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- What's GVC?
- What's supported?
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- Main features
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At the very beginning, GVC is just the abbreviation for Go-Version-Controller, which means, it provides auto-installation, environment variables handling, as well as multi-versions management only for Go compilers.
As we know, we already have gvm or g with the similar features implemented. So, why do we need a new one?
The reason to create GVC is for more convenience and a better UI(maybe TUI more pricisely).
However, this never becomes the end of the story. After the version-management for Go has been implemented, an idea for managing other languages flashes across my mind. Therefore, GVC starts to support version-control and auto-installation also for Java/Python/NodeJS/Flutter/Julia/Protoc/Rust/Cpp/Vlang/Typst.
At this point, GVC becomes General-Version-Controller.
And the story still continues.
Auto-installation for Visual Studio Code(VSCode) and NeoVim is adopted.The WebDAV support is also introduced for saving config files from VSCode/NeoVim to user's netdisk(eg. jianguoyun.com). So, you can rebuild your Development Environment using these files on any machine.
Besides, GVC also supports asciinema terminal recording, browser data management, counting lines of code, etc.
Finally, GVC becomes something just like a Scaffolding Tool for local development environments management.
Download the latest release.
Unzip, double click the executable file, or run executable file in Terminal/PowerShell.
Open a new Terminal/PowerShell, then the command g is available. Help info will be displayed using 'g help'.
Or install by go install
go install -tags "with_wireguard with_shadowsocksr with_utls with_gvisor with_grpc with_ech with_dhcp" github.com/moqsien/gvc@latest
GVC is a command-line tool, use "g help" or "gvc help", to see help info.
$moqsien> g help
g.exe - gvc <Command> <SubCommand>...
g.exe [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
A productive tool to manage your development environment.
go, g Go version management.
proto, protobuf, protoc, pt Protoc installation.
python, py Python version management.
java, jdk, j Java jdk version management.
maven, mav, ma Maven version management.
gradle, gra, gr Gradle version management.
nodejs, node, no NodeJS version management.
flutter, flu, fl Flutter version management.
julia, jul, ju Julia version management.
rust, rustc, ru, r Rust installation.
cpp C/C++ management.
typst, ty Typst installation.
vlang, vl Vlang installation.
vscode, vsc, vs, v VSCode and extensions installation.
nvim, neovim, nv, n Neovim installation.
gpt-spark, gpt, gspark ChatGPT/Spark bot.
neobox-shell, shell, box, ns Start a neobox shell.
neobox-runner, nbrunner, nbr Start a neobox client.
neobox-keeper, nbkeeper, nbk Start a neobox keeper.
browser, br Browser data management.
homebrew, brew, hb Homebrew installation or update.
gsudo, winsudo, gs, ws Gsudo for windows.
hosts, h, host Sytem hosts file management(need admistrator or root).
git-set-proxy, gsproxy, gsp Set default proxy for git [default: http://localhost:2023].
git-clone, gclone, gclo Git Clone using a proxy.
git-pull, gpull, gpul Git Pull using a proxy.
git-push, gpush, gpus Git Push using a proxy.
git-commit-push, gcpush, gcp Git commit and push to remote using a proxy.
git-add-tag-push, gaddtag, gatag, gat Git add a new tag and push to remote using a proxy.
git-del-tag-push, gdeltag, gdtag, gdt Git delete a tag and push to remote using a proxy.
git-show-tag-latest, gshowtaglatest, gstag, gst Git show the latest tag of a local repository.
win-git-install, wgit, wgi Install git for windows.
github, gh Github download speedup.
cloc, cl Count lines of code.
asciinema, ascii, asc Asciinema terminal recorder.
docker, dck, dock Docker installation.
config, conf, cnf, c Config file management for gvc.
ssh-files, sshf, ssh Backup your ssh files.
version, ver, vsi Show gvc version info.
check, checklatest, checkupdate Check and download the latest version of gvc.
show, sho, sh Show [gvc] installation path and config file path.
uninstall, unins, delete, del [Caution] Remove gvc and softwares installed by gvc!
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--help, -h show help
$moqsien> g version
Name: GVC
Version: v1.5.7(c7d768d9)
UpdateAt: Tue Sep 26 13:14:49 2023 +0800
Homepage: https://github.com/moqsien/gvc
Email: moqsien2022@gmail.com
$moqsien> g gpt help
g.exe gpt-spark - ChatGPT/Spark bot.
g.exe gpt-spark [command options] [arguments...]
--help, -h show help
A TUI client for ChatGPT and Spark. For detail, see gogpt.
