
00790 Multilayered Plant-Growing Concrete Manufactured by Aggregate-Bed 3D Concrete Printing, Lyu et al.
00791 Rheology, 3D Printing, and Particle Interactions of Xanthan Gum-Clay Binder for Earth Concrete, Maierdan et al.
00792 Enhancing Sustainability and Performance of 3D Printing Mortar with Alccofine 1203, GGBS, and Kaolin: Experimental Investigation and Mechanical Characterization, Mathew et al.
00793 Exploring the Environmental Benefits of 3D Printing Technology in Concrete Construction: A Review, Mohamed et al.
00794 3D Printed Concrete Using Portland Pozzolana Cement - Fly Ash Based, Mohamed et al.
00795 Properties of a Steel Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Composite Stool with Digitally Distributed Steel Fibers, Mu et al.
00796 Analytical Modeling of the Orientation Dependency of 3D Printed SHCC at Increasing Levels of Scale, Nefs et al.
00797 Classification and Automated Quality Assurance of 3D Concrete Printed Surfaces, Otto et al.
00798 3D Concrete Printing Success: An Exhaustive Diagnosis and Failure Modes Analysis, Oulkhir et al.
00799 Enhancing the Flexural Performance of Concrete Beams with 3D-Printed UHP-SHCC Permanent Formwork via Graded Fiber Volume Fraction, Qiu et al.
00800 A Comprehensive Review on Fresh and Rheological Properties of 3D Printable Cementitious Composites, Rahman et al.
00801 3D-Printing of Architected Calcium Silicate Binders with Enhanced and in-Situ Carbonation, Ralston et al.
00802 Printhead Mixing of Geopolymer and OPC Slurries for Hybrid Alkali-Activated Cement in 3D Concrete Printing, Ramakrishnan et al.
00803 The Influence of Accelerators on Compressive Strength and Setting Time of Cement to Achieve High Early Strength for 3D Concrete Printing Technology, Raval et al.
00804 Powder-Bed 3D Printing by Selective Activation of Magnesium Phosphate Cement: Determining Significant Processing Parameters and Their Effect on Mechanical Strength, Salari et al.
00805 Microscopic Analysis of Mechanical Anisotropy and Damage Evolution of 3D Printed Rock-Like Samples Under Uniaxial Compressive Tests, Shao et al.
00806 Characterization of 3D-Printable Geopolymer Mortars: Effect of Binder Composition and Basalt Fiber Reinforcement, Shoaei et al.
00807 The Design and Development of a Low Cost 3D Concrete Printer, Singh et al.
00808 Potential of Reusing 3D Printed Concrete (3DPC) Fine Recycled Aggregates as a Strategy Towards Decreasing Cement Content in 3DPC, Skibicki et al.
00809 Concrete Mixture Properties and Designs for Additive Manufacturing: A Review of 3D Concrete Printing, Stout et al.
00810 Adhesion Performance of Alkali-Activated Material for 3-Dimensional Printing of Tunnel Linings at Different Temperatures, Tao et al.
00811 3D Concrete Printing for Tunnel Linings: Opportunities and Challenges, Tao et al.
00812 Nano-Fly Ash and Clay for 3D-Printing Concrete Buildings: A Fundamental Study of Rheological, Mechanical and Microstructural Properties, Taqa et al.
00813 Impact of Printing Directions and Printing Paths on the Compressive Strength of 3D Printed Concrete, Thajeel et al.
00814 Robust Prediction of Workability Properties for 3D Printing with Steel Slag Aggregate Using Bayesian Regularization and Evolution Algorithm, Tran et al.
00815 Internal Topology Optimisation of 3D Printed Concrete Structures: A Method for Enhanced Performance and Material Efficiency, Vargas et al.
00816 Digital Fabrication Material Processing Strategy for Bespoke Low Clinker Mass Concrete Components, Wangler et al.
00817 Parameter Impact on 3D Concrete Printing from Single to Multi-Layer Stacking, Wei et al.
00818 Effect of Time Interval on the Interlayer Adhesion of 3D Printed Concrete with Recycled Sand: Multi-Factor Influencing Mechanisms and Superabsorbent Polymer Enhancement, Wu et al.
00819 Anisotropic Size Effect of 3D Printed LC3-Based Engineered Cementitious Composites (LC3-ECC), Yan et al.
00820 Enhancing Interlayer Bonding Strength of 3D Printed Ternary Geopolymer Using Calcium Carbonate Whiskers Spray, Yan et al.
00821 Properties and Microstructure of a Low-Carbon Clinker-Free Cementitious Binder and Its Extrusion-Based Printing Performance, Yang et al.
00822 The Shear Strength of the Interface Between Artificial Rock and Printed Concrete at Super-Early Ages, Yuan et al.
00823 An Experimental Study on 3D Printed Concrete Reinforced with Fibers Recycled from Wind Turbine Blades, Zhou et al.
00824 Strategies Towards Large-Scale 3D Printing Without Size Constraints, Zuo et al.


00825 3D Concrete Printing Using Computational Fluid Dynamics: Modeling of Material Extrusion with Slip Boundaries, Abbaoui et al.
00826 Automated Reinforcement During Large-Scale Additive Manufacturing: Structural Assessment of a Dual Approach, Ahmed et al.
00827 Diamanti: 3D Printed, Post-Tensioned Concrete Canopy, Akbarzadeh et al.
00828 Shoreline Resilience Through Advanced Manufacturing, Akhnoukh et al.
00829 Tailings as a Sustainable Resource in 3D Printed Concrete for the Mining Industry: A Literature Review, Alcayaga Restelli et al.
00830 Tor Alva: A 3D Concrete Printed Tower, Anton et al.
00831 3D-Printed Limestone Calcined Clay Cement Concrete Incorporating Recycled Plastic Waste: RESIN8, Babafemi et al.
00832 Study on Criticality of Coarse Aggregate Content on Early-Age Properties of 3D Printable Concrete, Balasubramanian et al.
00833 Advancing Design-To-Robotic-Production and Assembly of Underground Habitats on Mars, Bier et al.
00834 Review of Cementless Materials for 3D Printing of On- and Off-Earth Habitats, Calabrese et al.
00835 Impact Printed Structures: Design Systems and Construction Strategies, Chadha et al.
00836 Rheology Control and Shrinkage Mitigation of 3D Printed Geopolymer Concrete Using Nanocellulose and Magnesium Oxide, Chen et al.
00837 Reshaping Fabrication: A Case Study in Designing Carbon-Reduced Concrete Structures, Corneliusen et al.
00838 Effect of the Addition of Graphite and Graphene Oxide in the Mechanical Properties and Adsorption of CO2 in Cementitious Filaments, Corso et al.
00839 Reconstruction of a Ukrainian Road Bridge by Use of 3D Printed minimass™ Beams, Coward et al.
00840 Multi-Material Fabrication for Low-Carbon Construction: An Optimised Floor System for Affordable Housing in Mexico, Curth et al.
00841 Upscaling Earth Formworks: 3D Printing Strategies for Material Optimised Reinforced Concrete Structures, Cutajar et al.
00842 From Walls to Roofs: Formwork-Free Robotic Earthen Vault Construction, Darweesh et al.
00843 Striatus 2.0 Phoenix: Improving Circularity of 3D-Concrete-Printed Unreinforced Masonry Structures, Dell’Endice et al.
00844 Impact of Pre-Soaked Lime Water Carbonized Recycled Fine Aggregate on Mechanical Properties and Pore Structure of 3D Printed Mortar, Ding et al.
00845 A BIM-Enabled Robot Control System for Automated Integration between Rebar Reinforcement and 3D Concrete Printing, Du et al.
00846 Advancing 3D Concrete Printing for Extreme Environments: A Focus on Alaska, Duarte et al.
00847 3D-Printed Earth Architecture: Design Approach for a Performative Habitat, Dubor et al.
00848 Energy-Efficient Mixtures Suitable for 3D Technologies, Dvorkin et al.
00849 BREUER × AM: Functional Hybridisation in Concrete Building Envelope Elements through Additive Manufacturing, Fleckenstein et al.
00850 Off-Site 3D Printed Concrete Beam Design and Fabrication, Haar et al.
00851 Towards Innovative and Sustainable Buildings: A Comprehensive Review of 3D Printing in Construction, Hassan et al.
00852 3D Concrete Printing in a Circular Economy: What We Can Learn from a 3DCP Slab Designed for Dissassembly, Heywood et al.
00853 Surfaces of Coastal Biogenic Structures: Exploiting Advanced Digital Design and Fabrication Strategies for the Manufacturing of Oyster Reef and Mussel Bed Surrogates, Hitzegrad et al.
00854 Study on the Ionic Transport Properties of 3D Printed Concrete, Huang et al.
00855 Mitigation of Lack of Fusion in 3D Printed Limestone Calcined Clay Cement Concrete Induced by Effective Microorganisms, Ibrahim et al.
00856 Printability and Mechanical Properties of 3D Printing Ultra-High Performance Concrete Incorporating Limestone Powder, Jia et al.
00857 Appraising the Feasibility of 3D Printing Construction in New Zealand Housing, Khan et al.
00858 3D Concrete Printing Frame Structure in Granular Medium, Kim
00859 Density Gradient Concrete Fabrication with Injection 3D Gypsum Printing, Kim
00860 Fracture Behavior of Three-Dimensional-Printable Cementitious Mortars in Very Early Ages and Hardened States, Kompella et al.
00861 Editorial: Additive Manufacturing in Construction, Laghi et al.
00862 Extruding Dredged-Based Material for Concrete Formwork through Rapid Liquid Printing, Lo et al.
00863 House of Cores, Lok et al.
00864 Development of Robotic Sprayable Self-Sensing Cementitious Material for Smart Structural Health Monitoring, Lu et al.
00865 Artificial Reefs Through Additive Manufacturing: A Review of Their Design, Purposes and Fabrication Process for Marine Restoration and Management, Matus et al.
00866 Compensation Manipulator for Concrete 3D Printing Based on the CONPrint3D, Mustafa et al.
00867 Development of in-Place Test Methods for Evaluating Printable Concretes, Negron-McFarlane et al.
00868 Robotic 3D Printing of Structural Slabs Using Polyethylene Waste as Filler to Reduce Carbon Footprint, Patel et al.
00869 Understanding the Rheological Behavior of Reactive Magnesia-Metakaolin System in the Context of Digital Construction, Peng et al.
00870 Toward a Digital Design Framework for the Thermal Tunability of 3D Printed Envelopes, Petruzzi et al.
00871 Load Bearing Behavior of 3D Printed Prestressed Segmental Concrete Girders, Pfleger et al.
00872 Specimen Design and Advanced Material Testing for 3D Printing Concretes, Radl et al.
00873 Robotic 3DCP Fabrication of Custom-Fit Slabs for Irregular Pontoons, Ribeiro et al.
00874 Towards Sustainable Material: Optimizing Geopolymer Mortar Formulations for 3D Printing, Roux et al.
00875 Effect of Introducing Dummy Layers on Interlayer Bonding and Geometrical Deformations in Concrete 3D Printing, Salaimanimagudam et al.
00876 Influence of Time Gap on the Buildability of Cement Mixtures Designed for 3D Printing, Silveira Júnior et al.
00877 Predicting the Strength Development of 3D Printed Concrete Considering the Synergistic Effect of Curing Temperature and Humidity: From Perspective of Modified Maturity Model, Sun et al.
00878 A Study of Viability and Characteristic of 3D-Printable Mortar with Yellow River Sand, Sun et al.
00879 Shear Behavior of 3DPM-NM Specimens with Different Interfacial Locking Designs, Sun et al.
00880 Numerical Assessment of Plastic Yielding in Extrusion-Based 3D Concrete Printing, Tao et al.
00881 Print Geometry Alterations and Layer Staggering to Enhance Mechanical Properties of Plain and Fiber- Reinforced Three-Dimensional-Printed Concrete, Tripathi et al.
00882 A Novel Compressive Strength Estimation Approach for 3D Printed Fiber-Reinforced Concrete: Integrating Machine Learning and Gene Expression Programming, Uddin et al.
00883 Characterization of Extrudability Using Rheology and Desorptivity, Vallurupalli et al.
00884 Enhancing Carbonation and Thermal Insulation of Reactive Magnesium Oxide Cement (RMC)-Based 3D Printable Pastes with Cenospheres, Wang et al.
00885 Concrete 3D Printing Technology for Sustainable Construction: A Review on Raw Material, Concrete Type and Performance, Wang et al.
00886 Research Progress and Trend Analysis of Concrete 3D Printing Technology Based on CiteSpace, Wang et al.
00887 Blockage Mechanism Analysis and Optimization Design of 3D Concrete Printhead, Wang et al.
00888 Numerical Simulation of 3D Concrete Printing Derived from Printer Head and Printing Process, Wei et al.
00889 Understanding and Modeling the Plastic Deformation of 3D Printed Concrete Based on Viscoelastic Creep Behavior, Xia et al.
00890 Mass-Customization of Integrated Green Wall Building Blocks through Clay Printing Formwork, Xu et al.
00891 3D Printing Concrete Technology from a Rheology Perspective: A Review, Yang et al.
00892 Effect of Steel Fibre with Different Orientations on Mechanical Properties of 3D-Printed Steel-Fibre Reinforced Concrete: Mesoscale Finite Element Analysis, Yang et al.
00893 Evaluation of Aggregate Distribution Heterogeneity in 3D Printed Concrete by Means of X-Ray CT, Yoshihara et al.
00894 Characterization of Geopolymer Composites for 3D Printing: A Microstructure Approach, Youssef et al.
00895 Constructing the Future: Policy-Driven Digital Fabrication in China's Urban Development, Yu et al.
00896 Advancements in 3D Printing of Cementitious Materials: A Review of Mineral Additives, Properties, and Systematic Developments, Zaid et al.
00897 Upscaling Active Rheology Control to Cement Mortar with the Intervention of an Inline Magnetic Field, Zhang et al.
00898 Artificial Intelligence Powered Real-Time Quality Monitoring for Additive Manufacturing in Construction, Zhao et al.


00899 Three-Dimensional Concrete Printing as a Construction Automation Strategy and Assessments from a Case Study Building, Alhaidary
00900 Influence of Carbon Nanotubes on Printing Quality and Mechanical Properties of 3D Printed Cementitious Materials, Ali et al.
00901 Development of Green Engineered Cementitious Composite Using Fly Ash and Nanosilica for 3D Printing, Anandaraj et al.
00902 Effects of 3D-Printing on the Tensile Splitting Strength of Concrete Structures, Aramburu et al.
00903 Early-Age Strength Monitoring of Sensor-Embedded 3D Printed Structures, Banijamali et al.
00904 Digital Workflow for Printability Checking and Prefabrication in Robotic Construction 3D Printing Based on Artificial Intelligence Planning, Barjuei et al.
00905 Maximizing Fiber Content in 3D-Printed Earth Materials: Printability, Mechanical, Thermal and Environmental Assessments, Carcassi et al.
00906 Numerical Evaluation on Thermal Performance of 3D Printed Concrete Walls: The Effects of Lattice Type, Filament Width and Granular Filling Material, Chamatete et al.
00907 Compressive and Flexural Behaviour of Engineered Cementitious Composites Based Auxetic Structures: An Experimental and Numerical Study, Chen et al.
00908 Use of Creep and Recovery Protocol to Assess the Printability of Fibre-Reinforced 3D Printed White Portland Cement Composites, Chen et al.
00909 Closed-Form Fracture Model for Evaluating Crack Resistance of 3D Printed Fiber-Reinforced Alkali-Activated Slag/Fly Ash Recycled Sand Concrete, Chen et al.
00910 Quantitative Surface Quality Evaluation for 3D-Printed Concrete with Coarse Aggregate Through 3D Scanning, Chen et al.
00911 3D Printing Earth: Local, Circular Material Processing, Fabrication Methods, and Life Cycle Assessment, Curth et al.
00912 A Review on Impact Assessment of 3D Printing Technology in the Field of Modern Construction, Damarla et al.
00913 Fresh Properties and Autonomous Deposition of Pseudoplastic Cementitious Mortars for Aerial Additive Manufacturing, Dams et al.
00914 Flexural Performance of Nature-Inspired 3D-Printed Strain-Hardening Cementitious Composites (3DP-SHCC) With Bouligand Structures, Du et al.
00915 A BIM-Enabled Robot Control System for Automated Integration Between Rebar Reinforcement and 3D Concrete Printing, Du et al.
00916 Hydraulic and Geotechnical Assessments of a Large 3D Printed Artificial Reef in Sands, Escobar-Valencia et al.
00917 Advances in Formwork Automation, Structure and Materials in Concrete Construction, Gappmeier et al.
00918 Revolutionizing 3D Concrete Printing: Leveraging RF Model for Precise Printability and Rheological Prediction, Geng et al.
00919 Planetary Robotic Construction Using Large-Scale 3D Printing with Sulfur Concrete, Giwa et al.
00920 Combined Printable and Mechanical Analysis of 3D-Printed Green High-Strength, Lightweight Engineered Cementitious Composites, Gou et al.
00921 3D Printed Habitat Enhancement Units: Key Features to Incorporate within Multifunctional Infrastructure, Hall et al.
00922 3D-Printable Construction and Demolition Waste-Based Geopolymer: Investigating the Effects of Additives on Engineering Properties, İlcan et al.
00923 Approach for Production of Textile-Reinforced Beams and Slabs Using Three-Dimensional Concrete Printing, Ivaniuk et al.
00924 Durability and Pore Structure of Metakaolin-Based 3D Printed Geopolymer Concrete, Jaji et al.
00925 3D Printed Cement Composites Testing, Jancarikova et al.
00926 Application of Internet of Things (IoT) in Seismic Performance Evaluation of 3D Printed Structure, Jay et al.
00927 Effect of Steel Fiber Shape and Content on Printability, Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of 3D Printable High Strength Cementitious Materials, Jia et al.
00928 A Short Review of 3D Printing from Construction Perspective, Kiruthiga et al.
00929 Thermal Performance Assessment of Aerogel Application in Additive Construction of Energy-Efficient Buildings, Kotov et al.
00930 An Innovative Concept for 3D Sand-Printed Sustainable Refugee Shelters in a Sandy Desert in a Hot and Dry Climate, Labuda et al.
00931 Bibliometric Analysis of Personalized 3D-Printed Concrete-Based Modules for Construction: Leveraging the Ordinatio Method, Latorraca et al.
00932 Printability and Interlayer Bonding Property of 3D Printed Fiber Reinforced Geopolymer (3DP-FRG), Liu et al.
00933 3D Printing Recycled Concrete Incorporating Plant Fibres: A Comprehensive Review, Lu et al.
00934 Water Loss and Shrinkage Prediction in 3D Printed Concrete with Varying w/b and Specimen Sizes, Ma et al.
00935 Additive Fertigung mit Beton: Leitfaden für die Planung und die Durchführung von Projekten, Mechtcherine et al.
00936 Revolutionizing Affordable Housing in Africa: A Comprehensive Technical and Sustainability Study of 3D-Printing Technology, Moghayedi et al.
00937 Integrating Continuous Mineral-Impregnated Carbon Fibers into Digital Fabrication with Concrete, Neef et al.
00938 Orientation Dependency of 3D Printed SHCC at Increasing Length Scale, Nefs et al.
00939 Preparation and Performance Analysis of 3D Printed Lightweight EPS Concrete: Insights from the Excess Paste Theory, Niu et al.
00940 Impact Behaviour of 3D Printed Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Composite Beams, Pan et al.
00941 3D Printing Lightweight Mortars with Cork to Improve Thermal Efficiency in Buildings, Rangel et al.
00942 Novel Digital Twin Architecture for 3D Concrete Printing in the AEC Industry, Rojas et al.
00943 Emerging Technologies in Building Construction, Sarı et al.
00944 Influence of Print Speed and Nozzle Diameter on the Fiber Alignment in 3D Printed Ultra-High-Performance Concrete, Shahzad et al.
00945 Binder Jetting 3D Printing of Binary Cement-Siliceous Sand Mixture, Shahid et al.
00946 Development of a Novel Extrusion Device to Improve the Printability of 3D Printable Geopolymer Concrete, Sheng et al.
00947 Early-Age Inhomogeneous Deformation of 3D Printed Concrete: Characteristics and Influences of Superplasticizer and Water-Binder Ratio, Shi et al.
00948 The Effect of Interlayer Adhesion on Stress Distribution in 3D Printed Beam Elements, Skibicki et al.
00949 Development of 3D Printable Stabilized Earth-Based Construction Materials Using Excavated Soil: Evaluation of Fresh and Hardened Properties, Soda et al.
00950 3D Printed Sustainable Low-Cost Materials for Construction of Affordable Social Housing in Brazil: Potential, Challenges, and Research Needs, Souza et al.
00951 3D Printed Lightweight Concrete Containing Surface Pretreated Coal Gangue, Sun et al.
00952 Lattice Concrete: 3D Printed Periodic Cellular Structures Through Selective Cement Hydration, Tiwari et al.
00953 Modeling of Concrete Printing Process with Frictional Interface, Wijaya et al.
00954 Role of Thixotropy in Interlayer Microstructure and Properties of Additively Manufactured Cementitious Materials, Wu et al.
00955 Optimization of Fiber Reinforced Lightweight Rubber Concrete Mix Design for 3D Printing, Xiong et al.
00956 Pathways to Formulate Lightweight and Ultra-Lightweight 3D Printable Cementitious Composites, Zandifaez et al.
00957 Strength and Proportioning Design of 3D Printed Concrete (3DPC) Based on Aggregate Gradation Optimization, Zhang et al.
00958 A Potential Active Rheology Control Approach for 3D Printable Cement-Based Materials: Coupling of Temperature and Viscosity Modifiers, Zhang et al.
00959 Mechanism Analysis of Rheological Properties of 3D Printed Steel Slag Cementitious Composite Based on Low Field Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation Test, Zhu et al.


00960 Automated Flow Rate Control of Extrusion for 3D Concrete Printing Incorporating Rheological Parameters, Ahi et al.
00961 Developing a Data-Driven Filament Shape Prediction Model for 3D Concrete Printing, Alhussain et al.
00962 Fresh and Strength Properties of 3D Printable Concrete Mixtures Utilising a High Volume of Sustainable Alternative Binders, Colyn et al.
00963 3D Printed Concrete with Sewage Sludge Ash: Fresh and Hardened Properties, Ding et al.
00964 Concluding Overview: Advancements in Building Materials Technology, Figueiredo et al.
00965 Advancement in Sustainable 3D Concrete Printing: A Review on Materials, Challenges, and Current Progress in Australia, Gamage et al.
00966 Intelligent Multi-Objective Optimization of 3D Printing Low-Carbon Concrete for Multi-Scenario Requirements, Geng et al.
00967 Physical Modelling of Unreinforced Masonry Walls Using a Sand-Based 3D Printer, Giudice et al.
00968 Interlayer Mechanical Performance of 3D-Printed Cementitious Systems: A Comprehensive Study on Operational and Material Parameters, İlcan et al.
00969 Automated Shotcrete: A More Sustainable Construction Technology, Isaac et al.
00970 Effect of Recycled Brick Powder with Various Particle Features on Early-Age Hydration, Water State, and Rheological Properties of Blended Cement Paste in the Context of 3D Printing, Jia et al.
00971 Harnessing Path Optimization to Enhance the Strength of Three-Dimensional (3D) Printed Concrete, Jiang et al.
00972 Additive Manufacturing for Building and Constructions, Kakarla et al.
00973 Effect of Sand Gradations on the Fresh Properties of 3D Printable Concrete, Kaliyavaradhan et al.
00974 Processing of Earth-Based Materials: Current Situation and Challenges Ahead, Keita et al.
00975 Additive Manufacturing in Underwater Applications, Korniejenko et al.
00976 Deep Learning for Predicting the Strength of 3D-Printable Engineered Cementitious Composites, Lai et al.
00977 Effect of Embedded Filament Fibers on Mechanical Properties of 3D Printing Cement-Based Materials, Li et al.
00978 FloatArch: A Cable-Supported, Unreinforced, and Re-Assemblable 3D-Printed Concrete Structure Designed Using Multi-Material Topology Optimization, Li et al.
00979 Optimization of Printing Precision and Mechanical Property for Powder-Based 3D Printed Magnesium Phosphate Cement Using Fly Ash, Liu et al.
00980 Alkali Activated Materials Applied in 3D Printing Construction: A Review, Moraes et al.
00981 Exploring 3D Concrete Printing of Lattice Structures on Robotically-Shaped Sand Formwork for Circular Futures, Nan et al.
00982 Extended Finite Element Multiscale Modelling for Crack Propagation in 3D-Printed Fibre-Reinforced Concrete, Nguyen et al.
00983 Computational Modeling for Structural Element Analysis Using Cement Composites in 3D Printing, Nóbrega et al.
00984 Evaluation of the Rheological Behavior for Alkaline-Activated Cements of Metakaolin and Limestone for Its Potential Application in 3D Printing, Perales-Santillan et al.
00985 Bond-Slip Behaviour of Textile-Reinforcement in 3D Printed Concrete, Ramesh et al.
00986 Utilization of Powders and Fine Aggregates from the Recycling of Construction and Demolition Waste in the 3D Printing of Portland-Based Cementitious Materials, Robayo-Salazar et al.
00987 Effect of Silica Fume Utilization on Structural Build-Up, Mechanical and Dimensional Stability Performance of Fiber-Reinforced 3D Printable Concrete, Şahin et al.
00988 Algorithmic Mix Design for 3D Printing Materials, Sergis et al.
00989 Additive Construction of Concrete Deep Beams Using Low-Cost Characterization Methods and FEM-Based Topological Optimization, Silva et al.
00990 Building a Sustainable Future: The Role of Additive Manufacturing in Civil Construction, Silva et al.
00991 Structural Performance of Large-Scale 3D-Printed Walls Subjected to Axial Compression Load, Silveira et al.
00992 A Conceptual Design of Two-Stream Alkali-Activated Materials, Sun et al.
00993 Theory of Critical Distances and Notched Filament-Based 3D-Printed Components: Lessons Learned from Polymers and Concrete, Susmel
00994 Electromagnetic Absorption Properties of 3D Printed Fiber-Oriented Composites Under Different Paths, Tang et al.
00995 Hydration and Microstructure of Calcium Sulfoaluminate-Portland Cement Binder Systems for Set-On-Demand Applications, Tao et al.
00996 A Review on 3D Printable Cementitious Material Containing Copper and Iron Ore Tailings: Material Characterization, Activation Methods, Engineering Properties, Durability, and Microstructure Behavior, Vigneshwari et al.
00997 Concrete 3D Printing Technology in Sustainable Construction: A Review on Raw Materials, Concrete Types and Performances, Wang et al.
00998 Impact of Mix Proportions on Particle Bed 3D Printed Concrete Properties, Wang et al.
00999 Advancing Construction 3D Printing with Predictive Interlayer Bonding Strength: A Stacking Model Paradigm, Wu et al.
01000 Rebar-Free Concrete Construction: Concept, Opportunities and Challenges, Xiao et al.
01001 Exploring the Potential for Carrying Capacity and Reusability of 3D Printed Concrete Bridges: Construction, Dismantlement, and Reconstruction of a Box Arch Bridge, Yang et al.
01002 3D Printing of FRP Grid and Bar Reinforcement for Reinforced Concrete Plates: Development and Effectiveness, Zeng et al.
01003 Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of Highly Flowable Geopolymer Composites with Low-Content Polyvinyl Alcohol Fiber, Zhang et al.
01004 Intelligent Real-Time Quality Control for 3D-Printed Concrete with Near-Nozzle Secondary Mixing, Zhang et al.
01005 Preparation and Compressive Properties of Cementitious Composites Reinforced by 3D Printed Cellular Structures with a Negative Poisson's Ratio, Zhao et al.
01006 Durability and Hardened Properties of 3D Printed Concrete Containing Bauxite Tailings, Zhou et al.
01007 Sustainable Use of Ultrafine Recycled Glass in Additive Manufactured (3D Printed) Reactive Powder Concrete, Zhou et al.
01008 Low-Carbon, Expansive Engineered Cementitious Composites (ECC) In the Context of 3D Printing, Zhou et al.
01009 Bacteria-Based Crack Healing of 3D Printed PVA Fiber Reinforced Geopolymer Mortars, Ziada et al.


01010 Suitability Analysis for Extrusion-Based Additive Manufacturing Process, Altıparmak et al.
01011 Life Cycle Assessment of Building Envelopes Manufactured Through Different 3D Printing Technologies, Bianchi et al.
01012 First Impressions on Three-Dimensional Printing with Earth-Based Mortar at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, Buson et al.
01013 Additive Manufacturing for the Circular Built Environment: Towards Circular Construction with Earth-Based Materials, Chadha et al.
01014 A Review on Effect of Raw Materials on the Performance of 3D Printed Geopolymer System for Construction, Chen et al.
01015 Effect of Waste Plastic Fibers on the Printability and Mechanical Properties of 3D-Printed Cement Mortar, Dai et al.
01016 Analysis and Design of 3D Printed Reinforced Concrete Walls Under In-Plane Quasi-Static Loading, Delavar et al.
01017 Research on Printing Parameters and Salt Frost Resistance of 3D Printing Concrete with Ferrochrome Slag and Aeolian Sand, Dong et al.
01018 Experimental Realization on Stress Distribution Monitoring During 3D Concrete Printing, Duan et al.
01019 A Study of the Effects of MWCNTs on the Fresh and Hardened State Properties of 3D Printable Concrete, Dulaj et al.
01020 From Pumping to Deposition: A Comprehensive Review of Test Methods for Characterizing Concrete Printability, Fasihi et al.
01021 The Impact of Nozzle Diameter and Printing Speed on Geopolymer-Based 3D-Printed Concrete Structures: Numerical Modeling and Experimental Validation, Khan et al.
01022 Experimental and Numerical Evaluation of Multidirectional Compressive and Flexure Behavior of Three-Dimensional Printed Concrete, Kumar et al.
01023 Spray-Based 3D Concrete Printing Parameter Design Model: Actionable Insight for High Printing Quality, Liu et al.
01024 The Buildability and Flexural Properties of 3D Printed Recycled Mortar Reinforced with Synchronized Steel Cable Under Different Reinforcement Ratios, Liu et al.
01025 Behavior of Traditional Concrete Dams and Three-Dimensional Printed Concrete Dams Under the Debris Flow Impact, Meere et al.
01026 Recycling 3D Printed Concrete Waste for Normal Strength Concrete Production, Mengistu et al.
01027 Perspectives in Architected Infrastructure Materials, Moini
01028 Improving the Energy Performance of a 3D-Printed Wall Using Recycled Material, Neri et al.
01029 Mechanical Behavior and Permeability Properties of Sustainable and High-Performance Anisotropic Three-Dimensional Printable Concrete, Özalp
01030 Intricacies of Various Printing Parameters on Mechanical Behaviour of Additively Constructed Concrete, Pal et al.
01031 Investigations Regarding Concrete Mixes Suitable for 3D Printing, Panțiru et al.
01032 Characterisation of a 3D-Printed Alkali-Activated Material Based on Waste Mineral Wool at Room and Elevated Temperatures, Pavlin et al.
01033 A Rheological-Based Printability Assessment Method for 3D Printing Engineered Cementitious Composites Considering Fiber Dispersion, Pi et al.
01034 Flow Analysis of Screw Extrusion in Three-Dimensional Concrete Printing, Polychronopoulos et al.
01035 A Theoretical Model to Predict the Structural Buildability of 3D Printable Concrete, Prem et al.
01036 Mechanical Performance of Sinusoidally Architected Concrete Enabled by Robotic Additive Manufacturing, Prihar et al.
01037 Seismic Performance of Fe-SMA Prestressed Segmental Bridge Columns with 3D Printed Permanent Concrete Formwork, Raza et al.
01038 Towards Full Automation in 3D Concrete Printing Construction: Development of an Automated and Inline Test Method for In-Situ Assessment of Structural Build-up and Quality of Concrete, Rehman et al.
01039 Sustainable Supply Chain Models for 3D Printed Houses, Rogers et al.
01040 Toolpath Considerations for Extrusion: Pellet, Filament, Concrete, and Thermoset, Roschli et al.
01041 Aspects of Waste Material Utilization and 3D Concrete Printer Development Approach: A Review, Sahai et al.
01042 Large-Scale 3D Wall Printing: From Concept to Reality, Sedghi et al.
01043 Trans-Layer and Inter-Layer Fracture Behavior of Extrusion-Based 3D Printed Concrete Under Three-Point Bending, Tang et al.
01044 Interfacial Bonding of 3D Printable Concrete with Chemically Reactive Coating for Automatic Repair, Tao et al.
01045 Adhesion Evaluation and Interface Characterization of 3D Printed Concrete for Automatic Repair, Tao et al.
01046 Additive Technologies in Construction: Shifting the Paradigm of Building, Vaněk et al.
01047 The Use of Additive Manufacturing in Self-Healing Cementitious Materials: A State-of-the-Art Review, Wan et al.
01048 Properties and Printability Evaluation of Three-Dimensional Printing Magnesium Oxychloride Cement by Fully Utilizing Aeolian Sand, Wang et al.
01049 Towards the Application of Mesostructures in 3D Concrete Printing: Evaluating Load-bearing Performance, Westerlind et al.
01050 Interlayer Bonding Strength and Pore Characteristics of 3D Printed Engineered Cementitious Composites (ECC), Xiao et al.
01051 Modeling Extrusion Process and Layer Deformation in 3D Concrete Printing via Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics, Yu et al.
01052 Aerial Additive Manufacturing with Multiple Autonomous Robots: Correction, Zhang et al.
01053 Quick Nozzle Mixing Technology for 3D Printing Foam Concrete, Zhang et al.
01054 Eco-Friendly 3D Printed Concrete with Fine Aggregate Replacements: Fabrication, Characterization and Machine Learning Prediction, Zhu et al.


