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Pinecone AI

Developers can leverage this app to gain crucial context or build AI applications with vector databases
654 installs



Works with

Copilot Chat, Copilot in the IDE


Free starter plan plan available. Requires a GitHub Copilot license.

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The Pinecone Copilot Extension, available under @pinecone-ai, serves as a seamless bridge between developers and their Pinecone data, providing product information, coding assistance, troubleshooting capabilities and streamlining the debugging process. This extension offers personalized recommendations right to the fingertips of the developers, enabling them to swiftly retrieve relevant data and collaborate effectively with Copilot.

Prerequisites and Set-up

  • User is part of an organization that has a Copilot license
  • User has access to Pinecone accounts

Installation, Sign-in & Auth

Installation only needs to happen once (likely the Admin), however Authorization needs to happen for each user.

  • Sign into Pinecone, and then sign into Github with the account you want to link.
  • Authorize through the flow
  • Once authorized, go to the Copilot chat window and @pinecone-ai in the chat interface and you should be ready to chat with us!

Use-cases & example prompts to get started

Understand & query about Pinecone

  • “What is a serverless index”
  • “What is ID prefix”

Get coding assistance

  • “Write me a python code to create serverless index”
  • “Python code to list indexes”

Troubleshooting capabilities

  • “How and when to add replicas”
  • “I’m seeing serverless index connection errors”
Sample chat conversation


Copilot Extensions require an active GitHub Copilot license.

Pinecone AI is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate privacy policy and support documentation


Developers can leverage this app to gain crucial context or build AI applications with vector databases
654 installs




Free starter plan plan available. Requires a GitHub Copilot license.

Works with

Copilot Chat, Copilot in the IDE