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A C++23 utilities Unreal Engine proto-plugin, for a more civilized age.


This library is far from being production ready and is not recommended to be used yet at all

Read the full documentation at
(Note that currently it's also very WIP)

What it can do?

Here are some code appetizers without going too deep into their details. The demonstrated features usually can do a lot more than what's shown here.

Range-V3 for Unreal Containers

In vanilla Unreal working with containers is an imperative endeavor where if we need to manipulate them intermediate steps are usually stored in other containers. MCRO on the other hand brings in lazy-evaluated declarative range manipulation via the great Range-V3 library.

#include "Mcro/CommonCore.h"
using namespace Mcro::Common;
using namespace ranges;

enum class EFoobar { Foo, Bar };

TArray<int32> myKeys {1, 2, 0, 0, -3, 3, 0, 4, 5};
TSet<EFoobar> myValues {EFoobar::Foo, EFoobar::Bar};

auto myMap = myKeys
    | views::filter([](int32 key) { return key > 0; })
    | views::transform([](int32 key) { return FString::FromInt(key); })
    | Zip(myValues | views::cycle)
    | RenderAsMap();

// -> TMap<FString, EFoobar> { {"1", Foo}, {"2", Bar}, {"3", Foo}, {"4", Bar}, {"5", Foo} }
Vanilla equivalent:
enum class EFoobar { Foo, Bar };

TArray<int32> myKeys {1, 2, 0, 0, -3, 3, 0, 4, 5};
TSet<EFoobar> myValues {EFoobar::Foo, EFoobar::Bar};

TArray<int32> myKeysFiltered = myKeys.FilterByPredicate([](int32 key) { return key > 0; });
TArray<FString> myKeyStrings;
Algo::Transform(myKeysFiltered, myKeyStrings, [](int32 key) { return FString::FromInt(key); });

TMap<FString, EFoobar> myMap;
for (int i = 0; i < myKeyStrings.Num(); ++i)
    myMap.Add(myKeyStrings[i], myValues[i % myValues.Num()]);

// -> TMap<FString, EFoobar> { {"1", Foo}, {"2", Bar}, {"3", Foo}, {"4", Bar}, {"5", Foo} }

Notice how we didn't need to specify the TMap type, where both the key and value types were deduced from how the input ranges were manipulated before.

Not yet impressed? No problem:

TArray<int32> mySetCopy;
TArray<int32> myArray;

// Prepare for some amount of elements, but it's optional at the cost of some performance

// this here does nothing yet, as it's lazily evaluated, and in its current form, represents an infinite range
auto squares = views::ints(0)
    | views::transform([](int32 i) { return i*i; });

auto mySet = squares
    | views::take(5)       // <- so we don't have infinite loop when evaluating
    | RenderAs<TSet>()     // <- the sequence of views is evaluated here
    | OutputTo(mySetCopy); // <- duplicate in one go
                           //    (this is also faster than RenderAs given the container is big enough)
// mySet     -> TSet<int32>   {0, 1, 4, 9, 16}
// mySetCopy -> TArray<int32> {0, 1, 4, 9, 16}

    | views::take(6)    // <- take a different amount this time
    | OutputTo(myArray) // <- the sequence of views is evaluated here again
// myArray -> TArray<int32> {0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25}

Notice how RenderAs could deduce the full type of TSet from its preceeding operations. This works with many Unreal container.

This is just the very tip of the iceberg what this pattern of collection handling can introduce.

Error handling

An elegant workflow for dealing with code which can and probably will fail. It allows the developer to record the circumstances of an error, record its propagation accross components which are affected, add suggestions to the user or fellow developers for fixing the error, and display that with a modal Slate window, or print it into logs following a YAML structure.

