This repository contains my custom configuration files for BSPWM (Binary Space Partitioning Window Manager). The setup is designed to be lightweight, efficient, and visually appealing, while providing a highly customizable workflow.
- Custom Keybindings: Optimized for productivity with easily accessible shortcuts.
- Polybar Integration: A beautiful and functional bar with system stats, workspaces, and notifications.
- Themed Appearance: Deep teal color palette or orange
- Rofi Launcher: For quick application launching and power menus.
- Picom for Compositing: Adds smooth window animations and transparency.
- Autostart Applications: Common utilities like network managers and notification daemons.
Specialized configuration for:
- BSPWM: The window manager itself.
- sxhkd: For keybinding management.
- Polybar: For the system bar.
- Rofi: Application launcher.
- Picom: Compositor.
- Feh: For wallpaper management.
- Wezterm: Latest version from github.
- Roboto Mono Nerd Font: For icons in Polybar.
git clone ~
cd ~/bspwn-setup