Plugin for Helm to inject Azure information (subscriptions, resources, msgraph) and Azure KeyVault secrets. Also works as standalone executable outside of Helm.
requires sed
and curl
for installation
# Installation of latest version
helm plugin install
# Installation of specific version
helm plugin install --version=0.53.0
# Update to latest version
helm plugin update azure-tpl
# Deinstallation
helm plugin uninstall azure-tpl
you can use helm in "downloader" mode to process files eg:
DO NOT use azure-tpl functions in values.yaml
files as these files are read again by helm without azure-tpl processing! Use different file names and paths.
helm upgrade foobar123 -f azuretpl://config/values.yaml .
for additional values files for azure-tpl you can use environment variabels:
AZURETPL_VALUES=./path/to/azuretpl.yaml helm upgrade foobar123 -f azuretpl://config/values.yaml .
helm azure-tpl
uses AzureCLI authentication to talk to Azure
Process one file and overwrite it:
helm azure-tpl apply template.tpl
Process one file and saves generated content as another file:
helm azure-tpl apply template.tpl:template.yaml
Processes all .tpl
files and saves them as .yaml
helm azure-tpl apply --target.fileext=.yaml *.tpl
General usage:
helm-azure-tpl [OPTIONS] [command] [files...]
Application Options:
--log.devel development mode [$LOG_DEVEL]
--log.json Switch log output to json format [$LOG_JSON]
--dry-run dry run, do not write any files [$AZURETPL_DRY_RUN]
--debug debug run, print generated content to stdout (WARNING: can expose secrets!) [$HELMHELM_DEBUG_DEBUG]
--stdout Print parsed content to stdout instead of file (logs will be written to stderr) [$AZURETPL_STDOUT]
--template.basepath= sets custom base path (if empty, base path is set by base directory for each file. will be
appended to all root paths inside templates) [$AZURETPL_TEMPLATE_BASEPATH]
--target.prefix= adds this value as prefix to filename on save (not used if targetfile is specified in argument)
--target.suffix= adds this value as suffix to filename on save (not used if targetfile is specified in argument)
--target.fileext= replaces file extension (or adds if empty) with this value (eg. '.yaml') [$AZURETPL_TARGET_FILEEXT]
--keyvault.expiry.warningduration= warn before soon expiring Azure KeyVault entries (default: 168h)
--keyvault.expiry.ignore ignore expiry date of Azure KeyVault entries and don't fail' [$AZURETPL_KEYVAULT_EXPIRY_IGNORE]
--values= path to yaml files for .Values [$AZURETPL_VALUES]
--set-json= set JSON values on the command line (can specify multiple or separate values with commas:
--set= set values on the command line (can specify multiple or separate values with commas:
--set-string= set STRING values on the command line (can specify multiple or separate values with commas:
--set-file= set values from respective files specified via the command line (can specify multiple or separate
values with commas: key1=path1,key2=path2)
Help Options:
-h, --help Show this help message
command: specifies what to do (help, version, lint, apply)
files: list of files to process (will overwrite files, different target file can be specified as
Object | Description |
.Values |
Additional data can be passed via --values=values.yaml files which is available under .Values (like Helm) |
Functions can also be used starting with azure
prefix instead of az
Function | Parameters | Description |
azAccountInfo |
Output of az account show |
azManagementGroup |
groupID (string) |
Fetches Azure managementGroup |
azManagementGroupSubscriptionList |
groupID (string) |
Fetches list of all subscriptions (recursive) inside an Azure managementGroup |
azSubscription |
subscriptionID (string, optional) |
Fetches Azure subscription (current selected one if subscriptionID is empty) |
azSubscriptionList |
Fetches list of all visible azure subscriptions | |
azResource |
resourceID (string), apiVersion (string) |
Fetches Azure resource information (json representation, interface object) |
azResourceList |
scope (string), filter (string, optional) |
Fetches list of Azure resources and filters it by using $filter, scope can be subscription ID or resourceGroup ID (array, json representation, interface object) |
azPublicIpAddress |
resourceID (string) |
Fetches ip address from Azure Public IP |
azPublicIpPrefixAddressPrefix |
resourceID (string) |
Fetches ip address prefix from Azure Public IP prefix |
azVirtualNetworkAddressPrefixes |
resourceID (string) |
Fetches address prefix (string array) from Azure VirtualNetwork |
azVirtualNetworkSubnetAddressPrefixes |
resourceID (string), subnetName (string) |
Fetches address prefix (string array) from Azure VirtualNetwork subnet |
Function | Parameters | Description |
azKeyVaultSecret |
vaultUrl (string), secretName (string), version (string, optional) |
Fetches secret object from Azure KeyVault |
azKeyVaultSecretVersions |
vaultUrl (string), secretName (string), count (integer) |
Fetches the list of count secret versions (as array, excluding disabled secrets) from Azure KeyVault |
azKeyVaultSecretList |
vaultUrl (string), secretNamePattern (string, regexp) |
Fetche the list of secret objects (without secret value) from Azure KeyVault and filters list by regular expression secretNamePattern |
response format:
"attributes": {
"created": 1620236104,
"enabled": true,
"exp": 1724593377,
"nbf": 1661362977,
"recoverableDays": 0,
"recoveryLevel": "Purgeable",
"updated": 1661449616
"contentType": "...",
"id": "",
"managed": false,
"name": "xxx",
"tags": {},
"value": "...",
"version": "xxxxxxxxxx"
Function | Parameters | Description |
azManagedClusterUserCredentials |
resourceID (string) |
Fetches managedCluster user credentials object |
Function | Parameters | Description |
azRedisAccessKeys |
resourceID (string) |
Fetches access keys from Azure Redis Cache as array |
Function | Parameters | Description |
azStorageAccountAccessKeys |
resourceID (string) |
Fetches access keys from Azure StorageAccount as array |
azStorageAccountContainerBlob |
containerBlobUrl (string) |
Fetches container blob from Azure StorageAccount as string |
Function | Parameters | Description |
azEventHubListByNamespace |
resourceID (string) |
Fetches list of EventHubs in an EventHub namespace (specified by resourceID ) |
Function | Parameters | Description |
azAppConfigSetting |
appConfigUrl (string), settingName (string), label (string) |
Fetches setting value from app configuration instance (resolves keyvault references) |
response format:
"contentType": "...",
"eTag": "...",
"isReadOnly": false,
"key":" ...",
"label": null,
"lastModified": null,
"syncToken": "...",
"tags": {},
"value": "..."