#include "Mcro/Common.h"

FCanFail FK4ADevice::Tick_Sync()
    using namespace Mcro::Common;


        k4a::capture capture;

        if (auto color = capture.get_color_image(); ColorStream->Active)
        if (auto depth = capture.get_depth_image(); DepthStream->Active)
        if (auto ir = capture.get_ir_image(); IRStream->Active)
    catch (k4a::error const& exception)
        return IError::Make(new TCppException(exception))
    return Success();
Output log of an example test error
Display      LogTemp                   Type: Mcro::Test::FTestSimpleError
Display      LogTemp                   Severity: Recoverable
Display      LogTemp                   Message: |
Display      LogTemp                     This is one test error
Display      LogTemp                   Details: |
Display      LogTemp                     Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Parturient maximus donec penatibus lectus non
Display      LogTemp                     conubia amet condimentum. Tincidunt et iaculis efficitur integer, pulvinar phasellus. Mauris nisl
Display      LogTemp                     parturient pharetra potenti aptent phasellus pharetra pellentesque. Leo aliquam vulputate pellentesque
Display      LogTemp                     sapien gravida aptent facilisis tempus nec. Dolor aenean auctor penatibus iaculis dui justo integer
Display      LogTemp                     porta. Sed vivamus porta sagittis nulla; sollicitudin class convallis mattis. Egestas lobortis nullam
Display      LogTemp                     sed interdum ultricies donec.
Display      LogTemp                   CodeContext: |
Display      LogTemp                     D = A + B + C
Display      LogTemp                   ErrorPropagation:
Display      LogTemp                     - "class TSharedRef<class Mcro::Test::FTestSimpleError,1> __cdecl CommonTestError(void) @ D:\\projects\\people\\olga\\olganect\\olganect\\Plugins\\Yanui\\Source\\Mcro\\Mcro_Yn\\Private\\Mcro\\Tests\\Error.Spec.cpp : 40"
Display      LogTemp                     - "auto __cdecl FMcroError_Spec::Define::<lambda_1>::()::<lambda_1>::operator ()(void) const @ D:\\projects\\people\\olga\\olganect\\olganect\\Plugins\\Yanui\\Source\\Mcro\\Mcro_Yn\\Private\\Mcro\\Tests\\Error.Spec.cpp : 73"
Display      LogTemp                   InnerErrors:
Display      LogTemp                     Appendix Foo: |
Display      LogTemp                       Lorem ipsum
Display      LogTemp                     Appendix Bar: |
Display      LogTemp                       dolor sit amet consectetur
Display      LogTemp                     Mcro::Error::FCppStackTrace: |
Display      LogTemp                       0x000001adda3b8e69 UnrealEditor-Mcro_Yn-Win64-DebugGame.dll!CommonTestError() [D:\projects\people\olga\olganect\olganect\Plugins\Yanui\Source\Mcro\Mcro_Yn\Private\Mcro\Tests\Error.Spec.cpp:27]
Display      LogTemp                       0x000001adda3b7763 UnrealEditor-Mcro_Yn-Win64-DebugGame.dll!``FMcroError_Spec::Define'::`2'::<lambda_1>::operator()'::`2'::<lambda_1>::operator()() [D:\projects\people\olga\olganect\olganect\Plugins\Yanui\Source\Mcro\Mcro_Yn\Private\Mcro\Tests\Error.Spec.cpp:60]
Display      LogTemp                       0x000001adda3b881b UnrealEditor-Mcro_Yn-Win64-DebugGame.dll!UE::Core::Private::Function::TFunctionRefCaller<``FMcroError_Spec::Define'::`2'::<lambda_1>::operator()'::`2'::<lambda_1>,void>::Call() [D:\ue\UE_5.5\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Templates\Function.h:321]
Display      LogTemp                       0x000001adda393fd8 UnrealEditor-Mcro_Yn-Win64-DebugGame.dll!UE::Core::Private::Function::TFunctionRefBase<UE::Core::Private::Function::TFunctionStorage<0>,void __cdecl(void)>::operator()() [D:\ue\UE_5.5\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Templates\Function.h:471]
Display      LogTemp                       0x000001adda3a6264 UnrealEditor-Mcro_Yn-Win64-DebugGame.dll!FAutomationSpecBase::FSingleExecuteLatentCommand::Update() [D:\ue\UE_5.5\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Misc\AutomationTest.h:2813]
Display      LogTemp                       0x00007ffc4b815270 UnrealEditor-Core.dll!FAutomationTestFramework::ExecuteLatentCommands() [D:\build\++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Private\Misc\AutomationTest.cpp:626]
Display      LogTemp                       0x000001ade2471393 UnrealEditor-AutomationWorker.dll!FAutomationWorkerModule::Tick() [D:\build\++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\AutomationWorker\Private\AutomationWorkerModule.cpp:69]
Display      LogTemp                       0x00007ff6b7bc8118 UnrealEditor-Win64-DebugGame.exe!FEngineLoop::Tick() [D:\build\++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Launch\Private\LaunchEngineLoop.cpp:6046]
Display      LogTemp                       0x00007ff6b7be57ac UnrealEditor-Win64-DebugGame.exe!GuardedMain() [D:\build\++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Launch\Private\Launch.cpp:188]
Display      LogTemp                       0x00007ff6b7be589a UnrealEditor-Win64-DebugGame.exe!GuardedMainWrapper() [D:\build\++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Launch\Private\Windows\LaunchWindows.cpp:123]
Display      LogTemp                       0x00007ff6b7be9114 UnrealEditor-Win64-DebugGame.exe!LaunchWindowsStartup() [D:\build\++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Launch\Private\Windows\LaunchWindows.cpp:277]
Display      LogTemp                       0x00007ff6b7bfbd04 UnrealEditor-Win64-DebugGame.exe!WinMain() [D:\build\++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Launch\Private\Windows\LaunchWindows.cpp:317]
Display      LogTemp                       0x00007ff6b7bff0ca UnrealEditor-Win64-DebugGame.exe!__scrt_common_main_seh() [D:\a\_work\1\s\src\vctools\crt\vcstartup\src\startup\exe_common.inl:288]
Display      LogTemp                       0x00007ffd072c259d KERNEL32.DLL!UnknownFunction []
Display      LogTemp                       0x00007ffd0822af38 ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction []
When everything else fails we can display the error to the user

