I'm a self-taught Software Engineer in Both Dev and Testing from China. It took me several years to learn software, from manual testing to automation testing, from a software tester to a tester manager, then try to do anything I can do.
In AI age, obviously things should be much different. So I start to revisit my past to find out if there is something which could be connected in AI age. That's my current focus on github coding.
Something come up to me:
- For past: collect daily codes into github repos for reuse
- Present: project based learning in AI age to figure out how to connect the past coding/testing and ai age software coding/testing
- Thought: What process is still important, and what process is irrelevant and should be simplified

- ansible-playbook-template
- Python-template projectPython Project
- JAVA-template projectJAVA Maven/Gradle Project
- golang-template project golang template project
- typescript-libTypescript lib template project
- typescript-mono-repotypescript mono template project
- fluentqa-mdocs-template
- nextra-docs-templates
github stats | most used language |
- ❗ Opened issue #37 in fluent-qa/fluentqa-workspace
- 🎉 Merged PR #34 in fluent-qa/fluentqa-workspace
- 💪 Opened PR #34 in fluent-qa/fluentqa-workspace
- 🎉 Merged PR #33 in fluent-qa/fluentqa-workspace
- 💪 Opened PR #33 in fluent-qa/fluentqa-workspace