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api-docs-tooling is a tool to generate API documentation of Node.js. See this issue for more information.

MIT License api-docs-tooling scorecard badge


Local invocation:

$ npx api-docs-tooling --help
Usage: api-docs-tooling [options]

CLI tool to generate API documentation of a Node.js project.

  -i, --input [patterns...]  Specify input file patterns using glob syntax
  --ignore [patterns...]     Specify files to be ignored from the input using glob syntax
  -o, --output <path>        Specify the relative or absolute output directory
  -v, --version <semver>     Specify the target version of Node.js, semver compliant (default: "v22.6.0")
  -c, --changelog <url>      Specify the path (file: or https://) to the file (default: "")
  -t, --target [mode...]     Set the processing target modes (choices: "json-simple", "legacy-html", "legacy-html-all", "man-page", "legacy-json", "legacy-json-all", "addon-verify", "api-links")
  -h, --help                 display help for command