Text macros without parentheses

FString myVar(TEXT_"Hello world!");
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Display, TEXT_"%s", *myVar);

          FText myText   = INVTEXT_"Even FText macros are there";        // -> FText
          auto  myString = STRING_"Typed literals";                      // -> FString
          auto  myName   = NAME_"FName string literals";                 // -> FName
constexpr auto  myView   = TEXTVIEW_"String view created in constexpr";  // -> FStringView
constexpr auto  stdView  = STDVIEW_"TCHAR dependent STL string literal"; // -> std::[w]string_view
FString myVar(TEXT("Hello world!"));
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Display, TEXT("%s"), *myVar);

          FText   myText = INVTEXT("Even FText macros are there");
          FString myString(TEXT("Typed literals"));
          FName   myName  (TEXT("FName string literals"));
constexpr auto    myView = TEXTVIEW("String view created in constexpr"); // -> FStringView
// there are no vanilla utilities for cross-TCHAR STL string handling

One of the oldest eye-sores I have with Unreal Engine source code is the TEXT() macro, especially the extra pair of parentheses it requires around string literals. Unfortunately it is impossible to achieve the same goal without any preprocessor, that would be ideal, but one can exploit C++ string literal concatenation rules for simple TCHAR strings, or operator overloads for FText.

The earlier was even a suggestion of Microsoft when they announced their standard compliant new preprocessor, and asked the general public to stop exploiting the behaviors of the old one.

In code these macros are referred to as fake text/string literals.

String formatting literals

There are two groups of macros to express string formatting/interpolation with a "nice" syntax. These are also fake text literals but they can be both leading or trailing after the double quoted text.

Wrapper around FString::Printf (trailing):

auto type = NAME_"Foo"; auto comment = STRING_"Hello!"; int32 count = 42;

FString printf = TEXT_"Given %s with comment '%s' and count %d" _PRINTF(
// -> "Given Foo with comment 'Hello!' and count 42"

As a personal opinion this is more readable in majority of cases or with multiple lines, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

FName type(TEXT("Foo")); FString comment(TEXT("Hello!")); int32 count = 42;

FString printf = FString::Printf(TEXT("Given %s with comment '%s' and count %d"),
// -> "Given Foo with comment 'Hello!' and count 42"
MCRO leading:
auto type = NAME_"Foo"; auto comment = STRING_"Hello!"; int32 count = 42;

FString printf = PRINTF_(*type.ToString(), *comment, count)
    "Given %s with comment '%s' and count %d";

// -> "Given Foo with comment 'Hello!' and count 42"

As a personal opinion this is only readable when there's a simple text and maximum of two arguments, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

But for more modern and more automatic text conversion there's also a wrapper around FString::Format, but it can handle much more types automatically than FString::Format.

