This library for nodejs allows you, thanks to SDL2, to create windows and draw on the screen.
You can install this library using npm i simply2d
This library require SDL2
in order to run. Simple DirectMedia Layer is a cross-platform library designed to provide low level access to different resources such as video. SDL2 is available for windows, linux and macos as well.
To use Simply2D you must have installed SDL2. To install it you can use the following command:
- For Ubuntu:
sudo apt install libsdl2-2.0-0 libsdl2-image-2.0-0 libsdl2-ttf-2.0-0
- For Red Hat and Fedora:
sudo dnf install SDL2 SDL2_image SDL2_ttf
The Canvas
class allows you to create a canvas and to draw on it
import { Canvas } from "simply2d";
const canvas = new Canvas(
"my canvas", // window title
600, // window width
400, // window height
You can specify other window options
const canvas = new Canvas("title", 200, 400, 0, 0, {
mode: "fullscreen",
resizable: false,
scale: 2
show(): void
Show the window
hide(): void
Hide the window
setBackgroundColor(color: RGBAColor): void
Set the background color. An RGBAColor is an object that contains red
, green
, blue
and alpha
sleep(ms: number): void
Sleep ms
drawPoint(color: RGBAColor, position: Position): void
Draw a point on the screen. Position is an object with the x and y properties.
drawLine(color: RGBAColor, from: Position, to: Position): void
Draw a line from from
coordinates to to
drawRectangle(color: RGBAColor, pos: Position, width: number, height: number, fill?: boolean): void
Draw a rectangle in the canvas
getWidth(): void
Return the window width
getHeight(): void
Return the window height
clear(): void
Clear the screen
loadRawData(pixels: Uint8Array, bitPerPixel: 8 | 16 | 24 | 32): void
Write directly into the video buffer
loadPNG(filename: string): void
Write an PNG image into the canvas
loadJPG(filename: string): void
Write a JPG image into the canvas
dumpPNG(filename: string): void
Save the canvas as a PNG file
dumpJPG(filename: string): void
Save the canvas as a JPG file
getScale(): number
Return the scale factor
onClick(callback: (x: number, y: number) => void): void
On click event
onKeyDown(callback: (key: Key) => void): void
On key down event
onKeyUp(callback: (key: Key) => void): void
On key up event
initRenderSequence(): void
It is used to initialize the rendering sequence. Every drawing process will not be displayed until exposeRender is called
exposeRender(): void
Shows rendering
waitFrame(): void
Sleep for a certain time before the next frame is rendered
loop(callback: () => void): void
Start the rendering loop
onKeysDown(callback: (key: Key[]) => void): void
On keys down event
onKeysUp(callback: (key: Key[]) => void): void
On keys up event
loadFont(fontName: string, filePath: string): void
Load a new font
drawText(text: string, fontName: string, size: number, color: RGBAColor, start: Position): void
Draw text on the canvas
drawArc(color: RGBAColor, center: Position, radius: number, startingAngle: number, endingAngle: number): void
Draw an arc
convertPolarCoords(center: Position, angle: number, radius: number): Position
Convert polar coordinates into x, y coordinates
loadTexture(textureID: string, filePath: string): void
Load a new texture from the specified file
drawTexture(textureID: string, pos: Position): void
Draw a previously loaded texture
static getScreenResolution(): Resolution
Get the screen resolution
getTextureResolution(textureID: string): Resolution
Get the resolution of a previously loaded texture
It is possible to access constant positions relative to the size of the canvas. Example:
import { Canvas, Colors } from "simply2d"
const canvas = new Canvas("myCanvas", 200, 200);
canvas.drawLine(Colors.BLUE, canvas.TOP_LEFT /* the top left corner */, canvas.BOTTOM_RIGHT /* the bottom right corner */);
Colors is an object that contains different standard colors and some useful function
import { Canvas, Colors } from "simply2d";
const canvas = new Canvas("title", 100, 100);
canvas.setBackgroundColor(Colors.RED); // #FF0000 hex color
Colors.BLACK, // #000000 hex color
x: 0,
y: 0
x: canvas.getWidth(),
y: canvas.getHeight()
from8bit(color256: number): RGBAColor
Convert an 8 bit color into a 24 bit color
from16bit(color: number): RGBAColor
Convert a 16 bit color into a 24 bit color
from24bit(color: number): RGBAColor
Convert a 24 bit color number into a 24 bit color RGBAColor object
from32bit(color: number): RGBAColor
Convert a 32 bit color number into a RGBAColor object
Is a type for storing coordinates
import { Position } from "simply2d" // only in typescript
let cord: Position = {
x: 203,
y: 301
Used to save RGBA color values
import { RGBAColor } from "simply2d" // only in typescript
let color: RGBAColor = {
red: 255,
green: 255,
blue: 0,
alpha: 255
Used to save a pair of width and height values
import { Resolution } from "simply2d"
let res: Resolution = {
w: 1920,
h: 1080