Remote resource management for Clojure projects.
In some cases, tests of a project require large-size files. Among other things, codes for parsing and I/O should be tested by various kinds of files. But generally, SCM is not good for controlling such large test files. One of the solutions is using other tools like git-annex or Git LFS. Some Clojurians, however, may think that they want to solve it in the Clojure ecosystem.
Cavia is useful for such developers. Cavia is written in Clojure so that it can be directly used in a project and source codes. Cavia downloads test resources from remotes, checks their hash before tests, and provides convenience functions to access the resources.
The OSS license of Cavia was changed to the MIT License since v0.7.0.
Clojure CLI/deps.edn (as Git):
io.github.totakke/cavia {:git/tag "v0.7.2" :git/sha "0788cb4"}
Clojure CLI/deps.edn (as Maven):
cavia/cavia {:mvn/version "0.7.2"}
[cavia "0.7.2"]
First, load cavia.core
and prepare resources' information with defprofile
(require '[cavia.core :as cavia :refer [defprofile]])
(defprofile prof
{:resources [;; Simple HTTP
{:id :resource1
:url ""
:sha256 "0123456789abcdef01234567890abcdef01234567890abcdef01234567890abc"}
;; Basic authorization
{:id :resource2
:url ""
:sha1 "123456789abcdef01234567890abcdef01234567"
:auth {:type :basic, :user "user", :password "password"}}
;; FTP
{:id :resource3
:url ""
:sha256 "23456789abcdef01234567890abcdef01234567890abcdef01234567890abcde"
:auth {:user "user", :password "password"}}
;; S3
{:id :resource4
:url ""
:sha1 "3456789abcdef01234567890abcdef0123456789"
:protocol :s3
:auth {:access-key-id "accesskey", :secret-access-key "secretkey"}}
;; Compressed resource
{:id :resource5
:url ""
:sha1 "456789abcdef01234567890abcdef0123456789a"
:packed :gzip}]
:download-to ".cavia"})
Resources are defined in :resources
as a vector including some maps. Each
resource map must have :id :url :md5/:sha1/:sha256
fields, which are
mandatory. :id
should be specified as keyword or string, which is used for
resource access and downloading file name.
MD5, SHA1, and SHA256 are supported as hash algorithms for verifying files. One algorithm must be specified at least. If more than one algorithm are specified, a stronger algorithm will be used: MD5 < SHA1 < SHA256.
field is optional. It can be used for password authentication.
Cavia is now supporting HTTP/HTTPS/FTP/FTPS/S3 protocols and Basic/Digest/OAuth2
authentications. A resource that :packed
specified will be uncompressed after
downloading. Only gzip (:gzip
) format is supported.
Cavia downloads resources to :download-to
directory. The default location is
. Thus maybe you should add /.cavia
to your SCM ignore list.
Cavia provides some functions for managing resources.
(cavia/get! prof) ; downloads missing resources
(cavia/verify prof) ; checks the downloaded resources' hash
(cavia/clean! prof) ; removes the download directory
To call Cavia functions without the profile specification, use with-profile
(with-profile prof
and other functions output logs and download progress to stdout. To call
the above functions quietly, use with-verbosity
macro. For example, the
following code suppresses normal messages but displays download progress.
(with-verbosity {:message false
:download true}
(cavia/get! prof))
You do not need to remember the downloaded resources' paths any more. resource
returns the absolute path to the resource from the specified resource id. It
returns nil
when the id is not defined.
(cavia/resource prof :resource1)
;;=> "/home/totakke/cavia-example/.cavia/resource1"
(cavia/resource prof :undefined)
;;=> nil
Cavia is a library for management of test resources. It is good to use Cavia with test frameworks like clojure.test, Midje, etc.
(ns foo.core-test
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[cavia.core :as cavia :refer [defprofile]]))
(defprofile prof
{:resources [{:id :resource1
:url ""
:sha256 "0123456789abcdef01234567890abcdef01234567890abcdef01234567890abc"}]})
(defn fixture-cavia [f]
(cavia/get! prof)
(use-fixtures :once fixture-cavia)
(deftest your-test
(testing "tests with the cavia's resource"
(is (= (slurp (cavia/resource prof :resource1)) "resource1's content")))
(ns foo.t-core
(:require [midje.sweet :refer :all]
[cavia.core :as cavia :refer [defprofile with-profile]]))
(defprofile prof
{:resources [{:id :resource1
:url ""
:sha256 "0123456789abcdef01234567890abcdef01234567890abcdef01234567890abc"}]})
(with-profile prof
(with-state-changes [(before :facts (cavia/get!))]
(fact "tests for a large file" :slow
(slurp (cavia/resource :resource1) => "resource1's content")))
Cavia provides features of file downloading as independent functions.
(require '[cavia.downloader as dl])
(dl/http-download! "" "path/to/foobar.txt")
HTTP/HTTPS, FTP/FTPS, and S3 downloading functions support a resume option. If
you specify :resume true
, the functions resume downloading a partially
downloaded file.
(dl/s3-download! ""
{:access-key-id "accesskey", :secret-access-key "secretkey"}
:resume true)
To run integration tests testing FTP and S3 protocols, launch mock servers with Docker Compose first.
docker compose up -d
lein test :integration
Copyright 2014 Toshiki Takeuchi
Distributed under the MIT License.