With ordered arguments (trailing):

auto type = NAME_"Foo"; auto comment = INVTEXT_"Hello!"; int32 count = 42; EPixelFormat format = PF_Unknown;

FString fmt = TEXT_"Given {0} with comment '{1}' and count {2} with format {3}" _FMT(
    type, comment, count, format
// -> "Given Foo with comment 'Hello!' and count 42 with format PF_Unknown"
//                                                              ^ works with any undecorated enum type
//                                                                no need to be UENUM

As a personal opinion this is more readable in majority of cases or with multiple lines, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

FName type(TEXT("Foo")); FText comment = INVTEXT("Hello!"); int32 count = 42; // enums aren't supported at all

FStringFormatOrderedArguments fmtArgs;
FString printf = FString::Format(TEXT("Given {0} with comment '{1}' and count {2}"), fmtArgs);

// -> "Given Foo with comment 'Hello!' and count 42"
// enums aren't supported at all
MCRO leading:
auto type = NAME_"Foo"; auto comment = INVTEXT_"Hello!"; int32 count = 42; EPixelFormat format = PF_Unknown;

FString fmt = FMT_ (type, comment, count, format)
    "Given {0} with comment '{1}' and count {2} with format {3}";

// -> "Given Foo with comment 'Hello!' and count 42 with format PF_Unknown"
//                                                              ^ works with any undecorated enum type
//                                                                no need to be UENUM

As a personal opinion this is only readable when there's a simple text and maximum of two arguments, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

With named arguments (trailing):

auto type = NAME_"Foo"; auto comment = INVTEXT_"Hello!"; int32 count = 42; EPixelFormat format = PF_Unknown;

FString fmt = TEXT_"Given {Type} with comment '{Comment}' and count {Count} with format {Format}" _FMT(
    (Type,    type)
    (Comment, comment)
    (Count,   count)
    (Format,  format)
// -> "Given Foo with comment 'Hello!' and count 42 with format PF_Unknown"
//                                                              ^ works with any undecorated enum type
//                                                                no need to be UENUM

As a personal opinion this is more readable in majority of cases or with multiple lines, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

FName type(TEXT("Foo")); FText comment = INVTEXT("Hello!"); int32 count = 42; // enums aren't supported at all

FStringFormatNamedArguments fmtArgs;
fmtArgs.Add(TEXT("Type"),    type.ToString());
fmtArgs.Add(TEXT("Comment"), comment.ToString());
fmtArgs.Add(TEXT("Count"),   count);
FString printf = FString::Format(TEXT("Given {0} with comment '{1}' and count {2}"), fmtArgs);

// -> "Given Foo with comment 'Hello!' and count 42"
// enums aren't supported at all
MCRO leading:
auto type = NAME_"Foo"; auto comment = INVTEXT_"Hello!"; int32 count = 42; EPixelFormat format = PF_Unknown;

FString fmt = FMT_((Type, type) (Comment, comment) (Count, count) (Format, format))
    "Given {Type} with comment '{Comment}' and count {Count} with format {Format}";

// -> "Given Foo with comment 'Hello!' and count 42 with format PF_Unknown"
//                                                              ^ works with any undecorated enum type
//                                                                no need to be UENUM

As a personal opinion this is very rarely more readable than the trailing counterpart, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Notice how FMT macros decide named vs. ordered arguments based on the argument listing syntax alone, and the developer doesn't have to type out if they want named or ordered formatting.

