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Jenkins For Jira UI

Getting Started

Common Forge commands

There are several Forge CLI commands that need to be run when working with Forge:

  • Use the forge install command to install the app on a new site.
  • Use the forge tunnel command to open a HTTP tunnel to your locally running app. It propogates the local version of the app to Jira while the command is running.
  • Use the forge deploy command to apply and push your changes to the Atlassian cloud. All Jira sites with the Jenkins for Jira app installed will use these deployed changes in the development environment.
  • Use the forge uninstall command to uninstall the app from your Jira site.
  • Use the forge register command to generate an app id that you will need to be able to deploy, install and run the app locally.

For more information on running and deploying Forge apps, see here.

Setting up Forge

NOTE: This section is only relevant if you've never run Forge commands on your machine.

  1. Install the Forge CLI globally by running:
npm install -g @forge/cli
If it's been installed correctly, `forge --version` will return the version number.
  1. Log in to Forge:
forge login
If you've logged in correctly, the CLI will return `Logged in as <your name>`.

For more information, see the Forge getting started page.

Setting up the Jenkins for Jira app

The app consists of two components:

  • the UI in the folder app/jenkins-for-jira-ui.
  • the app itself in the folder app.

To get up and running, follow the steps below.

Initial setup

  1. Create your .env file and add BROWSER=none. This will prevent a tab opening at http:localhost:3000 when you run yarn start.
  2. Run nvm use in the folders: /app and /app/jenkins-for-jira-ui to switch to the correct node version.
  3. Run yarn install in the folders /app and /app/jenkins-for-jira-ui.

Register your Forge app

A Forge app can have only a single owner. This means you need to register your own "version" of the app for testing purposes.

Register your own version of the Forge app by calling forge register in the /app directory. When prompted to add an app name, use any name you want to identify your app with (we recommend the name jenkins-for-jira-<yourname>. This will register a new Forge app and update your manifest.yml file with your personal app ID.

Because the manifest.yml contains the app ID (something like ari:cloud:ecosystem::app/3446ee2c-f453-4e83-952a-9c15807e5de1) and each developer has their own app ID, we're using a Git filter so we don't accidentally commit a changed app ID.

Add the following content to your .git/config file:

[filter "setid"]
  clean = sed "s/<YOUR_APP_UUID>/df76f661-4cbe-4768-a119-13992dc4ce2d/g"
  smudge = sed "s/df76f661-4cbe-4768-a119-13992dc4ce2d/<YOUR_APP_UUID>/g"

Replace <YOUR_APP_UUID> with the UUID part of your APP ID that you can find in your manifest.yml. The UUID df76f661-4cbe-4768-a119-13992dc4ce2d is the ID of our "production" app.

The filter setid is used in /app/.gitattributes so that it replaces your app ID with the ID of our "production" app every time you commit (and the other way around every time you pull). This means you can't accidentally commit your own app ID.

Install the app to your Jira instance

  1. Build your app by running yarn build in /app/jenkins-for-jira-ui.
  2. Deploy your app by running forge deploy in /app. See Common Issues if unsuccessful.
  3. Install your app to your Jira site by running forge install in /app.

Follow the instructions in this setup wizard. Enter the hostname for your Jira site (e.g. <your-site-name>

NOTE: This is the only step that needs to be repeated to install on different Jira sites. Do not repeat the steps above forge deploy. To run your app, follow the steps below.

Running the app

To run the app, make sure you have installed the app on your site as described above. You'll also need to your ngrok-config-path so you can create a local tunnel. Sign up to ngrok if you have not done so. To do this:

  1. Run forge settings set ngrok-config-path <path-to-your-ngrok-config>.
  2. Confirm this was set correctly by running forge settings list. You should see a table that includes this variable with a value set to your ngrok config path.

Run the app locally

To start the app locally, run yarn start in /app/jenkins-for-jira-ui.

The command line will suggest navigating to localhost:3000 but this does not work for Custom UI Forge apps. For more information, see here.

To see your local app in the Jira instance you installed the app into, run forge tunnel in the /app folder. If this fails, ensure you have correctly set ngrok-config-path.

All your changes are instantly propagated to your Jira site and you can see them without the need to rebuild or redeploy your app.

To find your app, go to the Manage apps page (https://<your-site-name> then select Jenkins for Jira in the left-hand panel.

Deploy changes to the app

To push your latest local changes to the Atlassian cloud, run the following commands:

  1. In /app/jenkins-for-jira-ui run yarn build.
  2. In /app, run forge deploy.

Your local changes will be propagated to all Jira sites that have the app installed (unless one runs forge tunnel, as that will take priority).


In the /app/jenkins-for-jira-ui dir, run yarn test.

Common Issues

  1. For unsuccessful forge deploy, run forge deploy --no-verify if everything is good except for 2 acceptable errors...
    • invalid value 'devops:deploymentInfoProvider' in modules
    • invalid value 'devops:buildInfoProvider' in modules