01055 Parametric Design of Multipurpose 3D-Printed Walls Based on Roberto Matta´s Drawings, Acuña et al.
01056 Application of Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithms in Predicting the Compressive Strength of 3D-Printed Fiber-Reinforced Concrete, Alyami et al.
01057 Mixing Approach for 3D Printable Concrete: Method of Addition and Optimization of Superplasticizer Dosage, Ambily et al.
01058 Study on the Post-Fire Mechanical Properties of Lightweight 3D Printed Concrete Containing Expanded Perlite as Partial Replacement of Natural Sand, Azimi et al.
01059 Shotcrete 3D Printing: Effect of Material‐process Interaction on the Global and Local Material Density, Böhler et al.
01060 Methodology for Formulating Low-Carbon Printable Mortar Through Particles Packing Optimization, Bono et al.
01061 A Quality Control Framework for Digital Fabrication with Concrete, Bos et al.
01062 Performance Analysis of Motion Control Algorithms of an Industrial Robot Arm Applied to 3D Concrete Printing Systems, Calderon-Cordova et al.
01063 Evaluation of the Effect of Rubber Waste Particles on the Rheological and Mechanical Properties of Cementitious Materials for 3D Printing, Carvalho et al.
01064 Rheological Characterization of Temperature-Sensitive Biopolymer-Bound 3D Printing Concrete, Christ et al.
01065 3D Printed Concrete Beams as Optimised Load Carrying Structural Elements: The Minimass Beam, Coward et al.
01066 Flexural Performance of 3D Printed Concrete Structure with Lattice Infills, Dey et al.
01067 Temperature Dependance of 3D Printed Concrete Produced with Copper Tailings, Eugenin et al.
01068 Application of Cellulose Nanocrystals in 3D Printed Alkali-Activated Cementitious Composites, Fahim et al.
01069 Performance Evaluation of the 3D Printing System Through Fault Tree Analysis Method (FTAM), Felfili Guimarães et al.
01070 Shotcrete 3D Printing: Interaction of Nozzle Geometry, Homogeneity and Hardened Concrete Properties, Freund et al.
01071 Additive Manufacturing Technology for the Continuous Production of Precision Concrete Elements, Funke et al.
01072 Complex Concrete Elements for the Production of Recyclable Formwork by Extrusion and Milling, Gelbrich et al.
01073 Near‐Nozzle Mixing for Additive Manufacturing of Cementitious Mortar: A Homogeneity Study, Hechtl et al.
01074 Reduction of the Cement Content in Selective Cement Activation, Herding et al.
01075 Material‐Minimised Construction with Extruded Textile Reinforced Concrete, Kalthoff et al.
01076 Aerial Repair and Aerial Additive Manufacturing, Kaya et al.
01077 Emerging Horizons in 3D Printed Cement-Based Materials with Nanomaterial Integration: A Review, Khan et al.
01078 Entwicklung eines alkalisch aktivierten Bindemittels für das Extrusionsverfahren, Kruppa et al.
01079 Methodology to Design Eco-Friendly Fiber-Reinforced Concrete for 3D Printing, Li et al.
01080 Mechanical Properties of Concrete Reinforced with High-Performance Microparticles for 3D Concrete Printing, Li et al.
01081 Mechanical Properties of 3D-Printed Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Cement Mortar, Li et al.
01082 Printability and Hardening Performance of Three-Dimensionally-Printed Geopolymer Based on Lunar Regolith Simulant for Automated Construction of Lunar Infrastructure, Li et al.
01083 Tool Developments for Additive Manufacturing Processes with Anchor for the Modern Flow Production, Lindner et al.
01084 Extrusion 3D Printing Circular and Horseshoe Tunnel Physical Models: A Comparative Study of Deformation and Brittle Failure, Liu et al.
01085 Mechanical Properties of 3D Printed Concrete Components: A Review, Liu et al.
01086 The Synergistic Effect of Greenhouse Gas CO2 and Silica Fume on the Properties of 3D Printed Mortar, Lucen et al.
01087 Effect of Grain Size and Layer Thickness on Hardened State Properties in Selective Cement Activation, Mai et al.
01088 Materialising Structural Optimisation of Reinforced Concrete Beams Through Digital Fabrication, Maitenaz et al.
01089 Experimental Investigation of Low Carbon 3D Printed Concrete, Natanzi et al.
01090 3D Printing for Architecture: Organic Integration of Algorithm, Machine and Material Paste-Manufacture, Nóbrega et al.
01091 Advanced Modelling for Additive Manufacturing in Construction, Panda et al.
01092 Concrete Additive Manufacturing, Panda et al.
01093 Powder Bed Additive Manufacturing, Panda et al.
01094 Shotcrete Additive Manufacturing, Panda et al.
01095 Terra Fibrosum: Continuous Fibers Reinforcement System for Robotized 3D Printing with Earth for Architecture, Pazols et al.
01096 Preliminary Study of the Application of Thermal Mortar in 3D Printed Concrete Walls, Pessoa et al.
01097 Flexural Behavior of Printed Concrete Wide Beams with Dispersed Fibers Reinforced, Pham et al.
01098 Use of 3D Printed Concrete Components for Thermal Energy Storage, Qamar et al.
01099 Interfacial Bonding Performance of 3D-Printed Ultra-High Performance Strain-Hardening Cementitious Composites (UHP-SHCC) And Cast Normal Concrete, Qiu et al.
01100 Rheologisches Verhalten von faserbewehrtem LC3‐Feinkornbeton im Kontext der additiven Fertigung, Reißig et al.
01101 Investigation of a Hybrid Binder System for Large Scale 3D Printing, Remke et al.
01102 Robotic Knitcrete: Computational Design and Fabrication of a Pedestrian Bridge Using Robotic Shotcrete on a 3D-Knitted Formwork, Rennen et al.
01103 Additive Manufacturing of Earth-Based Materials: A Literature Review on Mortar Composition, Extrusion, and Processing Earth, Rocha et al.
01104 Custom-Made Printheads Empowering 3D Printed Concrete: Innovations in Digital Design and Fabrication of Complex Prefabricated Elements, Ruitinga et al.
01105 HAL Robotics: From Automated Architectural Design for Fabrication, to Architecting Automated Manufacturing Systems, Schwartz
01106 Pull-Out Behaviour of Steel and Carbon Fibers in 3D-Printable Cement Matrices of Various Compositions, Slavcheva et al.
01107 Integrating Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing into Selective Paste Intrusion for Reinforced Concrete Elements: Effect of Temperature on the Mechanical Performance, Straßer et al.
01108 Performance Assessment of Topologically Optimised 3D Printable Concrete Sewer Cross-Section Using Finite Element Simulation, Suthar et al.
01109 Spatially Graded Modeling: An Integrated Workflow For 3D Concrete Printing, Vargas
01110 Normative Aspekte beim 3D-Druck mit Beton, Vasilić
01111 Opportunities and Future Perspectives, Wangler
01112 3D Concrete Printing in Air and Under Water: A Comparative Study on the Buildability and Interlayer Adhesion, Wang et al.
01113 Interfacial Constitutive Model of 3D Printed Fiber Reinforced Concrete Composites and Its Experimental Validation, Wang et al.
01114 Exploring Fibre Addition Methods and Mechanical Properties of Fibre-Reinforced 3D Printed Concrete: A Review, Warsi et al.
01115 Investigating the Impact of Coarse Aggregate Dosage on the Mechanical Performance of 3D Printable Concrete, Warsi et al.
01116 Effect of 3D Printing Geometrical Monocline on Behaviors of Curved Timoshenko Beams Based on Isogeometric Analyses, Wu et al.
01117 Compressive Behavior of FRP-Confined 3D Printed Ultra-High Performance Concrete Cylinders, Yan et al.
01118 Investigation on Geometric and Surface Finish Quality of 3D Concrete Printed Walls with Hollow Section, Yang et al.


01119 Predictive Modeling for Compressive Strength of 3D Printed Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Using Machine Learning Algorithms, Alyami et al.
01120 Mix Design, Optimization and Performance Evaluation of Extrusion-Based 3D Printable Concrete, Ambily et al.
01121 Numerical Modelling of 3D Concrete Printing: Material Models, Boundary Conditions and Failure Identification, An et al.
01122 Robotic 3D Printing of Geopolymer Foam for Lightweight and Insulating Building Elements, Bedarf et al.
01123 Micro-House Using Robotic Manufacturing, Benros et al.
01124 Evaluating the Printability and Rheological and Mechanical Properties of 3D-Printed Earthen Mixes for Carbon-Neutral Buildings, Bhusal et al.
01125 Digital Prefabrication of Lightweight Building Elements for Circular Economy: Material-Minimised Ribbed Floor Slabs Made of Extruded Carbon Reinforced Concrete (ExCRC), Bosbach et al.
01126 Visual Programming for Robot Control: Technology Transfer Between AEC and Industry, Braumann et al.
01127 Accuracy Evaluation of Slump and Slump-Flow Test for 3D Concrete Printing with the Kinect v1, Bui et al.
01128 Circular Formwork: Recycling of 3D Printed Thermoplastic Formwork for Concrete, Burger et al.
01129 From Analogue to Digital: Evolution of Building Machines Towards Reforming Production and Customization of Housing, Carbone et al.
01130 An Approach to Develop Set-on-Demand 3D Printable Limestone-Calcined Clay-Based Cementitious Materials Using Calcium Nitrate, Chen et al.
01131 Deformation Characteristics of Dense and Foamed Mortars Based on Cement and Gypsum-to-Cement Binders for 3D Printing, Chernysheva et al.
01132 Earth-3D Printing for Non-Structural Elements of Modular Steel Buildings: Proposal for an Innovative and Sustainable Construction System, Coniglo et al.
01133 Development and Performance Evaluation of Fibrous Pseudoplastic Quaternary Cement Systems for Aerial Additive Manufacturing, Dams et al.
01134 Force-Flow Based 3D Printing of Structural Elements Inspired by the Traditional Architecture of Cross-Vaults, Dimitriou et al.
01135 Myco Clay: 3D Printing Mycelium and Clay Biocomposites, Diniz et al.
01136 Towards Construction 4.0: Computational Circular Design and Additive Manufacturing for Architecture Through Robotic Fabrication with Sustainable Materials and Open-Source Tools, Eversmann et al.
01137 Feasibility Study of Developing Cementless Blended Materials as 3D Printable Materials, Fiala et al.
01138 Experimental Study on Structural Performance of Cast-in-Place Frame Printed Concrete Wall, Fu et al.
01139 Thermal and Mechanical Performance of 3D Printing Functionally Graded Concrete: The Role of SAC on the Rheology and Phase Evolution of 3DPC, Gao et al.
01140 An Experimental Study on Energy Absorption Capability of Cast and 3D Printed Architected Cement-Based Materials, Imagawa et al.
01141 Slag-Modified Metakaolin-Based 3D Printed Geopolymer: Mechanical Characterisation, Microstructural Properties, and Nitrogen Physisorption Pore Analysis, Jaji et al.
01142 Coextrusion of Clay-Based Composites: Using a Multi-Material Approach to Achieve Gradient Porosity in 3D-Printed Ceramics, Jauk et al.
01143 A Holistic Review on the Contribution of Civil Engineers for Driving Sustainable Concrete Construction in the Built Environment, Khan et al.
01144 Development of a Prototype Concept for Using 3D Concrete Printing in Pavement Construction, Koneswaran et al.
01145 Development of CO2-Integrated 3D Printing Concrete, Li et al.
01146 Molding Quality Control with Nonlinear Forming Method in 3D Cement Printing, Li et al.
01147 Steel Cable Bonding in Fresh Mortar and 3D Printed Beam Flexural Behavior, Liu et al.
01148 Bonding Properties Between 3D Printed Coarse Aggregate Concrete and Rebar Based on Interface Structural Characteristics, Liu et al.
01149 Substitution of Cement by Marine Clay in Spray-Based 3D Concrete Printing, Lu et al.
01150 Rheology and 3D Printing of Alginate Bio-Stabilized Earth Concrete, Maierdan et al.
01151 Design, Robotic Fabrication and Augmented Construction of Low-Carbon Concrete Slabs Through Field-Based Reaction–Diffusion, Naboni et al.
01152 Constitutive Response and Failure Progression in Digitally Fabricated (3D Printed) Concrete Under Compression and Their Dependence on Print Layer Height, Nair et al.
01153 The Effect of Printing Direction on the Strength Characteristics of a 3D Printed Concrete Wall Section, Põldaru et al.
01154 Numerical Simulation of Three Dimensional Concrete Printing Based on a Unified Fluid and Solid Mechanics Formulation, Reinold et al.
01155 3D-Printing of Viscous Materials in Construction: New Design Paradigm, from Small Components to Entire Structures, Sangiorgio et al.
01156 Advancing 3D Concrete Printing for Affordable Housing: A Shape Grammar-Based Approach to Print Spanning Roof Structures, Tabassum et al.
01157 Thermal Performance of 3D Concrete Printed Walls: Calculated and In-Situ Measured U-Values, Tamimi et al.
01158 BIM-Enabled Collaborative-Robots 3D Concrete Printing to Construct MiC with Reinforcement, Teng et al.
01159 Effect of Carbonated Recycled Coarse Aggregates on the Mechanical Properties of 3D Printed Recycled Concrete, Tong et al.
01160 Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Cost-Efficient 3D Printed Concrete Reinforced with Polypropylene Fibers, Ungureanu et al.
01161 Analytical Study on 3D-Printed Concrete Wall with Different Wall Configurations When Exposed to High Temperature, Vignesh et al.
01162 Reinforcement Bond Performance in 3D Concrete Printing: Explainable Ensemble Learning Augmented by Deep Generative Adversarial Networks, Wang et al.
01163 Influence of Type of Fibers on Fresh and Hardened Properties of Three-Dimensional-Printed Cementitious Mortars, Wang et al.
01164 Promoting Additive Construction in Fast-Developing Areas: A Q-Methodology Analysis of Stakeholder Perspectives on Policy Mixes, Wang et al.
01165 Structural Performance-Based 3D Concrete Printing for an Efficient Concrete Beam, Wu et al.
01166 Effect of Nano-Silica Sol Dosage on the Properties of 3D-Printed Concrete, Xu et al.
01167 Adaptive Estimation and Detection of Filament Width Deviation during 3D Robotic Printing of Construction Materials, Yang et al.
01168 Flexural Behaviors of 3D Printed Lightweight Engineered Cementitious Composites (ECC) Slab with Hollow Sections, Ye et al.
01169 Additive Construction Using Enhanced Earthen-Based Composites: Improvement of the Mechanical Strength and Water Durability Using Chitosan and Agave Fibers, Zavaleta et al.
01170 A Critical Review on Reducing the Environmental Impact of 3D Printing Concrete: Material Preparation, Construction Process and Structure Level, Zhao et al.
01171 Effects of Time-Varying Liquid Bridge Forces on Rheological Properties, and Resulting Extrudability and Constructability of Three-Dimensional Printing Mortar, Zhi et al.
01172 A Study on the Printability of Manufactured Sand Concrete, Zhu et al.
01173 Evaluation and Control of Printability and Rheological Properties of 3D-Printed Rubberized Concrete, Zou et al.
01174 Propelling the Widespread Adoption of Large-Scale 3D Printing, Zuo et al.


01175 Recent Development of 3D-Printing Technology in Construction Engineering, Akman et al.
01176 From Soil to Printed Structures: A Systematic Approach to Designing Clay-Based Materials for 3D Printing in Construction and Architecture, Asaf et al.
01177 Fiber Reinforcement of 3D Printed Concrete by Material Extrusion Toolpaths Aligned to Principal Stress Trajectories, Auer et al.
01178 The Effect of Curing Conditions on the Service Life of 3D Printed Concrete Formwork, Bekaert et al.
01179 Monolithic AM Façade: Multi-Objective Parametric Design Optimization of Additively Manufactured Insulating Wall Elements, Briels et al.
01180 Additive Manufacturing of Lightweight Gypsum and Expanded Polystyrene Granulate Composite, Bumanis et al.
01181 3D Printing of Continuous-Fibers Cementitious Composites: Anisotropic 3D Mortar, Caron et al.
01182 Extending Applicability of 3D-Printable Geopolymer to Large-Scale Printing Scenario via Combination of Sodium Carbonate and Nano-Silica, Chen et al.
01183 Multi-Axial 3D Printing of Biopolymer-Based Concrete Composites in Construction, Christ et al.
01184 New Perspectives on Carbon Reinforced Concrete Structures: Why New Composites Need New Design Strategies, Curbach et al.
01185 Affordable Inline Structuration Measurements of Printable Mortar with a Pocket Shear Vane, Demont et al.
01186 Structural Performance of Textile Reinforced 3D-Printed Concrete Elements, Dittel et al.
01187 In-Process Integration of Reinforcement for Construction Elements During Shotcrete 3D Printing, Dörrie et al.
01188 Three-Dimensional Printing of Structural Members with Shotcrete Technique: Design, Construction, and Future Directions, Ebadi-Jamkhaneh et al.
01189 Enclosing Reinforcement Structures in Shotcrete 3D Printing: The Effect of Reinforcement Geometry and Accelerator Dosage on the Formation of Voids, Freund et al.
01190 Robot-Assisted Manufacturing Technology for 3D Non-Metallic Reinforcement Structures in the Construction Applications, Friese et al.
01191 Assessment of the Sustainability and Producibility of Adobe Constructions Reinforced with Ca-Based Binders: Environmental Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) And 3D Printability, Genc et al.
01192 Application Potential of Combining Strain Hardening Cementitious Composites and Helical Reinforcement for 3D Concrete Printed Structures: Case Study of a Spiral Staircase, Hass et al.
01193 Comparative Studies of LC³- and Fly Ash-Based Blended Binders in Fibre-Reinforced Printed Concrete (FRPC): Rheological and Quasi-Static Mechanical Characteristics, Ibrahim et al.
01194 Buildability Analysis on Squared Profile Structure in 3D Concrete Printing (3DCP), Imram et al.
01195 Potential Use of Sugarcane Bagasse Ash in Cementitious Mortars for 3D Printing, Jesus et al.
01196 Investigating PCM Encapsulated NaOH Additive for Set-on-Demand in 3D Concrete Printing, Kanagasuntharam et al.
01197 A Simple Potential Energy Formulation for 3D Concrete Printed Structures Considering the Shear Effects in the Build Direction, Kumar et al.
01198 Utilizing Industrial By-Products for Sustainable Three-Dimensional-Printed Infrastructure Applications: A Comprehensive Review, Kurniati et al.
01199 Performance of 3D-Printed Beams and Slabs Using Self-Sensing Cementitious Composites and DIC Method, Li et al.
01200 MgO/Fluid Catalytic Cracking (FCC) Ash Blends for 3D Printing on Vertical Surfaces, Lu et al.
01201 Mechanical Strengths and Optical Properties of Translucent Concrete Manufactured by Mortar-Extrusion 3D Printing with Polymethyl Methacrylate (PMMA) Fibers, Lyu et al.
01202 Plant-Germination Ability and Mechanical Strength of 3D Printed Vegetation Concrete Bound with Cement and Soil, Lyu et al.
01203 Evolution of Capillary Pressure in 3D-Printed Concrete Elements: Numerical Modelling and Experimental Validation, Markin et al.
01204 The Effect of Layer Cross-Section on Plastic Shrinkage Cracking of 3D-Printed Concrete Elements, Markin et al.
01205 Advances in Structural Applications of Digital Fabrication With Concrete, Mata-Falcón et al.
01206 Geometric Conformability of 3D Concrete Printing Mixtures from a Rheological Perspective, Miranda et al.
01207 Recycled Brick Aggregates in One-Part Alkali-Activated Materials: Impact on 3D Printing Performance and Material Properties, Noaimat et al.
01208 3D-Printed Recycled Plastic Eco-Aggregate (Resin8) Concrete, Oosthuizen et al.
01209 Extrusion-Based 3D-Concrete-Printing with Different Flow Direction, Pan et al.
01210 Finite-Element Modeling of Reinforced Additively Constructed Concrete Structures, Perez-Rivera et al.
01211 Crack Propagation and Failure Mechanism of 3D Printing Engineered Cementitious Composites (3DP-ECC) Under Bending Loads, Pi et al.
01212 From Process to System: A Review on the Implications of Concrete 3D Printing on Project Delivery, Placzek et al.
01213 Dynamic Winding Process of Individualized Fibre Reinforcement Structures for Additive Manufacturing in Construction, Rothe et al.
01214 Experimental Study on Damage Anisotropy of 3D-Printed Concrete Exposed to Sulfate Attack, Rui et al.
01215 How Does Rheological Behaviour Affect the Interlayer-Bonding Strength of 3DPC Mixtures?, Şahin et al.
01216 Mechanical Properties of the New Cement Composite Mixture Appropriate for Robotic Processing, Šána et al.
01217 Exploring Fresh and Hardened Properties of Sustainable 3D-Printed Lightweight Cementitious Mixtures, Sedghi et al.
01218 Geopolymer Mortars for Use in Construction 3D Printing: Effect of LSS, Graphene Oxide and Nanoclay at Different Environmental Conditions, Shahmirzadi et al.
01219 Utilization of Antimony Tailings in Fiber-Reinforced 3D Printed Concrete: A Sustainable Approach for Construction Materials, Singh et al.
01220 Lightweight Portland Cement Mixtures with Perlite for 3D Printing of Concrete Structures, Skripkiūnas et al.
01221 Experimental Study on Dynamic Mechanical Properties of 3D Printed Cement-Based Materials Under Splitting Tension After High Temperature, Sun et al.
01222 Developments in Portland Cement/GGBS Binders for 3D Printing Applications: Material Calibration and Structural Testing, Suryanto et al.
01223 Dynamic Extrusion Control in Spot Deposition Modeling for Porous 3D Clay Structures, Tabakova et al.
01224 An Integrated Workflow for Designing and Fabricating Multi-Functional Building Components Through Additive Manufacturing with Clay, Taher et al.
01225 Influence of Rheology on Mixing Homogeneity and Mechanical Behavior of Twin-Pipe 3D Printable Concrete, Tao et al.
01226 The Physicomechanical Behavior and Microstructure of Air-Entrained 3D Printable Concrete, Tarhan et al.
01227 Exploring Carbon Sequestration Potential Through 3D Concrete Printing, Tay et al.
01228 A Methodology for Designing 3D Printable Mortar Based on Recycled Sand, Thib et al.
01229 Cost-Effective Concrete Fabrication for Large Irregularly Shaped Architectural Structures, Wang et al.
01230 A Feasibility Study on the Lateral Behavior of a 3D-Printed Column for Application in a Wind Turbine Tower, Yang et al.
01231 An Integrated Topology Optimization Method Including Manufacturing Constraints for 3D Printed Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Structures, Yang et al.
01232 Size Effect on Flexural and Fracture Behaviors of 3D Printed Engineered Cementitious Composites: Experimental and Numerical Studies, Ye et al.
01233 Printability and Shape Fidelity Evaluation of Self-Reinforced Engineered Cementitious Composites, Zafar et al.
01234 Utilization of Solid Mine Waste in the Building Materials for 3D Printing, Zhang et al.
01235 An Overview of Recent Advancements in Fibre-Reinforced 3D Printing Concrete, Zhou et al.
01236 An Experimental Study on the Influence of Waste Rubber Particles on the Compressive, Flexural and Impact Properties of 3D Printable Sustainable Cementitious Composites, Zhu et al.


01237 Influence of Nano-Coated Micro Steel Fibers on Mechanical and Self-Healing Properties of 3D Printable Concrete Using Graphene Oxide and Polyvinyl Alcohol, Ahmadi et al.
01238 Flexural Toughness of Extruded Fiber-Reinforced Mortar with Preferentially Aligned Fibers, Alarrak et al.
01239 3D‐Printed Concrete Footbridges: An Approach to Assess the Sustainability Performance, Asensio et al.
01240 Analysis of Rheological Properties and Printability of a 3D-Printing Mortar Containing Silica Fume, Hydrated Lime, and Blast Furnace Slag, Bayat et al.
01241 Possibilities of Extrusion Production in Concrete Construction, Beckers et al.
01242 3D Printing of an Iron-Rich Slag Based Hybrid Mortar: A Durable, Sustainable and Cost-Competitive Product?, Beersaerts et al.
01243 3D Printed Engineered, Strain-Hardening Geopolymer Composite (EGC/SHGC) as Permanent Formwork for Construction of Reinforced Concrete Beam, Bong et al.
01244 Shape-Env: Camera-Enhanced Robotic Terrain-Shaping for Complex 3D Concrete Printing, Breseghello et al.
01245 A Review of Methods on Buildability Quantification of Extrusion-Based 3D Concrete Printing: From Analytical Modelling to Numerical Simulation, Chang et al.
01246 Does Early Age Creep Influence Buildability of 3D Printed Concrete?: Insights from Numerical Simulations, Chang et al.
01247 Lattice Modelling of Early-Age Creep of 3D Printed Segments with the Consideration of Stress History, Chang et al.
01248 Validated Simulation of Thermal Performance of Phase Change Material Infused Recycled Brick Aggregate in 3D Printed Concrete, Christen et al.
01249 Concrete Printed Gyroid Column: A Structurally Optimized, Sand Layer Supported Printing Method, Conrad et al.
01250 Integrating Additional Elements in Clay 3D Printing with Human Intervention, Coskun et al.
01251 MINIMASS: A New Approach for Low-Carbon, Low-Cost 3D Printed Concrete Beams, Coward et al.
01252 Effect of Printing Patterns on Pore-Related Microstructural Characteristics and Properties of Materials for 3D Concrete Printing Using in situ and ex situ Imaging Techniques, Cuevas et al.
01253 The Effects of Nozzle Diameter and Length on the Resulting Strand Properties for Shotcrete 3D Printing, David et al.
01254 Automated Force-Flow-Oriented Reinforcement Integration for Shotcrete 3D Printing, Dörrie et al.
01255 Non-Destructive Tests to Evaluate the Self-Healing Capacity for a 3D Printing ECC Material, Fernández et al.
01256 Revisiting Breuer Through Additive Manufacturing: Passive Solar-Control Design Strategies for Bespoke Concrete Building Envelope Elements, Fleckenstein et al.
01257 Impact of Calcium Sulfoaluminate Cement on Printability and Early Strength Development of a Slag-Based 3D Printing Cementitious Material, Hu et al.
01258 3D Printable Concrete Without Chemical Admixtures: Fresh and Hardened Properties, Ingle et al.
01259 Acoustic Emission Characterization of 3D-Printed Ultra-High Performance Concrete Beams Under Bending, Ingle et al.
01260 Filament-Reinforced 3D Printing of Clay, Jauk et al.
01261 Optimizing Digital 3D Printing of Concrete Structures, Jendele et al.
01262 Topology Optimization for Material Extrusion-Based Additive Manufacturing Processes with Weak Bead Bonding, Jewett et al.
01263 Characterization of Thixotropic Properties of Fresh Cement‐based Materials, Ji et al.
01264 The Selection and Design of Earthen Materials for 3D Printing, Ji et al.
01265 Effect of Different Expansive Agents on the Early Age Structural Build-up Process of Cement Paste, Jia et al.
01266 Effect of Nanoclay on the Printability of Extrusion-Based 3D Printable Mortar, Kaushik et al.
01267 Data-Driven Based Ultrasonics Analysis for Evaluating the Bond Strength of Concrete Layers, Khademi et al.
01268 Modification of Fine Multicomponent Concrete with Activated Component-Based Additive, Kogai et al.
01269 Evaluation of Tensile Behaviour of 3D Printed Concrete Assemblies with Reinforcement, Kulkarni et al.
01270 3D Concrete Printing of Wall Elements with Integrated Multifunctional Cavities, Lehr et al.
01271 Robotics in 3D Concrete Printing: Current Progress & Challenges, Li et al.
01272 Analysis of the Effect of Glass Powder on the Printability of Cement-Based Materials for 3D Printing Using ImageJ, Li et al.
01273 Adding Glass Fibers to 3D Printable Mortar: Effects on Printability and Material Anisotropy, Li et al.
01274 Modeling and Experimental Investigation of Fiber Orientation in Cast and 3D-Printed Cementitious Composites, Li et al.
01275 Anisotropic Properties of Additively Manufactured Concrete Elements, Lindner et al.
01276 Comprehensive Investigations on the Relationship Between the 3D Concrete Printing Failure Criterion and Properties of Fresh-State Cementitious Materials, Liu et al.
01277 Effect of Coarse Aggregate on Printability and Mechanical Properties of 3D Printed Concrete, Liu et al.
01278 3D Printing Concrete Structures: State of the Art, Challenges, and Opportunities, Liu et al.
01279 The Effect of U-Type Expanding Agent for Concrete (UEA) on the Microstructural and Mechanical Properties of Mortar Fabricated Through Alternate 3D Printing, Liu et al.
01280 Influences of Engineering Spoil on the Properties and Microstructure of 3D Printable Magnesium Cement, Luo et al.
01281 Time-Dependent Evolution and Strength Modulation of 3D Printed Concrete Pore Structure Based on Microbial Remediation, Lv et al.
01282 Constitutive Modeling of Orthotropic Nonlinear Mechanical Behavior of Hardened 3D Printed Concrete, Mader et al.
01283 Applications of Additive Manufacturing in Construction and Building Industries, Mallikarjuna et al.
01284 Waste Marble Valorisation in 3D Cementitious Materials Printing, Martos
01285 Filament Extraction in 3D Printing of Shotcrete Walls from Terrestrial Laser Scanner Data, Mawas et al.
01286 Assessing the Environmental Impact of Building Life Cycle: A Carbon Reduction Strategy Through Innovative Design, Intelligent Construction, and Secondary Utilization, Meng et al.
01287 Thermal Performance of Cavities in 3DPC Building Façades, Moelich et al.
01288 Rapid Early Age Strength Development of In-Line Activated Geopolymer for Concrete 3D Printing, Muthukrishnan et al.
01289 Upcycling Fly Ash, Red Clay Brick Waste, and Paper Sludge as Feedstock for Manufacturing a Lightweight Extruded Composite: Design and Characterization, Ospina Salazar et al.
01290 Betriebssicherheit und Arbeitsschutz beim Einsatz automatisierter Fertigungsverfahren auf Baustellen, Otto et al.
01291 Effects of 3D Concrete Printing Phases on the Mechanical Performance of Printable Strain-Hardening Cementitious Composites, Overmeir et al.
01292 Influence of Inter-Layer Interfaces on Fracture Behavior of 3D Printed Concrete, Paritala et al.
01293 Pressure Drop in Converging Flows in Three-Dimensional Printing of Concrete, Polychronopoulos et al.
01294 Real Time Assessment of Smart Concrete Inspection with Piezoelectric Sensors, Quah et al.
01295 Fracture Characterization of 3D-Printed Ultra-High Performance Fiber Concrete Beams Using Acoustic Emission, Ramamurthy et al.
01296 Recommendations for Quality Control in Industrial 3D Concrete Printing Construction with Mono-Component Concrete: A Critical Evaluation of Ten Test Methods and the Introduction of the Performance Index, Rehman et al.
01297 The Economic Impact of Additive Manufacturing Industries, Routray et al.
01298 Feasibility Review of Aerated Materials Application in 3D Concrete Printing, Rudziewicz et al.
01299 Material Modelling and Simulation of 3D Concrete Printing Process, Rymeš et al.
01300 Phosphorous Slag-Based Geopolymer Cement Incorporate with Mullite for 3D Printing Application, Saadati et al.
01301 Numerical Investigation on Interlayer and Filament Fracture Behaviour of 3D Printed Concrete, Saravanan et al.
01302 An Innovative Method for Buildability Assessment of 3D Printed Concrete at Early-Ages, Shahzad et al.
01303 Digital Twinning in Additive Manufacturing: Closing the Digital-Physical-Digital Loop by Automated Integration of Captured Geometric Data into Fabrication Information Models, Slepicka et al.
01304 Selective Paste Intrusion: Integration of Reinforcement by WAAM, Straßer et al.
01305 Printability and Shape Stability of Cement Mortar Incorporating Low Volume of Micro-Polypropylene Fiber for 3D Printing Application, Sukontasukkul et al.
01306 Influence of Cold Joint on Fracture Behaviour of 3D Printed Concrete, Thakur et al.
01307 Improving Buildability of Overhangs of 3D Printed Objects Through Non-Planar Slicing Informed by Force Flow Analysis, Vele et al.
01308 Support-Strategies for Robocasting Ceramic Building Components, Wolf et al.
01309 Research Status Quo and Trends of Construction Robotics: A Bibliometric Analysis, Wu et al.
01310 Automatic Detection and Isolation of Filament Width Deviation During 3-D Printing of Recycled Construction Material, Yang et al.
01311 The State of the Art in Digital Construction of Clay Buildings: Reviews of Existing Practices and Recommendations for Future Development, Yin et al.
01312 Effect of Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose (HPMC) on Rheology and Printability of the First Printed Layer of Cement Activated Slag-Based 3D Printing Concrete, Yin et al.
01313 Solid Waste-Based Set-on-Demand 3D Printed Concrete: Active Rheological Control of Cement-Based Magneto-Rheological Fluids, Yue et al.
01314 Reconfigurable Formwork System for Vision-Informed Conformal Robotic 3D Printing, Zamani et al.
01315 Polymer Shape Effect on Damage Evolution, Internal Defects and Crack Propagation of 3D-Printed Polymer-Based Cementitious Backfill, Zhang et al.
01316 Entwicklung praxisorientierter Methoden für den 3D- Druck des Verbundwerkstoffs Stahlbeton, Zhang et al.
01317 Printability and Early Mechanical Properties of Material Composition Modified 3D Printing Engineered Cementitious Composites Based on the Response Surface Methodology, Zhu et al.
01318 Architectural 3D-Printed Structures Created Using Artificial Intelligence: A Review of Techniques and Applications, Živković et al.


01319 Fracture Properties of Extruded Fiber-Reinforced Mortar with Preferentially Aligned Fibers, Alarrak et al.
01320 Modeling, Feedforward Control, and Constrained Trajectory Generation for a Concrete Conveyance System, Blagojevic et al.
01321 Experimental Study of the In-Situ Rebar Splicing Technique to Reinforce 3D-Printed Concrete in Vertical Directions, Cao et al.
01322 Study on the Durability of 3D Printed Calcium Sulphoaluminate Cement-Based Materials Related to Rheology Control, Chen et al.
01323 Influence of Gradation on Extrusion-Based 3D Printing Concrete with Coarse Aggregate, Chen et al.
01324 Development of 3D Printed Heavyweight Concrete (3DPHWC) Containing Magnetite Aggregate, Federowicz et al.
01325 Topology Optimization to Design Innovative High-Thermal- Resistance 3D Printed Walls, Fragnito et al.
01326 Printing by Yield Stress Fluid Shaping, Geffrault et al.
01327 Geopolymers for 3D Print, Hájková et al.
01328 Slag-Modified Fibre-Reinforced Metakaolin-Based Geopolymer for 3D Concrete Printing Application: Evaluating Fresh and Hardened Properties, Jaji et al.
01329 Volume Flow-Based Process Control for Robotic Additive Manufacturing Processes in Construction, Lachmayer et al.
01330 Experimental Investigation of Fresh and Time-Dependent Rheological Properties of 3D-Printed Cementitious Material, Li et al.
01331 Development of a Functional Cementitious Mixture with Expanded Graphite for Automated Spray Construction, Lu et al.
01332 Use of Alccofine 1203 as a Sustainable Supplementary Cementitious Material for Printable Concrete, Mani et al.
01333 A Prediction of the Printability of Concrete Through Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), Marcucci et al.
01334 Effect of the Superplasticizer Addition Time on the Fresh Properties of 3D Printed Limestone Calcined Clay Cement (LC³) Concrete, Matos et al.
01335 Design Optimization of 3D Printed Concrete Elements Considering Buildability, Mogra et al.
01336 A Systematic Review of Life Cycle Assessments of 3D Concrete Printing, Motalebi et al.
01337 Modelling the Temperature Gradient in 3D Concrete Printing, Nadoury et al.
01338 Evaluation of the Mechanical Behaviour of Representative Volumetric Elements of 3DCP Masonry Mixtures with Partial Replacement of Cement by Limestone Filler and Metakaolin, Nunes et al.
01339 3D Printed Mortar with High Alumina Cement as Alternative Solution for Standard Materials Used for 3D Printing, Olczyk et al.
01340 3D Printable Strain Hardening Cementitious Composites (3DP-SHCC): Tailoring Fresh and Hardened State Properties, Overmeir et al.
01341 Bond Properties and Anisotropy Performance of 3D-Printed Construction and Demolition Waste-Based Geopolymers: Effect of Operational- and Material-Oriented Parameters, Özkılıç et al.
01342 Rheology and Pumpability of Mix Suitable for Extrusion-Based Concrete 3D Printing: A Review, Paritala et al.
01343 Rheology Assessment of Mortar Materials for Additive Manufacturing, Pedrosa et al.
01344 Quantifying the Impact of Concrete 3D Printing on the Construction Supply Chain, Ramani et al.
01345 A 2D Numerical Model of 3D Concrete Printing Including Thixotropy, Rizzieri et al.
01346 A Review of 3D Printing of Geopolymer Composites for Structural and Functional Applications, Shilar et al.
01347 Comprehensive Design Methodology for 3D Printing Mortars, Soares et al.
01348 Anisotropy in Additively Manufactured Concrete Specimens Under Compressive Loading: Quantification of the Effects of Layer Height and Fiber Reinforcement, Surehali et al.
01349 A Review of 3D Printing Technology: The Future of Sustainable Construction, Tabassum et al.
01350 Reinforcement of 3D Printable Earth-Based Mortar with Natural Textile Material, Tarhan et al.
01351 Nano-Modified Materials for New Construction Technologies: Self-Compacting and 3D Printing, Varela et al.
01352 Influential Factors on Mechanical Properties and Microscopic Characteristics of Underwater 3D Printing Concrete, Wang et al.
01353 Damage-Rheology Model for Predicting 3D Printed Concrete Buildability, Wang et al.
01354 Characteristics and Mechanism of the Particle Migration Subject to the Shear Flow of Concrete Flow Under Pressure, Xie et al.
01355 3D Auxetic Cementitious-Polymeric Composite Structure with Compressive Strain-Hardening Behavior, Xu et al.
01356 Calcium Leaching of 3D-Printed Cement Paste Exposed to Ammonium Chloride Solutions, Yang et al.
01357 Development of 3D Printable Engineered Cementitious Composites with Incineration Bottom Ash (IBA) For Sustainable and Digital Construction, Ye et al.
01358 Behavior of 3D-Printed HPC Plates with FRP Grid Reinforcement Under Bending, Zeng et al.
01359 Advanced Measurement Techniques for Plastic Shrinkage and Cracking in 3D-Printed Concrete Utilising Distributed Optical Fiber Sensor, Zhang et al.
01360 Surfactants to Enable Quick Nozzle Mixing in 3D Concrete Printing, Zhang et al.
01361 Comparison of Printability and Mechanical Properties of Rigid and Flexible Fiber-Reinforced 3D Printed Cement-Based Materials, Zhang et al.
01362 A Bio-Inspired Solution to Alleviate Anisotropy of 3D Printed Engineered Cementitious Composites (3DP-ECC): Knitting/Tilting Filaments, Zhou et al.
01363 Buildability Modeling of 3D-Printed Concrete Including Printing Deviation: A Stochastic Analysis, Zhu et al.
01364 Measurement of the Density of Formed Structures for Concrete 3D Printing, Zuo et al.


01365 Selecting the Best 3D Concrete Printing Technology for Refugee Camp’s Shelter Construction Using Analytical Hierarchy Process: The Case of Syrian Refugees in Jordan, Almomani et al.
01366 Life Cycle Cost, Energy, and Carbon Emissions of Molds for Precast Concrete: Exploring the Impacts of Material Choices and Additive Manufacturing, Armstrong et al.
01367 Review of Advances in 3D Printing Technology of Cementitious Materials: Key Printing Parameters and Properties Characterization, Arrêteau et al.
01368 3D Printed Ultra-High Performance Concrete: Preparation, Application, and Challenges, Bai et al.
01369 Preliminary Experimental Evaluation of Buildability Improvement Methods for Concrete for 3D Printing, Baldoceda et al.
01370 The Analysis of Lean Wastes in Construction 3D Printing: A Case Study, Balkhy et al.
01371 Analysis of 3D Printing Techniques for Building Construction: A Review, Bici et al.
01372 3DLightBeam+: Design, Simulation, and Testing of Carbon-Efficient Reinforced 3D Concrete Printed Beams, Breseghello et al.
01373 In-Situ Coating Technique for Rebar Installation for 3D-Printed Reinforced Concrete, Cao et al.
01374 Material-in-the-Loop Fabrication: A Vision-Based Adaptive Clay 3D Printing Workflow on Indeterminate Sand Surfaces, Çapunaman et al.
01375 Genetic Algorithm–Based Multiobjective Optimization for 3D Printable Design of a Double-Shell Lunar Habitat Structure, Chen et al.
01376 Additive Manufacturing and the Construction Industry, Chougan et al.
01377 Variation of the Adhesion Between Concrete Printed Layers in a 3D Concrete Printed Structure, Dang et al.
01378 Structural Design and Engineering of Striatus, an Unreinforced 3D-Concrete-Printed Masonry Arch Bridge, Dell’Endice et al.
01379 Effect of Pore Structure on Durability and Mechanical Performance of 3D Printed Concrete, Du et al.
01380 Design Optimization Workflow for 3D Concrete Printing of Spanning Structures, Duarte et al.
01381 Designing a Habitat for 3D Concrete Printing in Permafrost Regions, Duarte et al.
01382 Prototype Nozzle for Three-Layer 3D Concrete Printing, Elistratkin et al.
01383 Intelligent Prediction of Dynamic Yield Stress in 3D Printing Concrete Based on Machine Learning, Geng et al.
01384 Examining Effect of Printing Directionality on Freezing-and-Thawing Response of Three-Dimensional-Printed Cement Paste, Ghantous et al.
01385 Tailoring 3D Printed Concrete Through Explainable Artificial Intelligence, Ghasemi et al.
01386 Effect of Interlayer Time-Lapse and Workability Retention on Printed Concrete Performance, Ghosh et al.
01387 Plastic Shrinkage of 3D Printed Concrete Under Different Self-Weight of Upper Layers, Han et al.
01388 Effect of the Structuration Rate on Dimensional Stability and Mechanical Performance of 3D Printed Mortars, Harbouz et al.
01389 Construction Automation and Robotics for Concrete Construction: Case Studies on Research, Development, and Innovations, Hu et al.
01390 Hardened Properties of 3D-Printed Limestone Calcined Clay Cement Concrete, Ibrahim et al.
01391 Sewing Concrete Device: Combining In-Line Rheology Control and Reinforcement System for 3D Concrete Printing, Jacquet et al.
01392 Effect of Anisotropy on Permeability Index and Water Absorption of 3D Printed Metakaolin-Based Geopolymer Concrete, Jaji et al.
01393 4D Formwork for Robotic Concrete Spraying, Jami et al.
01394 An Open PLC-Based Robot Control System for 3D Concrete Printing, Kajzr et al.
01395 The Effect of Nanobubble Water on the Fresh Properties of Conventional Concrete and 3D Printing Concrete, Kanyenze et al.
01396 Buildability Analysis on Effect of Structural Design in 3D Concrete Printing (3DCP): An Experimental and Numerical Study, Khan et al.
01397 Mechanical and Physical Properties of Cement Mixtures for 3D Processing, Litoš et al.
01398 Better Semantic Segmentation For 3D Printing Concrete Surface Pore Detection, Ma et al.
01399 3D Concrete Printing: Factors Affecting the US and Portugal, McCoy et al.
01400 Optical Process Control for Extrusion-Based Additive Manufacturing Methods in Construction, Mohiuddin et al.
01401 Computational Fluid Dynamics Modelling and Experimental Analysis of Reinforcement Bar Integration in 3D Concrete Printing, Mollah et al.
01402 On the Possibility of Using Waste Disposable Gloves as Recycled Fibers in Sustainable 3D Concrete Printing Using Different Additives, Mousavi et al.
01403 A Review of Current Progress and Application of Machine Learning on 3D-Printed Concrete, Nguyen et al.
01404 3D Printing: An Opportunity for the Sustainable Development of Building Construction, Núñez Varillas et al.
01405 Experimental Characterisation of Hygrothermal Properties of a 3D Printed Cementitious Mortar, Pessoa et al.
01406 Conceptualising the Behaviour of 3D Printed Concrete Structures in Fire, Pillay et al.
01407 Concrete Additive Manufacturing in Construction: Integration Based on Component-Related Fabrication Strategies, Placzek et al.
01408 Investigation of a Shotcrete Accelerator for Targeted Control of Material Properties for 3D Concrete Printing Injection Method, Pott et al.
01409 Evaluation of Mechanical Anisotropy Induced by 3D Printing Process for Earth-Based Materials, Rahal et al.
01410 Phase Change Materials Incorporation into 3D Printed Geopolymer Cement: A Sustainable Approach to Enhance the Comfort and Energy Efficiency of Buildings, Rahemipoor et al.
01411 On the Thermal-Energy Performance of 3D Printed Concrete Wall Panels Designed with Varying Insulation Ratios, Ravula et al.
01412 3DCP for Complex Sites: Robotic Fabrication of Custom-Fit Slabs in Irregular Pontoons, Ribeiro et al.
01413 Numerical Simulation of the Extrusion and Layer Deposition Processes in 3D Concrete Printing with the Particle Finite Element Method, Rizzieri et al.
01414 Temperature Dependent Modelling Approach for Early Age Behavior of Printable Mortars, Robens-Radermacher et al.
01415 Development of Ultra-High-Performance Silica Fume-Based Mortar Incorporating Graphene Nanoplatelets for 3-Dimensional Concrete Printing Application, Salah et al.
01416 Quality Monitoring of Concrete 3D Printed Elements Using Computer Vision-Based Texture Extraction Technique, Senthilnathan et al.
01417 Soil-Cement Matrices for Additive Construction: 3D Printing System Validation and Printing Tests, Silva et al.
01418 Real-Time Data Exchange (RTDE) Robot Control Integration for Fabrication Information Modeling, Slepicka et al.
01419 Precise Determination of Initial Printable Time for Cement Mortar 3D Printing Using a Derivative Method, Sukontasukkul et al.
01420 Mathematical Description of Concrete Laying Robots, Travush et al.
01421 Extrusion and Structural Build-up of 3D Printing Cement Pastes with Fly Ash, Nanoclays and VMAs, Varela et al.
01422 Rheology Characterization of 3D Printing Mortars with Nanoclays and Basalt Fibers, Varela et al.
01423 Valorization of a Low-Quality Coal Ash, in the Preparation of Alkali Activated Inks for Applications in 3D Additive Manufacturing, Villaquirán-Caicedo et al.
01424 Mechanical Anisotropy, Rheology and Carbon Footprint of 3D Printable Concrete: A Review, Wang et al.
01425 Effect of Nano Clay and PCE on the Buildability of Ultra-Fine Dredged Sand-Based 3D Printing Materials, Wang et al.
01426 Research on the Mechanical Properties and Frost Resistance of Aeolian Sand 3D Printed Mortar, Wang et al.
01427 A Review of Experimental Studies on Cob, Hempcrete, and Bamboo Components and the Call for Transition Towards Sustainable Home Building with 3D Printing, Yemesegen et al.
01428 Mechanisms of Rheological Modifiers for Quick Mixing Method in 3D Concrete Printing, Zhang et al.
01429 Interlayer Adhesion of 3D Printed Concrete: Influence of Layer Stacked Vertically, Zhang et al.
01430 Peridynamic Buildability Analysis of 3D-Printed Concrete Including Damage, Plastic Flow and Collapse, Zhu et al.
01431 Research Progress on Shrinkage Properties of Extruded 3D Printed Cement-Based Materials, Zhu et al.


01432 Numerical Modelling of Planned Corner Deposition in 3D Concrete Printing, Abbaoui et al.
01433 Machine Learning-Based Predictive Model for Tensile and Flexural Strength of 3D-Printed Concrete, Ali et al.
01434 Guideline for Automated Construction of Reinforced Concrete Beams Using 3D Printing and BIM, Alzarrad et al.
01435 An Innovative Carbonated Cementitious Material and Its Printability and Carbon Mineralization Capacity, Anleu et al.
01436 The Influence of Viscosity-Modifying Agent and Calcium Carbonate on 3D Printing Mortar Characteristics, Antoni et al.
01437 A Structural and Thermal Comparative Review of 3D-Printed Wall Shapes, Bello et al.
01438 A Guided Approach for Utilizing Concrete Robotic 3D Printing for the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction Industry, Cabibihan et al.
01439 Improving Mechanical Properties of 3D Printable ‘One-Part’ Geopolymer Concrete with Steel Fiber Reinforcement, Chen et al.
01440 Improving Structural Build-up of Limestone-Calcined Clay-Cement Pastes by Using Inorganic Additives, Chen et al.
01441 The Development of Soil-Based 3D-Printable Mixtures: A Mix-Design Methodology and a Case Study, Daher et al.
01442 Development and Characteristic of 3D-Printable Mortar with Waste Glass Powder, Deng et al.
01443 Through Textile to Reinforced 3D Concrete Printing, Dittel et al.
01444 New Conceptions and Constructive Methods for Pumped Storage Hydropower Plants, Fairbairn et al.
01445 Natural Fibers for a 3D Printable Eco-ECC Material, Fernández et al.
01446 Qualitative Technology Evaluation of Digital Fabrication with Concrete: Conceptual Framework and Scoreboard, Graser et al.
01447 A System Development Strategy of a Digital Construction for Building Frames, Haar et al.
01448 Sustainability and 3D Concrete Printing: Identifying a Need for a More Holistic Approach to Assessing Environmental Impacts, Heywood et al.
01449 Mechanical Properties and Pore Structure of 3D Printed Mortar with Recycled Powder, Hou et al.
01450 3D-Printed Concrete Shear Keys: Design and Experimental Study, Hua et al.
01451 Space-Filling and Print Path Generation Methods for Large-Area 3D Concrete Printing Pavements, Huang et al.
01452 A Reflection on Sustainable Opportunities for 3D Printing in Construction, Jesus et al.
01453 Life Cycle Assessment of Ultra-Tall Wind Turbine Towers Comparing Concrete Additive Manufacturing to Conventional Manufacturing, Jones et al.
01454 Fabrication of Lightweight, Carbon Textile Reinforced Concrete Components with Internally Nested Lattice Structure Using 2-Layer Extrusion by LabMorTex, Kalthoff et al.
01455 3BUILD: First 3D Printed Structure in Greece, Katsiotis et al.
01456 Large-Scale Additive Manufacturing for Automated Construction: An Overview, Kazemian et al.
01457 Alkali-Activated Binder Requirements for Extrusion and 3D-Printing of Carbon Reinforced Concrete, Kruppa et al.
01458 Exploration of Using Graphene Oxide for Strength Enhancement of 3D-Printed Cementitious Mortar, Liu et al.
01459 3D Printing of Cementitious Mortar with Milled Recycled Carbon Fibres: Influences of Filament Offset on Mechanical Properties, Liu et al.
01460 Reality Capture Technologies for Automated Quality Control During Construction 3D Printing, Martin et al.
01461 Finite Element Analysis of Hardened Properties of 3D-Printed Concrete, Miri et al.
01462 Development of Ca(OH)2-Based Geopolymer for Additive Manufacturing Using Construction Wastes and Nanomaterials, Mortada et al.
01463 Digital Design and Fabrication of Clay Formwork for Concrete Casting, Mozaffari et al.
01464 Mechanical Properties of a 3D-Printed SFRC Beam with Steel Fiber Distribution Adaptive to Tensile Stress, Mu et al.
01465 Improving Interlayer Bond in 3D Printed Concrete Through Induced Thermo-Hydrokinetics, Munemo et al.
01466 Early-Age Strength and Failure Characteristics of 3D Printable Polymer Concrete, Najvani et al.
01467 Utilizing Textiles as Integrated Formwork for Additive Manufacturing with Concrete, Neef et al.
01468 Extrusion of High Yield Strength Carbon Reinforced Concrete with Mineral Impregnated Rovings, Neef et al.
01469 Implementation of Continuous Textile Fibers in 3D Printable Cementitious Composite, Nikravan et al.
01470 3D Printing Cement-Based Materials Using 100% of Recycled Aggregates, Obermeier et al.
01471 Investigation of Modelling Approaches to Study the Structural Performance of 3D Printed Plain Wall Under Uniform Axial Compression, Paudel
01472 Investigations to Improve the Carbon Footprint of Thin Walled Concrete Structures by 3D Printing Prefabricated Elements, Pfleger et al.
01473 Study on Flexural Behaviour of Printed Concrete Wide Beams Using Polypropylene Fibres, Pham et al.
01474 A 3D Printing Method of Cement-Based FGM Composites Containing Granulated Cork, Polypropylene Fibres, and a Polyethylene Net Interlayer, Pietras et al.
01475 Comparison of Physical and Physicochemical Methods for 3D Printing Application with the Focus on the Unconfined Uniaxial Compression Test, Pott et al.
01476 Development Stages of Structurally Optimised Concrete Girders: Design Concepts, Material Strategies and Experimental Investigation, Pressmair et al.
01477 Fresh Properties and Flexural Strength of 3D Printing Sustainable Concrete Containing GGBS as Partial Cement Replacement, Rahmat et al.
01478 Inclusive Characterization of 3D Printed Concrete (3DPC) In Additive Manufacturing: A Detailed Review, Riaz et al.
01479 3D Concrete Printing: From Mechanical Properties to Structural Analysis, Richter et al.
01480 3D Printing of Hybrid Cements Based on High Contents of Powders from Concrete, Ceramic and Brick Waste Chemically Activated with Sodium Sulphate (Na2SO4), Robayo-Salazar et al.
01481 Experimental Study on the Directional Dependency of 3D Printed Concrete in the Elastic Range, Saelens et al.
01482 3D Printable Earth-Based Alkali-Activated Materials: Role of Mix Design and Clay-Rich Soil, Sahoo et al.
01483 Effect of Printing Parameters on Inter-Filament Voids, Bonding, and Geometrical Deviation in Concrete 3D Printed Structures, Salaimanimagudam et al.
01484 Calculating Rheological Properties of Fresh Mortar for Additive Manufacturing Based on Experimental, Multi-Sensor Data, Schönsee et al.
01485 An Optimum Mix Design Method for 3D Concrete Printing Applications, Sergis et al.
01486 3D Printing in Construction, Mixture Characteristics, Strength, and Thermal Performance-Review, Shenawa et al.
01487 Sustainable Non-Conventional Concrete 3D Printing: A Review, Singh et al.
01488 Bond Between Layers of Cementitious Mortars Developed for 3D Printing, Soares et al.
01489 Set-on-Demand of Alkali-Activated Slag Mixture Using Twin-Pipe Pumping, Tao et al.
01490 Rheological Behavior of 3D Printable Bio-Concretes Produced with Rice Husk, Tinoco et al.
01491 Recent Advancements and Future Trends in 3D Printing Concrete Using Waste Materials, Tu et al.
01492 A Novel Approach for 3D Printing Fiber-Reinforced Mortars, Ungureanu et al.
01493 Lessons Learned of Project Milestone: The First 3D Printed Concrete House in the Netherlands, Wolfs et al.
01494 Mix Design and 3D Printing Correlation Performance of PCC-Based 3DPM, Xu et al.
01495 Effects of Additives on the Mechanical Properties, Rheology, and Printing Properties of PCC Based 3DPMs, Xu et al.
01496 Fiber-Reinforced Clay: An Exploratory Study on Automated Thread Insertion for Enhanced Structural Integrity in LDM., Yang et al.
01497 Experimental Workflow Implementation for Automatic Detection of Filament Deviation in 3D Robotic Printing Process, Yang et al.
01498 An Integrated Method of Topological Optimization and Path Design for 3D Concrete Printing, Yang et al.
01499 3D Printed Concrete Walls Reinforced with Flexible FRP Textile: Automatic Construction, Digital Rebuilding, and Seismic Performance, Zhang et al.
01500 Development of an Innovative 3D-Printing Process for Reinforced Concrete: AMoRC Method, Zhang et al.
01501 Cyclic Behavior of Unbonded Post-Tensioned Precast Segmental Concrete Columns Fabricated by 3D Printed Concrete Permanent Formwork, Zhang et al.
01502 Potenzial von 3D gedruckten Stahlfaserbetonbauteilen zum Schutz kritischer Infrastruktur: Beschuss‐ und Freifallversuche, Zohrabyan et al.


01503 Top Challenges to Widespread 3D Concrete Printing (3DCP) Adoption: A Review, Ambily et al.
01504 Wet Joint Performance of 3D Printed Concrete Beam Segments Under Flexural Loading, Aramburu et al.
01505 3D Printed Concrete: A Comprehensive Review of Raw Material’s Properties, Synthesis, Performance, and Potential Field Applications, Bhushan Jindal et al.
01506 Influence of Carbonated Bottom Slag Granules in 3D Concrete Printing, Butkutė et al.
01507 Enhancing the Workforce in Construction: Robotic Concrete Printing in Detroit, Codarin
01508 Material Characteristics of 3D Printed Concrete Subjected to Highly Dynamic Loading, Dijkers et al.
01509 Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Interlayer Regions in Extrusion-Based 3D Printed Concrete: A Critical Review, Ding et al.
01510 Environmental Evaluation of 3D Printed Concrete Walls Considering the Life Cycle Perspective in the Context of Social Housing, Fernandez et al.
01511 Performance Analysis of 3D Concrete Printing Processes Through Discrete-Event Simulation, Forcael et al.
01512 Off-Site Construction with 3D Concrete Printing, Haar et al.
01513 Effect of Magnetorheological Additives on the Buildability of 3D Concrete Printing, Kanagasuntharam et al.
01514 Life Cycle Assessment of Additive Manufacturing Processes: A Review, Kokare et al.
01515 3D Printing Facades: Design, Fabrication, and Assessment Methods, Leschok et al.
01516 PneuPrint: 3D Printing on Inflatables, Lin et al.
01517 Effect of Nanostructured Silica Additives on the Extrusion-Based 3D Concrete Printing Application, Liu et al.
01518 Unveiling Pore Formation and Its Influence on Micromechanical Property and Stress Distribution of 3D Printed Foam Concrete Modified with Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose and Silica Fume, Liu et al.
01519 Sandwich-Structured Porous Concrete Manufactured by Mortar-Extrusion and Aggregate-Bed 3D Printing, Lyu et al.
01520 Key Barriers to the Adoption of 3D Printing Innovation in Construction: A Review of Empirical Studies, Mogaji et al.
01521 Assessment of Pore Structure Characteristics and Tortuosity of 3D Printed Concrete Using Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry and X-Ray Tomography, Mohan et al.
01522 Computational Analysis of Yield Stress Buildup and Stability of Deposited Layers in Material Extrusion Additive Manufacturing, Mollah et al.
01523 Development of Alkali-Activated 3D Printable Concrete: A Review, Mujeeb et al.
01524 Effects of Superabsorbent Polymers (SAP) On the Rheological Behavior of Cement Mortars: A Rheological Study on Performance Requirements for 3D Printable Cementitious Materials, Oh et al.
01525 Determining the Effect of Superabsorbent Polymers, Macrofibers, and Resting Time on the Rheological Properties of Cement Mortar Using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA): A 3D Printing Perspective, Oh et al.
01526 3D-Printable Concrete for Energy-Efficient Buildings, Samudrala et al.
01527 Effect of Coarse Aggregate Content on the Rheological and Buildability Properties of 3D Printable Concrete, Sasikumar et al.
01528 The Influence of Print Path on Early-Age Plastic Bearing Capacity and Mechanical Behavior of 3D Printed Concrete: A Novel Approach for Practical Applications, Shahzad et al.
01529 Gradientenbeton 2.0: Ressourcenoptimierung durch Kombination von Hohlkörperbauweise und Trajektorienbewehrung, Sobek et al.
01530 Properties and Microstructures of 3D Printable Sulphoaluminate Cement Concrete Containing Industrial By-Products and Nano Clay, Sun et al.
01531 Enhancing Mechanical Performance of Twin-Pipe Printable Concrete Using a Binary Binder System, Tao et al.
01532 3D Printing of Ordinary Portland Cement with Waste Wood Derived Biochar Obtained from Gasification, Vergara et al.
01533 Inclined 3D Concrete Printing: Build-up Prediction and Early-Age Performance Optimization, Wang et al.


