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Smart keylogging capability to steal SSH Credentials including password & Private Key
superSearchPlus是聚合型信息收集插件,支持综合查询,资产测绘查询,信息收集 敏感信息提取 js资源扫描 目录扫描 vue组件扫描 整合了目前常见的资产测绘平台 专为白帽子提供快速侦测目标。
云资产管理工具 目前工具定位是云安全相关工具,目前是两个模块 云存储工具、云服务工具, 云存储工具主要是针对oss存储、查看、删除、上传、下载、预览等等 云服务工具主要是针对rds、服务器的管理,查看、执行命令、接管等等
vulhub Vulnerability Reproduction Designated Platform
本Burp Suite插件专为文件上传漏洞检测设计,提供自动化Fuzz测试,共300+条payload。
一个爬虫式的网段Web主机发现小工具 # A HTTP Service detector with a crawler from IP/CIDR
Make websites accessible for AI agents
An advanced, yet simple, tunneling/pivoting tool that uses a TUN interface.
An impacket-lite cli tool that combines many useful impacket functions using a single session.
FastjsonScan4Burp 一款基于burp被动扫描的fastjson漏洞探测插件,可针对数据包中存在json的参数或请求体进行payload测试。旨在帮助安全人员更加便捷的发现、探测、深入利用fastjson漏洞,目前已实现fastjson探测、版本、依赖探测、出网及不出网利用和简易的bypass waf功能
Repository of AI-generated Nuclei templates for public CVEs not yet covered by existing templates, enhancing detection speed and coverage 👾
ruuoyi_vulnscan 是一款基于 Python 和 Tkinter 开发的图形化界面工具,用于检测若依 Vue 框架应用程序中的常见漏洞。该工具提供了多种漏洞检测模块,包括 Swagger 检测、Druid 检测、文件下载漏洞检测、SQL 注入检测、定时任务漏洞检测和任意密码修改漏洞检测等,同时支持全面检测和扫描停止、结果清空等操作。
A Burp Suite extension that integrates OpenAI's GPT to perform an additional passive scan for discovering highly bespoke vulnerabilities and enables running traffic-based analysis of any type.
This tool will setting up your backdoor/rootkits when backdoor already setup it will be hidden your spesisifc process,unlimited your session in metasploit and transparent. Even when it killed, it w…
Simple python backdoor with Ngrok tunnel support