Packed is a library for compiling Minecraft resource packs using Kotlin.
🔗 Documentation
- Copy asset files from resources
- Generation of fonts
- Generation of pack metas
- Different asset resolution strategies
- Generation of (Item) Models
- Generation of Item definitions
- Fallback assets
- Generation of (Block) Models
- Generation of sounds
- Generation of Translatables/Languages
- Generation of Block states
- Generation of Core shader JSON files
- Generation of Colormaps
- Generation of animated textures
- Some Basic Packsquash Features (Compression, Minifying, Zip headers)
- Obfuscation
All Pull requests and Issues are welcome!
Packed is extensible by using/creating Packed hook, which can hook into resource pack saving (and after) and adding of elements. For an example, check out negative spaces.
Examples are located in the examples