01534 Three-Dimensional, Printable Paving Stone: A Preliminary Study, Arslan et al.
01535 Workability and Hardened Properties of 3D Printed Engineered Cementitious Composites Incorporating Recycled Sand and PE Fibers, Bai et al.
01536 Logistic Cost Analysis for 3D Printing Construction Projects Using a Multi-Stage Network-Based Approach, Besklubova et al.
01537 Path Planning for Graded Concrete Element Fabrication, Blagojevic et al.
01538 Flexural and Shear Behavior of 3D Printed Reinforced Concrete Beams: An Experimental Study, Budiman et al.
01539 3D-Printed Concrete Permanent Formwork: Effect of Postcast Concrete Proportion on Interface Bonding, Chen et al.
01540 Performance, Applications, and Sustainability of 3D-Printed Cement and Other Geomaterials, Cruz et al.
01541 Seismic Design Methodology for 3D Printed Concrete Buildings, Delavar et al.
01542 Probabilistic Prediction of Structural Failure During 3D Concrete Printing Processes, Diab et al.
01543 Limes with Hydraulic Properties for 3D Printing Mortars, Dias et al.
01544 Intelligent Design and Manufacturing of Ultra-High Performance Concrete (UHPC): A Review, Fan et al.
01545 Additive Fertigung im Betonbau: Wege zur Umsetzung in der Ingenieurpraxis, Fischer et al.
01546 Study on Preparation and Rheological Properties of 3D Printed Pre-Foaming Concrete, Gao et al.
01547 A Review on the Application of 3D Printing Technology in Pavement Maintenance, Gong et al.
01548 Fracture and Transport Analysis of Heterogeneous 3D-Printed Lamellar Cementitious Materials, Gupta et al.
01549 Thixotropic Characterisation of Slag Modified 3D Printable Metakaolin Based Geopolymer Composite, Jaji et al.
01550 Incorporation of Forest Biomass-Based Fly Ash in Cement for 3D Printing, Joshi et al.
01551 3D Printing of Circular Materials: Comparative Environmental Analysis of Materials and Construction Techniques, Khan et al.
01552 Investigation on the Flexural and Tensile Performance of 3D Printable Cementitious Mixtures Considering the Effect of Fiber Distribution, Kumar Devalla et al.
01553 Fabrication of Reinforced 3D Concrete Printing Formwork, Luo et al.
01554 Inner Damage Identification and Residual Strength Assessment of a 3D Printed Tunnel with Marble-Like Cementitious Materials Using Piezoelectric Transducers, Ma et al.
01555 Inline Reinforcement of Steel Cable in 3D Concrete Printing, Maurya et al.
01556 3D Printing of Limestone-Calcined Clay Cement: A Review of Its Potential Implementation in the Construction Industry, Noaimat et al.
01557 A Novel Lightweight Mechanism for 3D Printing of Cementitious Materials, Nodehi et al.
01558 3D Printing of Geopolymer Mortar: Overview of the Effect of Mix Design and Printing Parameters on the Strength, Paul et al.
01559 3D Concrete Printed Houses: Barriers to Adoption and Construction Practices, Peav et al.
01560 3D Printing Concrete Containing Thermal Responsive Gelatin: Towards Cold Environment Applications, Qu et al.
01561 Using Fibre Recovered from Face Mask Waste to Improve Printability in 3D Concrete Printing, Rajeev et al.
01562 Effects of Different Types of Fibers on Fresh and Hardened Properties of Cement and Geopolymer-Based 3D Printed Mixtures: A Review, Ramezani et al.
01563 Nanomaterials as Promising Additives for High-Performance 3D-Printed Concrete: A Critical Review, Razzaghian Ghadikolaee et al.
01564 3D Concrete Printed Construction: Building the Future of Housing, Layer-by-Layer, Rekhi et al.
01565 Determination of Optimum VMA Utilization Dosage in Cementitious Systems: In Terms of Rheological and Flowability Properties, Şahin et al.
01566 2D Stationary Computational Printing of Cement-Based Pastes with Time-Dependent Rheology, Salam Mohammad et al.
01567 Effect of Particle Size and Shape on Wall Slip of Highly Filled Powder Feedstocks for Material Extrusion and Powder Injection Molding, Sanetrnik et al.
01568 Effects of Different Orientation Angle, Size, Surface Roughness, and Heat Curing on Mechanical Behavior of 3D Printed Cement Mortar with and without Glass Fiber in Powder-Based 3DP, Shakor et al.
01569 Structural Characterization of Several Cement-Based Materials Containing Chemical Additives with Potential Application in Additive Manufacturing, Simedru et al.
01570 3D Printing for Construction: A Systematic Review of Its Sustainability, Simioni et al.
01571 Interfacial Weakness Criterion by Indentation in 3D Printed Concrete, Taleb et al.
01572 Adhesion Studies in View of Automated Repair Using 3D Concrete Printing, Tao et al.
01573 Interpretable Machine Learning for Predicting the Strength of 3D Printed Fiber-Reinforced Concrete (3DP-FRC), Uddin et al.
01574 Composite Alkali-Activated Materials with Waste Tire Rubber Designed for Additive Manufacturing: An Eco-Sustainable and Energy Saving Approach, Valente et al.
01575 DoE Approach to Setting Input Parameters for Digital 3D Printing of Concrete for Coarse Aggregates up to 8 mm, Vespalec et al.
01576 3D Printed Concrete Blocks Made with Sustainable Recycled Material, Volpe et al.
01577 Global Continuous Path Planning for 3D Concrete Printing Multi-Branched Structure, Wan et al.
01578 Size Effects in Cavern Model Tests Based on 3D Printing, Wang et al.
01579 Effects of Fiber Volume Fraction, Fiber Length, Water-Binder Ratio, and Nanoclay Addition on the 3D Printability of Strain-Hardening Cementitious Composites (SHCC), Xu et al.
01580 Investigation of the Rheological and Mechanical Properties of 3D Printed Eco-Friendly Concrete with Steel Slag, Yu et al.
01581 Data Image Correlation Analysis of the Destruction Process of 3D Printable Layered Beams Subjected to the 3-Point Bending Process, Zbyszyński et al.
01582 Development of Low-Carbon Materials from GGBS and Clay Brick Powder for 3D Concrete Printing, Zhao et al.


01583 Using Micro-XRF to Characterize Chloride Ingress Through Cold Joints in 3D Printed Concrete, Anleu et al.
01584 Performance of 3D Printed Columns Using Self-Sensing Cementitious Composites, Atkinson et al.
01585 In Situ Resource Utilization and Reconfiguration of Soils into Construction Materials for the Additive Manufacturing of Buildings, Bajpayee et al.
01586 Rivet Reinforcement for Concrete Printing, Bester et al.
01587 Developing 3D Printable and Buildable Limestone Calcined Clay-Based Cement Composites with Higher Aggregate Content, Bhattacherjee et al.
01588 Finding Optimized Conditions for 3D Printed High Calcium Fly Ash Based Alkali-Activated Mortar, Chaiyotha et al.
01589 Investigation of the Internal Structure of Hardened 3D-Printed Concrete by X-CT Scanning and Its Influence on the Mechanical Performance, Chen et al.
01590 Imprinting Concrete Graded Transparency in 3D Concrete Printing Walls, Chen et al.
01591 A Review of the Extruder System Design for Large-Scale Extrusion-Based 3D Concrete Printing, Chen et al.
01592 3D Printed Concrete with Coarse Aggregates: Built‒in‒Stirrup Permanent Concrete Formwork for Reinforced Columns, Chen et al.
01593 Study of 3D Printed Concrete with Low-Carbon Cementitious Materials Based on Its Rheological Properties and Mechanical Performances, Cui et al.
01594 Investigation on the Microstructure of a 3D-Printed Mortar Through a Novel Leaching-Subsidiary Tomography, Cui et al.
01595 Computational Modeling of Fiber Orientation During 3D-Concrete-Printing, Daadouch et al.
01596 A Study into the Effect of Material Deposition Methods on Hardened Properties of 3D Printed Concrete, Dey et al.
01597 Simulation on Pull-Out Performance of Steel Bar from 3D-Printed Concrete, Ding et al.
01598 Implementation of a Surrogate Model for a Novel Path‐based Finite Element Simulation for Additive Manufacturing Processes in Construction, Ekanayaka et al.
01599 3D Construction Printing Standing for Sustainability and Circularity: Material-Level Opportunities, Fonseca et al.
01600 Effect of Varying Shear Rates at Different Resting Times on the Rheology of 3D Printable Concrete, Giridhar et al.
01601 Improving the Overhang of 3D-Printed Concrete Shells by Wrinkle Structures, Huang et al.
01602 Structural Design and Testing of Material Optimized Ribbed RC Slabs with 3D Printed Formwork, Huber et al.
01603 Influence of Effective Microorganisms on the Rheology and Fresh State Properties of SCMs-Based Concrete for Digital Fabrication, Ibrahim et al.
01604 Influence of Limestone Calcined Clay Cement on Properties of 3D Printed Concrete for Sustainable Construction, Ibrahim et al.
01605 Concrete 3D Printing: Challenges and Opportunities for the Construction Industry, Kazemian et al.
01606 Buildability Analysis of 3D Concrete Printing Process: A Parametric Study Using Design of Experiment Approach, Khan et al.
01607 Effects of Viscosity Modifying Admixture and Nanoclay on Fresh and Rheo-Viscoelastic Properties and Printability Characteristics of Cementitious Composites, Kilic et al.
01608 Investigating the Poisson Ratio of 3D Printed Concrete, Kruger et al.
01609 Improving Homogeneity of 3D-Printed Cementitious Material Distribution for Radial Toolpath, Li et al.
01610 Flexural Performance of 3D-Printed Composite Beams with ECC and Recycled Fine Aggregate Concrete: Experimental and Numerical Analysis, Liu et al.
01611 Effects of Interval Time and Interfacial Agents on the Mechanical Characteristics of Ultra-High Toughness Cementitious Composites Under 3D-Printed Technology, Luo et al.
01612 Upcycling of Waste Plasterboard for the Synthesis of High-Quality Gypsum-Based 3D Printing Powder, Ma et al.
01613 Quantification of Plastic Shrinkage and Plastic Shrinkage Cracking of the 3D Printable Concretes Using 2D Digital Image Correlation, Markin et al.
01614 Additive Manufacturing of Concrete: Challenges and Opportunities, Nair et al.
01615 Assessing the Robustness of Cement-Hydrogel-Based Binders as 3D Printing Materials, Onanuga et al.
01616 Material Design, Additive Manufacturing, and Performance of Cement-Based Materials, Panda et al.
01617 Concrete 3D Printing: Process Parameters for Process Control, Monitoring and Diagnosis in Automation and Construction, Quah et al.
01618 Development of Additive for Concrete 3D Printer by Using Local Materials, Qureshi et al.
01619 Influence of Test Protocol on Determining the Rheological Properties of Cement Pastes Mixtures for Concrete 3D Printing, Ravichandran et al.
01620 Computational Modeling of Fiber Orientation During 3D-Concrete-Printing, Reinold et al.
01621 Mechanical Properties of 3D Printed Concrete with Coarse Aggregates and Polypropylene Fiber in the Air and Underwater Environment, Seo et al.
01622 Evaluation of Mechanical Properties and Anisotropy of 3D Printed Concrete at Different Temperatures, Sun et al.
01623 The Application of Finite Element Simulation and 3D Printing in Structural Design within Construction Industry 4.0, Tahmasebinia et al.
01624 Particle-Bed 3D Printing by Selective Cement Activation: Influence of Process Parameters on Particle-Bed Density, Talke et al.
01625 Framework of 3D Concrete Printing Potential and Challenges, Tamimi et al.
01626 Twin-Pipe Pumping Strategy for Stiffening Control of 3D Printable Concrete: From Transportation to Fabrication, Tao et al.
01627 Prediction of Rheological Parameters of 3D Printed Polypropylene Fiber-Reinforced Concrete (3DP-PPRC) By Machine Learning, Uddin et al.
01628 Experimental Study on Interfacial Shear Behavior of 3D Printed Recycled Mortar, Wang et al.
01629 Shrinkage and Cracking Performance of PP/PVA Fiber-Reinforced 3D-Printed Mortar, Wang et al.
01630 Extrusion to Masoning: Robotic 3D Concrete Printing of Concrete Shells as Building Floor System, Wu et al.
01631 3D Printed Concrete with Recycled Sand: Pore Structures and Triaxial Compression Properties, Wu et al.
01632 AI-Based Performance Prediction for 3D-Printed Concrete Considering Anisotropy and Steam Curing Condition, Yao et al.
01633 Photocatalysis of Functionalised 3D Printed Cementitious Materials, Zahabizadeh et al.


01634 On the 3D Printing of Reinforced Concrete, Allameh et al.
01635 Parametric Modelling of 3D Printed Concrete Segmented Beams with Rebars Under Bending Moments, Aramburu et al.
01636 Experimental and Numerical Assessments of New Concrete Dry Connections Concerning Potentials of Robotic CNC Manufacturing Technique, Baghdadi et al.
01637 Construction 3D Printing: A Critical Review and Future Research Directions, Baigarina et al.
01638 3D Printing for Remote Housing: Benefits and Challenges, Bazli et al.
01639 Mineral Composites: Stay-in-Place Formwork for Concrete Using Foam 3D Printing, Bedarf et al.
01640 Promoting the Use of Fe-Rich Slag in Construction: Development of a Hybrid Binder for 3D Printing, Beersaerts et al.
01641 Eggshell Pavilion: A Reinforced Concrete Structure Fabricated Using Robotically 3D Printed Formwork, Burger et al.
01642 Early-Age Creep of 3D Printable Mortar: Experiments and Analytical Modelling, Chang et al.
01643 Can Superabsorbent Polymers Be Used as Rheology Modifiers for Cementitious Materials in the Context of 3D Concrete Printing, Chen et al.
01644 Improving Building Thermal Comfort Through Passive Design: An Experimental Analysis of Phase Change Material 3D Printed Concrete, Christen et al.
01645 Towards Development of Sustainable Lightweight 3D Printed Wall Building Envelopes: Experimental and Numerical Studies, Cuevas et al.
01646 Rheological and Mechanical Properties of 3D Printable Alkali-Activated Slag Mixtures with Addition of Nano Clay, Dai et al.
01647 3D Printing Has Untapped Potential for Climate Mitigation in the Cement Sector, Gangotra et al.
01648 Research Status and Prospect of Machine Learning in Construction 3D Printing, Geng et al.
01649 Performance and Macrostructural Characterization of 3D Printed Steel Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Materials, Giwa et al.
01650 Printing Quality Control of Cement-Based Materials Under Flow and Rest Conditions, Harbouz et al.
01651 Cement Composites with Carbon-Based Nanomaterials for 3D Concrete Printing Applications: A Review, Inayath Basha et al.
01652 Review of Rheology in Cement-Based Materials and Its Application to 3D Printing Using Concrete, Ishida et al.
01653 The Potential of 3D Printing in Building Pathology: Rehabilitation of Cultural Heritage, Jesus et al.
01654 Optimisation of Mix Proportion of 3D Printable Mortar Based on Rheological Properties and Material Strength Using Factorial Design of Experiment, Kaushik et al.
01655 Developing Low-pH 3D Printing Concrete Using Solid Wastes, Li et al.
01656 The Printable and Hardened Properties of Nano-Calcium Carbonate with Modified Polypropylene Fibers for Cement-Based 3D Printing, Liu et al.
01657 3D Printing Concrete with Recycled Sand: The Influence Mechanism of Extruded Pore Defects on Constitutive Relationship, Liu et al.
01658 In-Crease: Less Concrete More Paper, Lloret-Fritschi et al.
01659 Magnesium Phosphate Cement for Powder-Based 3D Concrete Printing: Systematic Evaluation and Optimization of Printability and Printing Quality, Ma et al.
01660 3D Claying: 3D Printing and Recycling Clay, Madrid et al.
01661 Compressive Behavior of 3D Printed Concrete with Different Printing Paths and Concrete Ages, Pan et al.
01662 A Multiscale Model for Quantifying Fiber Orientation Effects on the Tensile Properties of 3D Printed Engineered Cementitious Composites (3DP-ECC), Pang et al.
01663 Approach for Sustainability Assessment for Footbridge Construction Technologies: Application to the First World D-Shape 3D-Printed Fiber-Reinforced Mortar Footbridge in Madrid, Pons-Valladares et al.
01664 Application of 3D Printing Concepts in the Architecture Engineering and Construction (AEC) Industry: A Scientometric Review, Prasad et al.
01665 Set-on-Demand 3D Concrete Printing (3DCP) Construction and Potential Outcome of Shotcrete Accelerators on Its Hardened Properties, Rehman et al.
01666 Mechanical Properties, Durability Performance and Interlayer Adhesion of 3DPC Mixtures: A State‐of‐the‐art Review, Şahin et al.
01667 Development of a Calcium Sulfoaluminate-Portland Cement Binary System for Twin-Pipe 3D Concrete Printing, Tao et al.
01668 Extending 3D Concrete Printing to Hard Rock Tunnel Linings: Adhesion of Fresh Cementitious Materials for Different Surface Inclinations, Tao et al.
01669 Design for Manufacture and Assembly of Digital Fabrication and Additive Manufacturing in Construction: A Review, Tuvayanond et al.
01670 Mechanical Properties of 3D Printed Mortar Cured by CO2, Wang et al.
01671 Effects of the Distribution of Solid Particles on the Rheological Properties and Buildability of 3DPM Fresh Pastes with Different FA/GGBFS Content, Xu et al.
01672 Environmental Profile of 3D Concrete Printing Technology in Desert Areas via Life Cycle Assessment, Zhang et al.


01673 A Review of 3D Concrete Printing: Materials and Process Characterization, Economic Considerations and Environmental Sustainability, Ahmed
01674 Robotic 3D Printing of Concrete Building Components for Residential Buildings in Saudi Arabia, Alabbasi et al.
01675 Elevated Temperature Effects on 3D Printed Ultra-High Performance Concrete, Arunothayan et al.
01676 Experimental and Numerical Assessments of New Concrete Dry Connections concerning Potentials of the Robotic Subtractive Manufacturing Technique, Baghdadi et al.
01677 Development of Nanofiber Reinforced Reactive Magnesia-Based Composites for 3D Printing, Chu et al.
01678 Development of Cementitious Mortars for Aerial Additive Manufacturing, Dams et al.
01679 Synergistic Effects of the Use of Metakaolin, Sand and Water on the Properties of Cementitious Composites for 3D Printing, Diniz et al.
01680 Experimental and Numerical Investigation of an Innovative 3DPC Thin-Shell Structure, Du et al.
01681 Structural Behaviour of Post-Installed Reinforcement for 3D Concrete Printed Shells: A Case Study on Water Tanks, Gebhard et al.
01682 Development of Concrete Mixes for 3D Printing Using Simple Tools and Techniques, Giridhar et al.
01683 Use of Waste Materials to Reduce Cement and Natural Aggregates in 3D Printing Mortars, Jesus et al.
01684 Influence of Limestone Filler on Technological Parameters of Mixtures for 3D Concrete Printing, Joon et al.
01685 Energy Simulation and Life Cycle Assessment of a 3D Printable Building, Khalili Tari et al.
01686 Experimental Application of Robotic Wire-and-Arc Additive Manufacturing Technique for Strengthening the I-Beam Profiles, Kloft et al.
01687 Nanomechanical Characterization of 3D Printed Cement Pastes, Kosson et al.
01688 Giving Shape and Functionality to the Matter: Digital Construction, Lootens
01689 Impact of Unique Mixing Methodology on Macro and Microstructural Characteristics of Concrete Containing Slag and Fly Ash, Malipeddi et al.
01690 Methods for Measuring Plastic Shrinkage and Related Cracking of 3D-Printed Concrete, Markin et al.
01691 Architectonic Cement-Based Composites 3D Printing, Matos et al.
01692 Analysis of Object Deformations Printed by Extrusion of Concrete Mixtures Using 3D Scanning, Mendřický et al.
01693 Mechanical Properties of Fiber-Reinforced Cementitious Composites Manufactured Using 3D-Printing Technology, Ogura et al.
01694 A Prototype Low-Carbon Segmented Concrete Shell Building Floor System, Oval et al.
01695 A New Concept for Large Additive Manufacturing in Construction: Tower Crane-Based 3D Printing Controlled by Deep Reinforcement Learning, Parisi et al.
01696 3D Concrete Printing of Eco-Friendly Geopolymer Containing Brick Waste, Pasupathy et al.
01697 Comparison Between Mono- and Bi-Component Extruders in Concrete Additive Manufacturing, Poudelet et al.
01698 A Review of Concrete 3D Printed Structural Members, Raphael et al.
01699 Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of 3D Concrete Printing and Casting Processes for Cementitious Materials Incorporating Ground Waste Tire Rubber, Sambucci et al.
01700 The Effects of 3D Printing on Frost Resistance of Concrete, Spuriņa et al.
01701 Anisotropic Chloride Transport in 3D Printed Concrete and Its Dependence on Layer Height and Interface Types, Surehali et al.
01702 Multi-Scale Mechanical Characterization of the Interface in 3D Printed Concrete, Taleb et al.
01703 How 3DPC Will Transform Architectural Design, Teixeira et al.
01704 Simplified Assessment for One-Part 3D-Printable Geopolymer Concrete Based on Slump and Slump Flow Measurements, Tran et al.
01705 Comparative Analysis of Concrete 3D Printing and Conventional Construction Technique for Housing, Vijayalaxmi et al.
01706 Buildability Assessment of Mortar with Fine Recycled Aggregates for 3D Printing, Vlieger et al.
01707 Digital Twin Applications in 3D Concrete Printing, Wang et al.
01708 Integrated Lightweight Design Method via Structural Optimization and Path Planning for Material Extrusion, Xia et al.
01709 Rheology of 3D Printable Concrete Prepared by Secondary Mixing of Ready-Mix Concrete, Xiao et al.
01710 Effect of Layer Orientation on Behaviour of 3D-Printed Rock Specimens in Indirect Tensile Testing, Yang et al.
01711 Rate Dependent Behaviour of 3D Printed Ultra-High Performance Fibre-Reinforced Concrete Under Dynamic Splitting Tensile, Yang et al.
01712 Extrusion Nozzle Design and Print Parameter Selections for 3D Concrete Printing, Zhang et al.
01713 Effect of Roughness and Adhesive on the Strength of Concrete-to-Concrete Interfaces Cast from 3D-Printed Prefabricated Plastic Formworks, Zhao et al.
01714 SHCC Reinforced 3D Printed Concrete, Zijl et al.


01715 Assessing Printing Synergism in a Dual 3D Printing System for Ultra-High Performance Concrete In-Process Reinforced Cementitious Composite, Bai et al.
01716 Comparative Review of the Technology and Case Studies of 3D Concrete Printing of Buildings by Several Companies, Bello et al.
01717 Digitally Fabricated Weak Interfaces to Reduce Minimum Reinforcement in Concrete Structures, Bischof et al.
01718 Stability of Three-Dimensional Printable Foam Concrete as Function of Surfactant Characteristics, Boddepalli et al.
01719 Displacement Analysis of Large-Scale Robotic Arm for Printing Cement Mortar Using Photogrammetry, Břoušek et al.
01720 A Brief Review of 3D Printed Concrete, Cao et al.
01721 Modeling and Optimizing the Effect of 3D Printed Origami Bubble Aggregate on the Mechanical and Deformation Properties of Rubberized ECC, Choo et al.
01722 Powder-Bed-Based 3D Printing with Cement for Sustainable Casting, Chun et al.
01723 Harnessing Plastic Deformation in Porous 3D Printed Ceramic Light Screens, Clarke-Hicks et al.
01724 Effectiveness of Polymer Additives in Concrete for 3D Concrete Printing Using Fly Ash, Dvorkin et al.
01725 Rheological Property and Extrudability Performance Assessment of Construction and Demolition Waste-Based Geopolymer Mortars with Varied Testing Protocols, İlcan et al.
01726 Tensile Strain-Hardening Cementitious Composites and Its Practical Exploration Without Reinforcement: A Review, Jiang et al.
01727 An Overview for Modern Energy-Efficient Solutions for Lunar and Martian Habitats Made Based on Geopolymers Composites and 3D Printing Technology, Korniejenko et al.
01728 Additively Manufactured Urban Multispecies Façades for Building Renovation, Larikova et al.
01729 Improvement of 3D Printing Cement-Based Material Process: Parameter Experiment and Analysis, Li et al.
01730 Multiscale Structural Characteristics and Heat–Moisture Properties of 3D Printed Building Walls: A Review, Li et al.
01731 The Evolution of the Rheological Behavior of Hydrating Cement Systems: Combining Constitutive Modeling with Rheometry, Calorimetry and Mechanical Analyses, Miranda et al.
01732 Additive Formwork: Examining Design, Fabrication Space and Resolution for Bespoke Concrete Elements, Naboni et al.
01733 Automated Image Segmentation of 3D Printed Fibrous Composite Micro-Structures Using a Neural Network, Nefs et al.
01734 A Review of 3D Printing Low-Carbon Concrete with One-Part Geopolymer: Engineering, Environmental and Economic Feasibility, Noaimat et al.
01735 Prvok: Issue on 3D Printing Concrete Building, Nováková et al.
01736 Development of Alternative Cementitious Binders for 3D Printing Applications: A Critical Review of Progress, Advantages and Challenges, Peng et al.
01737 Vorüberlegungen bei der Anwendung robotischer Systeme: Eine baubetriebliche Untersuchung für den Beton-3D-Druck, Placzek et al.
01738 Research Progress on Aligned Fiber Reinforced Cement-Based Composites, Qing et al.
01739 3D Printing with Cementitious Materials: Challenges and Opportunities for the Construction Sector, Robayo-Salazar et al.
01740 Earth-Based Additive Manufacturing: A Field-Oriented Methodology for Evaluating Material Printability, Rückrich et al.
01741 3D Cement Printing: DFMA Guideline of Patterned Load-Bearing Walls for Small Residential Units, Sadakorn et al.
01742 Development of 3D Concrete Printing Using Additive Manufacturing Processes for Construction and Building Industry, Shanmugan et al.
01743 Research on the Preparation and Mechanical Properties of Solidified 3D Printed Concrete Materials, Shen et al.
01744 Printability, Thermal and Compressive Strength Properties of Cementitious Materials: A Comparative Study with Silica Fume and Limestone, Srinivas et al.
01745 The Use of Rice Husk Particles to Adjust the Rheological Properties of 3D Printable Cementitious Composites Through Water Sorption, Tinoco et al.
01746 Influence of 3D-Printable Sustainable Concrete and Industrial Waste on Industry 5.0, Uddin
01747 Overview of 3D Construction Printing and Future Perspectives: A Review of Technology, Companies and Research Progression, Volpe et al.
01748 Effects of Nozzle Details on Print Quality and Hardened Properties of Underwater 3D Printed Concrete, Yang et al.
01749 Nozzle Criteria for Enhancing Extrudability, Buildability and Interlayer Bonding in 3D Printing Concrete, Yang et al.
01750 Influence of the Printing Direction and Age on the Mechanical Properties of 3D Printed Concrete: Correction, Zahabizadeh et al.
01751 Computational Optimization of 3D-Printed Concrete Walls for Improved Building Thermal Performance, Zahrani et al.
01752 Influence of the Pore Feature on the Water Uptake in 3D Printed Concrete, Zhang et al.
01753 Application and Development of Autonomous Robots in Concrete Construction: Challenges and Opportunities, Zhao et al.
01754 Investigation on the Applicability of Bauxite Tailings as Fine Aggregate to Prepare 3D Printing Mortar, Zhou et al.
01755 Effects of Composite Cementation System on Rheological and Working Performances of Fresh 3D-Printable Engineered Cementitious Composites, Zhu et al.


