Low / High-level video toolkit based on rsmpeg.
ffmpeg 6.x, 7.x is supported based rusty_ffmpeg
is a general-purpose video/audio media library for Rust that uses the
-family libraries from ffmpeg
It aims to provide a stable and Rusty interface to many common media tasks, such as reading, writing, muxing, encoding, decoding, Picture Quality Enhancement and Image Processing.
Supported Platforms:
Platform | Arch | Linking | Toolchain | Build Options | pkg Manager | Support | Notes |
Linux | x86_64 | Static | GCC/Clang | Default | apt, yum | ✅ | pkg-config + glibc |
x86_64 | Dynamic | GCC/Clang | Default | apt, yum | ✅ | pkg-config + glibc |
aarch64 | Static | GCC/Clang | Default | apt, yum | pkg-config + glibc |
aarch64 | Dynamic | GCC/Clang | Default | apt, yum | pkg-config + glibc |
macOS | x86_64 | Static | Apple Clang | Homebrew | ❌ | pkg-config |
x86_64 | Dynamic | Apple Clang | Default | Homebrew | ✅ | pkg-config |
aarch64 | Static | Apple Clang | Homebrew | ❌ | pkg-config |
aarch64 | Dynamic | Apple Clang | Default | Homebrew | ✅ | pkg-config |
Windows | x86_64 | Static | MSVC/MinGW | +crt-static |
vcpkg | ✅ | vs-2022 + llvm + clang |
x86_64 | Dynamic | MSVC/MinGW | Default | vcpkg | ✅ | vs-2022 + llvm + clang |
aarch64 | Static | MSVC | +crt-static |
vcpkg | ✅ | vs-2022 + llvm + clang |
aarch64 | Dynamic | MSVC | Default | vcpkg | ✅ | vs-2022 + llvm + clang |
Hardware acceleration:
API | Platform | Arch | Hardware Requirements | Support | Notes |
VDPAU | Linux | x86_64 | NVIDIA GPU | nvidia-vdpau-driver |
Linux | aarch64 | NVIDIA GPU | Jetson AGX support | ||
CUDA | Linux | x86_64 | NVIDIA GPU (Compute ≥3.5) | ✅ Full | Container-ready |
Linux | aarch64 | NVIDIA GPU (Compute ≥3.5) | ✅ Full | Jetson/Orin | |
Windows | x86_64 | NVIDIA GPU (Compute ≥3.5) | ✅ Full | ||
Windows | aarch64 | NVIDIA GPU (Compute ≥3.5) | Limited driver support | ||
VAAPI | Linux | x86_64 | Intel/AMD/Integrated GPU | intel-media-driver |
Linux | aarch64 | Mali/AMD GPU | Kernel 5.15+ required | ||
DXVA2 | Windows | x86_64 | DX11-compatible GPU | WDDM 2.0+ | |
QSV | Linux | x86_64 | Intel iGPU (≥6th Gen) | intel-media-va-driver |
Windows | x86_64 | Intel iGPU (≥6th Gen) | Intel Media SDK | ||
TOOLBOX | macOS | x86_64 | Intel GPU | ✅ Native | macOS 10.13+ |
macOS | aarch64 | Apple Silicon GPU (M series) | ✅ Native | ||
D3D11VA | Windows | x86_64 | DX11-compatible GPU | ||
Windows | aarch64 | DX11-compatible GPU | ARM64 Windows 11 | ||
DRM | Linux | x86_64 | AMD/NVIDIA GPU | libdrm + KMS |
Linux | aarch64 | Mali GPU | |||
MEDIACODEC | Android | arm64 | Hardware decoder | Android 12+ | |
D3D12VA | Windows | x86_64 | DX12-compatible GPU | FFmpeg 7.0+ | |
Windows | aarch64 | DX12-compatible GPU | FFmpeg 7.0+ |
- ✅ Full support / Successful
- ❌ Not support / Failed
⚠️ Partially supported / Not clear
FFmpeg linking: refer to
's documentation for how to use environment variables to statically or dynamically link FFmpeg. -
Advanced usage of rsmpeg: Check out the
dynamic linking with pkg-config(unix) or vcpkg(windows):
export FFMPEG_DIR=/path/to/ffmpeg
## (unix recommended):
## (windows recommended):
## notes: if you install ffmpeg with vcpkg, you can add `$FFMPEG_DIR/bin` to system PATH.
## manually set dylib path:
## dynamic linking for linux:
export FFMPEG_DLL_PATH=$FFMPEG_LIBS_DIR/libffmpeg.so
## dynamic linking for macos:
export FFMPEG_DLL_PATH=$FFMPEG_LIBS_DIR/libffmpeg.dylib
## dynamic linking for windows:
export FFMPEG_DLL_PATH=$FFMPEG_DIR/lib/libffmpeg.dll
: enable support to use raw frames with thendarray
: enable support forffmpeg
6.x. -
: enable support forffmpeg
7.x. -
: unxi system linking ffmpeg with pkg-config. -
: windows linking ffmpeg with vcpkg.
