If you like what I do, please consider donating, it'd mean the world :D
I also take CashApp (Yes, I am that broke)
I'm a hobbyist programmer who specializes in nonsense, pixels, and code!
When in doubt, remember, "smartfridge is gay,
ArmCordLegcord is gayer." - My stupid ass 2024
My Website!!!!! [P]
The 4th rewrite of my website, built from the ground up!
Neo NWjsC2 [P]
This is my modernized remake of "NW.js for Construct 2", which installs the latest version of NW.js available for use with Construct 2.
Legcord [C]
Formerly known as ArmCord. One of the first alternative Discord clients made from scratch, created by smartfridge.
Tools of Steel [P]
A Minecraft mod that rethinks Minecraft's equipment progression. (Available on Modrinth and CurseForge)
Just another Minecraft modpack. (Available on Modrinth)
Ecsta [P]
An open-source new tab extension that makes for good eye-candy.
Because why wait to install a cryptominer, when you could do it now!!
A fork of Vesktop, with more plugins. (You should still try out ArmCord Legcord, it includes both Vencord and Equicord!)
A fork of Firefox, but with much more freedom when it comes to customization.
Honestly, I made this 100% for myself, I just like having something nice to look at.
Ever since I've "upgraded" to Windows 11, though I still enjoy the taskbar and File Explorer from Windows 10, and this is perfect!
A simple and lightweight alternative to ASUS's Armoury Crate, it's a lot more convenient!
The old reliable when it comes to modded Minecraft. Might not be the prettiest, but it just works™.
TwXtter - @kckarnige
Discord - @kckarnige
Bluesky - @kckarnige.online
Instagram - @kckarnige
YouTube - @kckarnige
DeviantArt - @CarnigeWasHere
Roblox - @kayos155
Modrinth - KiCKisGeneric
GameBanana - @KCK