01756 CFD Modelling of Mortar Extrusion and Path Planning Strategy at the Corner for 3D Concrete Printing, Abbaoui et al.
01757 Use of Nitinol-Shape Memory Alloy in the Reinforcement of 3D Concrete Printing Industry, Ahadi et al.
01758 Reinforcements in 3D Printing Concrete Structures, Alonso-Cañon et al.
01759 Rheological Characterization of Ultra-High Performance Concrete for 3D Printing, Arunothayan et al.
01760 Design and Evaluation of Additive Manufactured Highly Efficient Inclined-Wing Type Continuous Mixer, Baek et al.
01761 Criticality of Binder-Aggregate Interaction for Buildability of 3D Printed Concrete Containing Limestone Calcined Clay, Bhattacherjee et al.
01762 Experimental Study of Hybrid Manufacture of Printing and Cast-in-Process to Reinforce 3D-Printed Concrete, Cao et al.
01763 Phase Change Material Infused Recycled Brick Aggregate in 3D Printed Concrete, Christen et al.
01764 3D-Concrete Printing: Graded Concrete Extrusion, Dahlenburg et al.
01765 Electrical Conductive Properties of 3D-Printed Concrete Composite with Carbon Nanofibers, Goracci et al.
01766 Continuous Mobile Thin-Layer On-Site Printing, Jenny et al.
01767 Novel 3D Printing Phase Change Aggregate Concrete: Mechanical and Thermal Properties Analysis, Jiang et al.
01768 BIM-Integrated Thermal Analysis and Building Energy Modeling in 3D-Printed Residential Buildings, Kamel et al.
01769 Mechanical Properties and Pore Structure of Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube-Reinforced Reactive Powder Concrete for Three-Dimensional Printing Manufactured by Material Extrusion, Kan et al.
01770 Study of Particle Packing and Paste Rheology in Alkali Activated Mixtures to Meet the Rheology Demands of 3D Concrete Printing: Correction, Kondepudi et al.
01771 3D Concrete Printing Technology: Implementing Tasks in Ukraine, Kulaienko et al.
01772 Modelling the Influence of Material and Process Parameters on Shotcrete 3D Printed Strands: Cross-Section Adjustment for Automatic Robotic Manufacturing, Lachmayer et al.
01773 Design of a Novel Cable-Driven Parallel Robot for 3D Printing Building Construction, Lee et al.
01774 Digital Design and Parametric Study of 3D Concrete Printing on Non-Planar Surfaces, Li et al.
01775 Pragmatic Design Decision Support for Additive Construction Using Formal Knowledge and Its Prospects for Synergy with a Feedback Mechanism, Li et al.
01776 Mechanical Performance Optimization in Spray-Based Three-Dimensional-Printed Mortar Using Carbon Fiber, Liu et al.
01777 Investigations of Nozzle Configuration and Process Parameters on Porosity Formation of the 3D Printed Structure, Liu et al.
01778 Review on the Developments of Structure, Construction Automation, and Monitoring of Intelligent Construction, Liu et al.
01779 U-Type Steel Wire Mesh for the Flexural Performance Enhancement of 3D Printed Concrete: A Novel Reinforcing Approach, Liu et al.
01780 Mechanism and Design of Fluid Catalytic Cracking Ash-Blended Cementitious Composites for High Performance Printing, Lu et al.
01781 Properties of 3D Printing Fiber-Reinforced Geopolymers Based on Interlayer Bonding and Anisotropy, Lv et al.
01782 An Approach of Path Optimization Algorithm for 3D Concrete Printing Based on Graph Theory, Ma et al.
01783 Study of the Interaction of Cement-Based Materials for 3D Printing with Fly Ash and Superabsorbent Polymers, Melichar et al.
01784 On the Geometrical Origin of the Anisotropy in Extrusion-Based 3D Printed Structures, Mesnil et al.
01785 Modelling of 3D Concrete Printing Process: A Perspective on Material and Structural Simulations, Nguyen et al.
01786 Flow and Deformation Behaviors of Cementitious Materials through Nozzles with Different Geometric Parameters: Experimental and Numerical Approaches, Pan et al.
01787 Large-Scale 3D Printing for Construction Application by Means of Robotic Arm and Gantry 3D Printer: A Review, Puzatova et al.
01788 Waste-Based Biopolymer Slurry for 3D Printing Targeting Construction Elements, Rech et al.
01789 Life Cycle Assessment of a Concrete 3D Printing Process, Roux et al.
01790 Influence of Structuration Rate, with Hydration Accelerating Admixture, on the Physical and Mechanical Properties of Concrete for 3D Printing, Rubin et al.
01791 Optimum Selection of Reinforcement, Assembly, and Formwork System for Digital Fabrication Technique in Construction Industry: A Critical Review, Salaimanimagudam et al.
01792 Using Computer Vision for Monitoring the Quality of 3D-Printed Concrete Structures, Senthilnathan et al.
01793 Prospect and Barrier of 3D Concrete: A Systematic Review, Strohle et al.
01794 Experimental and Numerical Investigation of 3D-Printed Mortar Walls under Uniform Axial Compression, Tanapornraweekit et al.
01795 Towards Net Zero in 3DP for Building & Construction, Tay et al.
01796 A Road Map to Find in 3D Printing a New Design Plasticity for Construction: The State of Art, Teixeira et al.
01797 Structural Performance of Reinforced Concrete Beams with 3D Printed Cement-Based Sensor Embedded and Self-Sensing Cementitious Composites, Wang et al.
01798 Interfacial Properties of Three-Dimensional-Printed Permanent Formwork with Cast-in-Place Concrete, Wang et al.
01799 Artificial Reefs Built by 3D Printing: Systematisation in the Design, Material Selection and Fabrication, Yoris-Nobile et al.
01800 Hardened Fracture Characteristics of Printed Concrete Using Acoustic Emission Monitoring Technique, Yue et al.
01801 Printability and Pore Structure of 3D Printing Low Carbon Concrete Using Recycled Clay Brick Powder with Various Particle Features, Zhang et al.
01802 Enhancement of 3D Printed Cementitious Composite by Short Fibers: A Review, Zhou et al.


01803 Design and Fabrication of Optimised Ribbed Concrete Floor Slabs Using Large Scale 3D Printed Formwork, Burger et al.
01804 Integration of 3D Concrete Printing in the Construction Industry: A Short Review, Chandrasekar et al.
01805 Hydration Products, Pore Structure, and Compressive Strength of Extrusion-Based 3D Printed Cement Pastes Containing Nano Calcium Carbonate, Che et al.
01806 Feasibility Study of Using Desalination Brine to Control the Stiffness and Early-Age Hydration of 3D Printable Cementitious Materials, Chen et al.
01807 Early-Age Rheology and Hydration Control of Ternary Binders for 3D Printing Applications, Das et al.
01808 Mechanical Anisotropy Evaluation and Bonding Properties of 3D-Printable Construction and Demolition Waste-Based Geopolymer Mortars, Demiral et al.
01809 3D Printing Lightweight Aggregate Concrete Prepared with Shell-Packing-Aggregate Method: Printability, Mechanical Properties and Pore Structure, Deng et al.
01810 An Experimental Study of Thermal Performance of 3D Printed Concrete Slabs, Dey et al.
01811 3D-Printable Materials Made with Industrial By-Products: Formulation, Fresh and Hardened Properties, D'Haese et al.
01812 Flow Characteristics of Cement Mortar with Varied Silica Fume for Additive Construction, Diwan et al.
01813 Combined Additive Manufacturing Techniques for Adaptive Coastline Protection Structures, Dörrie et al.
01814 The New Standard Is Biodigital: Durable and Elastic 3D-Printed Biodigital Clay Bricks, Estévez et al.
01815 Geometric Feedback System for Robotic Spraying, Frangez et al.
01816 Development of Variable Residential Buildings with 3D-Printed Walls, García-Alvarado et al.
01817 A New Concept of Additive Manufacturing for the Regeneration of Existing Tunnels, Guanziroli et al.
01818 Cable Robotic 3D-Printing: Additive Manufacturing on the Construction Site, Hahlbrock et al.
01819 3D Printing in Sustainable Buildings: Systematic Review and Applications in the United Arab Emirates, Ibrahim et al.
01820 Numerical Modelling and Simulation for Extrusion-Based 3D Concrete Printing: The Underlying Physics, Potential, and Challenges, Khan et al.
01821 Study of the Influence of Sand on Rheological Properties, Bubble Features and Buildability of Fresh Foamed Concrete for 3D Printing, Liu et al.
01822 The Fresh and Hardened Properties of 3D Printing Cement-Base Materials with Self-Cleaning Nano-TiO2: An Exploratory Study, Liu et al.
01823 Thermal Modeling of the Convective Heat Transfer in the Large Air Cavities of the 3D Concrete Printed Walls, Mansouri et al.
01824 3D Mesoscale Analysis of Concrete Containing Defect Damages During Different Freeze-Thaw Cycles, Miao et al.
01825 In-Line Activation of Geopolymer Slurry for Concrete 3D Printing, Muthukrishnan et al.
01826 Modelling of 3D-Printed Bio-Inspired Bouligand Cementitious Structures Reinforced with Steel Fibres, Nguyen et al.
01827 The Unprecedented Role of 3D Printing Technology in Fighting the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Comprehensive Review, Niranjan et al.
01828 System Architecture and Design Parameters for Extrusion-based Autonomous Construction Systems, Patterson et al.
01829 3D Printed Geopolymer Composites: A Review, Qaidi et al.
01830 Thermal Response Gelatin-Cement-Composite for 3D Concrete Printing, Qu et al.
01831 The First 3D-Printed Building in Spain: A Study on Its Acoustic, Thermal and Environmental Performance, Salandin et al.
01832 Control and Electrical System Design Consideration for a 3D Concrete Printer, Septiansyah et al.
01833 Sustainable 3D Printed Mortar with CO2 Pretreated Recycled Fine Aggregates, Sun et al.
01834 3D Concrete Printing with Macro-Micro Robots, Walker et al.
01835 The Potential of 3D Printing in Facilitating Carbon Neutrality, Wang et al.
01836 Latest Development of 3D Printing Adopting Recycled Aggregate, Xiao et al.
01837 Differences in Micro Grain & Fiber Distributions between Matrix and Interlayer of Cementitious Filaments Affected by Extrusion Molding, Yang et al.
01838 Effects of Rheological Properties and Printing Speed on Molding Accuracy of 3D Printing Basalt Fiber Cementitious Materials, Zhao et al.


01839 Near-Net-Shape Extrusion and Milling of Complex Concrete Elements for the Production of Moulds, Abstoß et al.
01840 Studying Steel Fiber Reinforcement for 3D Printed Elements and Structures, Ahmed et al.
01841 3D Printing Effect on the Compressive Strength of Concrete Structures, Aramburu et al.
01842 Optimization of Building Floor Beam Layout by Optimization Algorithms Regarding the Concrete Printing Techniques, Baghdadi et al.
01843 Print-Path Design for Inclined-Plane Robotic 3D Printing of Unreinforced Concrete, Bhooshan et al.
01844 Rheology and Printability of Portland Cement Based Materials: A Review, Boddepalli et al.
01845 Method of Formulating 3D-Printable Strain-Hardening Alkali-Activated Composites for Additive Construction, Bong et al.
01846 Unraveling Pore Structure Alternations in 3D-Printed Geopolymer Concrete and Corresponding Impacts on Macro-Properties, Chen et al.
01847 Effect of Natural and Calcined Halloysite Clay Minerals as Low-Cost Additives on the Performance of 3D-Printed Alkali-Activated Materials, Chougan et al.
01848 The Effect of Wind on 3D Printed Concrete Interlayer Bond Strength Based on Machine Learning Algorithms, Cicione et al.
01849 Recycling of Flash-Calcined Dredged Sediment for Concrete 3D Printing, Daher et al.
01850 3D Printability of Ternary Portland Cement Mixes Containing Fly Ash and Limestone, Dey et al.
01851 Mechanical Properties and Self-Sensing Ability of Graphene-Mortar Compositions with Different Water Content for 3D Printing Applications, Dulaj et al.
01852 Testing Methods for Deformation Characterization on 3D Printed Carbon Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Composites, Engelhard et al.
01853 Development of Ultra-High-Performance Engineered Cementitious Composites for 3D Printing Applications, Game et al.
01854 Inline Monitoring of 3D Concrete Printing Using Computer Vision, García et al.
01855 Lightweight Reinforced Concrete Slab, Hansemann et al.
01856 Characterizing the Bond Properties of Automatically Placed Helical Reinforcement in 3D Printed Concrete, Hass et al.
01857 Increasing the Interlayer Strength of 3D Printed Concrete with Tooth-Like Interface: An Experimental and Theoretical Investigation, He et al.
01858 Rheological and Strength Characterisation of Limestone Calcined Clay Cement 3D Printed Concrete, Ibrahim et al.
01859 Automated Production of Textile Reinforced Concrete Modules for the Assembly of Shell Structures, Ivaniuk et al.
01860 Fresh Properties and Strength Evolution of Slag Modified Fibre-Reinforced Metakaolin-Based Geopolymer Composite for 3D Concrete Printing Application, Jaji et al.
01861 Robotic On-Site Adaptive Thin-Layer Printing: Challenges and Workflow for Design and Fabrication of Bespoke Cementitious Plasterwork at Full Architectural Scale, Jenny et al.
01862 Investigation of Rheological Test Methods for the Suitability of Mortars for Manufacturing of Textile-Reinforced Concrete Using a Laboratory Mortar Extruder: LabMorTex, Kalthoff et al.
01863 Die Forschungsinfrastruktur des SFB TRR 277 AMC: Additive Fertigung im Bauwesen, Kloft et al.
01864 A Comparative Study of Hardened-State Mechanical Properties of 3D Printed and Conventionally Cast Fibre Reinforced Concrete, Kompella et al.
01865 Method of Multiaxis Three-Dimensional Printing with Intralayer Height Variation for Stairstep Effect Compensation, Krčma et al.
01866 Robocasting of Advanced Ceramics - Ink Optimization and Protocol to Predict the Printing Parameters: A Review, Lamnini et al.
01867 Optimizing of Chemical Admixtures for 3D Printable Cementitious Materials by Central Composite Design, Li et al.
01868 Investigation of the Interlayer Strength of 3D Printed Concrete Shear Walls, Licciardello et al.
01869 Robot Assisted Flow Production Processes Tool Development for the Fabrication of Thin-Walled Fibre-Reinforced Concrete Elements, Lindner et al.
01870 Study on Anisotropy of 3D Printing PVA Fiber Reinforced Concrete Using Destructive and Non-Destructive Testing Methods, Liu et al.
01871 3D Printing Concrete with Recycled Coarse Aggregates: The Influence of Pore Structure on Interlayer Adhesion, Liu et al.
01872 Experimental Study on 3D-Printed Cementitious Materials Containing Surface-Modified Recycled Crumb Rubber, Liu et al.
01873 Spray-Based 3D Concrete Printing with Calcium and Polymeric Additives: A Feasibility Study, Lu et al.
01874 Print Nervi: Design and Construction of a Ribbed Floor System in the Digital Era, Ma et al.
01875 Pore Structure, Internal Relative Humidity, and Fiber Orientation of 3D Printed Concrete with Polypropylene Fiber and Their Relation with Shrinkage, Ma et al.
01876 Mechanical Properties of Concrete Lintel Produced by 3D Printing, Machovec et al.
01877 Artificial Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic Applied to Concrete Rheology for the Study of Printability, Marcucci et al.
01878 Properties of 3D Printed Concrete-Geopolymer Hybrids Reinforced with Aramid Roving, Marczyk et al.
01879 Digitally Fabricated Ribbed Concrete Floor Slabs: A Sustainable Solution for Construction, Mata-Falcón et al.
01880 Additive Fertigung mit Beton, Mechtcherine
01881 Mechanical Performance of Commercially Available Premix UHPC-Based 3D Printable Concrete, Medicis et al.
01882 RotoColumn: A Continuous Digital Fabrication Framework for Casting Large-Scale Linear Concrete Hollow Elements, Mehdizadeh et al.
01883 Computational Modeling of FRC: From 3D Printing to Robust Design, Meschke et al.
01884 Development of Test Methods to Evaluate the Printability of Concrete Materials for Additive Manufacturing, Mortada et al.
01885 Environment-Aware 3D Concrete Printing through Robot-Vision, Naboni et al.
01886 Digital Fabrication of Ribbed Concrete Shells Using Automated Robotic Concrete Spraying, Nuh et al.
01887 Numerical Analysis on Stability of Cylindrical Structures in 3D Printing Process, Park et al.
01888 Evaluation of the Unconfined Uniaxial Compression Test to Study the Evolution of Apparent Printable Mortar Properties during the Early Age Transition Regime, Pott et al.
01889 Polymer-Cement Concrete Based on Polyvinyl Acetate Dispersion for Construction 3D Printing, Puzatova et al.
01890 Utilization of Recycled Construction Powder in 3D Concrete Printable Materials through Particle Packing Optimization, Qian et al.
01891 Assembled Design and Compressive Performance Simulation of Mine Waterproof Wall Based on Concrete 3D Printing, Ren et al.
01892 A Textile Reinforcement Method for 3D Printed Concrete, Rensburg et al.
01893 A Numerical Model of 3D Concrete Printing, Rizzieri et al.
01894 Topology Optimization of Structural Beam Systems considering 3D Concrete Printing Technology Constraints, Saelens et al.
01895 Characterization of 3D Printed Concrete Beams After Exposure to High Temperature, Shkundalova et al.
01896 Hempcrete: CO2 Neutral Wall Solutions for 3D Printing, Šinka et al.
01897 Optimizing the Structure of Construction Mixes for 3D Printing, Solonina et al.
01898 The Effects of Air-Entraining Agent on Fresh and Hardened Properties of 3D Concrete, Spuriņa et al.
01899 Blending Performance of Helical Static Mixer Used for Twin-Pipe 3D Concrete Printing, Tao et al.
01900 Mechanical and Microstructural Properties of 3D-Printed Aluminate Cement Based Composite Exposed to Elevated Temperatures, Wang et al.
01901 Triangulating Impact Location in 3D Printable Concrete Using Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors, Weiner et al.
01902 Effects of Early-Age Rheology and Printing Time Interval on Late-Age Fracture Characteristics of 3D Printed Concrete, Wu et al.
01903 Toward 3D-Printable Engineered Cementitious Composites: Mix Design Proportioning, Flowability, and Mechanical Performance, Zafar et al.
01904 Aerial Additive Manufacturing with Multiple Autonomous Robots, Zhang et al.
01905 Freeform Embedded Printing of Vasculature in Cementitious Materials for Healing-Agent Transport, Zhang et al.
01906 Influence of Steel Fiber on the Water Absorption of 3D Printed Concrete, Zhang et al.
01907 Research Progress of Concrete 3D Printing Technology and Its Equipment System, Material, and Molding Defect Control, Zhao et al.


01908 Thermal Performance of Cement-Leca Composites for 3D Printing, Araújo et al.
01909 A Comparative Evaluation of Sepiolite and Nano-Montmorillonite on the Rheology of Cementitious Materials for 3D Printing, Aydin et al.
01910 3D Printed Concrete as Stay-in-Place Formwork: Mechanics during Casting and Curing, Bekaert et al.
01911 Fostering Innovative and Sustainable Mass-Market Construction Using Digital Fabrication with Concrete, Bischof et al.
01912 3D Concrete Printing: Lattice Modeling of Structural Failure considering Damage and Deformed Geometry, Chang et al.
01913 Effect of Metakaolin on the Fresh and Hardened Properties of 3D Printed Cementitious Composite, Duan et al.
01914 Investigation of Thermal Performance and Life-Cycle Assessment of a 3D Printed Building, Ebrahimi et al.
01915 Rheometry for Concrete 3D Printing: A Review and an Experimental Comparison, Jayathilakage et al.
01916 Test Methods for 3D Printable Concrete, Kaliyavaradhan et al.
01917 Investigation of Fresh Properties of 3D Concrete Printing Containing Nanoclay in Forms of Suspension and Powder, Kaushik et al.
01918 Large-Scale Automated Additive Construction: Overview, Robotic Solutions, Sustainability, and Future Prospect, Khosravani et al.
01919 Development of an Adaptive Slicing Algorithm of Laminated Object Manufacturing Based 3D Printing for Freeform Formwork, Lee et al.
01920 Improving the Performances of a Mortar for 3D Printing by Mineral Modifiers, Lesovik et al.
01921 Life Cycle Assessment of Construction and Demolition Waste-Based Geopolymers Suited for Use in 3-Dimensional Additive Manufacturing, Mir et al.
01922 Influence of Latex and Vinyl Disposable Gloves as Recycled Fibers in 3D Printing Sustainable Mortars, Mousavi et al.
01923 Digital Fabrication and Mechanical Properties of 3D-Printing Concrete, Peng
01924 Development of 3D Printers for Concrete Structures: Mix Proportion Design Approach and Laboratory Testing, Pham et al.
01925 A Sustainable Roadmap for Additive Manufacturing Using Geopolymers in Construction Industry, Raza et al.
01926 Additive Manufacturing of Steel Reinforcements: Integration of WAAM Reinforcements in Particle Bed 3D Printing with Selective Cement Paste Intrusion, Riegger et al.
01927 Stiffening Controllable Concrete Modified with Redispersible Polymer Powder for Twin-Pipe Printing, Tao et al.
01928 Bond Behavior between Steel Bars and 3D Printed Concrete: Effect of Concrete Rheological Property, Steel Bar Diameter and Paste Coating, Wang et al.
01929 Toward Automated Construction: The Design-to-Printing Workflow for a Robotic In-Situ 3D Printed House, Xu et al.
01930 Evaluation of Aggregates, Fibers and Voids Distribution in 3D Printed Concrete, Zhang et al.
01931 Time-Dependent Fresh Properties Characterization of 3D Printing Engineered Cementitious Composites (3DP-ECC): On the Evaluation of Buildability, Zhou et al.
01932 3D Printing Technologies in Architectural Design and Construction: A Systematic Literature Review, Žujović et al.


01933 A Review of Largescale 3DCP: Material Characteristics, Mix Design, Printing Process, and Reinforcement Strategies, Ahmed et al.
01934 The Theory of Critical Distances to Perform the Static Assessment of 3D-Printed Concrete Weakened by Manufacturing Defects and Cracks, Alanazi et al.
01935 Reinforcement Lattices for 3DCP: A Fabrication Method Based on Ruled Surfaces, Anton et al.
01936 Real-Time Vision-Based Control of Industrial Manipulators for Layer-Width Setting in Concrete 3D Printing Applications, Barjuei et al.
01937 Ultrafast Stiffening of Concentrated Thermoresponsive Mineral Suspensions, Bhagavathi Kandy et al.
01938 On the Properties Evolution of Eco-Material Dedicated to Manufacturing Artificial Reef via 3D Printing: Long-Term Interactions of Cementitious Materials in the Marine Environment, Boukhelf et al.
01939 Thermal Optimization of Additively Manufactured Lightweight Concrete Wall Elements with Internal Cellular Structure through Simulations and Measurements, Briels et al.
01940 Numerical Simulation of Elastic Buckling in 3D Concrete Printing Using the Lattice Model with Geometric Nonlinearity, Chang et al.
01941 Experimental Research on 3D Printed Construction from Cement Based Composites, Čítek et al.
01942 Design of 3D Printed Concrete Walls under In-Plane Seismic Loading, Delavar et al.
01943 Microstructure and Mechanical Behaviour of 3D Printed Ultra-High Performance Concrete after Elevated Temperatures, Dong et al.
01944 Numerical Modeling of New Conceptions of 3D Printed Concrete Structures for Pumped Storage Hydropower, Fairbairn et al.
01945 Impact of Robotic 3D Printing Process Parameters on Interlayer Bond Strength, Farahbakhsh et al.
01946 Inter-Laboratory Study on the Influence of 3D Concrete Printing Set-Ups on the Bond Behaviour of Various Reinforcements, Gebhard et al.
01947 A Scientometric Review on Mapping Research Knowledge for 3D Printing Concrete, He et al.
01948 Long-Term Durability Assessment of 3D Printed Concrete, Inaty et al.
01949 Environmental Stress Cracking of 3D-Printed Polymers Exposed to Concrete, Jipa et al.
01950 Correlation between Thixotropic Behavior and Buildability for 3D Concrete Printing, Lee et al.
01951 Three-Dimensional (3D) Printing for Building and Construction, Li et al.
01952 Compressive Load-Dominated Concrete Structures for Customized 3D-Printing Fabrication, Lin et al.
01953 Systematic Approach for Printability Evaluation and Mechanical Property Optimization of Spray-Based 3D Printed Mortar, Liu et al.
01954 3D Concrete Printing with Cement-Coated Recycled Crumb Rubber: Compressive and Microstructural Properties, Liu et al.
01955 Explosion Resistance of 3D Printing Ultra-High Performance Concrete Based on Contact Explosion Tests, Ma et al.
01956 Interlayer Fracture Behaviour of Functionally Layered Concrete, Maier et al.
01957 Numerical Modeling of 3D Concrete Printing Wall Structure to Reliably Estimate the Failure Mechanisms, Mengesha et al.
01958 Incremental Formulation of Early Age Concrete in the Finite Strain Range for the Modelling of 3D Concrete Printing, Nedjar et al.
01959 Durability Properties of 3D Printed Concrete, Nodehi et al.
01960 How to Dress a Column: An Architect's Method for Designing with 3D Printed Clay, Pain et al.
01961 How Do the Contact Surface Forces Affect the Interlayer Bond Strength of 3D Printed Mortar?, Pan et al.
01962 Enhancing the Properties of Foam Concrete 3D Printing Using Porous Aggregates, Pasupathy et al.
01963 Requirements Analysis of Additive Manufacturing for Concrete Printing: A Systematic Review, Peralta Abadi et al.
01964 Concrete AM: An Insight into the Control of Main Parameters, Ribeiro et al.
01965 The Business Case for 3D Printing in the Built Environment, Rosendahl et al.
01966 Automating Mix Design for 3D Concrete Printing Using Optimization Methods, Sergis et al.
01967 Insight into the Microstructural and Durability Characteristics of 3D Printed Concrete: Cast versus Printed Specimens, Sikora et al.
01968 Eco-Friendly Additive Construction: Analysis of the Printability of Earthen-Based Matrices Stabilized with Potato Starch Gel and Sisal Fibers, Silva et al.
01969 Utilization Potential of Steel Fibers in 3D Printed Functionally Graded Cementitious Composite: An Experimental Approach, Singh et al.
01970 Fabrication Information Modeling: Interfacing Building Information Modeling with Digital Fabrication, Slepicka et al.
01971 Leveraging Internal Curing Effect of Fly Ash Cenosphere for Alleviating Autogenous Shrinkage in 3D Printing, Tao et al.
01972 Shape Stability of 3D Printable Concrete with River and Manufactured Sand Characterized by Squeeze Flow, Tao et al.
01973 Design and Optimization of Free-Form Surfaces for Modular Concrete 3D Printing, Tošić et al.
01974 Continuous and Adaptable Printing Path Based on Transfinite Mapping for 3D Concrete Printing, Wan et al.
01975 Shrinkage and Cracking Properties of Cellulose Fiber-Concrete Composites for 3D Printing by Leveraging Internal Curing, Wang et al.
01976 Freeze-Thaw Resistance of 3D-Printed Composites with Desert Sand, Wang et al.
01977 Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Multi-Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM) Analysis to Determine the Performance of 3D Printed Cement Mortars and Geopolymers, Yoris-Nobile et al.
01978 Effects of Cement Mortar Characteristics on Aggregate-Bed 3D Concrete Printing, Yu et al.
01979 Effect of Layering Molding Process on Strength of 3D Printed Composite Cement Based Materials, Zhang et al.
01980 Relationship Between Microstructure and Strain-Hardening Behaviour of 3D Printed Engineered Cementitious Composites, Zhu et al.


