"Assorted Recognition General Objects Surveillance System"
A Multiple Camera Multiple Object Tracking System.
- Python >= 3.9
- Pytorch >= 1.13.1
Clone this repository.
git clone https://github.com/Namiki-Laboaratory/Argos.git
Setup environment.
Here using Anaconda as example:conda env create -n Argos conda activate Argos
Make sure you install Pytorch in your environment
pip install cython pip install -r requirements.txt pip install "mmcv>=2.0.0rc1" -f xxxx # Use mmcv for DCNv2 from https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmcv/blob/master/docs/en/compatibility.md
Optional content. Highly recommend read this before development.
Structure directory
The whole project is based on a multiprocessing pipeline system, which can be easily configured in *YAML* format. Project structure as following:src
├─── dataset
├─── trainer
├─── model
│ ├─── cfg
│ └─── networks
├─── multiprocess_pipeline
│ ├─── cfg
│ ├─── process
│ ├─── shared_structure
│ └─── workers
└─── opts
All dataset related is in
directory. Substructure as following:dataset ├─── cfg ├─── data_path ├─── convert_labels.py ├─── gen_data_path.py └─── dataset.py
: Store dataset config file by JSON.data_path
: Store image file paths by specialized file type.convert_labels.py
: Contain all utils to convert dataset format to MOT Challenge format.gen_data_path.py
: Generate dataset image file container file.dataset.py
: All dataset class defined in this file.
defined basic trainer class for network training. Substructure as following:trainer ├─── utils └─── trainer.py
: util functions, for example: initial check.trainer.py
: defined all trainers.
contain all network related content. We use a simple swappable module system to develop tracking networks.The whole model can be easily defined by a model configure file in
. And each part network also can be defined by its own part configure file inmodel/networks/[part category]/[part name]/cfg
.Substructure as following:
model ├─── cfg ├─── networks │ ├─── backbone │ │ ├─── DLA │ │ ├─── ParNet │ │ ├─── ShuffleNetV2 │ │ ├─── ... │ ├─── backbone_with_neck │ │ ├─── DLA_DCN │ │ ├─── ParNet │ │ ├─── ResNet_DCN │ │ ├─── ... │ ├─── head │ │ └─── FairMOT │ ├─── loss │ ├─── module │ ├─── neck │ │ ├─── DLA_Fusion │ │ ├─── FPN │ │ ├─── Ghost_PAN │ │ ├─── ... │ └─── model_part_config.py ├─── model_config.py ├─── utils └─── base_model.py
: store overall model config files.network
: contain all model parts.model_config.py
: defined model configure structure.utils
: util functions.base_model.py
: define the base class of model.- Here is an example model configure file
:_description: '' backbone: _description: '' cfg_name: default model_name: DLA backbone_with_neck: _description: '' cfg_name: '' model_name: '' neck: _description: '' cfg_name: default model_name: Ghost_PAN head: _description: '' cfg_name: default model_name: FairMOT max_classes_num: 8 max_objects_num: 500
: human-readable additional information.model_name
: model part name.cfg_name
: the part configure file name used for this model part.max_classes_num
: max tracking object categories in this model.max_objects_num
: max tracking object amounts for each category in this model.
An example part network
substructure as following:... ├─── head │ ├─── FairMOT │ │ ├─── cfg │ │ │ └─── default.yml │ │ └─── FairMOT.py ... ... │ ├─── _masterclass.py │ └─── __init__.py ...
: store model configure file. Configure contents are this part model initial structure key arguments. In this example, we have one configuredefault.yml
. In this example, configure content as following:
head_conv: 256 reid_dim: 128 loss_cfg: mse_loss: false reg_loss: 'l1' hm_weight: 1 off_weight: 1 wh_weight: 0.1 id_loss: 'ce' id_weight: 1 norm_wh: false dense_wh: false cat_spec_wh: false reg_offset: true loss_stats: ['loss', 'hm_loss', 'wh_loss', 'off_loss', 'id_loss']
[model name].py
: model python file. In this example, we useFairMOT.py
: define the base model of this part.__init__.py
: all usable networks in this part should be registered in this file to use.
contain all multiprocess pipeline related contents. In this project, we use a multiprocess based configurable pipeline system for tracking implement. You can find example system configure files inmultiprocess_pipeline/cfg
.Example concept as following figure:
Substructure as following:
multiprocess_pipeline ├─── cfg ├─── process │ ├─── producer │ │ ├─── ... │ │ └─── _masterclass.py │ ├─── consumer │ │ ├─── ... │ │ └─── _masterclass.py │ ├─── post │ │ ├─── ... │ │ └─── _masterclass.py │ └─── _masterclass.py ├─── workers │ ├─── image_loader │ ├─── tracker │ ├─── ... │ └─── postprocess ├─── shared_structure └─── utils
: store overall implement multiprocess pipeline config files.process
: contain all -producer, consumer, post- 3 categories process files. The base class define is in_masterclass.py
: all function workers files. Some process can have different workers for different methods with the same usage. For example, processImgaLoader
can have workerloader_address
load image from an IP address or have workerloader_video
load image from a video file.shared_structure
: define all shared memory structure likedata_hub
: util functions.- An example structure configure
as following:FuncTest_1: producer: ImageLoader: image_path: "D:\\Output\\OpenShot\\Old\\Test_01.mp4" loader: Video normalized_image_shape: [ 3, 608, 1088 ] consumer: Track: arch: DLA+GhostPAN_mot_8class load_model: D:\Project\PythonScripts\Argus\results\train_result\Experiment_02\DLA+GhostPAN_mot_8class\2024-03-08-03-19-33\DLA+GhostPAN_mot_8class.pth conf_thres: 0.4 track_buffer: 30 PathPredict: predictor_name: HermiteSpline post: IndiResultsVisual: output_format: video static_shared_value: CamIntrinsicPara: data_type: SharedArray_Float data_shape: [ 3, 4 ] data_value: [ [ 11.11, 0., 128.0, 0 ], [ 0, 11.11, 128.0, 0 ], [ 0, 0, 1.0000, 0 ] ]
- First hierarchy is the pipeline name, here is
. producer
contain all producer processes and their own arguments, here we haveImageLoader
contain all consumer processes and their own arguments, here we haveTrack
contain all post processes and their own arguments, here we haveIndiResultsVisual
.- All processes are from
. Check each category__init__.py
file for process name. static_shared_value
: for some initial static shared values in this pipeline, here we initializeCamIntrinsicPara
as camera intrinsic matrix. Checkdict_SharedDataInfoFormat
for shared value initialize format.