$moqsien> g go help
g.exe go - Go version management.
g.exe go command [command options] [arguments...]
remote, r Show remote versions.
use, u Download and use version.
local, l Show installed versions.
remove-unused, ru Remove unused versions.
remove-version, rm Remove a version.
add-envs, env, e, ae Add envs for go.
search-package, sp, search Search for third-party packages.
build, bui, b Compiles go code for multi-platforms [with <-ldflags "-s -w"> builtin].
renameTo, rnt, rto Rename a local go module[gvc go rto NEW_MODULE_NAME].
list-distributions, list-dist, dist, ld List the platforms supported by go compilers.
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--help, -h show help
In this subcommand, you can show/install/remove/change go compiler versions, search third-party packages written in Go, and build Go source code for multi-platforms without prepare any scripts. You can also rename a local go module using subcommand: g go rto NEW_MODULE_NAME.
$moqsien> g proto help
g.exe proto - Protoc installation.
g.exe proto command [command options] [arguments...]
install, ins, i Install protoc.
install-go-plugin, igo, ig Install protoc-gen-go.
install-grpc-plugin, igrpc, igr Install protoc-gen-go-grpc.
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--help, -h show help
In this subcommand, you can auto-install protoc, protoc-gen-go and protoc-gen-go-grpc.
$moqsien> g python help
g.exe python - Python version management.
g.exe python command [command options] [arguments...]
remote, r Show remote versions.
use, u Download and use a version.
local, l Show installed versions.
remove-version, rm Remove a version.
update, up Install or update pyenv.
path, pth Show pyenv versions path.
rmfix, rfix Automatically remove python.exe generated by Windows system in ~/AppData/Local/Microsoft/WindowsApps .
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--help, -h show help
This subcommand benifits a lot from pyenv/pyenv-win.
$moqsien> g java help
g.exe java - Java jdk version management.
g.exe java command [command options] [arguments...]
use, u Download and use jdk. <Command> {gvc jdk use [-z] xxx}
remote, r Show available versions. <Command> {gvc jdk remote [-z]}
local, l Show installed versions.
remove, rm Remove an installed version.
remove-unused, rmu, ru Remove unused versions.
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--help, -h show help
In this subcommand, the option "-z" if for users in China.
$moqsien> g cpp help
g.exe cpp - C/C++ management.
g.exe cpp command [command options] [arguments...]
install-msys2, insm, im Install the latest msys2.
uninstall-msys2, unim, um, remove, rm Uninstall msys2.
install-cygwin, insc, ic Install Cygwin.
install-vcpkg, insv, iv Install vcpkg.
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--help, -h show help
This subcommand is for Windows users. It will install Msys2 or Cygwin, just to your preference. You can also install the Cpp-package-manager vcpkg maintained by Microsoft.
$moqsien> g vlang help
g.exe vlang - Vlang installation.
g.exe vlang command [command options] [arguments...]
install, ins, i Install Vlang.
install-analyzer, insa, ia Install v-analyzer and related extension for vscode.
setenv, env, se, e Set env for Vlang.
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--help, -h show help
Vlang is a fantastic new language with high performance. This subcommand will install or update to the latest version of Vlang. You can also install v-analyser, which brings vlang the code completion/IntelliSense/go to definition features for VSCode and other editors. If you have VSCode installed, this subcommand will automatically install related extensions and config the settings for you.
$moqsien> g vscode help
g.exe vscode - VSCode and extensions installation.
g.exe vscode command [command options] [arguments...]
install, i, ins Automatically install vscode.
install-extensions, ie, iext Automatically install extensions for vscode.
use-msys2-cygwin-git, use-git, ug Repair and make use of git.exe from Msys2/Cygwin.
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--help, -h show help
This subcommand will install VSCode for you. You can also install extensions using the extension-info-files saved to WebDAV by GVC. An adapter for git tools in Msys2/Cygwin to VSCode usage is available in this subcommand. You can easily make use of the git tool from either Msys2 or Cygwin in VSCode.
$moqsien> g hosts help
g.exe hosts - Sytem hosts file management(need admistrator or root).
g.exe hosts command [command options] [arguments...]
fetch, f Fetch github hosts info.
show, s Show hosts file path.
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--help, -h show help
This subcommand will automatically update the hosts file. Main purpose of this subcommand is to speedup visits to github, microsoft, steam, etc.
$moqsien> g github help
g.exe github - Github download speedup.
g.exe github command [command options] [arguments...]
download, dl, d Download files from github project.
openbrowser, open, ob Open acceleration website in browser.
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--help, -h show help
This subcommand speedups github downloadings in China.
