Releases: layer5io/sistent
Sistent v0.14.166
What's New
- feat: update date formate for the table @amitamrutiya (#971)
- Revert "feat: add common border radius to all buttons" @amitamrutiya (#972)
- fix: empty email field in the design table @amitamrutiya (#970)
- docs: update readme with sessions based on sistent @Karan-Palan (#948)
- feat: add common border radius to all buttons @amitamrutiya (#958)
- feat: update data table theme @amitamrutiya (#968)
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
@Karan-Palan and @amitamrutiya
Sistent v0.14.165
What's New
- chore: bump xstate/react @aabidsofi19 (#966)
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
Sistent v0.14.164
What's New
- feat: update schema for the import model @amitamrutiya (#964)
- refactor: expose Carousel component for external usage @Vidit-Kushwaha (#961)
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
@Vidit-Kushwaha and @amitamrutiya
Sistent v0.14.163
What's New
- feat: add similar design by type @FaheemOnHub (#933)
- Revert "Merge pull request #916 from Karan-Palan/feat/all-columns-tab @amitamrutiya (#959)
- Add New Icons to Sistent Icons @Vidit-Kushwaha (#947)
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
@FaheemOnHub, @Vidit-Kushwaha and @amitamrutiya
Sistent v0.14.162
What's New
- feat: add support for both react version @amitamrutiya (#957)
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
Sistent v0.14.161
What's New
- feat: update theme for mui datatable @amitamrutiya (#954)
- fix: improve info messages for model and design import modals @riyaa14 (#946)
- fix: challange page overflow @vishalvivekm (#949)
- Fix: add GithubIcon to TransferList @PR4NJ41 (#951)
- Fix: Improved table sort arrow theme compatibility @PR4NJ41 (#953)
- Fix panel styling and text field font family styling @amitamrutiya (#945)
- feat: add rollup dependecies and bump up the react version @amitamrutiya (#943)
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
@PR4NJ41, @amitamrutiya, @riyaa14 and @vishalvivekm
Sistent v0.14.160
What's New
- Add collaborator avatar group component @amitamrutiya (#937)
- remove mui libraries from the peer dependencies @amitamrutiya (#939)
- fix: some styling for the resource detail formatter @amitamrutiya (#940)
- docs: update contributing guidelines and README for correct repo @GARY121github (#932)
- feat: added new icon components @GARY121github (#929)
- fix: workspace card formatting issue @amitamrutiya (#934)
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
@GARY121github, @amitamrutiya and @mrmerlin320
Sistent v0.14.159
What's New
- fix: update custom tooltip styles @mrmerlin320 (#930)
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
@aabidsofi19 and @mrmerlin320
Sistent v0.14.158
What's New
- feat: change the position of visiblity button @amitamrutiya (#927)
- feat: remove min-width from the dashboard widgets @amitamrutiya (#926)
- feat: add some null checking in the container formatter @amitamrutiya (#925)
- chore(deps): bump nanoid from 3.3.7 to 3.3.8 in /examples/next-12 @dependabot (#904)
- feat: add filter and sort in all tables @Karan-Palan (#916)
- fix: workspace table edit button issue @amitamrutiya (#924)
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
@Karan-Palan, @amitamrutiya and @dependabot
Sistent v0.14.157
What's New
- Add missing components that are present in meshery ui and extensions @amitamrutiya (#923)
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible: