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Mlaps is a self-contained, secure, automated and modern server-client system where you can manage and view admin passwords for your mac fleet.


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MLAPS - macOS Local Admin Password Solution


MLAPS brings the Local Administrator Password Solution (LAPS) functionality from the Windows world to macOS. It replicates the approach originally created for Windows environments, where local admin-level accounts have randomized passwords stored on a central server accessible to the admin team.

Key Features

  • 🌱 Web Interface - provides a web interface for admins to get access to passwords, view clients last check-in status, manually perform rotation or a password or generate temporary password sharing links.
  • πŸ™ˆ Password Encryption - stores client passwords encrypted using AES-GCM with a 256-bit AES key and a 96-bit nonce.
  • ⏰ Automatic Password Rotation - performs rotation of client machine passwords: automatically on a weekly basis or one hour after an admin accessed the password.
  • πŸͺͺ Client Authentication - clients authenticate using mutual TLS (mTLS), once enrolled.
  • πŸ“ Audit Log - All access to passwords of client machines is logged to a audit log, including a timestamp & the authenicated username.
  • πŸ”‘ Hashicorp Vault - securely authenticates clients & stores passwords encrypted using Hashicorp Vault


Client Enrollment

Clients enroll to MLAPS by generating a CSR for a local client certificate and submit it to the /enroll endpoint of MLAPS. Client hostname and serial number are included with the submission. On the server side a unique ID (UUID) is generated. The UUID & CSR are sent to Hashicorp Vault. The signed certificate is returned to the client. The UUID which is also added as attribute to the client's certificate is used as primary key & to further identify the client.


Clients periodically check-in with MLAPS. The client will authenticate using its client certificate. The server might trigger a password rotation.

Password Rotation

To ensure a client password is always on record, the server will generate proposed client passwords, the client will set the password and acknowledge the new password upon success. On the server side, passwords are stored with a history. MLAPS automatically rotates client machine passwords on a weekly basis or by manual trigger of an admin user, or 1 hour after a password is accessed by an admin on the server.

Web Interface

Exmaple of the mlaps mainpage

Exmaple of the mlaps accesslog page


Shoutout to Joshua D. Miller who's macOSLAPS software i first used and inspired us to evolve the idea to a full server-client system.

Laptop icons created by Vectors Market - Flaticon

Installation (Server)

In order to ensure a clean and easy execution a python virtual environment is used.

Requirments for this project are:

  • Python3 (3.9) installed
  • Python Virtalenviroment installed
  • Docker and Docker-Compose

Installation (Client)

In order to use mlaps on your client, you need to make sure, that your desired local account has not secure token enabled.

This is required to set the password for the account without knowing the previous password.

This is used to not track the current password on the client or send the current password over the network when rotating password.

This also doesn't allow the managed user account to unlock filevault (if enabled).

Aside from this consideration, your client also needs homebrew to install a few dependencies:

If you dont want homebrew or manage dependencies otherwise, you'll need:

  • jq
  • GNU core utilities


Dev Enviroment

  1. Ensure Docker is running and you have a internet connection (for pulling all images)
  2. Navigate into the project main folder
  3. Ensure you have the following entries in your hosts file
  1. Edit the findAndReplaceMe file and fill in the variables with your info.
  2. Execute the file with bash
  3. Run the following command to start your configured enviroment
docker-compose -f docker-compose.base.yml -f up --build --force-recreate

This can take a few minutes, especially at first startup. Make sure all containers are starting up and are outputing at least some text. If a container doesnt start or is not outputting anything, shutdown all conainters via CTRL-C and rerun the command.

Once all containers are running, you can access

Accessing web interface

In order to access the web interface in the dev environment you need to enroll yourself, since you need a valid certificate to perform mtls. 0. Ensure you configured your environment and it is running.

  1. Ensure your support folder exists and run as root/sudo
  2. In your support folder you should find your generated certificate (which is not empty), generate a p12 file in order to properly import it into macOS keychain example: sudo openssl pkcs12 -export -out /tmp/mlaps-crt.p12 -inkey /tmp/mlaps-key -in /tmp/mlaps-crt
  3. Give the ownership of the generated p12 file to your user, otherwise macos will throw errors when trying to import a root file as a user example: sudo chown YOURUSERNAME /tmp/mlaps-crt.p12
  4. Import the p12 file
  5. Goto to your mlaps and make sure to select the correct certificate
    1. If mlaps throws a 400 bad request ssl certificate error, you can try to set an identity-preference within keychain and try again in safari
  6. On the keycloak login page use dev:dev


If mlaps complains about unknown/missing fields in the database, try removing the db docker container and relaunch docker-compose


For Production i recommend something like Puppet to manage the reverse proxy and MySQL db. Also you NEED TO build your own mlaps image When launching into production, ensure a valid role_id and secret_id pair is present in the database, as without it the application can not working properly.


On the vault host (login with root token)

vault read auth/approle/role/client-passwords/role-id # role id
vault write -f auth/approle/role/client-passwords/secret-id # secret id

now insert into mysql locally:
insert into auth_secret VALUES(NULL, "edb58b07-3f8e-32a6-9249-7a6197d132ec", "1c95137f-4a2d-c770-00b8-4ecf4cd

For the first launch, create new certificate for server and distribute the CA to all clients

# server cert
openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout client.key -out client.csr

cat client.csr | vault write -format=json pki/sign/mlaps common_name="" csr=- | jq -r .data.certificate > client.crt

Build your own production mlaps image

Since the secrets still need to be added (and the starting command will be waiting for a local mysql connection), you will need to build your own mlaps image.

To do that you will need the pusblished, unconfigured dev mlaps image from github or your own build dev image.

If you use the published image, you also need to apply the findAndReplaceMe script in order to complete the code base.

Afterwards you will need 'secrets.ini' and 'secrets.json' respectfully with content of their '-dev' versions in the app folder.

Now you can build your own image using the mlaps-prod.Dockerfile in the docker/mlaps folder.


Mlaps is a self-contained, secure, automated and modern server-client system where you can manage and view admin passwords for your mac fleet.








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