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πŸ“Ÿ Web Serial for Vue.js


πŸš€ See live demo

  • Easy-to-use event-based API
  • States, signals and configuration variables are Vue.js reactive
  • Can poll CTS, DCD, DSR, and RI signals
  • Serial configuration is stored in the browser localStorage


πŸ’¬ To setup HTTPS quickly for development with Vite.js, you can use @vitejs/plugin-basic-ssl


In your Vue.js project:
npm install vue-serial
πŸ’¬ If you prefer static files, import assets from the dist folder.


MyComponent.vue (using Composition API)
  <div style="font-family: sans-serif">
    <div v-if="!serial.isAvailable">Web Serial is not available. Check that this browser supports Web Serial API and this page is served with HTTPS.</div>
    <div v-else>
      <div>vue-serial: {{ serial.isOpen ? "is open (device is " + (serial.isConnected ? "connected)" : "disconnected)") : "is closed" }}</div>
      <div v-if="serial.isOpen"><input ref="input"><button :disabled="!serial.isConnected" @click="user_send">Send to device</button></div>
      <div><button :disabled="serial.isClosing" @click="user_connect">{{ !serial.isOpen ? "Connect to a device..." : "Close connection" }}</button></div>

<script setup>
// In this example we use the Vue3 "Composition API" but it works with the "Option API" as well.
import { ref, watch } from 'vue'
import VueSerial from 'vue-serial'

const input = ref(null); // input will contain the `<input ref="input">` element

// Configure the serial settings
const serial = new VueSerial();
serial.baudRate = 115200;
serial.dataBits = 8;
serial.stopBits = 1;
serial.parity = "none";
serial.bufferSize = 255; // set to 1 to receive byte-per-byte
serial.flowControl = "none";

// Function to ask the user to select which serial device to connect
async function user_connect () {
  if(serial.isOpen) await serial.close(); // in your application, encapsulate in a try/catch to manage errors
  else {
    await serial.connect(); // can be `serial.connect([{ usbVendorId:1027 }])` to show only FTDI devices
    if(serial.isOpen) {
      serial.startSignalsPolling(); // (optional) to listen for CTS, DCD, DSR, and RI signal events
      // await serial.write(...); // to send bytes to device automatically after connection

// Function to send the value contained in the input
async function user_send () {
  const input_elt = input.value; // refers to <input ref="input">
  const value = input_elt.value;
  await serial.write(value); // in your application, encapsulate in a try/catch to manage errors
  console.log("bytes sent:", value);

// This will watch for incoming data
serial.addEventListener("read", ({ value }) => { console.log("bytes read:", value); });

// This will watch for CTS input signal changes (startSignalsPolling must have been called)
watch(() => serial.clearToSend, (value) => { console.log("CTS signal:", value); });

same example using static files loaded with a CDN (using Options API)
  <script src=""></script>
  <script src=""></script>
  <div id="app">
    <div style="font-family: sans-serif">
      <div v-if="!serial.isAvailable">Web Serial is not available. Check that this browser supports Web Serial API and this page is served with HTTPS.</div>
      <div v-else>
        <div>vue-serial: {{ serial.isOpen ? "is open (device is " + (serial.isConnected ? "connected)" : "disconnected)") : "is closed" }}</div>
        <div v-if="serial.isOpen"><input ref="input"><button :disabled="!serial.isConnected" @click="user_send">Send to device</button></div>
        <div><button :disabled="serial.isClosing" @click="user_connect">{{ !serial.isOpen ? "Connect to a device..." : "Close connection" }}</button></div>
  const app = Vue.createApp({
    data () {
      return {
        serial: new VueSerial()
    mounted () {
      // Configure the serial settings
      this.serial.baudRate = 115200;
      this.serial.dataBits = 8;
      this.serial.stopBits = 1;
      this.serial.parity = "none";
      this.serial.bufferSize = 255; // set to 1 to receive byte-per-byte
      this.serial.flowControl = "none";
      // This will watch for incoming data
      this.serial.addEventListener("read", ({ value }) => { console.log("bytes read:", value); });
    methods: {
      async user_connect () { // Function to ask the user to select which serial device to connect
        if(this.serial.isOpen) await this.serial.close(); // in your application, encapsulate in a try/catch to manage errors
        else {
          await this.serial.connect(); // can be `serial.connect([{ usbVendorId:1027 }])` to show only FTDI devices
          if(this.serial.isOpen) {
            this.serial.startSignalsPolling(); // (optional) to listen for CTS, DCD, DSR, and RI signal events
            // await serial.write(...); // to send bytes to device automatically after connection
      async user_send () { // Function to send the value contained in the input
        const input_elt = this.$refs.input; // refers to <input ref="input">
        const value = input_elt.value;
        await this.serial.write(value); // in your application, encapsulate in a try/catch to manage errors
        console.log("bytes sent:", value);
    watch: {
      // This will watch for CTS input signal changes (startSignalsPolling must have been called)
      "serial.clearToSend": (value) => { console.log("CTS signal:", value); }


πŸ“– Read the API

Project development

  • npm run dev compiles, serves and hot-reloads demo for development
  • npm run build:demo compiles and minifies demo
  • npm run build:lib compiles and minifies library
  • npm run typedoc compiles API documentation


Copyright (c) 2024 Romain Lamothe, MIT License