tiny 3d rooms saved in your bluesky account
live here: https://flo-bit.dev/room
work in progress
- made with svelte, threlte (three.js), tailwindcss
- assets by Kay Lousberg and Isa Lousberg
- color picker from svelte-color-select
- ui from my own ui-kit which is based on bits-ui
- bluesky login made possible by atcute
- (old version: assets by kenney)
- add more objects
- add animations
- add a day/night cycle?
- allow uploading custom models
- add modal for first visit (without handle) -> create your own room, see my room
- add tutorial
- resize objects in picker to perfectly fit
- add sign out button
- move preview button to main screen
- add undo button
- show error message when room is not found
- fix moving with transform controls might select other object
- bug in safari ^^