A modern web app that creates a collage of GitHub profile pictures based on a list of usernames.
Visit the GitHub Profile Collage Generator
- Enter multiple GitHub usernames
- Automatically fetches profile pictures
- Generates a customized collage based on the number of profiles
- Download the collage as a PNG image with transparent background
- Fully client-side (no server required)
- Modern UI built with Tailwind CSS
- Visit the GitHub Profile Collage Generator
- Enter GitHub usernames, one per line
- Click "Generate Collage"
- Once the collage is created, click "Download Collage" to save it as a PNG
- Pure HTML/JavaScript solution with Tailwind CSS for styling
- Uses GitHub's profile picture API (.png URL extension)
- Responsive design that works on mobile and desktop
- Canvas API for image manipulation and collage creation
- Tailwind CSS via CDN for modern, utility-first styling
The tool creates clean circular avatars on a transparent background that can be used in documentation, presentations, or team pages:
# Example usage:
This application uses two methods to avoid CORS restrictions:
- GitHub API Method (Default): Uses the GitHub API to fetch user data including avatar URLs which are CORS-friendly.
- CORS Proxy Method (Fallback): Uses public CORS proxies to fetch images when the API method fails.
In local development, CORS issues are common. Here are ways to handle them:
Use the deployed version on GitHub Pages (recommended for end users)
Install a CORS browser extension like "CORS Unblock" for testing
Run Chrome with web security disabled (NOT recommended for regular browsing):
# Windows chrome.exe --disable-web-security --user-data-dir="%TEMP%\chrome_dev_session" # macOS open -a "Google Chrome" --args --disable-web-security --user-data-dir="/tmp/chrome_dev" # Linux google-chrome --disable-web-security --user-data-dir="/tmp/chrome_dev"
Note: Some public CORS proxies have rate limits. For production use, consider deploying your own proxy.
Simply open index.html
in your browser. However, browsers will likely block image loading due to CORS policies.
For the best experience, run the project with a simple web server:
If you have Python installed:
# Python 3
cd /path/to/collage
python -m http.server 8000
# Python 2
cd /path/to/collage
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000
Then visit http://localhost:8000 in your browser.
There are several ways to run a server with Node.js without requiring global installations:
If you have npm installed (comes with Node.js), you can use npx to run http-server without a global installation:
cd /path/to/collage
npx http-server -p 8000
If you use Visual Studio Code, you can use the "Live Server" extension:
- Install the "Live Server" extension
- Right-click on
and select "Open with Live Server"