Swift project which can post macOS alert or banner notifications on 10.15+ clients
Repository of scripts Moof IT share with the community
This is the Curriculum for "Learn Computer Science in 5 Months" By Siraj Raval on Youtube
For Mac users in enterprise environments, this application gives users control over the administration of their machine by elevating their level of access to administrator privileges on macOS. User…
macOS menu bar application that automates Kerberos ticket refreshes
A macOS Application for retrieving LAPS AD Passwords
Script to manage Secure Tokens on macOS 10.14.2
ducksrfr / LAPSforMac
Forked from NU-ITS/LAPSforMacLocal Administrator Password Solution for Mac
Script to estimate warranty expiration for macs
Automatically process packages, profiles, and scripts during boot, login, or on demand.
A tool to help users with pre-existing devices enroll into MDM
Provides temporary admin access for a standard user via Jamf Self Service
Bash script to start DEPNotify and run policies during enrollment with Jamf Pro
A tool for dynamically using installapplication
Use Filewave & DEPNotify to upgrade to High Sierra
dcrypt3d / mac-jamf
Forked from palantir/jamf-pro-scriptsA collection of scripts and extension attributes created for managing Mac workstations via Jamf Pro.
Helpers for OS X packaging and MacAdmins