Wiimote (Wii game controller) adapter for Commodore 64 light pen/gun interface.
Wiimote infrared sensor works as the lighpen, so you need an wii IR bar or IR led or a candle. Button A is the lighpen button, same as joy up. Button B is the normal fire button and it prevents the lightpen function. Direction buttons work as normal joystick directions.
- esp32 or esp32-s3
- LM1881 composite sync separator
- 5V-to-3.3V level shifter * 8
- 2 resistors and a capacitor
- IR-led
- wires, connectors, breadboard etc.
- Contains mutilated CWIID library (wiimote message decoding parts)
- See https://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/lm1881.pdf
See https://gitlab.com/ricardoquesada/bluepad32 for complete wireless gamepad solution. (That project is not related in any way)
- See https://www.lemon64.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=82449 and implement pot x and pot y Will run out of level-shifter channels. Change vsync or hsync to resistor divider.
- Implement motion detection (Study HMM, DTW, MLP, etc.)