Ranges as strings

But wait there's more, remember ranges? They can be automatically converted to string as well:

using namespace ranges;
enum class EFoo { Foo, Bar, Wee, Yo };

TArray<EFoo> array = MyEnumList(); // imagine this function just lists all the entries in EFoo

FString result = array | RenderAsString();
// -> "[Foo, Bar, Wee, Yo]"

FString enumsA = TEXT_"A list of enums: {0}" _FMT(array);
// -> "A list of enums: [Foo, Bar, Wee, Yo]"

FString enumsB = TEXT_"Don't like commas? No problem: {0}" _FMT(
    array | views::take(2) | Separator(TEXT_" and ")
// -> "Don't like commas? No problem: [Foo and Bar]"

FString enumsB = TEXT_"Don't like square brackets either? {0}" _FMT(
    array | views::take(2) | Separator(TEXT_" and ") | Enclosure(TEXT_"<", TEXT_">")
// -> "Don't like square brackets either? <Foo and Bar>"

FString enumsC = TEXT_"Or just glued together: {0}" _FMT(
    array | views::take(2) | NoDecorators()
// -> "Or just glued together: FooBar"

Delegate type inference

In Mcro::Delegates namespace there's a bunch of overloads of From function which can infer a delegate type and its intended binding only based on its input arguments. It means a couple of things:

  1. The potentially lengthy delegate types are no longer needed to be repeated.
  2. Creating an alias for each (multicast) delegate is no longer a must have.

For example given an imaginary type with a terrible API for some reason

struct FObservable
    using FOnStateResetTheFirstTimeEvent = TMulticastDelegate<void(FObservable const&)>;
    FOnStateResetTheFirstTimeEvent OnStateResetTheFirstTimeEvent;

    using FDefaultInitializerDelegate = TDelegate<FString(FObservable const&)>;
    void SetDefaultInitializer(FDefaultInitializerDelegate const& defaultInit)
        // etc ...

    // etc...

we could do

#include "Mcro/Common.h"

struct FListener : TSharedFromThis<FListener>
    TMulticastDelegate<void(FObservable const&)> PropagateEvent;
    void OnFirstStateReset(FObservable const& observable, FStringView capturedData);
    void BindTo(FObservable& observable)
        using namespace Mcro::Delegates::InferDelegate;

        // Repeating the delegate type on call site is not necessary
        observable.SetDefaultInitializer(From(this, [this](FObservable const&) -> FString
            return TEXT_"Some default value";

        // Chaining events like this is a single line
        observable.OnStateResetTheFirstTimeEvent.Add(From(this, PropagateEvent));

        // Captured extra arguments are still supported and deduced correctly
        auto firstReset = From(this, &FListener::OnFirstStateReset, TEXTVIEW_"capture");
Equivalent vanilla Unreal delegates:
struct FListener : TSharedFromThis<FListener>
    TMulticastDelegate<void(FObservable const&)> PropagateEvent;
    void OnFirstStateReset(FObservable const& observable, FStringView capturedData);
    void BindTo(FObservable& observable)
        // Delegate API in these situations is pretty verbose
        observable.SetDefaultInitializer(FDefaultInitializerDelegate::CreateSPLambda(this, [this](FObservable const&) -> FString
            return TEXT("Some default value");

        // Chaining events is a new Feature introduced with From
        observable.OnStateResetTheFirstTimeEvent.AddSPLambda(this, [this](FObservable const& observableArg)
        // As that's a given with vanilla multicast delegate API as well
        observable.OnStateResetTheFirstTimeEvent.AddSP(this, &FListener::OnFirstStateReset, TEXTVIEW("capture"));

There's also a dynamic / native (multicast) delegate interop including similar chaining demonstrated here.

