- Berlin, Germany
- 1h ahead - https://nlohmann.me
- in/nielslohmann
json Public
JSON for Modern C++
gcc_flags Public
A Python script to collect all C++ warning flags from GCC
mutate_cpp Public
C++ Mutation Test Environment
cmake_min_version Public
Determine the minimal requirement CMake version of a project
json-ci Public
Docker image for the CI of nlohmann/json
json_release_scripts Public
Release scripts for "JSON for Modern C+++
fifo_map Public
a FIFO-ordered associative container for C++
SecureDefaults Public
Forked from vpeschenkov/SecureDefaultsThis is a lightweight wrapper for UserDefaults/NSUserDefaults that adds an additional layer of AES-256 encryption for enhanced security
Swift MIT License UpdatedFeb 5, 2023 -
crow Public
Crow - a C++ client for Sentry
labeler Public
Forked from srvaroa/labelerGitHub Action to assign labels to PRs based on configurable conditions
homebrew-core Public
Forked from Homebrew/homebrew-core🍻 Default formulae for the missing package manager for macOS (or Linux)
Ruby BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedAug 12, 2022 -
oss-fuzz Public
Forked from google/oss-fuzzOSS-Fuzz - continuous fuzzing for open source software.
doxygen_flask Public archive
Create a flask app from a Doxygen documentation.
swagger_to_uml Public
Convert OpenAPI specifications (a.k.a. Swagger) to PlantUML diagrams
homebrew-json Public archive
🍺 Homebrew formula for JSON for Modern C++
bahn_auftragsnummer Public archive
Abfrage von Reisedaten der Deutschen Bahn aus der Auftragsnummer
std_json Public
A proposal for a JSON data type in the C++ standard library
exception_reporter Public
A tool to collect the exceptions that can reach a C++ function
td-2019-mapviewer-ext Public
Forked from Klebert-Engineering/td-2019-mapviewer-extStarting point for the MapViewer extension workshop at the Tooling Days 2019.
jar_manifest Public
returns the content of a jar file's MANIFEST as dict
mutate_cpp_old Public archive
Mutate++ - a C++ mutation test generator and executor
what_the_license Public
a tool to find the concrete open source license given a source file header