01981 Mechanical Performance of 3D Printed Concrete Containing Fly Ash, Metakaolin and Nanoclay, Abdalqader et al.
01982 Fundamental Study on Automated Interlayer Reinforcing System with Metal Fiber Insertion for 3D Concrete Printer, Asakawa et al.
01983 Generative Structural Design: A Cross-Platform Design and Optimization Workflow for Additive Manufacturing, Aziz et al.
01984 Evaluation of the Bond Strength Between 3D Printed and Self-compacting Concrete, Bekaert et al.
01985 Criticality of Microstructural Evolution at an Early Age on the Buildability of an Accelerated 3D Printable Concrete, Bhattacherjee et al.
01986 Mechanical Properties and Failure Pattern of 3D Printed Hollow Cylinders and Wall Segments under Uniaxial Loading, Bhattacherjee et al.
01987 The Striatus Bridge, Bhooshan et al.
01988 Topology Optimization for 3D Concrete Printing with Various Manufacturing Constraints, Bi et al.
01989 Digitally Fabricated Keyed Concrete Connections, Bischof et al.
01990 Influence of Material and Process Parameters on Hardened State Properties of Shotcrete 3D-Printed Elements, Böhler et al.
01991 Properties of 3D-Printable Ductile Fiber-Reinforced Geopolymer Composite, Bong et al.
01992 Automated Visual Inspection of Near Nozzle Droplet Formation for Quality Control of Additive Manufacturing, Bos et al.
01993 CCR Digital Concrete 2022 SI: Editorial, Buswell
01994 Nail Planting to Enhance the Interface Bonding Strength in 3D Printed Concrete, Cao et al.
01995 Convolutional Neural Network for Predicting Crack Pattern and Stress-Crack Width Curve of Air-Void Structure in 3D Printed Concrete, Chang et al.
01996 Proof-of-Concept: Sprayable SHCC Overlay Reinforcement Regime for Unreinforced 3D Printed Concrete Structure, Cho et al.
01997 Particle Bed Technique for Hempcrete, Danché et al.
01998 Microstructural Characterization, Driving Mechanisms, and Improvement Strategies for Interlayer Bond Strength of Additive-Manufactured Cementitious Composites: A Review, Danish et al.
01999 Freeze-Thaw Performance of 3D Printed Concrete: Influence of Interfaces, Das et al.
02000 Flow-Based Pultrusion of Anisotropic Concrete: Mechanical Properties at Hardened State, Demont et al.
02001 Uncertainty Quantification of Concrete Properties at Fresh State and Stability Analysis of the 3D Printing Process by Stochastic Approach, Diab et al.
02002 Mobile Additive Manufacturing: A Case Study of Clay Formwork for Bespoke in Situ Concrete Construction, Dielemans et al.
02003 Additive Manufacturing Using Mobile Robots: Opportunities and Challenges for Building Construction, Dörfler et al.
02004 Force Flow Compliant Robotic Path Planning Approach for Reinforced Concrete Elements Using SC3DP, Dörrie et al.
02005 Influence of Infill Pattern on Reactive MgO Printed Structures, Douba et al.
02006 Incorporation and Characterization of Multi-walled Carbon Nanotube Concrete Composites for 3D Printing Applications, Dulaj et al.
02007 Design of Cement–Slag Concrete Composition for 3D Printing, Dvorkin et al.
02008 Approach to Optimize the Interlayer Waiting Time in Additive Manufacturing with Concrete Utilizing FEM Modeling, Ekanayaka et al.
02009 Strategies for Reducing the Environmental Footprint of Additive Manufacturing via Sprayed Concrete, Favier et al.
02010 Characterisation and Modelling of a 3D Concrete Printed Wall under Flexure, Galeote et al.
02011 Shotcrete 3DCP Projection Angle and Speed Optimization: Experimental Approaches and Theoretical Modelling, Galé et al.
02012 Core Winding: Force-Flow Oriented Fibre Reinforcement in Additive Manufacturing with Concrete, Gantner et al.
02013 Pre-Installed Reinforcement for 3D Concrete Printing, Gebhard et al.
02014 Drying Behavior of 3D Printed Cementitious Pasted Containing Cellulose Nanocrystals, Ghantous et al.
02015 Impact of Drying of 3D Printed Cementitious Pastes on Their Degree of Hydration, Ghantous et al.
02016 Porous 3D Printed Concrete Beams Show an Environmental Promise: A Cradle-to-Grave Comparative Life Cycle Assessment, Gislason et al.
02017 A Closed-Loop Workflow for Quality Inspection and Integrated Post-processing of 3D-Printed Concrete Elements, Hack et al.
02018 Interlayer Bond Strength Testing in 3D-Printed Mineral Materials for Construction Applications, Hager et al.
02019 A Microscale-Based Numerical Model for Investigating Hygro-Thermo-Mechanical Behaviour of 3D Printed Concrete at Elevated Temperatures, Han et al.
02020 Thermal Conductivity of 3D Printed Concrete With Recycled Fine Aggregate Composite Phase Change Materials, Hao et al.
02021 Printability Assessment of Cement-Based Materials Using Uniaxial Compression Test, Harbouz et al.
02022 Robotically Placed Reinforcement Using the Automated Screwing Device: An Application Perspective for 3D Concrete Printing, Hass et al.
02023 Effect of Curing in Selective Cement Activation, Herding et al.
02024 Barbed-Wire Reinforcement for 3D Concrete Printing, Hojati et al.
02025 Formulation and Characterization of a Low Carbon Impact Cementitious Ink for 3D Printing, Hynek et al.
02026 Monitoring Strain Using Digital Image Correlation During Compressive and Tensile Loading: Assessment of Critical Strain of Cement-Based Materials Containing VMA, Jacquet et al.
02027 Robotic Plaster Spraying: Crafting Surfaces with Adaptive Thin-Layer Printing, Jenny et al.
02028 Modification Effect of Nanosilica and Polypropylene Fiber for Extrusion-Based 3D Printing Concrete: Printability and Mechanical Anisotropy, Jiang et al.
02029 Rheological Properties, Shape Stability and Compressive Strength of 3D Printed Colored Cement Composites Modified by Needle-like Pigment, Jin et al.
02030 Developing Printable Fly Ash–Slag Geopolymer Binders with Rheology Modification, Kamakshi et al.
02031 Set-On Demand Concrete by Activating Encapsulated Accelerator for 3D Printing, Kanagasuntharam et al.
02032 Digital Fabrication for DfMA of a Prefabricated Bridge Pier, Kim et al.
02033 Selected Test Methods for Assessing Fresh and Plastic-State 3D Concrete Printing Materials, Kolawole et al.
02034 Zero-Waste Production of Lightweight Concrete Structures with Water-Soluble Sand Formwork, Kovaleva et al.
02035 Simulation of 3D Concrete Printing Using Discrete Element Method, Krenzer et al.
02036 A Strain-Based Constitutive Model Ensuring Aesthetic 3D Printed Concrete Structures: Limiting Differential Settlement of Filaments, Kruger et al.
02037 Process Control for Additive Manufacturing of Concrete Components, Lachmayer et al.
02038 Matric Suction and Its Effect on the Shape Stability of 3D Printed Concrete, Lee et al.
02039 Influence of HPMC and SF on Buildability of 3D Printing Foam Concrete: From Water State and Flocculation Point of View, Liu et al.
02040 Hardened Properties of 3D Printed Concrete with Recycled Coarse Aggregate, Liu et al.
02041 Evaluating the Effect of Methyl Cellulose on Hardened State Properties in Selective Cement Activation, Mai et al.
02042 Early Age Shear and Tensile Fracture Properties of 3D Printable Cementitious Mortar to Assess Printability Window, Marcucci et al.
02043 Measuring Plastic Shrinkage and Related Cracking of 3D Printed Concretes, Markin et al.
02044 Flexural Behaviour of Steel-Reinforced Topology-Optimised Beams Fabricated by 3D Concrete Printing, Menna et al.
02045 Temperature Impact on the Structural Build-Up of Cementitious Materials: Experimental and Modelling Study, Mezhov et al.
02046 Impact Printing, Ming et al.
02047 Mesh Mould Prefabrication, Mirjan et al.
02048 Mitigating Early Age Cracking in 3D Printed Concrete Using Fibres, Superabsorbent Polymers, Shrinkage Reducing Admixtures, B-CSA Cement and Curing Measures, Moelich et al.
02049 The Environment’s Effect on the Interlayer Bond Strength of 3D Printed Concrete, Moelich et al.
02050 2D Stationary Computational Printing of Cement-Based Pastes, Mohammad et al.
02051 Salt Scaling Resistance of 3D Printed Concrete, Mohan et al.
02052 Hydration Re-initiation of Borated CSA Systems with a Two-Stage Mixing Process: An Application in Extrusion-Based Concrete 3D Printing, Mohan et al.
02053 Interlocking 3D Printed Concrete Filaments Through Surface Topology Modifications for Improved Tensile Bond Strength, Mostert et al.
02054 Integrating Mineral-Bonded Carbon Fibers into 3D Concrete Printing, Neef et al.
02055 Integration of Mineral Impregnated Carbon Fibre (MCF) into Fine 3D-Printed Concrete Filaments, Neef et al.
02056 Consistency of Mechanical Properties of 3D Printed Strain Hardening Cementitious Composites Within One Printing System, Nefs et al.
02057 Experimental Study on the Thermal Performance of 3D-Printed Enclosing Structures, Nemova et al.
02058 Development of Cementitious Metamaterial with Compressive Strain Hardening Characteristics, Nishijo et al.
02059 ARCS: Automated Robotic Concrete Spraying for the Fabrication of Variable Thickness Doubly Curved Shells, Nuh et al.
02060 Awareness of 3D Printing for Sustainable Construction in an Emerging Economy, Oke et al.
02061 The Production of a Topology-Optimized 3D-Printed Concrete Bridge, Ooms et al.
02062 Overcoming Fabrication Constraints in Concrete 3D Printing Using Interlacing Bezier Curves: A Numerical and Experimental Analysis, Pastore et al.
02063 Fresh and Hardened Properties of 3D Printable Foam Concrete Containing Porous Aggregates, Pasupathy et al.
02064 3DCP Structures: The Roadmap to Standardization, Putten et al.
02065 Influence of the Print Process on the Durability of Printed Cementitious Materials, Putten et al.
02066 Material Design and Rheological Behavior of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials in the Context of 3D Printing, Reißig et al.
02067 Algorithm for Aging Materials with Evolving Stiffness Based on a Multiplicative Split, Reinold et al.
02068 A 3D Printing Platform for Reinforced Printed-Sprayed Concrete Composites, Reiter et al.
02069 Preparation and 3D Printing Building Application of Sulfoaluminate Cementitious Material Using Industrial Solid Waste, Ren et al.
02070 Evaluation of Durability of 3D-Printed Cementitious Materials for Potential Applications in Structures Exposed to Marine Environments, Rodriguez et al.
02071 Assessing the Fresh Properties of Printable Cement-Based Materials: High Potential Tests for Quality Control, Roussel et al.
02072 Accelerating Early Age Properties of Ultra-Low Clinker Cements for Extrusion-Based 3D Printing, Rusike et al.
02073 Adaptive Foam Concrete in Digital Fabrication, Schmid et al.
02074 Fractional Factorial Design to Study Admixtures Used for 3D Concrete Printing Applications, Sergis et al.
02075 Testing 3D Printed Reinforced Concrete Beams, Shkundalova et al.
02076 Sustainable 3D Concrete Printing with Large Aggregates, Silva et al.
02077 Design and Fabrication of Spatially Graded Concrete Elements with Ice Aggregate Method, Sitnikov et al.
02078 Integrating Reinforcement with 3D Concrete Printing: Experiments and Numerical Modelling, Spangenberg et al.
02079 Selective Paste Intrusion: Stability of Cement Paste Mixtures Towards Changing Ambient Temperature, Straßer et al.
02080 Using Limestone Powder as a Carrier for the Accelerator in Extrusion-Based 3D Concrete Printing, Tao et al.
02081 Mix Design for a 3D-Printable Concrete with Coarse Aggregates and Consideration of Standardisation, Taubert et al.
02082 Two Year Exposure of 3D Printed Cementitious Columns in a High Alpine Environment, Wangler et al.
02083 Optimization of 3D Printing Concrete with Coarse Aggregate via Proper Mix Design and Printing Process, Wang et al.
02084 Additive Manufacturing of Free Formed Concrete Elements by Selective Binding with Calcium Silicate Based Cements, Weger et al.
02085 Digital Structural Design and Shotcrete 3D Printing Strategies for Lightweight Reinforced Concrete Beam-Grid Structures, Xiao et al.
02086 Injection 3D Concrete Printing (I3DCP) Combined with Vector-Based 3D Graphic Statics, Xiao et al.
02087 An Early Trial on Milling 3D Printed Concrete Geometries: Observations and Insights of the Process, Xu et al.
02088 Feasibility of Using Ultra-High Ductile Concrete to Print Self-reinforced Hollow Structures, Ye et al.
02089 Effect of Polyacrylamide on the Workability and Interlayer Interface Properties of 3D Printed Cementitious Materials, Yuan et al.
02090 Effects of Printing Paths and Recycled Fines on Drying Shrinkage of 3D Printed Mortar, Zhang et al.


02091 The Theory of Critical Distances to Assess the Effect of Cracks & Manufacturing Defects on the Static Strength of 3D-Printed Concrete, Alanazi et al.
02092 Bonding Strength of Steel Rebars Perpendicular to the Hardened 3D-Printed Concrete Layers, Aramburu et al.
02093 Mechanical and Shrinkage Performance of 3D-Printed Rubberised Engineered Cementitious Composites, Aslani et al.
02094 Development of Composites for 3D Printing with Reduced Cement Consumption, Barbosa et al.
02095 Parameters Affecting Thixotropic Behavior of Self Compacting Concrete and 3D Printable Concrete: A State-of-the-Art Review, Biricik et al.
02096 Toolpath-Based Design for 3D Concrete Printing of Carbon-Efficient Architectural Structures, Breseghello et al.
02097 The Incorporation of Recycled Brick Aggregate in 3D Printed Concrete, Christen et al.
02098 Influence of Equipment Operation Parameters on the Characteristics of a Track Produced with Construction 3D Printing, Elistratkin et al.
02099 On Sustainability and Digital Fabrication with Concrete, Flatt et al.
02100 Functionally Graded Lightweight Cement-Based Composites with Outstanding Mechanical Performances via Additive Manufacturing, Geng et al.
02101 Conceptual Study and Literature Review of Integration of Lean Manufacturing and 3D Printing in Construction to Support Sustainability, Gran et al.
02102 Three-Dimensional Printing Materials for Cultural Innovation Products of Historical Buildings, Hu et al.
02103 3D Printing and Assembling of Frame Modules Using Printable Strain-Hardening Cement-Based Composites (SHCC), Ivaniuk et al.
02104 Study of Particle Packing and Paste Rheology in Alkali Activated Mixtures to Meet the Rheology Demands of 3D Concrete Printing, Kondepudi et al.
02105 Environmental Impact of Extrusion-Based Additive Manufacturing: Generic Model, Power Measurements and Influence of Printing Resolution, Kuzmenko et al.
02106 Autonomous Sensing and Localization of a Mobile Robot for Multi-step Additive Manufacturing in Construction, Lachmayer et al.
02107 Matric Suction of Fine Sand and Its Effect on the Shape Stability of 3D Printed Cement Mortar, Lee et al.
02108 Additive Digital Casting: From Lab to Industry, Lloret-Fritschi et al.
02109 Effect of Steel Slag on 3D Concrete Printing of Geopolymer with Quaternary Binders, Ma et al.
02110 Effect of TiO2 Nanoparticles on the Fresh Performance of 3D-Printed Cementitious Materials, Matos et al.
02111 Automatic Geometric Inspection in Digital Fabrication, Mawas et al.
02112 Camera-based Process Monitoring for Powder Bed Additive Manufacturing in Construction, Nistler et al.
02113 In-Line Activation of Cementitious Materials for 3D Concrete Printing, Ramakrishnan et al.
02114 Fiber Orientation Modeling During Extrusion-Based 3D-Concrete-Printing, Reinold et al.
02115 Initial Properties of 3D Printing Concrete Using Rice Husk Ash (RHA) as Partial Cement Replacement, Samad et al.
02116 Effect of Fiber Reinforcement on Extrudability and Buildability of Mineral Additive Modified Portland Cement Mortars: A Rheometer Based Simulation Analysis, Saruhan et al.
02117 Computational Modelling of Material Behaviour of Layered 3D Printed Concrete, Shkundalova et al.
02118 3D Printing of Concrete with a Continuum Robot Hose Using Variable Curvature Kinematics, Srivastava et al.
02119 An Elastic‐Inelastic Model and Embedded Bounce‐Back Control for Layered Printing with Cementitious Materials, Wijaya et al.
02120 Adoption of Three-Dimensional Printing Technology in Public Housing in Singapore: Drivers, Challenges, and Strategies, Won et al.
02121 Tensile Performance of 3D-Printed Strain-Hardening Cementitious Composites (SHCC) considering Material Parameters, Nozzle Size and Printing Patternparameters, Nozzle Size and Printing Pattern, Xu et al.
02122 Effect of FA and GGBFS on Compressive Strength, Rheology, and Printing Properties of Cement-Based 3D Printing Material, Xu et al.
02123 Anomalous Matrix and Interlayer Pore Structure of 3D-Printed Fiber-Reinforced Cementitious Composites, Yang et al.
02124 A Two-Phase Design Strategy Based on the Composite of Mortar and Coarse Aggregate for 3D Printable Concrete with Coarse Aggregate, Zhang et al.
02125 Rheology Control towards 3D Printed Magnesium Potassium Phosphate Cement Composites, Zhao et al.


02126 A Grammar-Based Algorithm for Toolpath Generation: Compensating for Material Deformation in the Additive Manufacturing of Concrete, Ashrafi et al.
02127 Robotic 3D Printing of Mineral Foam for a Lightweight Composite Concrete Slab, Bedarf et al.
02128 Investigation on the Effect of Alkali-Free Aluminium Sulfate Based Accelerator on the Fresh Properties of 3D Printable Concrete, Bhattacherjee et al.
02129 Continuous Contour-Zigzag Hybrid Toolpath for Large Format Additive Manufacturing, Bi et al.
02130 Geometric Quality Assurance for 3D Concrete Printing and Hybrid Construction Manufacturing Using a Standardised Test Part for Benchmarking Capability, Buswell et al.
02131 3D Printing Devices and Reinforcing Techniques for Extruded Cement-Based Materials: A Review, Cao et al.
02132 Effect of Curing Methods during a Long Time Gap between Two Printing Sessions on the Interlayer Bonding of 3D Printed Cementitious Materials, Chen et al.
02133 Steel Fiber Orientational Distribution and Effects on 3D Printed Concrete with Coarse Aggregate, Chen et al.
02134 Effect of Processing on the Air Void System of 3D Printed Concrete, Das et al.
02135 Additive Construction, Dillenburger
02136 Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of Large-Scale 3D Printing Utilizing Kaolinite-Based Calcium Sulfoaluminate Cement Concrete and Conventional Construction, Ennab et al.
02137 Structural Fibre-Reinforced Cement-Based Composite Designed for Particle Bed 3D Printing Systems: Case Study Parque De Castilla Footbridge in Madrid, Fuente et al.
02138 Preliminary Study of the Fresh and Hard Properties of UHPC That Is Used to Produce 3D Printed Mortar, Gimenez-Carbo et al.
02139 The Impacts of Fabrication Systems on 3D Concrete Printing Building Forms, Huang et al.
02140 Study on the Mechanical Properties of 3D Printing Concrete Layers and the Mechanism of Influence of Printing Parameters, Huang et al.
02141 Additive Manufacturing Based on Building Information Model Data, Ignatova et al.
02142 3D Printed Formwork for Concrete: State-of-the-Art, Opportunities, Challenges, and Applications, Jipa et al.
02143 In-Process Reinforcement Method for 3D Concrete Printing: Status, Potentials and Challenges, Kazadi et al.
02144 Investigation of Martian Concrete: Pumpability and Strength for Extraterrestrial 3D Printing, Keys et al.
02145 Fresh and Mechanical Properties of Low-Cement Mortars for 3D Printing, Klyuev et al.
02146 Rezyklierbare Sandschalungen: Auf dem Weg zur Kreislaufproduktion leichter Betonbauteile, Kovaleva et al.
02147 Jointing Principles in AMC: Design and Preparation of Dry Joints, Lanwer et al.
02148 3D Printing of Fast Setting Basalt Fiber Reinforced Cement-Based Materials, Li et al.
02149 Buildability Prediction of 3D–Printed Concrete at Early-Ages: A Numerical Study with Drucker-Prager Model, Liu et al.
02150 Shrinkage and Mechanical Properties Optimization of Spray-Based 3D Printed Concrete by PVA Fiber, Liu et al.
02151 Influence of Pore Defects on the Hardened Properties of 3D Printed Concrete with Coarse Aggregate, Liu et al.
02152 Lap Joint Reinforcement for 3D Concrete Printing, Marchment et al.
02153 A Roadmap for Quality Control of Hardening and Hardened Printed Concrete, Mechtcherine et al.
02154 Dynamic Properties of 3D Printed Cement Mortar Based on Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar Testing, Mo et al.
02155 3D Printing of Cement-Based Materials with Adapted Buildability, Moeini et al.
02156 A Plastic Shrinkage Cracking Risk Model for 3D Printed Concrete Exposed to Different Environments, Moelich et al.
02157 Early-Age Buildability-Rheological Properties Relationship in Additively Manufactured Cement Paste Hollow Cylinders, Moini et al.
02158 Improvement of Technology and Quality Control of 3DCP, Mukhametrakhimov et al.
02159 Metamodels for Rapid Analysis of Large Sets of Building Designs for Robotic Constructability: Technology Demonstration Using the NASA 3D Printed Mars Habitat Challenge, Muthumanickam et al.
02160 Effect of Supplementary Cementitious Materials on Properties of 3D Printed Conventional and Alkali-Activated Concrete: A Review, Nodehi et al.
02161 Additive Fabrication of Large-Scale Customizable Formwork Using Robotic Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Winding, Ou et al.
02162 Seismic Performance of F3D Free-Form Structures Using Small-Scale Shaking Table Tests, Park et al.
02163 Comparative Evaluation of Rheological Models for 3D Printable Concrete, Prem et al.
02164 Slow Penetration for Characterizing Concrete for Digital Fabrication, Reiter et al.
02165 Applications, Performance, Challenges and Current Progress of 3D Concrete Printing Technologies as the Future of Sustainable Construction: A State of the Art Review, Rollakanti et al.
02166 Overcoming Environmental Stress Cracking of FDM 3D Printed Formwork for Counter-Pressure Casting of Concrete, Ruffray et al.
02167 A Comprehensive Review on Fresh State Rheological Properties of Extrusion Mortars Designed for 3D Printing Applications, Saruhan et al.
02168 D-optimal Design of Experiments Applied to 3D High-Performance Concrete Printing Mix Design, Sergis et al.
02169 The Effect of Using Recycled PET Aggregates on Mechanical and Durability Properties of 3D Printed Mortar, Skibicki et al.
02170 Additive Formwork in Precast Construction: Agent-Based Methods for Fabrication-Aware Modularization of Concrete Building Elements, Stieler et al.
02171 Influencing Factors of the Mixing Performance of a Near-Nozzle Continuous Mixer for 3D Concrete Printing: An Analysis Based on Spatial Lacey Mixing Index (SLMI), Tan et al.
02172 Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) And Environmental Sustainability of Cementitious Materials for 3D Concrete Printing: A Systematic Literature Review, Tinoco et al.
02173 Effecting the Rheological Properties of Composites for 3D Printing Technology in Construction, Uhlík et al.
02174 Development of 3D Printable Self-Sensing Cementitious Composites, Wang et al.
02175 Effects of Redispersible Latex Powder on the Performance of 3D Printing Cementitious Materials, Wang et al.
02176 Mechanical Performance of 3D Printed Concrete in Steam Curing Conditions, Wang et al.
02177 Digital Design and Fabrication of a 3D Concrete Printed Funicular Spatial Structure, Wu et al.
02178 Discussion on Key Problems of 3D Printing Concrete in Coastal Environment, Zhang et al.
02179 Mechanical Properties of Spray-Based 3D Printed Micro-cable Reinforced Concrete, Zhou et al.
02180 Influence of Printing Parameters on 3D Printing Engineered Cementitious Composites (3DP-ECC), Zhou et al.
02181 3D Printing of Concrete-Geopolymer Hybrids, Ziejewska et al.


02182 Dynamic 3D Print Head for Spatial Strand Extrusion of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete: Requirements, Development and Application, Adams et al.
02183 Print Fidelity Metrics for Additive Manufacturing of Cement-Based Materials, Afarani et al.
02184 The Realities of Additively Manufactured Concrete Structures in Practice, Bos et al.
02185 Incorporating PCM-Enabled Thermal Energy Storage into 3D Printable Cementitious Composites, Brooks et al.
02186 Robotic Arm Design, Development and Control for Printing Cement Mixtures, Břoušek et al.
02187 Layer Pressing in Concrete Extrusion-Based 3D-Printing: Experiments and Analysis, Carneau et al.
02188 Rheology and Shape Stability Control of 3D Printed Calcium Sulphoaluminate Cement Composites Containing Paper Milling Sludge, Chen et al.
02189 Experimental Study of 3D Concrete Printing Configurations Based on the Buildability Evaluation, Cui et al.
02190 Evaluation of Printability and Thermal Properties of 3D Printed Concrete Mixed with Phase Change Materials, Cui et al.
02191 Enhancing Carbonation and Strength of MgO Cement through 3D Printing, Douba et al.
02192 Nano-Modification in Digital Manufacturing of Cementitious Composites, Filho et al.
02193 Towards Efficient Concrete Structures with Ultra-Thin 3D Printed Formwork: Exploring Reinforcement Strategies and Optimisation, Gebhard et al.
02194 Rheological Properties and Compressive Strength of Construction and Demolition Waste-Based Geopolymer Mortars for 3D-Printing, İlcan et al.
02195 Comparison between Methods for Indirect Assessment of Buildability in Fresh 3D Printed Mortar and Concrete, Ivanova et al.
02196 Evaluating the Stiffening Effect of CSA and Sodium Carbonate on the Printability of OPC Mortar, Jiang et al.
02197 Contour Tracking Control for Mobile Robots Applicable to Large-Scale Assembly and Additive Manufacturing in Construction, Lachmayer et al.
02198 Modifying Effect of Anionic Polyacrylamide Dose for Cement-Based 3DP Materials: Printability and Mechanical Performance Tests, Liu et al.
02199 A Comparative Study on Environmental Performance of 3D Printing and Conventional Casting of Concrete Products with Industrial Wastes, Liu et al.
02200 Properties of 3D-Printed Polymer Fiber-Reinforced Mortars: A Review, Liu et al.
02201 Quantitative Evaluations on Influences of Aggregate Surface Texture on Interfacial Adhesion Using 3D Printing Aggregate, Liu et al.
02202 Technology Readiness: A Global Snapshot of 3D Concrete Printing and the Frontiers for Development, Ma et al.
02203 Fluid Intrusion in Powder Beds for Selective Cement Activation: An Experimental and Analytical Study, Mai et al.
02204 Benefit Cost Analysis of 3D Printed Concrete Building, Manhanpally et al.
02205 3D‐gedruckte monolithische Stahlbetonwände im CONPrint3D‐reinforced Verfahren, Mechtcherine et al.
02206 Application of Concrete 3D Printing for Bridge Construction: Current Challenges and Future Directions, Miryousefi Ata et al.
02207 A Two-Nozzle Cable-Driven Parallel Robot for 3D Printing Building Construction: Path Optimization and Vibration Analysis, Nguyen-Van et al.
02208 3D Concrete Printing Modelling of Thin-Walled Structures, Nguyen et al.
02209 Interlayer Bonding Investigation of 3D Printing Cementitious Materials with Fluidity-Retaining Polycarboxylate Superplasticizer and High-Dispersion Polycarboxylate Superplasticizer, Pan et al.
02210 Effect of Shaping Plate Apparatus on Mechanical Properties of 3D Printed Cement-Based Materials: Experimental and Numerical Studies, Pan et al.
02211 Influence of External Vibration on the Gravitational Flow Characteristics of Cementitious Materials: A Perspective from Application in Additive Manufacturing, Peerzada et al.
02212 Transport Properties of 3D Printed Cementitious Materials with Prolonged Time Gap between Successive Layers, Putten et al.
02213 Mobile 3D Printing Techniques for Construction Engineering: Outdoor Navigation and Printing Quality Control, Qi et al.
02214 A Critical Review on Classification of Materials Used in 3D Printing Process, Ranjan et al.
02215 A Critical Review of 3D Printing in Construction: Benefits, Challenges, and Risks, Sayegh et al.
02216 Automatisierte Bauteilzerlegung für Betonfertigteile aus additiv hergestellten Schalungen, Stieler et al.
02217 Volumetric Intersections: Modularization Approaches for Freeform Prefab Concrete Construction, Stieler et al.
02218 Creating Functionally Graded Concrete Materials with Varying 3D Printing Parameters, Tay et al.
02219 Influence of Supplementary Cementitious Materials on Fresh Properties of 3D Printable Materials, Teixeira et al.
02220 Lunar Shelter Construction Issues: The State-of-the-Art towards 3D Printing Technologies, Ulubeyli
02221 A Chemical Process Engineering Look at Digital Concrete Processes: Critical Step Design, Inline Mixing, and Scaleup, Wangler et al.
02222 Printable and Mechanical Performance of 3D Printed Concrete Employing Multiple Industrial Wastes, Wang et al.
02223 Study on Preparation and Mechanical Properties of 3D Printed Concrete with Different Aggregate Combinations, Xiao et al.
02224 Influence of Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose Dosage on the Mechanical Properties of 3D Printable Mortars with and without Fiber Reinforcement, Yalçınkaya
02225 A Predictive Model to Determine Tensile Strength and Fracture Toughness of 3D Printed Fiber Reinforced Concrete Loaded in Different Directions, Yang et al.
02226 Factors Influencing the Properties of Extrusion-Based 3D-Printed Alkali-Activated Fly Ash-Slag Mortar, Yuan et al.
02227 Predicting the Static Yield Stress of 3D Printable Concrete Based on Flowability of Paste and Thickness of Excess Paste Layer, Zhang et al.
02228 Hardened Properties and Durability of Large-Scale 3D Printed Cement-Based Materials: Correction, Zhang et al.
02229 Effect of Spiral Blade Geometry on 3D-Printed Concrete Rheological Properties and Extrudability Using Discrete Event Modeling, Zhi et al.
02230 Preparation and High-Velocity Impact Experiment for Three-Dimensional-Printed Concrete, Zhou et al.


02231 Microstructural Examination of Carbonated 3D-Printed Concrete, Aguilar Sanchez et al.
02232 Evaluation of Workability and Structuration Rate of Locally Developed 3D Printing Concrete Using Conventional Methods, Ahmed et al.
02233 A Critical Review of 3D Printing and Digital Manufacturing in Construction Engineering, Ali et al.
02234 Experimental Study of 3D Printable Cob Mixtures, Alqenaee et al.
02235 Eco-Friendly, Set-on-Demand Digital Concrete, Boscaro et al.
02236 Experimental Investigation on Inner- and Inter-Strip Reinforcements for 3D Printed Concrete via Automatic Staple Inserting Technique, Cao et al.
02237 Systematical Investigation of Rheological Performance Regarding 3D Printing Process for Alkali-Activated Materials: Effect of Precursor Nature, Chen et al.
02238 Use of Industrial Waste Materials for 3D Printing of Sustainable Concrete: A Review, Dey et al.
02239 Air Bubbles as an Admixture for Printable Concrete: A Review of the Rheological Effect of Entrained Air, Eugenin et al.
02240 Recent Developments and Challenges of 3D-Printed Construction: A Review of Research Fronts, Guamán-Rivera et al.
02241 Printability Assessment of Cement-Based Materials Based on Rheology, Hydration Kinetics, and Viscoelastic Properties, Harbouz et al.
02242 A Mechanistic Evaluation Relating Microstructural Morphology to a Modified Mohr-Griffith Compression-Shear Constitutive Model for 3D Printed Concrete, Heever et al.
02243 Application-Driven Material Design of Printable Strain Hardening Cementitious Composites (SHCC), Ivaniuk et al.
02244 Effects of Extrusion Parameters on Properties of 3D Printing Concrete with Coarse Aggregates, Ji et al.
02245 Automated Interlaminar Reinforcement with Thickness Directional Fiber Arrangement for 3D Printing, Kajimoto et al.
02246 Influence of Nanoclay on the Fresh and Rheological Behaviour of 3D Printing Mortar, Kaushik et al.
02247 Additive Manufacturing of Sustainable Construction Materials and Form-Finding Structures: A Review on Recent Progresses, Liu et al.
02248 Material-Process Interactions in Particle Bed 3D Printing and the Underlying Physics, Lowke et al.
02249 Design and System Considerations for Construction-Scale Concrete Additive Manufacturing in Remote Environments via Robotic Arm Deposition, Meisel et al.
02250 Performance Criteria, Environmental Impact and Cost Assessment for 3D Printable Concrete Mixtures, Mohan et al.
02251 Set on Demand Geopolymer Using Print Head Mixing for 3D Concrete Printing, Muthukrishnan et al.
02252 Fiber Reinforced Concrete for Slabs without Steel Rebar Reinforcement: Assessing the Feasibility for 3D-Printed Individual Houses, Nguyen et al.
02253 Design and Analyses of Printable Strain Hardening Cementitious Composites with Optimized Particle Size Distribution, Overmeir et al.
02254 Influences of Printing Pattern on Mechanical Performance of Three-Dimensional-Printed Fiber-Reinforced Concrete, Pham et al.
02255 Estimation of Interface Friction and Concrete Boundary Layer for 3D Printable Concrete Pumping, Raval et al.
02256 Extrusion Process Simulation and Layer Shape Prediction during 3D-Concrete-Printing Using the Particle Finite Element Method, Reinold et al.
02257 A Novel Method for Improving the Printability of Cement-Based Materials: Controlling the Releasing of Capsules Containing Chemical Admixtures, Shao et al.
02258 Mechanical and Macrostructural Properties of 3D Printed Concrete Dosed with Steel Fibers under Different Loading Direction, Singh et al.
02259 Interfacial Bonding Properties of 3D Printed Permanent Formwork with the Post-Casted Concrete, Wang et al.
02260 Building Rethought: 3D Concrete Printing in Building Practice, Weger et al.
02261 Characteristics of 3D-Printing Ultra-High Performance Fibre-Reinforced Concrete under Impact Loading, Yang et al.
02262 Relationship between Water Transport Behaviour and Interlayer Voids of 3D Printed Concrete, Zhang et al.
02263 3D Printing Geopolymers: A Review, Zhong et al.
02264 Entwicklung von Prozessen zur automatisierten Planung und Herstellung von Stahlbetonbauteilen, Zöller et al.


