🌱 I’m currently learning DevOps
👀 I’m looking to contribute to Cloud Native and JavaScript Projects
👨💻 All of my projects are available at my portfolio
💬 Ask me about Open Source and Web Development
📫 You can reach me at: sujalgupta6100@gmail.com
📄 View my latest resume here
⚡ Fun fact/Quote: ❝Only about 10% of the world’s currency is physical money, the rest only exists on computers.❞
Signal-Desktop: Unescape HTML encoded entities in link preview
python/typeshed: Add _file in class SpooledTemporaryFile in tempfile.pyi
(In progress) postmanlabs/postman-code-generators: remove extra line appended in auto-generated code
json-schema-org/website: add justinrainbow/json-schema to tooling page
freeCodeCamp: chore: rename APIs and Microservices to include "Backend"
EddieHubCommunity/good-first-issue-finder: add .trim() to searchString