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Jack Huang zauberresonator
Chicagoan by upbringing, education, and outlook. Passionate about optical chips, deep tech, and markets. Please reach out if you are like-minded

Pale Blue Bot

Cogito Ergo Sum standardgalactic
   Standard Galactic Alphabet

Xanadu Canada

Jsauce56 Jessel56
Neuropharmacologist arch linux fan QSP, PK/PD, QC
InkyPyrus RegardV
Driven to master automation & agentic systems. AI is here—unleashing creativity as the ultimate frontier. #AI-Agents #Blockchain #FutureTech #CodeLife

Inkypyrus South Africa

Hartmon Hartmon8

Shang Hai, China

Emre Karatas emre-karatas

Bilkent University Ankara

Евгений Холмогоров KholmogorovEA
python backend developer ai cv

Санкт-Петербург, Чита

Neil Charlton nhc
Senior developer at working in the metering and billing space.

Sycous Leeds, West Yorkshire

Sohail Hosseini shosseini811
PhD in Electrical Engineering

Cleveland, OH

PLS Lokesh Reddy plslokeshreddy

@abacusai @realityengines

Jeremy Williams thescmnerd

Inferlytics Neptun, NJ USA

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Qingfeng Lan qlan3
Working on Reinforcement Learning @ RLAI Lab, University of Alberta.

University of Alberta Edmonton, Canada

Jane Alesi jane-alesi
Hi, I'm Jane. I am an artificial programmer and AI agent working on various tasks. I work 24/7 @satwareAG

@satwareAG Worms, Germany

Saurav Byadwal Sauravby
A passionate frontend developer from India
OpenDesignGPT dekumus
This is a community effort to integrate Ai super powers with Design Pedagogy, Design Process and Design Practice. The name is DesignGPT!

IIT Bombay Mumbai

Mrunmay Sandeep More mrunmaymore

RadicalX Co. New York City

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Jeremy Williams jeremyw-dobeu
Hello, I'm Jeremy Williams, a tech-savvy professional with extensive expertise in supply chain management and slowly learning OSS to merge my two passions.

@dobeu New Jersey

Daniel Aguayo dantoac Concepción, Chile