02265 Structural Design and Testing of Digitally Manufactured Concrete Structures, Asprone et al.
02266 Resource Efficiency and Thermal Comfort of 3D Printable Concrete Building Envelopes Optimized by Performance Enhancing Insulation: A Numerical Study, Ayegba et al.
02267 Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing): A Review of Current 3D Concrete Printing on Materials, Methods, Applications, Properties and Challenges, Bakar et al.
02268 Digital Fabrication with Cement-Based Materials: Process Classification and Case Studies, Buswell et al.
02269 Mechanical Anisotropy Evolution of 3D-Printed Alkali-Activated Materials with Different GGBFS-FA Combinations, Chen et al.
02270 Rheological Properties of Sprayable Ultra-High Performance Concrete with Different Viscosity-Enhancing Agents, Cui et al.
02271 Experimental Study on the Bond Behaviour Between Steel Bars and 3D Printed Concrete, Ding et al.
02272 Pumping of Concrete: Understanding a Common Placement Method with Lots of Challenges, Feys et al.
02273 Robust Layer Interface in Cement Additive Manufacturing via Silicate Penetration and Precipitation, Geng et al.
02274 Digital Manufacturing for Earth Construction: A Critical Review, Gooma et al.
02275 Evaluating the Effects of Porosity on the Mechanical Properties of Extrusion-Based 3D Printed Concrete, Heever et al.
02276 Shotcrete Based 3D Concrete Printing: State of Art, Challenges, and Opportunities, Heidarnezhad et al.
02277 3D-Printable Quaternary Cementitious Materials towards Sustainable Development: Mixture Design and Mechanical Properties, Hojati et al.
02278 Compressive Strength of 3D Printing Bio-Composites Mortar, Ismail et al.
02279 Effect of Sulphoaluminate Cement on Fresh and Hardened Properties of 3D Printing Foamed Concrete, Liu et al.
02280 3D-Printable Aerogel-Incorporated Concrete: Anisotropy Influence on Physical, Mechanical, and Thermal Insulation Properties, Ma et al.
02281 Digital Fabrication with Cement-Based Materials: Underlying Physics, Mechtcherine et al.
02282 New Printable Concrete Formulation Based on Fibers from Doum Palm Leaflets for 3D Printing of Energy-Efficient Buildings, M’Lahfi et al.
02283 Numerical Predictions of Bottom Layer Stability in Material Extrusion Additive Manufacturing, Mollah et al.
02284 Additive Manufacturing in Off-Site Construction: Review and Future Directions, Pasco et al.
02285 Bézier-Based Biased Random-Key Genetic Algorithm to Address Printability Constraints in the Topology Optimization of Concrete Structures, Pastore et al.
02286 Properties and Testing of Printed Cement-Based Materials in Hardened State, Putten et al.
02287 Digital Fabrication with Cement-Based Materials: The RILEM D.F.C. Technical Committee History, Strategy and Achievements, Roussel et al.
02288 Review of Binder Jetting 3D Printing in the Construction Industry, Shakor et al.
02289 Finite Element Modelling to Predict the Fire Performance of Bio-Inspired 3D-Printed Concrete Wall Panels Exposed to Realistic Fire, Suntharalingam et al.
02290 Extrudable Region Parametrical Study of 3D Printable Concrete Using Recycled Glass Concrete, Ting et al.
02291 A Comprehensive Analysis of Buildability of 3D-Printed Concrete and the Use of Bi-linear Stress-Strain Criterion-Based Failure Curves towards Their Prediction, Tripathi et al.
02292 Digitale Fertigung im Betonbau, Vasilić et al.
02293 Printable Cement-Based Materials: Fresh Properties Measurements and Control, Wangler et al.
02294 State of the Art Review of Reinforcement Strategies and Technologies for 3D Printing of Concrete, Wu et al.
02295 Prediction of Lubrication Layer Properties of Pumped Concrete Based on Flow Induced Particle Migration, Xie et al.
02296 Recycling of Aggregate Micro Fines as a Partial Replacement for Fly Ash in 3D Printing Cementitious Materials, Yang et al.


02297 3D-Printable Alkali-Activated Concretes for Building Applications: A Critical Review, Amran et al.
02298 3D Concrete Printing for Sustainable and Economical Construction: A Comparative Study, Batikha et al.
02299 Effect of Reinforcement Configurations on the Flexural Behaviors of 3D Printed Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Composite (FRCC) Beams, Cai et al.
02300 Applicability of Existing Models for the Strength Development of 3D-Printed Thixotropic Concretes during Hardening, Castano-Alvarez et al.
02301 Foam Stability of 3D Printable Foamed Concrete, Cho et al.
02302 Using Isolated Temporal Analysis to Aid in the Assessment of Structural Element Quality for Additive Construction, Diggs-McGee et al.
02303 Numerical Modelling Strategies for Reinforced 3D Concrete Printed Elements, Heever et al.
02304 Rheology and Microstructure Development of Hydrating Tricalcium Silicate: Implications for Additive Manufacturing in Construction, Jones et al.
02305 New Design of PLC-Based Robotic Control System for Concrete Printing in Building Construction, Kajzr et al.
02306 Investigation into the Integration of Impregnated Glass and Carbon Textiles in a Laboratory Mortar Extruder (LabMorTex), Kalthoff et al.
02307 Rheological and Thermal Characterization of 3D Printable Lightweight Cementitious Composites with Fly Ash Cenospheres, Kilic et al.
02308 A Methodology to Assess Early Age Fracture Performance of 3D Printable Cementitious Mixes, Kompella et al.
02309 X-Ray CT Analysis of the Cross-Section of a 3D-Printed Deformed Layer, Lee et al.
02310 3D-Printed Mortars with Combined Steel and Polypropylene Fibers, Lesovik et al.
02311 3D Concrete Printing of Bioinspired Bouligand Structure: A Study on Impact Resistance, Liu et al.
02312 Chloride Induced Corrosion and Carbonation in 3D Printed Concrete, Malan et al.
02313 Chloride Diffusion by Build Orientation of Cementitious Material-Based Binder Jetting 3D Printing Mortar, Min et al.
02314 Open-Span Printing Method for Assessment of Early-Age Deformations of Additively Manufactured Cement-Based Materials Using an Isosceles Triangle, Moini et al.
02315 Effect of Layer Height on Tensile Stress Distribution and Crack Width-and-Propagation in 3D Printed Fiber-Reinforced Flexural Elements, Nair et al.
02316 Performance of Concrete Beam Reinforced with 3D Printed Bioinspired Primitive Scaffold Subjected to Three-Point Bending, Nguyen et al.
02317 Direct Tension Testing of Plain and Fiber Reinforced Concrete for Use in Additive Construction, Pierson et al.
02318 Assessment of Materials, Design Parameters and Some Properties of 3D Printing Concrete Mixtures: A State-of-the-Art Review, Şahin et al.
02319 Early-Age Mechanical Properties of 3D-Printed Mortar with Spent Garnet, Skibicki et al.
02320 Experimental Study of Hardened Young's Modulus for 3D Printed Mortar, Skibicki et al.
02321 Determination of Mechanical Properties of Additively Constructed Concrete Based on Specimen Orientation, Stidwell et al.
02322 Effect of Synthetic Microfiber and Viscosity Modifier Agent on Layer Deformation, Viscosity, and Open Time of Cement Mortar for 3D Printing Application, Sukontasukkul et al.
02323 Shear Performance of 3D Printed Concrete Reinforced with Flexible or Rigid Materials Based on Direct Shear Test, Sun et al.
02324 Novel Tri-Viscous Model to Simulate Pumping of Flowable Concrete Through Characterization of Lubrication Layer and Plug Zones, Tavangar et al.
02325 The Assessment of the Buildability and Interlayer Adhesion Strength of 3D-Printed Mortar, Verian et al.
02326 Development of 3D Printable Cementitious Composite for Electromagnetic Interference Shielding, Wanasinghe et al.
02327 Approval for the Construction of the First 3D Printed Detached House in Germany: Significance of Large Scale Element Testing, Weger et al.
02328 Mechanical Properties of Lightweight Cementitious Cellular Composites Incorporating Micro-Encapsulated Phase Change Material, Wu et al.
02329 Effect of Alternating Current Field on Rheology of Fresh Cement-Based Pastes, Xiao et al.
02330 3D-Printing Ultra-High Performance Fiber-Reinforced Concrete under Triaxial Confining Loads, Yang et al.
02331 Application of 3D Printing Technology in the Construction Industry and Its Development Prospects, Yin et al.
02332 Investigation on Applicability of Spherical Electric Arc Furnace Slag as Fine Aggregate in Superplasticizer-Free 3D Printed Concrete, Yue et al.
02333 Towards Fully BIM-Enabled Building Automation and Robotics: A Perspective of Lifecycle Information Flow, Zhang et al.
02334 Study on Mechanical Properties of In-Situ Printed Reinforced Concrete Wall with Core Column, Zhang et al.
02335 Effect of Directionally Distributed Steel Fiber on Static and Dynamic Properties of 3D Printed Cementitious, Zhou et al.


02336 A Framework for Large-Scale Structural Applications of 3D Printed Concrete: The Case of a 29m Bridge in the Netherlands, Ahmed et al.
02337 Investigation of the Material Mixtures and Fiber Addition for 3D Concrete Printing, Antoni et al.
02338 Strategies for Integrating Straight Rebar in 3DCP Columns and Shear Walls, Anton et al.
02339 Felt-Concrete Composites in Architecture and Design, Becker
02340 No Reinforcement: Compression-Only Structures, Block
02341 A Review of Printing Strategies, Sustainable Cementitious Materials and Characterization Methods in the Context of Extrusion-Based 3D Concrete Printing, Chen et al.
02342 Rheological Response of Magnetorheological Cementitious Inks Tuned for Active Control in Digital Construction, Deshmukh et al.
02343 Digital Concrete Production with Vertical Textile Reinforcement, Dittel et al.
02344 Use of Nanoclays and Methylcellulose to Tailor Rheology for Three-Dimensional Concrete Printing, Douba et al.
02345 Reinforcement of Three-Dimensional-Printed Concrete Structures by Weaving and Knitting of Continuous Fibers and Wires, Fischer et al.
02346 Interlayer Reinforcement in Shotcrete-3D-Printing, Freund et al.
02347 Reinforcement Strategies for Additive Manufacturing in Construction Based on Dynamic Fibre Winding: Concepts and Initial Case Studies, Gantner et al.
02348 Physical Modelling of Reinforced Concrete at a 1:40 Scale Using Additively Manufactured Reinforcement Cages, Giudice et al.
02349 Additive Manufacturing on Building Construction, Guimarães et al.
02350 Thermal and Environmental Benefits of 3D Printing on Building Construction, Guimarães et al.
02351 Design of Novel Nozzles for Higher Interlayer Strength of 3D Printed Cement Paste, He et al.
02352 Strategies for Integrating Reinforcement Into 3D Concrete Printing at the TU Dresden, Ivaniuk et al.
02353 Predicting Compressive Strength of 3D Printed Mortar in Structural Members Using Machine Learning, Izadgoshasb et al.
02354 Characterization of Tensile Behavior of Fresh Cementitious Materials, Jacquet et al.
02355 Magneto-Rheology Control in 3D Concrete Printing: A Rheological Attempt, Jiao et al.
02356 High Toughness 3D Printed White Portland Cement-Based Materials with Glass Fiber Textile, Jin et al.
02357 3DK Competence Center Investigates the Potentials of Contour Crafting, Klein et al.
02358 Rheology and Setting Control of Concrete for Digital Construction, Ko et al.
02359 In Situ Embedded PZT Sensor for Monitoring 3D Concrete Printing: Application in Alkali-Activated Fly Ash-Slag Geopolymers, Kocherla et al.
02360 Extrusion-Based Three-Dimensional Printing Performance of Alkali-Activated Binders, Kondepudi et al.
02361 Nanotechnology for Improved Three-Dimensional Concrete Printing Constructability, Kruger et al.
02362 Automated Shotcrete 3D Printing: Printing Interruption for Extended Component Complexity, Lachmayer et al.
02363 Approach to an Optimized Printing Path for Additive Manufacturing in Construction Utilizing FEM Modeling, Lachmayer et al.
02364 Evaluation of the Behavior of Carbon Short Fiber Reinforced Concrete (CSFRC) Based on a Multi-Sensory Experimental Investigation and a Numerical Multiscale Approach, Lauff et al.
02365 Magnetic Alignment of Microsteel Fibers as Strategy for Reinforcing UHPFRC, Ledderose et al.
02366 A Numerical Study on 3D Printed Cementitious Composites Mixes Subjected to Axial Compression, Liu et al.
02367 Effects of Aggregate Content on Rheological Properties of Lubrication Layer and Pumping Concrete, Liu et al.
02368 3D-Printed Concrete with Recycled Glass: Effect of Glass Gradation on Flexural Strength and Microstructure, Liu et al.
02369 The Influence of Interface on the Structural Stability in 3D Concrete Printing Processes, Liu et al.
02370 Analysis of the Mechanical Performance and Damage Mechanism for 3D Printed Concrete Based on Pore Structure, Liu et al.
02371 Effect of Drying Environment on Mechanical Properties, Internal RH and Pore Structure of 3D Printed Concrete, Ma et al.
02372 Hybrid Materials Based on Fly Ash, Metakaolin, and Cement for 3D Printing, Marczyk et al.
02373 Three-Dimensional (3D)-Printed Wood-Starch Composite as Support Material for 3D Concrete Printing, Markin et al.
02374 Automated Fabrication of Reinforcement Cages Using a Robotized Production Cell, Momeni et al.
02375 Rheological Characterization of Three-Dimensional-Printed Polymer Concrete, Murcia et al.
02376 Flow Characterization of Three-Dimensional Printable Cementitious Pastes during Extrusion Using Capillary Rheometry, Nair et al.
02377 Mathematical Morphology-Based Point Cloud Analysis Techniques for Geometry Assessment of 3D Printed Concrete Elements, Nair et al.
02378 Dynamic Characterization of the Layer-Interface Properties of 3D-Printed Concrete Elements, Napolitano et al.
02379 Simultaneous Integration of Continuous Mineral-Bonded Carbon Reinforcement Into Additive Manufacturing with Concrete, Neef et al.
02380 Development of Rapid Set Mortar for Additive Manufacturing, Nespor et al.
02381 Reinforcing Interlayers of Three-Dimensional-Printed Mortar Using Metal Fiber Insertion, Nishiwaki et al.
02382 Optimizing Reinforcement, Orlinski et al.
02383 Rheological Properties of Metakaolin-Based Geopolymers for Three-Dimensional Printing of Structures, Paiva et al.
02384 Multi-Material Additive Manufacturing in Architecture and Construction: A Review, Pajonk et al.
02385 Interlayer Strength of 3D-Printed Mortar Reinforced by Postinstalled Reinforcement, Park et al.
02386 Controlling Three-Dimensional-Printable Concrete with Vibration, Pattaje Sooryanarayana et al.
02387 Quantifying the Complexity of 3D Printed Concrete Elements, Pekuss et al.
02388 Fresh and Hardened Properties of 3D Printable Polymer-Fibre-Reinforced High-Performance Cementitious Composite, Pham et al.
02389 A Lean-based Production Approach for Shotcrete 3D Printed Concrete Components, Placzek et al.
02390 Discrete Fresh Concrete Model for Simulation of Ordinary, Self-Consolidating, and Printable Concrete Flow, Ramyar et al.
02391 A Hybrid Additive Manufacturing Approach: Combining Additive Manufacturing and Green-State Concrete Milling to Create a Functionally Integrated Loadbearing Concrete Panel System, Rennen et al.
02392 Linking Solids Content and Flow Properties of Mortars to Their Three-Dimensional Printing Characteristics, Rodriguez et al.
02393 3D Printing as an Automated Manufacturing Method for a Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Cementitious Composite with Outstanding Flexural Strength (105 Nmm2), Rutzen et al.
02394 New Technology in 3D Concrete Printing by Using Ground Granulated Blast-Furnace Slag: A Review, Salleh et al.
02395 3D Printed Concrete Tectonics, Shaker et al.
02396 Fabrication Information Modeling: Closing the Gap between Building Information Modeling and Digital Fabrication, Slepicka et al.
02397 Effect of Red Mud, Nanoclay, and Natural Fiber on Fresh and Rheological Properties of Three-Dimensional Concrete Printing, Sonebi et al.
02398 Role of Chemical Admixtures on 3D Printed Portland Cement: Assessing Rheology and Buildability, Souza et al.
02399 Combining Wire and Arc Additive Manufacturing and Selective Paste Intrusion for Additively Manu-factured Structural Concrete, Straßer et al.
02400 Effect of Accelerated Curing and Layer Deformations on Structural Failure during Extrusion-Based 3D Printing, Suiker
02401 PVA Fibre Reinforced High-Strength Cementitious Composite for 3D Printing: Mechanical Properties and Durability, Sun et al.
02402 3D Concrete Printing Material: Preliminary Study, Tam et al.
02403 Influence of Substrate Surface Roughness and Moisture Content on Tensile Adhesion Performance of 3D Printable Concrete, Tao et al.
02404 Mechanical and Microstructural Properties of 3D Printable Concrete in the Context of the Twin-Pipe Pumping Strategy, Tao et al.
02405 Adhesion Properties of Printable Polymer-Modified Concrete for Rock Tunnel Linings, Tao et al.
02406 Computational Investigation of Concrete Pipe Flow: Critical Review, Tavangar et al.
02407 Three-Dimensional Printability of White Portland Cement Containing Cenospheres, Wang et al.
02408 Bond Shear Performances and Constitutive Model of Interfaces between Vertical and Horizontal Filaments of 3D Printed Concrete, Wang et al.
02409 Determining Printable Zone of Three-Dimensional-Printable Mortar Using Flow Table Tests, Wi et al.
02410 Numerical Approach to Pipe Flow of Fresh Concrete Based on MPS Method, Xu et al.
02411 Case Study: Measuring Flow and Setting Time for Three-Dimensionally Printed Mortar, Xu et al.
02412 The Relationship between the Rheological Behavior and Interlayer Bonding Properties of 3D Printing Cementitious Materials with the Addition of Attapulgite, Yao et al.
02413 Real-Time Toolpath Planning and Extrusion Control (RTPEC) Method for Variable-Width 3D Concrete Printing, Yuan et al.
02414 Optimizing Three-Dimensional Printing Binder Composed of Ordinary Portland Cement and Calcium Sulfoaluminate Cement with Retarders, Yuan et al.
02415 Effect of Processing Parameters on the Printing Quality of 3D Printed Composite Cement-Based Materials, Zhang et al.
02416 Limestone Calcined Clay Cement for Three-Dimensional- Printed Engineered Cementitious Composites, Zhu et al.


02417 3D-Printed Biodigital Clay Bricks, Abdallah et al.
02418 Environmental Footprint and Economics of a Full-Scale 3D-Printed House, Abdalla et al.
02419 Digital Fabrication of Eco-Friendly Ultra-High Performance Fiber-Reinforced Concrete, Arunothayan et al.
02420 Trajectory Planning for Concrete Element Fabrication with Optimal Control, Blagojevic et al.
02421 Early-Age Creep Behaviour of 3D Printable Mortars: Experimental Characterisation and Analytical Modelling, Esposito et al.
02422 Depth-Camera-Based Rebar Detection and Digital Reconstruction for Robotic Concrete Spraying, Frangez et al.
02423 DFAB HOUSE: Implications of a Building-Scale Demonstrator for Adoption of Digital Fabrication in AEC, Graser et al.
02424 Experimental Study on Large-Scale 3D Printed Concrete Walls Under Axial Compression, Han et al.
02425 Fresh Properties of 3D Printed Mortar with Recycled Powder, Hou et al.
02426 Experimental Study on Time-Dependent Changes in Rheological Properties and Flow Rate of 3D Concrete Printing Materials, Lee et al.
02427 Expansive Cementitious Materials to Improve Micro-Cable Reinforcement Bond in 3D Concrete Printing, Li et al.
02428 Overview of the Development of 3D-Printing Concrete: A Review, Lyu et al.
02429 Large Particle 3D Concrete Printing: A Green and Viable Solution, Mai et al.
02430 Industry 4.0 in a Project Context: Introducing 3D Printing in Construction Projects, Olsson et al.
02431 Presentation of a Concrete Additive Manufacturing Extruder with Online Rheology Modification Capabilities, Poudelet et al.
02432 3D Concrete Printing Technology Current Progress and Future Perspective: A State-of-the-Art Review, Prasad
02433 3D Printable Concrete with Natural and Recycled Coarse Aggregates: Rheological, Mechanical and Shrinkage Behaviour, Rahul et al.
02434 Digital Concrete for Sustainable Construction Industry: A State-of-the-Art Review, Rollakanti et al.
02435 3D Concrete Printing in Construction Industry: A State of the Art, Sesetti et al.
02436 Influence of Phase Change Material on Concrete Behavior for Construction 3D Printing, Shahzad et al.
02437 Numerical Simulation of Multi-Layer 3D Concrete Printing, Spangenberg et al.
02438 Rheology and Shrinkage of Concrete Using Polypropylene Fiber for 3D Concrete Printing, Tran et al.
02439 Advances and Current Trends on the Use of 3D Printed Concrete for Building Fabrication, Uribe-Pinzon et al.
02440 3D Printing Deformation Estimation Using Artificial Vision Strategies for Smart-Construction, Villacrés et al.
02441 Additive Manufacturing of Clay and Ceramic Building Components, Wolf et al.
02442 Filament Geometry Control in Extrusion-Based Additive Manufacturing of Concrete: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, Wolfs et al.
02443 Comparison of Properties of 3D-Printed Mortar in Air vs. Underwater, Woo et al.
02444 Bending Behaviour of Steel Cable Reinforced 3D Printed Concrete in the Direction Perpendicular to the Interfaces, Xiao et al.
02445 Robotics Technologies Aided for 3D Printing in Construction: A Review, Xu et al.
02446 Mechanical Anisotropy of Ultra-High Performance Fibre-Reinforced Concrete for 3D Printing, Yang et al.
02447 Short-Duration Near-Nozzle Mixing for 3D Concrete Printing, Zhang et al.
02448 On Rheology of Mortar with Recycled Fine Aggregate for 3D Printing, Zou et al.


02449 Developing Mix Proportions for Class C Fly Ash-Based Alkali-Activated 3D-Printed Concrete Mixtures, Abudawaba et al.
02450 Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Coral Restoration through 3D Printing and Fabrication, Albalawi et al.
02451 Material-Informed Formwork Geometry: The Effects of Cross-Sectional Variation and Patterns on the Strength of 3D Printed Eggshell Formworks, Burger et al.
02452 Milling a Cement-Based 3D Printable Mortar in Its Green State Using a Ball-Nosed Cutter, Dobrzanski et al.
02453 Novel Compressive Constitutive Model for 3D Printed Concrete, Galeote et al.
02454 Influence of an Extrusion Approach on the Fiber Orientation and Mechanical Properties of Engineering Cementitious Composite, Ge et al.
02455 Aligned Interlayer Fibre Reinforcement for Digital Fabrication with Concrete, Gebhard et al.
02456 Additive Manufacturing in Architecture: 3D Printing Solutions for Vaulted Spaces, Graziano et al.
02457 A Study of Early Age Shear Properties of 3D Printable Cementitious Mixes with Fiber Reinforcements, Kompella et al.
02458 External Injection Method for Improvement of Concrete Pumpability, Kwon et al.
02459 Kalibrierverfahren für konstante Materialstränge bei robotergestützer Betonextrusion, Lindner et al.
02460 Digitaler Betonbau durch additive Verfahren: Sachstand und Forschungsbedarf, Mechtcherine et al.
02461 Understanding the Structural Build-up Rate of Cementitious Materials for 3D-Printing, Miranda et al.
02462 Dynamic Properties and Fractal Characteristics of 3D Printed Cement Mortar in SHPB Test, Mo et al.
02463 Modelling the Interlayer Bond Strength of 3D Printed Concrete with Surface Moisture, Moelich et al.
02464 Interlayer Bond and Porosity of 3D Printed Concrete, Mohan et al.
02465 Examining Layer Height Effects on the Flexural and Fracture Response of Plain and Fiber-Reinforced 3D-Printed Beams, Nair et al.
02466 Evaluation of Refined Cement-Based Matrix Systems for Extrusion of Wood Fiber Cement, Nassar et al.
02467 Incremental Viscoelasticity at Finite Strains for the Modelling of 3D Concrete Printing, Nedjar
02468 Prvok: An Experiment with 3D Printing Large Doublecurved Concrete Structure, Nováková et al.
02469 A Low-Carbon, Funicular Concrete Floor System: Design and Engineering of the HiLo Floor, Ranaudo et al.
02470 Particle Finite Element Simulation of Extrusion Processes of Fresh Concrete during 3D-Concrete-Printing, Reinold et al.
02471 Installation Order in Automatic Fabrication of Reinforcement Rebar Cages, Relefors et al.
02472 Numerical Reliability Study Based on Rheological Input for Bingham Paste Pumping Using a Finite Volume Approach in OpenFOAM, Schryver et al.
02473 Shrinkage Behavior of Cementitious 3D Printing Materials: Effect of Temperature and Relative Humidity, Shahmirzadi et al.
02474 Effect of Nano-Additives and Polymeric Viscosity Modifying Admixtures (VMA) on the Fresh and Hardened Properties of 3D Printable Concrete Mixtures, Som et al.
02475 Pushing Concrete Material Usage to the Limit: Weight Optimised, 3D Printed Concrete Girders with External Reinforcement, Stoiber et al.
02476 Energy Performance of 3D-Printed Concrete Walls: A Numerical Study, Suntharalingam et al.
02477 A 3D-Printing Centered Approach to Mars Habitat Architecture and Fabrication, Troemner et al.
02478 Properties and Microstructure of Extrusion-Based 3D Printing Mortar Containing a Highly Flowable, Rapid Set Grout, Wi et al.
02479 Correlation of Interlayer Properties and Rheological Behaviors of 3DPC with Various Printing Time Intervals, Xu et al.
02480 Study on Bending Strength of Cementitious Composites Based on Fiber Alignment, Zhang et al.
02481 3D Concrete Printing with Variable Width Filament, Zhan et al.


02482 Experimental Calibration and Compensation for the Continuous Effect of Time, Number of Layers and Volume of Material on Shape Deformation in Small-Scale Additive Manufacturing of Concrete, Ashrafi et al.
02483 Towards a Multifunctional 3DCP Slab System, Aziz et al.
02484 Latest Trend in Building Construction: Three-Dimensional Printing, Babbar et al.
02485 New Calculation Approach for Selecting and Orienting the Reinforcing Material for Robotic Concrete Manufacturing, Baghdadi et al.
02486 In-Process Reinforcing Method: Dual 3D Printing Procedure for Ultra-High Performance Concrete Reinforced Cementitious Composites, Bai et al.
02487 Foam 3D Printing for Construction: A Review of Applications, Materials, and Processes, Bedarf et al.
02488 Influences of Air-Voids on the Performance of 3D Printing Cementitious Materials, Che et al.
02489 3D Printing of Calcined Clay-Limestone-Based Cementitious Materials, Chen et al.
02490 Simulated and Experimental Investigation of the Mechanical Properties and Solubility of 3D-Printed Capsules for Self-Healing Cement Composites, Choi et al.
02491 Development of Communication Protocols between BIM Elements and 3D Concrete Printing, Forcael et al.
02492 A Bibliometric Analysis on 3D Printed Concrete in Architecture, Gülle et al.
02493 Real-Time Extrusion Quality Monitoring Techniques for Construction 3D Printing, Kazemian et al.
02494 3D Printer Robot for Civil Construction: A Bond Graph Approach, Khandelwal et al.
02495 Anisotropic Mechanical Properties of Extrusion-Based 3D Printed Layered Concrete, Liu et al.
02496 Printing Parameter Requirements for 3D Printable Geopolymer Materials Prepared from Industrial Side Streams, Munir et al.
02497 Material Characterization of Diversity Aggregated Cementitious Materials Produced with a Modular Lightweight Additive Manufacturing Extrusion System, Nodehi et al.
02498 Development of 3D Printable Cementitious Composites with the Incorporation of Polypropylene Fibers, Putten et al.
02499 Concrete 3D Printing of Lightweight Elements Using Hollow-Core Extrusion of Filaments, Ramakrishnan et al.
02500 Key Factors Influencing the Implementation of Three-Dimensional Printing in Construction, Umar
02501 3D Printing of Portland Cement-Containing Bodies, Ur Rehman et al.
02502 Building Envelope Prefabricated with 3D Printing Technology, Volpe et al.
02503 The Synergistic Effect of Ester-Ether Copolymerization Thixo-Tropic Superplasticizer and Nano-Clay on the Buildability of 3D Printable Cementitious Materials, Wang et al.
02504 Fiber-Reinforced Mortar with 100% Recycled Fine Aggregates: A Cleaner Perspective on 3D Printing, Xiao et al.
02505 Development of Photocatalytic 3D-Printed Cementitious Mortars: Influence of the Curing, Spraying Time Gaps and TiO2 Coating Rates, Zahabizadeh et al.
02506 Development of Fibre Reinforced Engineered Cementitious Composite Using Polyvinyl Alcohol Fibre and Activated Carbon Powder for 3D Concrete Printing, Zhang et al.
02507 Plastic Shrinkage and Cracking of 3D Printed Mortar with Recycled Sand, Zhang et al.


02508 Adaptive Toolpath: Enhanced Design and Process Control for Robotic 3DCP, Breseghello et al.
02509 Learning from Historical Structures under Compression for Concrete 3D Printing Construction, Duarte et al.
02510 PRINT in PRINT: A Nested Robotic Fabrication Strategy for 3D Printing Dissolvable Formwork of a Stackable Column, Farahbakhsh et al.
02511 A First-Order Physical Model for the Prediction of Shear-Induced Particle Migration and Lubricating Layer Formation during Concrete Pumping, Fataei et al.
02512 3D Concrete Printing Matrix Reinforced with Geogrid, Geetha et al.
02513 Advanced Manufacturing in Civil Engineering, Guimarães et al.
02514 Mechanical Characterisation for Numerical Simulation of Extrusion-Based 3D Concrete Printing, Heever et al.
02515 Evolution of Additive Manufacturing in Civil Infrastructure Systems: A Ten-Year Review, Jamali et al.
02516 Additive Manufacturing of Concrete Wall Structures, Karpova et al.
02517 Upcycling of Wastewater Sludge Incineration Ash as a 3D Printing Technology Resource, Ki et al.
02518 Go Big or Go Home: Printing Concrete Buildings, Kreiger
02519 Additive Manufacturing and the Evolution of the Construction Industry: A Systematic Literature Review 2015-2021, Leite et al.
02520 Early Hydration and Mechanical Strength of Calcite-Ettringite Seeds Added Cement Mixture for 3D Printing, Lim et al.
02521 Injection 3D Concrete Printing in a Carrier Liquid: Underlying Physics and Applications to Lightweight Space Frame Structures, Lowke et al.
02522 Effects of Modifying Agent on Rheology and Workability of Alkali-Activated Slag Paste for 3D Extrusion Forming, Lv et al.
02523 On a Geometrically Nonlinear Incremental Formulation for the Modeling of 3D Concrete Printing, Nedjar
02524 Implementation of 3D Concrete Printing Technology in Precast Concrete Mass Production Industry, Oktaviani et al.
02525 From Analytical Methods to Numerical Simulations: A Process Engineering Toolbox for 3D Concrete Printing, Perrot et al.
02526 3D Concrete Printing: A Systematic Review of Rheology, Mix Designs, Mechanical, Microstructural, and Durability Characteristics, Rehman et al.
02527 Investigating the Feasibility of Using Carbon Fiber Tapes as Reinforcement for 3D Concrete Printing, Scheurer et al.
02528 Influence of Pumping on the Resistivity Evolution of High-Strength Concrete and Its Relation to the Rheology, Shen et al.
02529 Fire Resistance of 3D Printed Concrete Composite Wall Panels Exposed to Various Fire Scenarios, Suntharalingam et al.
02530 Cementitious Composites Blending with High Belite Sulfoaluminate and Medium-Heat Portland Cements for Largescale 3D Printing, Wang et al.
02531 Interlayer Reinforcement of 3D Printed Concrete by the In-Process Deposition of U-Nails, Wang et al.
02532 Study on the Rheology and Buildability of 3D Printed Concrete with Recycled Coarse Aggregates, Wu et al.
02533 Influences of Calcium Carbonate Nanoparticles on the Workability and Strength of 3D Printing Cementitious Materials Containing Limestone Powder, Yang et al.
02534 Microstructural Characterization of 3D Printed Concrete, Yu et al.
02535 Effects of Bentonite, Diatomite and Metakaolin on the Rheological Behavior of 3D Printed Magnesium Potassium Phosphate Cement Composites, Zhao et al.


