Red Hat
- Italy
- 1h ahead - http://blog.valdar.it/
- @valdar
Build AUR packages with docker
Repo to automatically build wesnoth-devel AUR package through github actions
⭐️ A friendly language for building type-safe, scalable systems!
DCJS choc keycaps by shoggot arranged in a 10 pices sprue https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5163221
Tools and support script for the Managed Connector Service
Kafka Service Fleet Manager is a service that exposes a Rest API to manage Kafka instances.
The cos-fleetshard-operator is responsible for provisioning and managing connectors instances on a cluster.
Build AUR packages (useful for building *-bin packages via Travis / Shippable)
Kafka implemented in Golang with built-in coordination (No ZK dep, single binary install, Cloud Native)
Apache Camel Kafka Connector Examples
Runs Camel on Spring Boot and provides starters for Camel components
Camel Kafka Connector allows you to use all Camel components as Kafka Connect connectors
Apache Camel K is a lightweight integration platform, born on Kubernetes, with serverless superpowers
Apache Camel is an open source integration framework that empowers you to quickly and easily integrate various systems consuming or producing data.
valdar / fuse-springboot-circuit-breaker-booster
Forked from jboss-fuse/fuse-springboot-circuit-breaker-boosterReusable components for the Red Hat Developers Launcher
The Booster Catalog used by developers.redhat.com/launch
Example project for Fuse Integration Services demo porpuse.