Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO)
Open source, data and science initiatives of the Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO)
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Showing 10 of 238 repositories
- mias-general Public
- prj_crosscase_analyse_ESD Public
Cross case analyse van verschillende ecosysteemdiensten in natuurintrichtingsgebieden
- sk-analyse Public
- camtraptor Public
Camtraptor is an R package to read, explore and visualize Camera Trap Data Packages (Camtrap DP)
- n2khab-sample-admin Public
Management of sampling locations in Flemish Natura 2000 (n2k) habitat (hab) monitoring programmes
- aspbo Public
The alien species portal backoffice contains automated data preparation scripts for the [alien species portal](
- HabPil_hydrology_R Public