- Pro
Automatically process meeting videos to extract key moments, topics, and takeaways. The tool generates a navigable summary webpage with video chapters.
Lectures on scientific computing with python, as IPython notebooks.
A flexible package manager that supports multiple versions, configurations, platforms, and compilers.
Flang is a Fortran language front-end designed for integration with LLVM.
Reproducing images with geometric primitives.
Annotate Python AST trees with source text and token information
Re-apply type annotations from .pyi stubs to your codebase.
Developed at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), ROSE is an open source compiler infrastructure to build source-to-source program transformation and analysis tools for large-scale C (C89…
modular framework for [not only] deep learning performance benchmarking
kuri65536 / sl4a
Forked from damonkohler/sl4aScripting environment for Android platform
SL4A brings scripting languages to Android by allowing you to edit and execute scripts and interactive interpreters directly on the Android device.
An extension of rCUDA that enables remote-to-local GPU migration
a project to visualize global weather conditions
Modified fork of CPython's ast module that parses `# type:` comments
Open Source Continuous File Synchronization