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Laboratory for pipeline construction with feedback.



empiriqa (command name is epiq) is a tool for interactively manipulating UNIX pipelines |. You can individually edit, add, delete, and toggle disable/enable for each pipeline stage. It allows you to easily and efficiently experiment with data processing and analysis using commands. Additionally, you can execute commands with continuous output streams like tail -f.

empiriqa can be considered a generalization of tools like jnv (interactive JSON filter using jq) and sig (interactive grep for streaming). While jnv focuses on JSON data manipulation and sig specializes in grep searches, empiriqa extends the interactive approach to all UNIX pipeline operations, providing a more versatile platform for command-line experimentation.



brew install ynqa/tap/epiq


cargo install epiq

# Or from source (at empiriqa root)
cargo install --path .


curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -LsSf | sh


% epiq -h
Laboratory for pipeline construction with feedback

Usage: epiq [OPTIONS]

      --output-queue-size <OUTPUT_QUEUE_SIZE>
          Set the size of the output queue [default: 1000]
      --event-operate-interval <EVENT_OPERATE_INTERVAL>
          Event processing aggregation interval (milliseconds) [default: 32]
      --output-render-interval <OUTPUT_RENDER_INTERVAL>
          Output rendering interval (milliseconds) [default: 10]
  -h, --help
          Print help (see more with '--help')
  -V, --version
          Print version


Key Function
Enter Execute command
Ctrl+C Exit
Esc Toggle mouse capture
Ctrl+B Add new pipeline stage
Ctrl+D Delete current pipeline stage
Ctrl+X Disable/Enable current stage
/ Move between stages
/ Move cursor left/right
Ctrl+A Move to beginning of line
Ctrl+E Move to end of line
Alt+B Move to previous word
Alt+F Move to next word
Backspace Delete character
Ctrl+U Clear line
Ctrl+W Delete previous word
Alt+D Delete next word

Enter: Behavior when executing

  • When you press Enter key, any currently running command will be interrupted, and the new command will be executed
  • Error messages such as command execution failures are displayed in red at the top
  • If you add multiple pipeline stages, the output of each stage is automatically passed to the next stage
  • Similar to |&, both stdout and stderr are automatically processed
  • Output can be scrolled using the mouse wheel
  • ANSI escape sequences (color and formatting codes) in command output are automatically removed and displayed as plain text

Esc: Toggling mouse capture

By default, empiriqa captures all mouse events to provide output scrolling functionality. This specification means that operations such as text selection that are normally performed in the terminal are absorbed by the application and become unavailable.

If you want to select and copy text in the terminal, follow these steps:

  1. Press Esc key to disable mouse capture
  2. Perform text selection and copying operations
  3. If necessary, press Esc key again to re-enable mouse capture

Note: While mouse capture is disabled, you cannot scroll the output.

Technical background:

  • The backend uses crossterm, and the feature to selectively disable specific mouse events is being discussed in the following issue

Ctrl+X: Disabling/Enabling stages

By pressing Ctrl+X, you can toggle the currently selected command stage between disabled and enabled. Disabled stages are skipped during pipeline execution. This is useful when you want to temporarily exclude specific commands for testing.

Disabled stages are displayed with a strikethrough, making them visually distinguishable.

Behavior when resizing

When you resize the terminal window, the following automatic adjustments are made:

  • All panels (editor, output, notifications) are re-rendered to fit the screen size
  • When height is insufficient: If the screen height is insufficient for the number of pipeline stages, some stages will be automatically deleted
    • Deletion occurs in order from the most recently added stage
    • The main editor (first stage) is not deleted
    • Focus automatically moves to the main editor
  • This is an automatic adjustment that differs from shortcut operations intentionally performed by the user (such as adding stages with Ctrl+B, deleting stages with Ctrl+D, etc.)
  • Since stages deleted due to resizing cannot be restored, it is recommended to ensure sufficient screen size if you have important editing content


After launching empiriqa, commands that require keyboard interaction (such as python and other interactive commands that require input) cannot be executed. This is because empiriqa itself processes keyboard inputs, so commands that require interactive input in any pipeline stage will not function properly.


This project is licensed under MIT. See LICENSE for details.


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