- First hierarchy is the pipeline name, here is
handles all the command-line input options or arguments for each experiment. Substructure as following:opts ├─── track.py ├─── train.py └─── _base_opt.py
: master opt class.
Currently, only 2 optional subclass
are used in this project for multi-object tracking and neural network training respectively.
In this project, we use a multiprocess based configurable pipeline system for any implement. You can find example system configure files in ./src/multiprocess_pipeline/cfg
An example pipeline system configure
as following:FuncTest_1: producer: ImageLoader: image_path: "D:\\Output\\TestVideos\\Test_01.mp4" loader: Video normalized_image_shape: [ 3, 608, 1088 ] consumer: Track: arch: ShuffleNetV2_1.5x+DLAFusion_mot_8class load_model: D:\Project\PythonScripts\Argos\results\train_result\RealWorldExperiment\2024-07-22-22-38-58\ShuffleNetV2_1.5x+DLAFusion_mot_8class.pth conf_thres: 0.4 track_buffer: 30 PathPredict: predictor_name: HermiteSpline post: IndiResultsVisual: output_format: video static_shared_value: CamIntrinsicPara: data_type: SharedArray_Float data_shape: [ 3, 4 ] data_value: [ [ 11.11, 0., 128.0, 0 ], [ 0, 11.11, 128.0, 0 ], [ 0, 0, 1.0000, 0 ] ]
- First hierarchy is the pipeline name, here is
. producer
contain all producer processes and their own arguments, here we haveImageLoader
contain all consumer processes and their own arguments, here we haveTrack
contain all post processes and their own arguments, here we haveIndiResultsVisual
.- All processes are from
. Check each category__init__.py
file for process name. static_shared_value
: for some initial static shared values in this pipeline, here we initializeCamIntrinsicPara
as camera intrinsic matrix. Checkdict_SharedDataInfoFormat
for shared value initialize format.
- First hierarchy is the pipeline name, here is
python track.py --exp_id Test --pipeline_cfg ./src/multiprocess_pipeline/cfg/TestFunc.yml
as experiment name for example here I useTest
as pipeline config file path.
More arguments details please see in
or runpython track.py -h
list all arguments.
We use the MOT Challenge format and directory structure as training label format, details as following:
- label format:
class id x_center/img_width y_center/img_height w/img_width h/img_height
- directory structure example:
[Dataset name] ├─── images │ └─── [any sub directories hierarchy] │ ├─── [sequence name] │ │ ├─── 0000_0001.png │ │ ├─── 0000_0002.png │ │ └─── ... │ └─── ... └─── labels_with_ids └─── [same sub directories hierarchy as 'images'] ├─── [sequence name] │ ├─── 0000_0001.txt │ ├─── 0000_0002.txt │ └─── ... └─── ...
You can directly use MOT17 or MOT20 dataset for training. We provide a convert tool
to convert KITTI Tracking or VisDrone2019 to MOT format. - label format:
- Make sure your dataset format and directory structure is in MOT Challenge format.
- Generate image paths container file by tool
. - Create a json file for this dataset. You need to specify the "root" and "train" keys in the json file. You can find some examples in
We use a simple swappable module system to develop tracking networks. All model configure files are default in
.Here is an example model configure file
:head: model_name: 'FairMOT' cfg_name: 'default' _description: '' backbone: _description: '' cfg_name: '1.5x' model_name: 'ShuffleNetV2' neck: _description: '' cfg_name: 'default' model_name: 'DLA_Fusion' _description: '' max_classes_num: 8 max_objects_num: 500
: human-readable additional information.model_name
: model part name.cfg_name
: the part configure file name used for this model part.max_classes_num
: max tracking object categories in this model.max_objects_num
: max tracking object amounts for each category in this model.
Please make sure you have finished Dataset Preparation and Model Configure before training.
python train.py --exp_id Train_Test --arch ShuffleNetV2_1.5x+DLAFusion_mot_8class --data_cfg ./src/dataset/cfg/FunTest.json
as experiment name for example here I useTrain_Test
as model configure file name in model configure directory, which is defined by--arch_cfg_path
in _base_opt or manually input with command line;--data_cfg
as dataset configure json file;
More arguments details please see in
or runpython train.py -h
list all arguments.
This research some parts are based on FairMOT, MCMOT and Nanodet. Thanks for their wonderful works.