- ffmpeg 7.x for unix:
## default feature is ok for ffmpeg 7.x unix: rsmedia = { git = "https://github.com/phial3/rsmedia", branch = "rsmpeg" } ## or like this: rsmedia = { git = "https://github.com/phial3/rsmedia", branch = "rsmpeg", default-features = false, features = ["ndarray", "ffmpeg7", "link_system_ffmpeg"] }
- ffmpeg 6.x for unix:
rsmedia = { git = "https://github.com/phial3/rsmedia", branch = "rsmpeg", default-features = false, features = ["ndarray", "ffmpeg6", "link_system_ffmpeg"] }
- ffmpeg 7.x for windows:
rsmedia = { git = "https://github.com/phial3/rsmedia", branch = "rsmpeg", default-features = false, features = ["ndarray", "ffmpeg7", "link_vcpkg_ffmpeg"] }
- ffmpeg 6.x for windows:
rsmedia = { git = "https://github.com/phial3/rsmedia", branch = "rsmpeg", default-features = false, features = ["ndarray", "ffmpeg6", "link_vcpkg_ffmpeg"] }
use rsmedia::{
mux::{DemuxResult, Demuxer, Muxer},
EncoderBuilder, MediaType, Options, PixelFormat, SampleFormat, StreamReader,
use rsmpeg::avcodec::AVCodec;
use anyhow::Context;
use std::path::Path;
fn main() {
let input_path = Path::new("/tmp/bear.mp4");
let stream_reader = StreamReader::new(input_path).unwrap();
let mut demuxer = Demuxer::from_reader(stream_reader, None, None).unwrap();
let output_path = Path::new("/tmp/output.mov");
let stream_writer = StreamWriterBuilder::new(output_path)
let mut muxer = Muxer::from_writer(stream_writer);
// add all streams from input to output muxer
for in_stream in demuxer.streams() {
let stream_info = &in_stream.stream_info;
let encoder = {
if stream_info.media_type == MediaType::VIDEO {
// build video encoder
let codec = {
// set custom video codec name, eg: libx264, libx265,
// Notes: options muse be match with input video encoder codec,
// Or if you just want to transcode, the codec stay the same,
// just do get codec from input stream_info.codec_id
// ```
// AVCodec::find_encoder(stream_info.codec_id);
// ```
// or set by codec name:
.context("Failed to find decoder")
// cuda accel
// .with_hardware_device(Some(HWDeviceType::CUDA))
// .with_codec_name("h264_nvenc".to_string())
// .with_options(Options::preset_h264_nvenc())
// other
// notes: options must be match with input video encoder codec,
// video
.with_video_size(stream_info.width as u32, stream_info.height as u32)
} else if stream_info.media_type == MediaType::AUDIO {
// build audio encoder
let codec = {
// set custom audio codec name, eg: aac, libmp3lame,
// Notes: options muse be match with input audio encoder codec,
// Or if you just want to transcode, the codec stay the same,
// just do get codec from input stream_info.codec_id
// ```
// AVCodec::find_encoder(stream_info.codec_id);
// ```
// or set by codec name:
.context("Failed to find decoder")
// other
// audio
.with_nb_channels(stream_info.channel_layout.nb_channels as u32)
.with_sample_rate(stream_info.sample_rate as u32)
} else {
panic!("Unsupported media type: {:?}", stream_info.media_type);
let _stream_index = muxer.add_stream(encoder).unwrap();
// demux and mux all frames from input to output muxer
loop {
match demuxer.demux() {
DemuxResult::Frame(stream_index, frame) => {
println!("stream index:{}, {:?}", stream_index, frame);
let _ = muxer.mux(frame, stream_index).unwrap();
DemuxResult::Drain => {
println!("Need more data, continuing...");
DemuxResult::Flushed => {
println!("Input stream EOF reached");
DemuxResult::Error(e) => {
eprintln!("Demuxing error: {}", e);
// finish muxer
use image::{ImageBuffer, Rgb};
use rsmedia::decode::Decoder;
use rsmedia::frame;
use std::error::Error;
use tokio::task;
use url::Url;
async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
let source = "https://img.qunliao.info/4oEGX68t_9505974551.mp4"
let mut decoder = Decoder::new(source).expect("failed to create decoder");
let output_folder = "frames_video_rs";
std::fs::create_dir_all(output_folder).expect("failed to create output directory");
let (width, height) = decoder.size();