Function | Parameters | Description |
azRoleDefinition |
scope (string), roleName (string) |
Fetches Azure RoleDefinition using scope (eg /subscriptions/xxx ) and roleName |
azRoleDefinitionList |
scope (string), filter (string,optional) |
Fetches list of Azure RoleDefinitions using scope (eg /subscriptions/xxx ) and optional $filter query |
Function | Parameters | Description |
azResourceGraphQuery |
scope (string or []string), query (string) |
Executes Azure ResourceGraph query against selected subscription IDs or management group IDs (as string comma separated or string array) |
ManagementGroups must be defined with their resource ID /providers/{MANAGEMENT_GROUP_ID}
Subscriptions must either be defined by the subscription id or their resource id /subscriptions/{SUBSCRIPTION_ID}
Functions can also be used starting with msGraph
prefix instead of mg
Function | Parameters | Description |
mgUserByUserPrincipalName |
userPrincipalName |
Fetches one user by UserPrincipalName |
mgUserList |
filter (string) |
Fetches list of users based on $filter query |
mgGroupByDisplayName |
displayName (string) |
Fetches one group by displayName |
mgGroupList |
filter (string) |
Fetches list of groups based on $filter query |
mgServicePrincipalByDisplayName |
displayName (string) |
Fetches one serviceprincipal by displayName |
mgServicePrincipalList |
filter (string) |
Fetches list of servicePrincipals based on $filter query |
mgApplicationByDisplayName |
displayName (string) |
Fetches one application by displayName |
mgApplicationList |
filter (string) |
Fetches list of applications based on $filter query |
Function | Parameters | Description |
fromUnixtime |
timestamp (int/float/string) |
Converts unixtimestamp to Time object |
toRFC3339 |
time (time.Time) |
Converts time object to RFC3339 time string |
Function | Parameters | Description |
jsonPath |
jsonPath (string) |
Fetches object information using jsonPath (useful to process azureResource output) |
filesGet |
path (string) |
Fetches content of file and returns content as string |
filesGlob |
pattern (string) |
Lists files using glob pattern |
| jsonPath "$.properties.aadProfile"
| toYaml
Helm template functions (borrowed from helm project)
Function | Parameters | Description |
include |
path (string), data (interface) |
Parses and includes template file |
required |
message (string) |
Throws error if passed object/value is empty |
fail |
message (string) |
Throws error |
toYaml |
Convert object to yaml | |
fromYaml |
Convert yaml to object | |
fromYamlArray |
Convert yaml array to array | |
toJson |
Convert object to json | |
fromJson |
Convert json to object | |
fromJsonArray |
Convert json array to array |
Sprig template functions are also available
## Fetch resource as object and convert to yaml
{{ azResource
| toYaml
## Fetch resource as object, select .properties.aadProfile via jsonPath and convert to yaml
{{ azResource
| jsonPath "$.properties.aadProfile"
| toYaml
## Fetches all resources from subscription
{{ (azResourceList "/subscriptions/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx") | toYaml }}
## Fetches all virtualNetwork resources from subscription
{{ (azResourceList "/subscriptions/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx" "resourceType eq 'Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks'") | toYaml }}
## Fetches all resources from resourceGroup
{{ (azResourceList "/subscriptions/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx/resourcegroups/example-rg") | toYaml }}
## Fetch Azure VirtualNetwork address prefixes
{{ azVirtualNetworkAddressPrefixes
| join ","
## Fetch first storageaccount key
{{ (index (azStorageAccountAccessKeys "/subscriptions/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/example-rg/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/foobar") 0).value }}
## fetch blob from storageaccount container
{{ azureStorageAccountContainerBlob "" }}
## Fetch secret value from Azure KeyVault (using only name; only AzurePublicCloud, AzureChinaCloud and AzureGovernmentCloud)
{{ (azKeyVaultSecret "examplevault" "secretname").value }}
{{ (azKeyVaultSecret "examplevault" "secretname").attributes.exp | fromUnixtime | toRFC3339 }}
## Fetch secret value from Azure KeyVault (using full url)
{{ (azKeyVaultSecret "" "secretname").value }}
## Fetch current environmentName
{{ azAccountInfo.environmentName }}
## Fetch current tenantId
{{ azAccountInfo.tenantId }}
## Fetch current selected subscription displayName
{{ azSubscription.displayName }}
## Fetch RoleDefinition id for "owner" role
{{ (azRoleDefinition "/subscriptions/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx" "Owner").name }}
## Executes ResourceGraph query and returns result as yaml
{{ azResourceGraphQuery "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx" `resources | where resourceGroup contains "xxxx"` | toYaml }}
{{ `resources | where resourceGroup contains "xxxx"` | azResourceGraphQuery "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx" | toYaml }}
## Fetch kubeconfig from AKS managed cluster
{{ (index (azManagedClusterUserCredentials "/subscriptions/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx/resourcegroups/example-rg/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/foobar").kubeconfigs 0).value | b64dec }}
PS: some code is borrowed from Helm