Advanced TEventDelegate

Did your thing ever load after an event which your thing depends on, but now you have to somehow detect that the event has already happened and you have to execute your thing manually? With Mcro::Delegates::TEventDelegate this situation has a lot less friction:

#include "Mcro/Common.h"
using namespace Mcro::Common::With::InferDelegate;

// TBelatedEventDelegate is an alias for TEventDelegate<Signature, {.Belated = true}>
TBelatedEventDelegate<void(int)> SomeEvent;

// Broadcast first

// Late subscribers will not be left behind
SomeEvent.Add(From([](int value)
    UE_LOG(LogTemp, Display, TEXT_"The last argument this event broadcasted with: %d", value);
// -> The last argument this event broadcasted with: 42

// This event doesn't have this behavior set by default
TEventDelegate<void(int)> SomeOtherEvent;

// Broadcast first

// Late subscribers still can explicitly ask to be notified
    From([](int value)
        UE_LOG(LogTemp, Display, TEXT_"The last argument this event broadcasted with: %d", value);
    {.Belated = true}
// -> The last argument this event broadcasted with: 1337

Or your thing only needs to do its tasks on the first time a frequently invoked event is triggered?

#include "Mcro/Common.h"
using namespace Mcro::Common::With::InferDelegate;

TEventDelegate<void(int)> SomeFrequentEvent;

// This function should only be called the first time after its binding
    From([](int value)
        UE_LOG(LogTemp, Display, TEXT_"This value is printed only once: %d", value);
    {.Once = true}

// -> This value is printed only once: 1
// (nothing is executed here)

Chaining events?

#include "Mcro/Common.h"
using namespace Mcro::Common::With::InferDelegate;

TMulticastDelegate<void(int)> LowerLevelEvent;
TEventDelegate<void(int)> HigherLevelEvent;

HigherLevelEvent.Add(From([](int value)
    UE_LOG(LogTemp, Display, TEXT_"Value: %d", value);
LowerLevelEvent.Add(HigherLevelEvent.Delegation(this /* optionally bind an object */));

// -> Value: 42

Of course the above chaining can be combined with belated~ or one-time invocations.


C++ 20 can do string manipulation in compile time, including regex. With that, compiler specific "pretty function" macros become a key tool for simple static reflection. Based on that MCRO has TTypeName

#include "Mcro/CommonCore.h"
using namespace Mcro::Common;

struct FMyType
    FStringView GetTypeString() { return TTypeName<FMyType>; } // -> "FMyType" as view

even better with C++ 23 deducing this

#include "Mcro/CommonCore.h"
using namespace Mcro::Common;

struct FMyBaseType
    template <typename Self>
    FString GetTypeString(this Self&&) const { return TTypeString<Self>(); }

struct FMyDerivedType : FMyBaseType {}

FMyDerivedType myVar;
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Display, TEXT_"This is `%s`", *myVar.GetTypeString());
// -> This is `FMyDerivedType`

// BUT!

FMyBaseType const& myBaseVar = myVar;
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Display, TEXT_"This is `%s`", *myBaseVar.GetTypeString());
// -> This is `FMyBaseType`

MCRO provides a base type IHaveType for storing the final type as an FName to avoid situations like above

#include "Mcro/CommonCore.h"
using namespace Mcro::Common;

struct FMyBaseType : IHaveType {}

struct FMyDerivedType : FMyBaseType
    FMyDerivedType() { SetType(); }

FMyDerivedType myVar;
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Display, TEXT_"This is as expected a `%s`", *myVar.GetType().ToString());
// -> This is as expected `FMyDerivedType`

FMyBaseType const& myBaseVar = myVar;
    LogTemp, Display,
    TEXT_"But asking the base type will still preserve `%s`",
// -> But asking the base type will still preserve `FMyDerivedType`

Auto modular features

One use of TTypeName is making modular features easier to use:

#include "Mcro/Common.h"
using namespace Mcro::Common;

// In central API module
class IProblemSolvingFeature : public TAutoModularFeature<IProblemSolvingFeature>
    virtual void SolveAllProblems() = 0;

// In another implementation specific module
// Define implementation first
class FProblemSolver : public IProblemSolvingFeature, public IFeatureImplementation
    FProblemSolver() { Register(); }
    virtual void SolveAllProblems() override;

// Create one global instance
FProblemSolver GProblemSolver;

// In some other place, which doesn't know about the above implementation, the feature is used:

Notice how the feature name has never needed to be explicitly specified as a string, because the type name is used under the hood.

Observable TState

You have data members of your class, but you also want to notify others about how that's changing?

