- Pro
Minimalist Android Project w/o Gradle
A source-to-source transpiler to convert Clojure to multiple target languages (Rust, C++, Java, ...)
A clojure library to construct formatted text
[MAINTENANCE ONLY]: A simple GitHub Actions job to create Pull Requests for outdated dependencies in clojure projects
A utility library for LCGs and Minecraft Seeding.
Phel is a functional programming language that transpiles to PHP. A Lisp dialect inspired by Clojure and Janet.
Idiomatic ClojureScript interface to modern React.js
A compendium of Clojure libraries for implementing web backends.
The Law Of Least Surprise Lattice For Emacs.
An emacs package for running Kaocha tests via CIDER.
Specmonstah will eat the face off your test fixtures
Interceptors for asynchronous web handlers in Clojure.
The code for my Caves of Clojure series of blog posts.
CrossClj: cross-referencing the Clojure(Script) universe
📚 A central documentation hub for the Clojure community
Library for creating matcher combinator to compare nested data structures
A Clojure(script) SQL library for building APIs: Datomic® (GraphQL-ish) pull syntax, data driven configuration, dynamic filtering with relations in mind