let frame_rate = decoder.frame_rate(); // Assuming 30 FPS if not available
let max_duration = 20.0; // Max duration in seconds
let _max_frames = (frame_rate * max_duration).ceil() as usize;
let mut frame_count = 0;
let mut elapsed_time = 0.0;
let mut tasks = vec![];
for frame in decoder.decode_iter() {
if let Ok((_timestamp, yuv_frame)) = frame {
if elapsed_time > max_duration {
// Notes: yuv frame
let rgb_frame = frame::convert_ndarray_yuv_to_rgb(&yuv_frame).unwrap();
let img: ImageBuffer<Rgb<u8>, Vec<u8>> =
ImageBuffer::from_raw(width, height, rgb_frame.as_slice().unwrap().to_vec())
.expect("failed to create image buffer");
let frame_path = format!("{}/frame_{:05}.png", output_folder, frame_count);
let task = task::spawn_blocking(move || {
img.save(&frame_path).expect("failed to save frame");
frame_count += 1;
elapsed_time += 1.0 / frame_rate;
} else {
// Await all tasks to finish
for task in tasks {
task.await.expect("task failed");
println!("Saved {} frames in the '{}' directory", frame_count, output_folder);
use rsmedia::io::private::{Output, Write};
use rsmedia::time::Time;
use rsmedia::{colors, StreamWriter};
use rsmedia::{EncoderBuilder, FrameArray};
use anyhow::Context;
use rsmedia::stream::StreamInfo;
use std::path::Path;
fn main() {
let mut encoder = EncoderBuilder::new()
.with_video_size(1280, 720)
// use hwaccel cuda
// .with_hardware_device(HWDeviceType::CUDA)
// libx264, libx265, h264_nvenc, h264_vaapi etc.
// .with_codec_name("h264_nvenc".to_string())
// .with_codec_options(&Options::preset_h264_nvenc())
.expect("failed to create encoder");
let output_path = Path::new("/tmp/rainbow.mp4");
let mut stream_writer = StreamWriter::new(output_path).unwrap();
let video_index = stream_writer.add_stream(encoder.codecpar(), encoder.time_base().into());
let stream_info = StreamInfo::from_writer(&stream_writer, video_index).unwrap();
// Write the header to the output file.
let duration: Time = Time::from_nth_of_a_second(24);
let mut position = Time::zero();
for i in 0..256 {
// This will create a smooth rainbow animation video!
let frame = rainbow_frame(i as f32 / 256.0);
match encoder.encode(&frame, position) {
Ok(Some(mut packet)) => {
packet.set_stream_index(video_index as i32);
packet.rescale_ts(encoder.time_base(), stream_info.time_base);
.write_frame(&mut packet)
.context("failed to write frame")
Ok(None) => {
println!("No packet received from encoder.");
Err(e) => {
println!("Error encoding frame: {:?}", e);
// Update the current position and add the inter-frame duration to it.
position = position.aligned_with(duration).add();
encoder.flush().expect("failed to finish encoder");
fn rainbow_frame(p: f32) -> FrameArray {
// This is what generated the rainbow effect!
// We loop through the HSV color spectrum and convert to RGB.
let rgb = colors::hsv_to_rgb(p * 360.0, 100.0, 100.0);
// This creates a frame with height 720, width 1280 and three channels. The RGB values for each
// pixel are equal, and determined by the `rgb` we chose above.
FrameArray::from_shape_fn((720, 1280, 3), |(_y, _x, c)| rgb[c])
Ffmpeg does not always produce useful error messages directly. It is recommended to turn on tracing if you run into an issue to see if there is extra information present in the log messages.
Add the following packages to Cargo.toml
tracing = "0.1"
tracing-subscriber = "0.3"
And add the following to your main functions:
fn main() {
// ...
Set the RUST_LOG
environment variable to display tracing messages:
RUST_LOG=video=debug cargo run
only exists thanks to the following organizations and people:
- All video-rs contributors for their work!
- All rsmpeg contributors for maintaining.
- The FFmpeg project for
and theffmpeg
Licensed under either of
- Apache License, Version 2.0 (LICENSE-APACHE or http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
- MIT license (LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
at your option.
Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.