armbian-wxy Public
Forked from ophub/amlogic-s9xxx-armbianSupport for Armbian in Amlogic, Rockchip and Allwinner boxes. Support a311d, s922x, s905x3, s905x2, s912, s905d, s905x, s905w, s905, s905l, rk3588, rk3568, rk3399, rk3328, h6, etc.
u-boot-wxy Public
Forked from ophub/u-bootArmbian and OpenWrt specific u-boot.
armbian-build-wxy Public
Forked from wxzmz/armbian-buildArmbian Linux build framework generates custom Debian or Ubuntu image for x86, aarch64, riscv64 & armhf
openwrt-wxy Public
Forked from ophub/amlogic-s9xxx-openwrtSupport for OpenWrt in Amlogic, Rockchip and Allwinner boxes. Support a311d, s922x, s905x3, s905x2, s912, s905d, s905x, s905w, s905, s905l, rk3588, rk3568, rk3399, rk3328, h6, etc.
Armbian-Actions-wxy Public
Forked from Lemon1151/Armbian-Actions通过GitHub Actions云编译构建Armbian支持列表之外的rk3xxx设备固件;Armbian源码仓库https://github.com/armbian/build