issues Search Results · repo:atlassian/pragmatic-drag-and-drop language:TypeScript
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inatlassian/pragmatic-drag-and-drop (press backspace or delete to remove)When disableNativeDragPreview is enabled, the drop event does not work on the target element because, probably, the
target element overlaps the drop zone during movement. I understand that this is not ...
- Opened 6 hours ago
- #197
The reorder function may not be doing what it CLAIMs to ...
- Opened 2 days ago
- #196
If you use this inside a picture and picture window, it does not seem to work. Is it possible to change the window scope
that this is operating on?
- 1
- Opened 5 days ago
- #195
On a project with react-beautiful-dnd v13.1.1, I m trying out the migration steps from ...
- Opened 8 days ago
- #194
In my original application, I have multiple complex components displayed in a list. Each component is different and
quite intricate. Additionally, every specific component consists of many nested components, ...
- 1
- Opened 12 days ago
- #193
How to prevent drop indicator flashing when I drag item between list items?
- 3
- Opened 13 days ago
- #192
I would like to disable the native drag behaviour on Android, which moreover
- prevents items to be dropped within my windows (but only outside, i.e. on other apps)
- shows a white box, with the message ...
- Opened 18 days ago
- #191
In my application, I have a component with multiple tooltips, some of which are disabled depending on the component
type. However, when I start dragging the component, the tooltips move along with it, ...
- 2
- Opened 22 days ago
- #190
When the drag preview enters an other element even a little bit I expect the element to fire onDragEnter even with it s
data, this is currently not working what am I doing wrong or missing?
- 1
- Opened 22 days ago
- #189
Using React StrictMode causes effects to re-run an extra time to find bugs caused by missing effect cleanup. This causes
the following code to not work ...
- 1
- Opened 28 days ago
- #186

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