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Here's what's popular on GitHub today...

Rubber Duck Thursdays

Join us for Rubber Duck Thursdays! A lighthearted and informal stream where we work on some projects and do some live coding.

Clojure logo

Popular topic

Clojure is a dynamic, general-purpose programming language.

This recommendation was created by GitHub staff



Mergify is a solution making your code merge faster, safer, and cheaper by virtue of:

  • The Merge Queue - Queue, Update and Merge your Pull Requests.
  • The Workflow Automation - Automate your code merge processes.

Our aim, automate and optimize your Code Merge Processes to:

  • Save Time: Increase your merge frequency.
  • Save Money: Optimize your CI costs
  • Secure your code: Stop breaking your code
  • Improve Developer Experience: Reduce friction and frustration
Check Run Reporter screenshot

This recommendation was created by GitHub staff

Check Run Reporter

Check Run Reporter

Check Run Reporter takes your JUnit, Checkstyle, and other structured reports and presents their results to you right in the GitHub UI. No more need to dig through your pages of CI logs to find out why your build failed.