- Pro
Supplementary material for the article "A graph-structured distance for heterogeneous datasets with meta variables"
A workshop on writing good scientific code: reproducible, re-traceable, readable, extendable, and well-documented.
Repository including data and code to reproduce meta LCA for CCU mineralization technologies
Python Laboratory for Finite Element Analysis
Cross Beat (xbe.at) - Your hub for python, machine learning and AI tutorials. Explore Python tutorials, AI insights, and more.
"Deep Generative Modeling": Introductory Examples
An interpretable data-driven framework for building generative reduced order models with embedded uncertainty quantification
A Python-embedded modeling language for convex optimization problems.
Open source experimental modal analysis software.
Materials for my FISA course on Vibration and Finite Element Analysis (VFEA)
Command line tools for creating models of composite wind turbine blades
Topology optimization based on the Moving Node Approach using EFG or FEM methods.