#include "Mcro/Common.h"
using namespace Mcro::Common::With::InferDelegate;

struct FMyStuff
    TState<int, {.StorePrevious = true}> State {-1};

        // Get previous values as well when `StorePrevious` flag is active
        State.OnChange([](int next, TOptional<int> previous)
            // If `StorePrevious` flag is active we should always have a value in `previous`
            // so we should never see -2
            UE_LOG(LogTemp, Display, TEXT_"Changed from %d to %d", previous.Get(-2), next);

        // Listen to change only the first time
            [](int next) { UE_LOG(LogTemp, Display, TEXT_"The first changed value is %d", next); },
            {.Once = true}

    void Update(int input)
        if (State.HasChangedFrom(input))
            // Do things only when input value has changed from previous update
            // Combine it with short-circuiting maybe ;)

struct FFoobar : TSharedFromThis<FFoobar>
    FMyStuff MyStuff;

    void Thing(TChangeData<T> const& change, FString const& capture)
        UE_LOG(LogTemp, Display, TEXT_"React to %d with %s", change.Next, *capture);

    void Do()
        // -> Changed from -1 to 1
        // -> The first changed value is 1
        // -> Changed from 1 to 2
        // (nothing is logged as previous update was also 2)
            [](int next) { UE_LOG(LogTemp, Display, TEXT_"Arriving late %d", next); },
            {.Belated = true}
        // -> Arriving late 2
        // -> Changed from 2 to 3
        // -> Arriving late 3
        MyStuff.OnChange(From(this, &FFoobar::Thing, TEXT_"a unicorn"));
        // -> Changed from 3 to 4
        // -> Arriving late 4
        // -> React to 4 with a unicorn

Function Traits

Make templates dealing with function types more readable and yet more versatile via the Mcro::FunctionTraits namespace. This is the foundation of many intricate teemplates Mcro can offer.

Constraint/infer template parameters from the signature of an input function. (This is an annotated exempt from Mcro::UObjects::Init)

#include "Mcro/FunctionTraits.h" // it also brings in Concepts

namespace Mcro::UObjects::Init
	using namespace Mcro::FunctionTraits;

    template <
        // CFunctorObject constraints to a lambda function
        // use CFunctionLike to allow anything callable including function pointers
        CFunctorObject Initializer,

        // Get the first argument of `Initializer`
        typename Argument = TFunction_Arg<Initializer, 0>,

        // That argument must be a UObject, and also cache its type
        CUObject Result = std::decay_t<Argument>
    // That argument  must also be an l-value ref
    requires std::is_lvalue_reference_v<Argument>
    Result* Construct(FConstructObjectParameters&& params, Initializer&& init)
    { ... }

Extending the Slate declarative syntax

TAttributeBlock adds the / operator to be used in Slate UI declarations, which can work with functions describing a common block of attributes for given widget.

#include "Mcro/Common";
using namespace Mcro::Common;

// Define a reusable block of attributes
auto Text(FString const& text) -> TAttributeBlock<STextBlock>
    return [&](STextBlock::FArguments& args) -> auto&
        return args
        . Text(FText::FromString(text))
        . Font(FCoreStyle::GetDefaultFontStyle("Mono", 12));

// Nest these blocks
auto OptionalText(FString const& text) -> TAttributeBlock<STextBlock>
    return [&](STextBlock::FArguments& args) -> auto&
        return args
            . Visibility(IsVisible(!text.IsEmpty()))
            / Text(text);

// Accept attribute blocks as arguments
auto ExpandableText(
    FText const& title,
    FString const& text,
    TAttributeBlock<STextBlock> const& textAttributes
) -> TAttributeBlock<SExpandableArea>
    return [&](SExpandableArea::FArguments& args) -> auto&
        return args
            . Visibility(IsVisible(!text.IsEmpty()))
            . AreaTitle(title)
            . InitiallyCollapsed(true)
            . BodyContent()
                SNew(STextBlock) / textAttributes

Or add slots right in the Slate declarative syntax derived from an input range:

