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πŸ₯ƒ A party drinking game that lets you learn more about your friends: Provider + Hive + swipeable_card


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A social game to help you learn more about your friends.

Made with Flutter PRs Welcome BMAC HitCount GitHub

How to play? One player reads out cards. All other players have to drink based off of what the card says. Those who fail to do so are out of the game. See the images below for a clearer explanation.

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If you're interested in the swipeable cards, check out my package swipeable_card.

πŸš€ Features

Click to see the features list
  • Start page where users can see a few options
    • Start game to take user to game
    • Terms (everyone is over 18, ...)
  • Give cards colors depending on text (for ex, if first letter is T, it is red ...)
  • Give app background a color too, and animate it
    • Give cards a border to make them look more friendly
  • Rotate cards at random angles (make it look natural)
  • Show card behind card on top (next card)
    • Show slight animation when revealing a new "next" next card (such as slide in from top)
  • Randomize card order (all cards are in a YML file)
  • Don't show cards which were already shown (might not implement)
  • Card swiping to change cards (similar to Tinder)
    • Show one cards behind the current card
    • Make cards wave as they are moving (similar to real cards)
    • Add random translation offset to make it look more real
    • Animation when user drops card but not on target (animation of card going back)
  • Show how many cards the players have gone through
  • Allow users to shuffle deck midgame
  • Timer to show players how long they've been playing
  • Add multiple card packs
    • Allow players to select and choose from different card packs (new screen)
    • Allow card packs to be retreived from web
  • Add settings page where people can enable NSFW mode
    • Improve styling of on/off toggle

πŸ“¦ Packages used

Click to reveal packages
  • auto_route
  • google_fonts
  • font_awesome_flutter
  • provider
  • yaml
  • sliding_up_panel

πŸ“ FAQs

  1. What is this game?

    In short, it aims to get you closer to your friends through a series of interesting questions and challenges. It's intended to be played in a party setting (and with drinks of course!). There are different card packs to choose from (Basic, NSFW, Challenges, and Developer).

  2. How do I play?

    • Click play and choose your card packs
    • Click "Done"
    • Start swiping the cards!
  3. Can I add or suggest more cards?

    Yes. Stay tuned for further information.

  4. I'm not an adult 😐, how do I play?

    Change the rules! Instead of taking a sip, do a sit-up. Instead of taking a shot, do a push-up!

πŸ“ Other information

Project start date: April 9, 2020 Shots gets its own website: April 30, 2020

πŸ›  Build setup

Your system requires the Flutter SDK. Follow the steps here to install it on your system. After Flutter is installed, clone or fork this repository.

Once Flutter has been set up, run the app with

flutter run

The main app entry point is main.dart, then app/app.dart.

Note: I highly recommend you to run the debug version of the app on a physical device instead of an emulator. The card swiping action and animations are more smooth on actual devices.

Generating icons and splash screens

After updating pubspec.yaml, run these commands:

flutter pub run flutter_launcher_icons:main
flutter pub pub run flutter_native_splash:create

Editing router.dart

Everythime you change router/router.dart, you need to run

flutter packages pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs

Build Android APK and appbundle

flutter build appbundle
flutter build apk

It is possible that the app is on your Android device, but not fully installed. To delete it completely, connect your device to your computer, and run the following command:

adb uninstall com.themindstorm.shots

Once the APK has been built, install it on a physcally connected Android device:

flutter install

In the production app, I was getting ClasscastException at This SO question helped.

πŸŽ— Support

Like this project?

  • ⭐️ Star the repository
  • πŸ“© Send a pull request to add new features
  • πŸ’Œ Share this app with other developers
  • πŸ“² Download the mobile apps (scroll to the top for links)
  • πŸ‚± Use the swipeable_cards package

😲 Explanation

Check out my flutter package swipeable_widget to use the swiping cards in your own app.

How does the card swiping work?

Firstly, the Draggable widget was not used. While it is great, it does not support animating the child back to the original position when it is not dragged to the drop zone.

Instead, the method od animating the alignment by moving it to the finger position was adopted. When the child is dropped, it can be animated back to the center ( in this case). See this guide.


1. Card tapped/panned down:

controller.stop() is called.

2. Card is being panned/dragged around:

The position of the widget is being updated (ShotCard is a stateful widget).

setState(() {
  _dragAlignment += Alignment(
    // scroll sensitivity * 3 / (size.width / 2), * 3 / (size.height / 2),

From here on, multiple actions can take place with onPanEnd:

3a. The card is dropped

_runCardBackToCenterAnimation() is called. This function animates the ShotCard from its current position to

3b. The card is dropped at the side

When the card is dropped at the side of the screen, it means the user wants to 'dismiss' it and see the next one.

If they're playing any game, it means that they want to discard the card and see the next one.

We can check if the card is dropped at the side by looking at _dragAlignment.x:

if (_dragAlignment.x > 0.85) {
  Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: _animationDuration + 100)).then((_) {
    setState(() {
      _dragAlignment =;

    // getting next card ...
    final CardProvider cardProvider = Provider.of<CardProvider>(context, listen: false);

What seems to be happening?

  • The card is discarded (gone)
  • Next card comes into focus

What actually happens? This is what's going on under the hood.

  1. The card is animated out of the screen with _runCardLeaveAnimation().
  2. There is a slight delay (sleep). This delay must be more than the _animationDuration.
  3. After the delay, the card is moved back to the center without any animaton.
  4. Using state management to set the shot card to show the next card.

In step 2, a delay is necessary to take into account the time taken for the animation. The delay also must be higher than the animation delay. If not, then the following will happen at the same time (we don't want this):

  • Animating the card out of the screen, and
  • Putting the card in the center without animation.

The 'current card' that you see (on top of the others) never changes. Only it's color, text, and rotate angle changes, giving the appearance that it's gone and the next one is showing.



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