The Ultimate Laravel Starter Kit for Modern SaaS (VILT) with Shadcn Components (Vue, Inertia & Shadcn)
A Laravel trait that enhances soft delete functionality by storing deleted_at as an epoch timestamp, solving unique constraint issues and ensuring data consistency with minimal changes.
Peck is a powerful CLI tool designed to identify pure wording or spelling (grammar) mistakes in your codebase.
ValidatorGuard enables attribute-driven validation to control Laravel method behavior.
A tiny package to view your panphp/pan analytics right in the UI where they are triggered!
A widget plugin for pan analytics.
Make sure all routes in your Laravel app are ok
🧼 A PestPHP Plugin to Help Catch Profanity in Your Applications.
💨 Provides a good starting point for production-ready SQLite databases
CLI tool for quick size measure of PHP project, runs anywhere
A lightweight API resource for Laravel that helps you adhere to the JSON:API standard. Supports sparse fieldsets, compound documents, and more.
Use JS components with Vue or React in a Laravel Livewire and/or Filament application
Type Guard is a lightweight PHP library that allows you to narrow down the type of an variable to a more specific type.
Create a landing page for all your links and connect with like-minded people without the noise.
Laravel Reverb provides a real-time WebSocket communication backend for Laravel applications.
Pint strict preset is an insanely defensive coding style preset for those who demand meticulous precision in their projects.
Write tabular assertions with Pest or PHPUnit
A skeleton repository for Spatie's Laravel Packages
Useful code snippets for Architecture test for PEST
Use PHP code right within your React / Next.js App. With "use php";