issues Search Results · repo:datreeio/admission-webhook-datree language:Go
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indatreeio/admission-webhook-datree (press backspace or delete to remove)When creating a cluster, some namespaces are automatically created by k8s.
2 of these clusters - kube-public and kube-node-lease are not ignored by Datree, and appear in the dashboard.
As seen here, ...
- Opened on May 14, 2023
- #326
The code uses v2.9.5+incompatible // indirect, which is vulnerable to CVE-2022-1996
(Authorization Bypass Through User-Controlled Key in go-restful).
- Opened on May 13, 2023
- #325
Hi, I ran into an issue where I could not install datree using fluxcd. I got this error:
Helm install failed: error while running post render on files: map[string]interface {}(nil): yaml: unmarshal errors: ...
- 6
- Opened on May 7, 2023
- #317
Hello all,
First, Thank you for this amazing project.
I have some suggestions for this chart to be better.
1) Add the imagePullSecrets field.
2) Access to change all images repository to another repository ...
good first issue
- 5
- Opened on Apr 26, 2023
- #308
Hello there,
I am running my cluster using argocd with a git repo as ground source of truth. Naturally I wanted admission webhook
datree to be present in that repository.
I couldn t find a way (without ...
- 2
- Opened on Feb 10, 2023
- #273
Running a home setup (a hobby) using k3s on 3 nodes. after installing admission-webhook-datree on 2 nodes (free tier)
bash (curl
Everything worked ok. ...
- 5
- Opened on Aug 14, 2022
- #62

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