an aural experience of the very excellent yamanote line
To generate a release build you need two files that are not, for good reasons, part of this repository:
in theandroid/app
in theandroid
You can get these files from our Google Cloud Storage account
Workflow Name | Type | Category | Custom Parameters | Deploy-Action | Workflow Run Number as Build Number |
andoid-signed-apk.yml | Signed APK | Release Build | No | No | No |
android-debug-apk-fastlane.yml | Unsigned APK | Debug Build & Firebase | No | No | Yes |
android-debug-apk.yml | Unsigned APK | Debug Build | No | No | No |
android-release-aab-fastlane.yml | Signed AAB | Release Build & Play Store | No | No | Yes |
android-debug-apk-no-artifact.yml | Unsigned APK | Debug build & Firebase & No Artifact | No | Yes | Yes |
android-release-aab.yml | Signed AAB | Release Build | No | No | No |
android-apk-external.yml | Unsigned APK | Debug Build | No | No | Yes |
android-staging-apk-params.yml | Unsigned APK | Staging Build | Yes | Yes | No |
android-staging-apk.yml | Unsigned APK | Staging Build | No | No | No |
ios-fastlane-debug.yml | Dev Signed IPA | Debug Build | No | No | No |
ios-fastlane-release.yml | Dev Signed IPA | Release Build & TestFlight | No | No | No |
ios-non-fastlane-release.yml | Dev Signed IPA | Release Build & TestFlight | No | No | No |
single-input-android-apk-debug-params.yml | Unsigned APK | Debug Build | Yes | Yes | No |
single-input-android-apk-debug.yml | Unsigned APK | Debug Build | No | Yes | No |
single-input-ios-fastlane-debug.yml | Dev Signed IPA | Debug Build | Yes | Yes | No |
Workflow Name | Type | Category | Publishing Destination |
debug | Signed APK | Debug Build | None |
debug_firebase | Signed APK | Debug Build | Firebase |
release | Signed AAB | Release Build | None |
release_play_store | Signed AAB | Release Build | Play Store |
debug_firebase_no_artifact | Unsigned APK | Debug Build (no artifact) | Firebase |
debug_no_artifact | Unsigned APK | Debug Build (no artifact) | None |
This is available in the main-ios
Workflow Name | Type | Category | Publishing Destination |
deploy | Signed app-store distribution certificate | Release Build | TestFlight |
debug | Signed ad-hoc distribution certificate | Debug Build | None |
These are available in the Bitbucket mirror of this repository.
Workflow Name | Type | Category | Publishing Destination |
android-debug-apk-firebase | Unsigned APK | Debug Build | Firebase |
android-debug-apk | Unsigned APK | Debug Build | None |
android-release-aab | Signed AAB | Release Build | None |
android-release-aab-playstore | Signed AAB | Release Build | Play Store |
android-debug-apk-firebase-no-artifact | Unsigned APK | Debug Build (no artifact) | Firebase |
iOS pipelines are currently not functional on Bitbucket.