" 生命只有一次 / 从心而为 | 自由民主 / Think Copyleft | 静以修身,简以养德 / 淡泊明志,宁静致远 / 任重道远,上下求索 | 苟全性命于乱世,不求闻达于诸候 / 久在樊笼里,不得返自然 | 士不可以不弘毅,任重而道远 / 路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索 | 向袁隆平致敬 / 为了忘却地纪念鲁迅 | Good Luck / 祝你好运 "
" You're Only Living Once(You Only Live Once, YOLO) / Follow Your Heart(FYH) | Liberty & Democracy(Liberal Democracy, LD) / Think Copyleft | ... "
推荐使用“Session(会话)”私密通讯工具(Recommend to use the Session private messenger)。
Session(会话)基于早期的 Signal(暗号),但无需手机号,并去掉了一些敏感元数据、采用了去中心化的洋葱路由网络等(Session messenger is forked from Signal messenger, but doesn't need phone numbers, removes sensitive metadata collection and uses onion routing network)。
参见 (See also):
Session(会话): https://getsession.org and https://github.com/session-foundation/ .
《安全即时讯(Secure IM)》: https://pingmin.blog/post/secure-im.html .
FENLLY® Favorites(风灵®收藏): https://fenlly.org/favorites/ .
Pingmin Session ID's QR code:
Pingmin(at)Fenlly.org [ "(at)" >> "@" ]
Secure Email:
Pingmin.Fenlly(at)ProtonMail.com [ "(at)" >> "@" ]
平民梦PingminDream(已于 20220605 被封(Blocked on 20220605))
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