Distributed stateful services inspired by Orleans
This crate provides a framework for scalable, distributed and stateful services based on message passing between objects
Most of your application code will be written in forms of ServiceObjects
and Messages
use async_trait::async_trait;
use rio_rs::prelude::*;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::sync::Arc;
#[derive(TypeName, Message, Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub struct HelloMessage {
pub name: String
#[derive(TypeName, Message, Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub struct HelloResponse {}
#[derive(TypeName, WithId, Default)]
pub struct HelloWorldService {
pub id: String,
impl Handler<HelloMessage> for HelloWorldService {
type Returns = HelloResponse;
type Error = NoopError;
async fn handle(
&mut self,
message: HelloMessage,
app_data: Arc<AppData>,
) -> Result<Self::Returns, Self::Error> {
println!("Hello world");
Ok(HelloResponse {})
To run your application you need to spin up your servers, the Server
TODO: Include example of other databases
use rio_rs::prelude::*;
use rio_rs::cluster::storage::sqlite::SqliteMembershipStorage;
use rio_rs::object_placement::sqlite::SqliteObjectPlacement;
async fn main() {
let addr = "";
// Configure types on the server's registry
let mut registry = Registry::new();
registry.add_handler::<HelloWorldService, HelloMessage>();
// Configure the Cluster Membership provider
let pool = SqliteMembershipStorage::pool()
.expect("Membership database connection failure");
let members_storage = SqliteMembershipStorage::new(pool);
let membership_provider_config = PeerToPeerClusterConfig::default();
let membership_provider =
PeerToPeerClusterProvider::new(members_storage, membership_provider_config);
// Configure the object placement
let pool = SqliteMembershipStorage::pool()
.expect("Object placement database connection failure");
let object_placement_provider = SqliteObjectPlacement::new(pool);
// Create the server object
let mut server = Server::new(
let listener = server.bind().await.expect("Bind");
// Run the server
// server.run(listener).await;
Communicating with the cluster is just a matter of sending the serialized known messages via TCP.
The [client
] module provides an easy way of achieving this:
use rio_rs::prelude::*;
use rio_rs::cluster::storage::sqlite::SqliteMembershipStorage;
async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
// Member storage configuration (Rendezvous)
let pool = SqliteMembershipStorage::pool()
let members_storage = SqliteMembershipStorage::new(pool);
# members_storage.prepare().await;
// Create the client
let mut client = ClientBuilder::new()
let payload = HelloMessage { name: "Client".to_string() };
let response: HelloResponse = client
.send::<HelloResponse, NoopError>(
// response is a `HelloResponse {}`
There are a few things that must be done before v0.1.0:
- Do some renaming around:
- rename MembersStorage to MembershipStorage (rio_rs::cluster::storage)
- ObjectPlacement to ObjectPlacementItem (rio_rs::object_placement)
- ObjectPlacementProvider to ObjectPlacement (rio_rs::object_placement)
- Bypass clustering for self messages
- Not an issue. You can do just
- Not an issue. You can do just
- Bypass networking for local messages
- Already handled by
- Already handled by
- MDNs
- Client bindings for other languages
- Remove the need for two types of concurrent hashmap (papaya and dashmap)
- Guest languages support - Currently possible with WASM + tons of boiler-plate
- Create server from config
- Move all the client to user tower
- Remove the need to pass the StateSaver to
- Might not be feasible, there are a few workarounds for testing that I might write some examples and call it a day
- Include registry configuration in Server builder
- Create a getting started tutorial
- Cargo init
- Add deps (rio-rs, tokio, async_trait, serde, sqlx - optional)
- Write a server
- Write a client
- Add service and messages
- Cargo run --bin server
- Cargo run --bin client
- Life cycle
- Life cycle depends on app_data(StateLoader + StateSaver)
- Cargo test?
- MySQL support for sql backends
- Add pgsql jsonb support
- Client/server keep alive
- Topology - nodes work with different sets of service types
- Placement strategies - sets where to place objects
- Supervision
- Ephemeral objects (aka regular - local - actors)
- Remove magic numbers
- Object TTL
- Code of conduct
- Metrics
- Tracing
- Deny allocations based on system resources
- Dockerized examples
- Reduce static lifetimes
- Might not be feasible
- Improve error message for ManagedState macro when the struct doesn't implement ServiceObject
- Improve error message for ManagedState when the storage is not in the context
- Improve error message for when the services are not added to the registry (server)
- Client doesn't need to have a access to the cluster backend if we implement an HTTP API
- Support 'typed' message/response on client (TODO define what this means)
- Ability to hook up own custom errors on message handlers
- Allow
trait without state persistence - Add more extensive tests to client/server integration
- Increase public API test coverage
- Add all SQL storage behind a feature flag (sqlite, mysql, pgsql, etc)
- Matrix test with different backends
- Replace prints with logging
- Naive server/client protocol
- Basic cluster support
- Basic placement support
- Object self shutdown
- Naive object persistence
- Public API renaming
- Reduce Boxed objects
- Create a Server builder
- Remove need to use
-> Removed in favour ofRegistry::add_type
- Support service background task
- Pub/sub
- Examples covering most use cases
- Background async task on a service
- Background blocking task on a service (see black-jack)
- Pub/sub (see black-jack)
- Re-organize workspace
- Support ephemeral port
- Remove the need for an
value formanaged_state
attributes (as long as it has a 'Default') -
shouldn't need a type for the member storage - Handle panics on messages handling
- Error and panic handling on life cycle hooks (probably kill the object)
- Create a test or example to show re-allocation when servers dies
- Sqlite support for sql backends
- PostgreSQL support for sql backends
- Redis support for members storage
- Redis support for state backend (loader and saver)
- Redis support for object placement