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Shihabdin شهاب الدين d3j1x
Co-founder of SMRT MRKT X.


André Marcolongo andremarko
Software development student

São Paulo, SP - Brasil

JustHuman228 JustHm228
Don't bother me, I'm drinking tea! ☕

Moscow, Russia





Youness Hourri uhourri
PhD student in data science and ML applied to software engineering


Jane Stone janestone0001
Senior Full Stack Developer
Magni - God of Strength bcExpt1123
Senior Full Stack Engineer turning ideas into reality


Aleena Vargease aleenav1221
Student , btech undergraduate, Scet likes to code
Dontknow09 Dontknow09
Student and Street Photographer modding a silly block game.


Bayu Sam68248

Java Indonesian

Ron Sherfey SherfeyInv
Just a Dad trying to figure things out.

Aysher Intelligence Agency Woodstock, VA

Adonis Jimenez adonisjimenezzz
Continuous learner, always seeking opportunities to expand my knowledge and contribute to innovative projects

Coastal Materials Management Deerfield Beach, FL

Emma Muhleman, CFA, CPA EmmaMuhleman1
Sr. L/S Equity Analyst & Chief Quant Strategist at hedge fund; Built Systematic/Quant division at Ascend; Data Science Grad Student, Harvard & NYU

Ascend Investment Management LLC NYC

LilPimpn86 FuckStickFunFuck
33 DWF Freelance Journalist Anlyst Cnsltnt Mrktng Blogger, Political Satirist & Commentator, Community Organizer, Podcaster, Radical Activist, Volunteer.

@staywokemedia Indiana USA

Codex.IO CodexClub567
Generative AI platform
Tumsifu Lema tumsif
Professional Web developer, loves to code, admire airplanes and loves travelling and exploring nature.


Bonnia bonniabyte
Full Bunny Stack, 18 years old
Brex Alloneway30
A lone programmer bent on learning how to navigate and accept mentorship.

productive builds Topeka, KS

ROUNDAi LaVidaHermosa
Leading providers of revenue lift-leveraging technology solutions and service management to the Beverage Industry.

ROUND Lexington, KY

solochidera solomonchidera
software engineer @Grey-Invent

@Grey-Invent somewhere

Adamo Blaze localartaction
...A traveling Artist and solution-finder. A web native and a skeleton key…. learning better methods to go with ALL the flows…

USA (all over)

Tirinfo tirinfo

tirinfo Indonesia

NABIL nabilify

South Asia / Remote