// This is just a convenience function so we don't repeat ourselves
auto Row() -> SVerticalBox::FSlot::FSlotArguments
    return MoveTemp(SVerticalBox::Slot()
        . HAlign(HAlign_Fill)
        . AutoHeight()

void Construct(FArguments const& inArgs)
        + Row()[ SNew(STextBlock) / Text(TEXT_"Items:") ]
        + TSlots(inArgs._Items.Get(), [&](FString const& item)
            return MoveTemp(
                Row()[ SNew(STextBlock) / Text(item) ]
        + Row()[ SNew(STextBlock) / Text(TEXT_"Fin.") ]

ISPC parallel tasks support

McroISPC module gives support for task and launch keywords of the ISPC language

task void MakeLookupUVLine(
    uniform uint32 buffer[],
    uniform uint32 width
) {
    uniform uint32 lineStart = taskIndex0 * width;
    foreach (i = 0 ... width)
        varying uint32 address = lineStart + i;
        buffer[address] = (i << 16) | taskIndex0;

export void MakeLookupUV(
    uniform uint32 buffer[],
    uniform uint32 width,
    uniform uint32 height
) {
    launch [height] MakeLookupUVLine(buffer, width);

Last but not least

  • Dynamic ↔ Native (multicast) delegate interop
  • Text interop and conversion utilities for STL strings
  • Object binding and promises for AsyncTask
  • Bullet-proof third-party library include guards.
  • In-place lambda initializers for both C++ objects and UObjects
  • RAII DLL loaders
  • IObservableModule
  • Universal API to get subsystems
  • Shared object utilities
  • FTimespan literals
  • YAML utilities (via yaml-cpp)
  • Windows:
    • IError wrapper for HRESULT and GetLastError extracting human readable error messages from them.

What's a proto-plugin?

This repository is not meant to be used as its own full featured Unreal Plugin, but rather other plugins can compose this one into themselves using the Folder Composition feature provided by Nuke.Unreal (via Nuke.Cola). The recommended way to use this is via using a simple Nuke.Cola build-plugin which inherits IUseMcro for example:

using Nuke.Common;
using Nuke.Cola;
using Nuke.Cola.BuildPlugins;
using Nuke.Unreal;

public interface IUseMcroInMyProject : IUseMcro
    Target UseMcro => _ => _
        .DependentFor<UnrealBuild>(b => b.Prepare)
        .Executes(() =>
            UseMcroAt(this.ScriptFolder(), "MyProjectSuffix");

If this seems painful please blame Epic Games who decided to not allow marketplace/Fab plugins to depend on each other, or at least depend on free and open source plugins from other sources. So I had to come up with all this "Folder Composition" nonsense so end-users might be able to use multiple of my plugins sharing common dependencies without module name conflicts.

To use MCRO as its own plugin without the need for Nuke.Unreal, see this repository: (DOESN'T EXIST YET)

What's up with _Origin suffix everywhere?

When this proto plugin is imported into other plugins, this suffix is used for disambiguation, in case the end-user uses multiple pre-compiled plugins depending on MCRO. If this seems annoying please refer to the paragraph earlier.


  • Doxygen generated "nice" documentation
  • Supporting common platform specific chores
    • Windows
      • Common COM / WinRT utilities
    • Linux
    • Mac
    • Android
    • iOS / TVOS / VisionOS
  • Test coverage which can be taken seriously (60%)
  • Graphics utilities
    • Shared textures but without the Unreal TextureShare library


Third-party components used by MCRO

When using MCRO in a plugin distributed via Fab, the components above must be listed upon submission.

In addition the following tools and .NET libraries are used for build tooling:

And documentation:

This library is distributed under the Mozilla Public License Version 2.0 open-source software license. Each source code file where this license is applicable contains a comment about this.

Modifying those files or the entire library for commercial purposes is allowed but those modifications should also be published free and open-source under the same license. However files added by third-party for commercial purposes interfacing with the original files under MPL v2.0 are not affected by MPL v2.0 and therefore can have any form of copyright the third-party may choose.

Using this library in any product without modifications doesn't limit how that product may be licensed.

Full text of the license


A C++23 utilities Unreal Engine proto-plugin, for a more civilized age.





