Auto-complete input values from server search results.
$ npm install --save @github/auto-complete-element
Import as ES modules:
import '@github/auto-complete-element'
With a script tag:
<script type="module" src="./node_modules/@github/auto-complete-element/dist/bundle.js">
<auto-complete src="/users/search" for="users-popup">
<input type="text">
<ul id="users-popup"></ul>
Optional div for screen reader feedback. Note the ID matches the ul, but with -feedback appended.
Recommended: Use a "Screen Reader Only" class to position the element off the visual boundary of the page.
<div id="users-popup-feedback" class="sr-only"></div>
If you want to enable auto-select (pressing Enter in the input will select the first option), using the above example:
<auto-complete data-autoselect="true" src="/users/search" for="users-popup">
The server response should include the items that matched the search query.
<li role="option">Hubot</li>
<li role="option">Bender</li>
<li role="option">BB-8</li>
<li role="option" aria-disabled="true">R2-D2 (powered down)</li>
The data-autocomplete-value
attribute can be used to define the value for an
item whose display text needs to be different:
<li role="option" data-autocomplete-value="bb8">BB-8 (astromech)</li>
is true when the auto-complete result list is visiblevalue
is the selected value from the list or the empty string when cleared
Request lifecycle events are dispatched on the <auto-complete>
element. These events do not bubble.
- The server fetch has started.load
- The network request completed successfully.error
- The network request failed.loadend
- The network request has completed.
Network events are useful for displaying progress states while the request is in-flight.
const completer = document.querySelector('auto-complete')
const container = completer.parentElement
completer.addEventListener('loadstart', () => container.classList.add('is-loading'))
completer.addEventListener('loadend', () => container.classList.remove('is-loading'))
completer.addEventListener('load', () => container.classList.add('is-success'))
completer.addEventListener('error', () => container.classList.add('is-error'))
is dispatched after a value is selected. In event.detail
you can find:
: The HTMLInputElement controlling the auto-complete result list.
completer.addEventListener('auto-complete-change', function(event) {
console.log('Auto-completed value chosen or cleared', completer.value)
console.log('Related input element', event.relatedTarget)
Browsers without native custom element support require a polyfill.
- Chrome
- Firefox
- Safari
- Microsoft Edge
npm install
npm test
Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.