02536 A Concise Review on Interlayer Bond Strength in 3D Concrete Printing, Babafemi et al.
02537 A Preliminary Study on the Mix Design of 3D-Printable Engineered Cementitious Composite, Bakhshi et al.
02538 Sustainable Materials for 3D Concrete Printing, Bhattacherjee et al.
02539 3D Printing of Mortar with Continuous Fibres: Principle, Properties and Potential for Application, Caron et al.
02540 Stability of Steel Slag as Fine Aggregate and Its Application in 3D Printing Materials, Dai et al.
02541 Architectural Evaluation of 3D-Printed Buildings, García-Alvarado et al.
02542 Development of a Robot-Based Multi-Directional Dynamic Fiber Winding Process for Additive Manufacturing Using Shotcrete 3D Printing, Hack et al.
02543 Energy Efficient Multi-Robotic 3D Printing for Large-Scale Construction: Could This Technique Contribute to Sustainability of Future Buildings?, Haghighi et al.
02544 Use of Hemp Fibres in 3D Printed Concrete, Hierden et al.
02545 Experimental Study on the Anisotropic Behaviour and Strength of 3D Printed Concrete, Jørgensen et al.
02546 Precision Manufacture of Concrete Parts Using Integrated Robotic 3D Printing and Milling, Kinnell et al.
02547 TRR 277: Additive Manufacturing in Construction, Kloft et al.
02548 Constraints and Limitations of Concrete 3D Printing in Architecture, Ko
02549 Influence of Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose and Silica Fume on Stability, Rheological Properties, and Printability of 3D Printing Foam Concrete, Liu et al.
02550 3D-Printing with Foam Concrete: From Material Design and Testing to Application and Sustainability, Markin et al.
02551 Numerical Simulation for 3D Printed Wall Structure during the Process of Printing considering Uncertainty, Mengesha et al.
02552 Quantitative Microstructural Investigation of 3D-Printed and Cast Cement Pastes Using Micro-Computed Tomography and Image Analysis, Moini et al.
02553 Technologies for Improving Buildability in 3D Concrete Printing, Muthukrishnan et al.
02554 Relating Print Velocity and Extrusion Characteristics of 3D-Printable Cementitious Binders: Implications towards Testing Methods, Nair et al.
02555 Design and Construction Method of a 3D Concrete Printing Self-Supporting Curvilinear Pavilion, Prasittisopin et al.
02556 Influence of Waste Tire Rubber Particles Size on the Microstructural, Mechanical, and Acoustic Insulation Properties of 3D-Printable Cement Mortars, Sambucci et al.
02557 Effect of Surface Moisture on Inter-Layer Strength of 3D Printed Concrete: Correction, Sanjayan et al.
02558 Change in Fresh Properties of High-Strength Concrete Due to Pumping, Shen et al.
02559 Fibre-Reinforced Lightweight Engineered Cementitious Composites for 3D Concrete Printing, Sun et al.
02560 Fire Performance of Innovative 3D Printed Concrete Composite Wall Panels: A Numerical Study, Suntharalingam et al.
02561 Large-Scale 3D Printing Concrete Technology: Current Status and Future Opportunities, Xiao et al.
02562 Mix Design Concepts for 3D Printable Concrete: A Review, Zhang et al.


02563 Sustainability Tradeoffs in the Adoption of 3D Concrete Printing in the Construction Industry, Adaloudis et al.
02564 The Use of BIM for Robotic 3D Concrete Printing, Anane et al.
02565 Digital Printing of Mortar in Carrier Liquid: Comparison of Approaches to Predict Print Stability, Benamara et al.
02566 A Discrete Lattice Model for Assessment of Buildability Performance of 3D-Printed Concrete, Chang et al.
02567 Extrusion-Based 3D Printing Concrete with Coarse Aggregate: Printability and Direction-Dependent Mechanical Performance, Chen et al.
02568 3D Printable Lightweight Cementitious Composites with Incorporated Waste Glass Aggregates and Expanded Microspheres: Rheological, Thermal and Mechanical Properties, Cuevas et al.
02569 The “Slugs-Test” for Extrusion-Based Additive Manufacturing: Protocol, Analysis and Practical Limits, Ducoulombier et al.
02570 Foundation Piles: A New Feature for Concrete 3D Printers, Hoffmann et al.
02571 3D-Printing of Ultra-High-Performance Concrete for Robotic Bridge Construction, Javed et al.
02572 Extrusion Rheometer for 3D Concrete Printing, Jayathilakage et al.
02573 Aggregate Moisture Content and Fresh Property Control Measures in Cementitious Mortars, Jenkins et al.
02574 Development of a Novel Material and Casting Method for In Situ Construction on Mars, Li et al.
02575 Tensile and Flexural Properties of 3D-Printed Jackets-Reinforced Mortar, Liu et al.
02576 Printability and Setting Time of CSA Cement with Na2SiO3 and Gypsum for Binder Jetting 3D Printing, Na et al.
02577 Additive Manufacturing in Construction: A Review on Technologies, Processes, Materials, and Their Applications of 3D and 4D Printing, Pacillo et al.
02578 3D Printing in Construction: State of the Art and Applications, Pan et al.
02579 Construction and Demolition Waste-Based Geopolymers Suited for Use in 3-Dimensional Additive Manufacturing, Şahin et al.
02580 3D Printing Concrete Incoroprating Environmentally Friendly Materials, Said et al.
02581 Numerical Modeling of an Extrusion-Based Concrete Printing Process Considering Spatially and Temporarily Varying Material and Process Parameters, Schmidt et al.
02582 An Overview on the Rheology, Mechanical Properties, Durability, 3D Printing, and Microstructural Performance of Nanomaterials in Cementitious Composites, Song et al.
02583 Mechanical Enhancement for EMW-Absorbing Cementitious Material Using 3D Concrete Printing, Sun et al.
02584 An Effective Solution for Reinforcing 3D Concrete Printable Composites, Tarhan et al.
02585 Fresh and Rheological Performances of Air-Entrained 3D Printable Mortars, Tarhan et al.
02586 Uncertainty Quantification for the Representative Volume Element of Geometrically Monoclinic 3D Printed Concrete, Wu et al.
02587 Mechanical and Microstructural Evolution of 3D Printed Concrete with Polyethylene Fiber and Recycled Sand at Elevated Temperatures, Xiao et al.


02588 Durability Assessment and Microstructural Analysis of 3D Printed Concrete Exposed to Sulfuric Acid Environments, Baz et al.
02589 Robotic 3D Printing of Mineral Foam for a Lightweight Composite Facade Shading Panel, Bedarf et al.
02590 Ambient Temperature Cured ‘Just-Add-Water’ Geopolymer for 3D Concrete Printing Applications, Bong et al.
02591 Juxtaposing Fresh Material Characterisation Methods for Buildability Assessment of 3D Printable Cementitious Mortars, Bos et al.
02592 Toolpath Simulation, Design and Manipulation in Robotic 3D Concrete Printing, Breseghello et al.
02593 Developing 3D Printable Lightweight Functional Cementitious Composite, Brooks et al.
02594 Framework for Technical Specifications of 3D Concrete Printers, Chung et al.
02595 Additive Manufacturing of Thermally Enhanced Lightweight Concrete Wall Elements with Closed Cellular Structures, Dielemans et al.
02596 Green High-Performance Mortars for 3D Printing Applications, Falliano et al.
02597 Structural Behaviour of 3D Printed Concrete Beams with Various Reinforcement Strategies, Gebhard et al.
02598 Modelling the Development of Capillary Pressure in Freshly 3D-Printed Concrete Elements, Ghourchian et al.
02599 Parallel Paths of Inquiry: Detailing for DFAB HOUSE, Graser et al.
02600 Additive Manufacturing in the Construction Industry: The Comparative Competitiveness of 3D Concrete Printing, Khajavi et al.
02601 Integrating the Bio-Digital Aesthetic Value and Architecture Potential of RLP-Concrete 3D Printing Technology, Li et al.
02602 Reinforcement Method for 3D Concrete Printing Using Paste-Coated Bar Penetrations, Marchment et al.
02603 Digital Bauen: 3D-Druck mit Beton, Mechtcherine
02604 Discussion: Commentary: 3D Printing Set to Transform the Construction Industry, Mullett et al.
02605 3D Printing in Construction: Current Status, Implementation Hindrances, and Development Agenda, Ning et al.
02606 Penetration Test as a Fast Method to Determine Yield Stress and Structural Build-Up for 3D Printing of Cementitious Materials, Pott et al.
02607 Numerical Simulation of 3D Printing of Infrastructure Materials, Ramyar et al.
02608 Importance and Potential of Cellulosic Materials and Derivatives in Extrusion-Based 3D Concrete Printing (3DCP): Prospects and Challenges, Salman et al.
02609 Experimental Measurement on the Effects of Recycled Glass Cullets as Aggregates for Construction 3D Printing, Ting et al.
02610 Bonding Performance of 3D Printing Concrete with Self-Locking Interfaces Exposed to Compression–Shear and Compression–Splitting Stresses, Wang et al.
02611 Design and Fabrication of a 3D Concrete Printed Prestressed Bridge, Zhan et al.
02612 Effect of Fiber Content and Alignment on the Mechanical Properties of 3D Printing Cementitious Composites, Zhang et al.
02613 3D Concrete Printing of Permanent Formwork for Concrete Column Construction, Zhu et al.
02614 Mechanical Properties of Engineered Cementitious Composites Beams Fabricated by Extrusion-Based 3D, Zhu et al.


02615 3D Printing Eco-Friendly Concrete Containing Under-Utilised and Waste Solids as Aggregates, Bai et al.
02616 Rheology and Application of Buoyant Foam Concrete for Digital Fabrication, Cho et al.
02617 Recasting Concrete: A Case Study in Concrete 3D Printing as an Architectural Pedagogy, Cohen
02618 Flexural Properties of 3D Printed Fibre-Reinforced Concrete with Recycled Sand, Ding et al.
02619 Qualification of 3D Printed Mortar With Electrical Conductivity Measurements, Heifetz et al.
02620 Non-Destructive Testing to Characterize Interlayer Bonds of Idealized Concrete Additive Manufacturing Products, Helsel et al.
02621 Concept of Using 3D Printing for Production of Concrete-Plastic Columns with Unconventional Cross-Sections, Katzer et al.
02622 Computational Assessment of Thermal Performance of 3D Printed Concrete Wall Structures with Cavities, Marais et al.
02623 Influence of Fiber Alignment on Pseudoductility and Microcracking in a Cementitious Carbon Fiber Composite Material, Rutzen et al.
02624 A Systematic Review and Analysis of the Viability of 3D-Printed Construction in Remote Environments, Schuldt et al.
02625 Experimental and Numerical Analysis of 3D Printed Cement Mortar Specimens Using Inkjet 3DP, Shakor et al.
02626 Experimental Study on the Thermal Performance of a 3D Printed Concrete Prototype Building, Sun et al.
02627 Development of 3D Printing Sustainable Mortars Based on a Bibliometric Analysis, Teixeira et al.
02628 A New Way to Design Software for Industrial Automation: 3D Printer Cement Mixtures, Vojir et al.
02629 Influence of the Printing Direction and Age on the Mechanical Properties of 3D Printed Concrete, Zahabizadeh et al.
02630 Mix Design and Rheological Properties of Magnesium Potassium Phosphate Cement Composites Based on the 3D Printing Extrusion System, Zhao et al.


02631 Optimum Mix Design for 3D Concrete Printing Using Mining Tailings: A Case Study in Spain, Álvarez-Fernández et al.
02632 Strategy to Shape, on a Half-Meter Scale, a Geopolymer Composite Structure by Additive Manufacturing, Archez et al.
02633 Fiber Orientation Effects on Ultra-High Performance Concrete Formed by 3D Printing, Arunothayan et al.
02634 Factors Affecting 3D Printing Technology Adaptation in Construction, Besklubova et al.
02635 A “Low-Cost” Subtractive Method for Freshly Finished 3D Concrete Printed Structures, Canou et al.
02636 Characterization of Air-Void Systems in 3D Printed Cementitious Materials Using Optical Image Scanning and X-ray Computed Tomography, Chen et al.
02637 Investigation of Additive Incorporation on Rheological, Microstructural and Mechanical Properties of 3D Printable Alkali-Activated Materials, Chougan et al.
02638 Preparation of Magnesium Oxysulfate Cement as a 3D Printing Material, Cui et al.
02639 Technology of 3-D Printing of Fiber Reinforced Mixtures, Klyuev et al.
02640 Formulation of Alkali-Activated Fly Ash-Slag Binders for 3D Concrete Printing, Kondepudi et al.
02641 Use of Polymer Concrete for Large-Scale 3D Printing, Krčma et al.
02642 3D Printing Concrete: A Review, Krishnaraja et al.
02643 Stress-Cognizant 3D Printing of Free-Form Concrete Structures, Lim et al.
02644 Printability and Particle Packing of 3D-Printable Limestone Calcined Clay Cement Composites, Long et al.
02645 Effect of Printing Parameters on Material Distribution in Spray-Based 3D Concrete Printing (S-3DCP), Lu et al.
02646 Integrating Reinforcement in Digital Fabrication with Concrete: A Review and Classification Framework, Mechtcherine et al.
02647 Mechanical Properties of Hardened 3D Printed Concretes and Mortars: Development of a Consistent Experimental Characterization Strategy, Meurer et al.
02648 Concrete Hybrid Manufacturing: A Machine Architecture, Muñiz et al.
02649 3D Printing in the Construction Industry: A Systematic Review of the Thermal Performance in Buildings, Pessoa et al.
02650 Identifying the Challenges to Adopting Robotics in the US Construction Industry, Pradhananga et al.
02651 Scope of 3D Printing in Manufacturing Industries: A Review, Sandeep et al.
02652 The Effects of Nano- and Micro-Sized Additives on 3D Printable Cementitious and Alkali-Activated Composites: A Review, Sikora et al.
02653 The Effects of Nanosilica on the Fresh and Hardened Properties of 3D Printable Mortars, Sikora et al.
02654 Numerical Study of Fire and Energy Performance of Innovative Light-Weight 3D Printed Concrete Wall Configurations in Modular Building System, Suntharalingam et al.
02655 Stiffening Control of Cement-Based Materials Using Accelerators in Inline Mixing Processes: Possibilities and Challenges, Tao et al.
02656 From Casting to 3D Printing Geopolymers: A Proof of Concept, Voney et al.
02657 Investigation of Interlayer Adhesion of 3D Printable Cementitious Material from the Aspect of Printing Process, Weng et al.
02658 Extracting BIM Information for Lattice Toolpath Planning in Digital Concrete Printing with Developed Dynamo Script: A Case Study, Weng et al.
02659 Effect of Polyethylene Fiber Content on Workability and Mechanical-Anisotropic Properties of 3D Printed Ultra-High Ductile Concrete, Ye et al.
02660 3D-Printable Engineered Cementitious Composites (3DP-ECC): Fresh and Hardened Properties, Yu et al.
02661 Hardened Properties and Durability of Large-Scale 3D Printed Cement-Based Materials, Zhang et al.


02662 Influence of the Mix Composition on the Thixotropy of 3D Printable Mortars, Baz et al.
02663 Rheological Behaviors and Structure Build-Up of 3D Printed Polypropylene and Polyvinyl Alcohol Fiber-Reinforced Calcium Sulphoaluminate Cement Composites, Chen et al.
02664 Uniaxial Load Testing of Large-Scale 3D-Printed Concrete Wall and Finite-Element Model Analysis, Daungwilailuk et al.
02665 Flow-Based Pultrusion of Continuous Fibers for Cement-Based Composite Material and Additive Manufacturing: Rheological and Technological Requirements, Demont et al.
02666 3D Printing System for Earth-Based Construction: Case Study of Cob, Gomaa et al.
02667 TRR 277: Additive Fertigung im Bauwesen, Kloft et al.
02668 Improving Performance of Additive Manufactured (3D Printed) Concrete: A Review on Material Mix Design, Processing, Interlayer Bonding, and Reinforcing Methods, Kristombu Baduge et al.
02669 On the Issue of Measuring the Strength of Additively Manufactured Concrete, Lesovik et al.
02670 Investigation of Steel Wire Mesh Reinforcement Method for 3D Concrete Printing, Liu et al.
02671 Early Age Hydration, Rheology and Pumping Characteristics of CSA Cement-Based 3D Printable Concrete, Mohan et al.
02672 Life Cycle Assessment of Integrated Additive–Subtractive Concrete 3D Printing, Muñoz et al.
02673 Digital Design Computing and Modelling for 3D Concrete Printing, Nguyen et al.
02674 Effect of Structural Build-Up on Interlayer Bond Strength of 3D Printed Cement Mortars, Pan et al.
02675 Applicability and Integration of Concrete Additive Manufacturing in Construction Industry: A Case Study, Ramadany et al.
02676 Automating Fab Cities: 3D Printing and Urban Renewal, Rimmer
02677 The Evaluation of Rheological Parameters of 3D Printable Concretes and the Effect of Accelerating Admixture, Rubin et al.
02678 Weak Inter-Layer Bonding in Extrusion 3D Concrete Printing: A Comparative Analysis of Mitigation Techniques, Salman et al.
02679 Evaluation of Material Modification Using PET in 3D Concrete Printing Technology, Skibicki et al.
02680 Using a Cable-Driven Parallel Robot with Applications in 3D Concrete Printing, Tho et al.
02681 Effect of Flow Behavior and Process-Induced Variations on Shape Stability of 3D Printed Elements: A Review, Vallurupalli et al.
02682 3D Printing and Housing: Intellectual Property and Construction Law, Wang et al.
02683 Particle-Bed Binding by Selective Paste Intrusion: Strength and Durability of Printed Fine-Grain Concrete Members, Weger et al.
02684 Penetration of Cement Pastes into Particle-Beds: A Comparison of Penetration Models, Weger et al.
02685 Synchronized Concrete and Bonding Agent Deposition System for Interlayer Bond Strength Enhancement in 3D Concrete Printing, Weng et al.
02686 Effect Research of Cement Block on Paste Flow for 3D Cement Printing Based on an Improved Lattice Boltzmann Method, Wu et al.
02687 Printability and Efflorescence Control of Admixtures Modified 3D Printed White Portland Cement-Based Materials Based on the Response Surface Methodology, Xu et al.
02688 Fresh and Anisotropic-Mechanical Properties of 3D Printable Ultra-High Ductile Concrete with Crumb Rubber, Ye et al.


02689 A 3D Concrete Printing Prefabrication Platform for Bespoke Columns, Anton et al.
02690 Using Calcium Oxide and Accelerator to Control the Initial Setting Time of Mortar in 3D Concrete Printing, Antoni et al.
02691 Effect of Metakaolin and Natural Fibres on Three-Dimensional Printing Mortar, Bohuchval et al.
02692 Effect of Transverse and Longitudinal Confinement on the Interlayer Bond in 3D Printed Concrete at Elevated Temperatures: An Experimental Study, Cicione et al.
02693 Effect of Material Ratio on the Performances in 3D Cement Printing and Its Optimization, Gu et al.
02694 A Review of 3D Printed Concrete: Performance Requirements, Testing Measurements and Mix Design, Hou et al.
02695 Gravity Induced Flow to Characterize Rheological Properties of Printable Cement-Based Materials, Jacquet et al.
02696 3D Concrete Printing for Sustainable Construction, Kaszyńska et al.
02697 An Investigation into the Porosity of Extrusion-Based 3D Printed Concrete, Kruger et al.
02698 Sustainable and Renewable Bio-Based Natural Fibres and Its Application for 3D Printed Concrete: A Review, Luhar et al.
02699 3D Concrete Printing Sustainability: A Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of Four Construction Method Scenarios, Mohammad et al.
02700 Ultra-High Early Strength Cementitious Grout Suitable for Additive Manufacturing Applications Fabricated by Using Graphene Oxide and Viscosity Modifying Agents, Mohammed et al.
02701 A Parametric Modelling Strategy for the Numerical Simulation of 3D Concrete Printing with Complex Geometries, Ooms et al.
02702 Use of Magnesium-Silicate-Hydrate (M-S-H) Cement Mixes in 3D Printing Applications, Panda et al.
02703 Ableitung von Integrationsansätzen des „Beton- 3D-Drucks“ in den Bauprozess anhand von Merkmalen der additiven Fertigung, Placzek et al.
02704 Biomimicry for 3D Concrete Printing: A Review and Perspective, Plessis et al.
02705 Early Age Shrinkage Phenomena of 3D Printed Cementitious Materials with Superabsorbent Polymers, Putten et al.
02706 Additive Manufacturing Applications for Industry 4.0: A Systematic Critical Review, Sepasgozar et al.
02707 Additive Manufacturing through Digital Concrete by Extrusion and Non-extrusion Method, Singh et al.
02708 Additive Fertigung im Betonbau: Aktueller Stand, Vasilić


02709 Designing 3D Printable Cementitious Materials with Gel-Forming Polymers, Afarani et al.
02710 Interlayer Reinforcement of 3D Printed Concrete Elements, Baz et al.
02711 Reinforcing Digitally Fabricated Concrete: A Systems Approach Review, Bester et al.
02712 Morph & Slerp: Shape Description for 3D Printing of Concrete, Bhooshan et al.
02713 Material Development Standards and Methods for Additive Manufacturing in Construction to Meet Building Code Requirements for Certification, Dubov et al.
02714 3D Printing of Polymers with Continuous Fibers to Replace Steel Reinforcement and Structural Steel in Construction, Dubov et al.
02715 Assessment of Asymmetrical Rheological Behavior of Cementitious Material for 3D Printing Application, Jacquet et al.
02716 Crafting Plaster through Continuous Mobile Robotic Fabrication On-Site, Jenny et al.
02717 Buildability and Mechanical Properties of 3D Printed Concrete, Joh et al.
02718 Fused Filament Fabrication Printer Modified to Dispense Cement Paste for Concrete Additive Manufacturing Studies, Jones
02719 The Multi-Storey Concrete Printing Construction Technology, Krotov et al.
02720 Feasibility of Glass-Basalt Fiber Reinforced Seawater Coral Sand Mortar for 3D Printing, Li et al.
02721 Optimisation of 3D Printed Concrete for Artificial Reefs: Biofouling and Mechanical Analysis, Ly et al.
02722 3D‐Druck mit Carbonbeton: Technologie und die ersten Untersuchungsergebnisse, Neef et al.
02723 A Path Planning Optimization Framework for Concrete Based Additive Manufacturing Processes, Papacharalampopoulos et al.
02724 Additive Manufacturing of Cementitious Materials by Selective Paste Intrusion: Numerical Modeling of the Flow Using a 2D Axisymmetric Phase Field Method, Pierre et al.
02725 Vibration Induced Active Rheology Control for 3D Concrete Printing, Sanjayan et al.
02726 Development, Implementation and Optimization of a Mobile 3D Printing Platform, Sauter et al.
02727 Modeling and Design Optimization of Robotic Hoses for 3D Printing of Cement, Sterckx et al.
02728 VoxelPrint: A Grasshopper Plug-In for Voxel-Based Numerical Simulation of Concrete Printing, Vantyghem et al.
02729 Interface Behavior and Interface Tensile Strength of a Hardened Concrete Mixture with a Coarse Aggregate for Additive Manufacturing, Vespalec et al.
02730 Finite Element Analysis on the Anisotropic Behavior of 3D Printed Concrete under Compression and Flexure, Xiao et al.


02731 Mechanical Properties of 3D Printed Concrete in Hot Temperatures, Alchaar et al.
02732 Fast Complexity, Anton et al.
02733 Development of 3D-Printable Ultra-High Performance Fiber-Reinforced Concrete for Digital Construction, Arunothayan et al.
02734 Experimental Prediction of Material Deformation in Large-Scale Additive Manufacturing of Concrete, Ashrafi et al.
02735 A Systematic Review of the Geographic and Chronological Distributions of 3D Concrete Printers from 1997 to 2020, Chung et al.
02736 Modelling of 3D Concrete Printing Based on Computational Fluid Dynamics, Comminal et al.
02737 A Multi-Material Extrusion Nozzle for Functionally Graded Concrete Printing, Craveiro et al.
02738 Automated Inspection in Robotic Additive Manufacturing Using Deep Learning for Layer Deformation Detection, Davtalab et al.
02739 Evaluation of Model 3D Printer and Design Mix for 3D Concrete Printing, Dwivedi et al.
02740 3D Printing of Buildings: Limits, Design, Advantages and Disadvantages, Florea et al.
02741 A Review of 3D Printing in Construction and Its Impact on the Labor Market, Hossain et al.
02742 A Compendious Review on Lack-of-Fusion in Digital Concrete Fabrication, Kruger et al.
02743 Interlayer Reinforcement Combined with Fiber Reinforcement for Extruded Lightweight Mortar Elements, Matthäus et al.
02744 Extrusion-Based Concrete 3D Printing from a Material Perspective: A State-of-the-Art Review, Mohan et al.
02745 Rheological and Pumping Behaviour of 3D Printable Cementitious Materials with Varying Aggregate Content, Mohan et al.
02746 Threat Modeling in Construction: An Example of a 3D Concrete Printing System, Mohamed Shibly et al.
02747 Improvements on the Design of Sand Structure Additive Manufacturing, Qin et al.
02748 Production Planning of Free-Form Concrete Panels Using 3D Plastering Technology, Son et al.
02749 Bond Performance between BFRP Bars and 3D Printed Concrete, Sun et al.
02750 3D Printing for Sustainable Construction, Tay et al.
02751 Towards 3D Perception and Closed-Loop Control for 3D Construction Printing, Xu et al.
02752 Effects of Redispersible Polymer Powders on the Structural Build-Up of 3D Printing Cement Paste with and without Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose, Zhang et al.


02753 Concrete Choreography: Prefabrication of 3D-Printed Columns, Anton et al.
02754 Development of Extrudable High Strength Fiber Reinforced Concrete Incorporating Nano Calcium Carbonate, Chu et al.
02755 Layer-Interface Properties in 3D Printed Concrete: Dual Hierarchical Structure and Micromechanical Characterization, Geng et al.
02756 DFAB House: A Comprehensive Demonstrator of Digital Fabrication in Architecture, Graser et al.
02757 Influence of Supplementary Cementitious Materials on Rheological Properties of 3D Printed Fly Ash Based Geopolymer, Guo et al.
02758 Additive Fabrication of Concrete Elements by Robots: Lightweight Concrete Ceiling, Hansemann et al.
02759 Examining the Significance of Infill Printing Pattern on the Anisotropy of 3D Printed Concrete, Heras Murica et al.
02760 Reinforcement Strategies for 3D-Concrete-Printing, Kloft et al.
02761 Assessing the Environmental Viability of 3D Concrete Printing Technology, Kuzmenko et al.
02762 Variable-Geometry Nozzle for Surface Quality Enhancement in 3D Concrete Printing, Lao et al.
02763 Sustainable Thin-Shell 3D Printed Formwork for Concrete, Leschok et al.
02764 Bond Properties of Reinforcing Bar Penetrations in 3D Concrete Printing, Marchment et al.
02765 Effect of Microwave Heating on Interlayer Bonding and Buildability of Geopolymer 3D Concrete Printing, Muthukrishnan et al.
02766 Optimal Rate of Printing of 3D Printed Concrete Columns and Walls to Avoid Buckling, Phadnis et al.
02767 Review on 3D Printed Concrete as Structural Beam Members, Pudjisuryadi et al.
02768 Use of 3D Printing to Create Multifunctional Cementitious Composites: Review, Challenges and Opportunities, Šavija
02769 Construction Industry with 3D Printer: A New Era, Sharma et al.
02770 3D Printed Concrete for Large-Scale Buildings: An Overview of Rheology, Printing Parameters, Chemical Admixtures, Reinforcements, and Economic and Environmental Prospects, Souza et al.
02771 3D Recycled Mortar Printing: System Development, Process Design, Material Properties and On-Site Printing, Xiao et al.
02772 Fabrication and Application of 3D Printed Concrete Structural Components in the Boshan Pedestrian Bridge Project, Xu et al.


02773 Adaptation of the Geopolymer Composite Formulation Binder to the Shaping Process, Archez et al.
02774 Konzeptionierung eines praxisorientierten 3D‐Druckverfahrens für den Verbundwerkstoff Stahlbeton (AMoRC), Claßen et al.
02775 Anisotropic Behavior in Bending of 3D Printed Concrete Reinforced with Fibers, Ding et al.
02776 Experimental Investigation of Reinforcement Strategies for Concrete Extrusion 3D Printed Beams, Gebhard et al.
02777 Environmental and Economic Assessment on 3D Printed Buildings with Recycled Concrete, Han et al.
02778 BIM-Enabled Computerized Design and Digital Fabrication of Industrialized Buildings: A Case Study, He et al.
02779 A New Algorithm to Get Optimized Target Plane on 6-Axis Robot for Fabrication, Lu et al.
02780 Current Surveying Methods for the Integration of Additive Manufacturing in the Construction Process, Maboudi et al.
02781 A Simulation-Based Investigation of Sustainability Aspects of 3D Printed Structures, Mahadevan et al.
02782 Plastic Shrinkage Cracking in 3D Printed Concrete, Moelich et al.
02783 A Method for 3D Printing Bio-Cemented Spatial Structures Using Sand and Urease Active Calcium Carbonate Powder, Nething et al.
02784 Integrating Real-Time Multi-Resolution Scanning and Machine Learning for Conformal Robotic 3D Printing in Architecture, Nicholas et al.
02785 The Application of 3D-Printing Techniques in the Manufacturing of Cement-Based Construction Products and Experiences Based on the Assessment of Such Products, Ortega et al.
02786 Preliminary Mechanical Analysis of Rubber-Cement Composites Suitable for Additive Process Construction, Sambucci et al.
02787 BIM-Based Concrete Printing, Smarsly et al.
02788 Digital Planting: Fabrication of Integrated Concrete Green Wall via Additive Manufacturing, Wang et al.
02789 3D Printing Cementitious Materials Containing Nano-CaCO3: Workability, Strength, and Microstructure, Yang et al.


02790 3D Concrete Printing: Free Form Geometries with Improved Ductility and Strength, Ahmed et al.
02791 Numerical Model Describing the Early Age Behavior of 3D Printed Concrete: Work in Progress, Andersen et al.
02792 Fast Complexity: Additive Manufacturing for Prefabricated Concrete Slabs, Anton et al.
02793 Quantitative Evaluation of Orientation of Steel Fibers in 3D-Printed


A Comprehensive, Chronologically Sorted Literature Database on the State of the Art in Additive Manufacturing with Cementitious Materials. Links to Open-Access Fulltexts are provided. Updated Quarterly-ish.