$moqsien> g help
git-clone, gclone, gclo Git Clone using a proxy.
git-pull, gpull, gpul Git Pull using a proxy.
git-push, gpush, gpus Git Push using a proxy.
git-commit-push, gcpush, gcp Git commit and push to remote using a proxy.
git-add-tag-push, gaddtag, gatag, gat Git add a new tag and push to remote using a proxy.
git-del-tag-push, gdeltag, gdtag, gdt Git delete a tag and push to remote using a proxy.
These subcommands will accelerate your git command by using a proxy. Note that, they will use "http://localhost:2023" provided by neobox if you haven't specified one.
$moqsien> g browser help
g.exe browser - Browser data management.
g.exe browser command [command options] [arguments...]
show-info, show, sh Show supported browsers and data restore dir.
push, psh, pu Push browser Bookmarks/Password/ExtensionInfo to webdav.
save, sa, s Save browser Bookmarks/Password/ExtensionInfo to local dir.
pull, pul, pl Pull browser data from webdav to local dir.
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--help, -h show help
This subcommand handles browser data, save data to WebDAV.
$moqsien> g asciinema help
g.exe asciinema - Asciinema terminal recorder.
g.exe asciinema command [command options] [arguments...]
record, rec, r Record terminal operations.
play, pl, p Play local asciinema file.
auth, au, a Bind local install-id to your asciinem.org account.
upload, up, u Upload local asciinema file to asciinema.org.
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--help, -h show help
This subcommand provides terminal recording features for both Powershell and Unix-Like Shells.
$moqsien> g cloc help
g.exe cloc - Count lines of code.
g.exe cloc [command options] [arguments...]
--by-file, --bf Report results for every encountered source file. (default: false)
--debug, --de, -d Dump debug log for developer. (default: false)
--skip-duplicated, --skipdup, --sd Skip duplicated files. (default: false)
--show-lang, --shlang, --sl Print about all languages and extensions. (default: false)
--sort-tag value, --sort value, --st value Sort based on a certain column["name", "files", "blank", "comment", "code"]. (default: "name")
--output-type value, --output value, --ot value Output type [values: default,cloc-xml,sloccount,json]. (default: "default")
--exclude-ext value, --excl value, --ee value Exclude file name extensions (separated commas).
--include-lang value, --langs value, --il value Include language name (separated commas).
--match value, --mat value, -m value Include file name (regex).
--not-match value, --nmat value, --nm value Exclude file name (regex).
--match-dir value, --matd value, --md value Include dir name (regex).
--not-match-dir value, --nmatd value, --nmd value Exclude dir name (regex).
--help, -h show help
This subcommand provides CLOC(Count Lines of Code) features.
$moqsien> g config help
g.exe config - Config file management for gvc.
g.exe config command [command options] [arguments...]
webdav, dav, w Setup webdav account info.
pull, pl Pull settings from remote webdav and apply them to applications.
push, ph Gather settings from applications and sync them to remote webdav.
reset, rs, r Reset the gvc config file to default values.
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--help, -h show help
The subcommand webdav will interactively direct you to configure your WebDAV Account info and secrets for encrytion of browser data. The subcommand push and pull will interact with remote WebDAV. The subcommand reset will reset gvc-config-files to default values.
PS C:\Users\moqsien> g neobox-shell help
g.exe neobox-shell - Start a neobox shell.
g.exe neobox-shell [command options] [arguments...]
--help, -h show help
This subcommand will start the neobox-shell. neobox provides some available free VPNs for user.
>>> help
add Add proxies to neobox mannually.
added Add edgetunnel proxies to neobox.
cfip Test speed for cloudflare IPv4s.
clear clear the screen
dedge Download rawList for a specified edgeTunnel proxy [dedge proxy_index].
domain Download selected domains file for edgeTunnels.
exit exit the program
filter Start filtering proxies by verifier manually.
gc Start GC manually.
geoinfo Install/Update geoip&geosite for neobox client.
graw Manually dowload rawUri list(conf.txt from gitlab) for neobox client.
guuid Generate UUIDs.
help display help
parse Parse rawUri of a proxy to xray-core/sing-box outbound string [xray-core by default].
pingd Ping selected domains for edgeTunnels.
qcode Generate QRCode for a chosen proxy. [qcode proxy_index]
remove Remove a manually added proxy [manually or edgetunnel].
restart Restart the running neobox client with a chosen proxy. [restart proxy_index]
setkey Setup rawlist encrytion key for neobox. [With no args will set key to default value]
setping Setup ping without root for Linux.
show Show neobox info.
start Start a neobox client/keeper.
stop Stop neobox client.
sys-proxy To enable or disable System Proxy.
wireguard Register wireguard account and update licenseKey to Warp+ [if a licenseKey is specified].
Note: You should read the docs for neobox. For details, please see neobox.
gvc provides no paid services, so, users should make use of it within the limits permitted by law in his/her country.
neobox free vpns.