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Mayank Verma webermayank
I am a full stack developer and a engineering student at IIIT Bhopal


Rafał Pocztarski rsp
Platform Team, Staff Backend Engineer at @RampNetwork, Very Senior TypeScript Node.js Developer, obsessed with programming since the early childhood.

@RampNetwork Warsaw, Poland

Manoj Upadhya manojupadhya11
Cloud-DevOps Engineer


Laura Velez appitoriadev
Doesn't matter when you read this: 🌱 I’m currently learning a lot of stuff

@nodoeafit Colombia

Big Bunny Coming-2022
Smile, it's free therapy!
Morgan Joyce atxtechbro
Austin-based Techie at @Sertifi (acquired by @flywirecorp) | Thriving in the Tech Space | Passionate about Serving with Joy and Love Learning

@Sertifi Austin, TX

Igor Magguro

Warsaw, Poland

Disfrutar lo que vale la pena ver, He enjoys what no one wants to see and was always there.
Eric Sherrill ericsherrill-made4net
Just another DevOps Engineer

@Zethcon Chicago, IL

Enzo CORDOVANA EnzoCordovana
Étudiant qui apprend à coder en parallèle des cours.


CodePencil wjw020206
Patience is key in life.


gareth kirman Gkirman81

New world order

Ilona Zakharova ilonazakharova
QA Engineer

Berlin, Germany

RinLit (alt) RinLit
My first GitHub alt account.

Our own world Asia, Earth

Mario Llesta mariollesta
🌐 Teleco Engineer 🐍 Software Developer

Developing opensource applications to help you.

Nando Cuevas Nando-io
University of Washington graduate venturing into the vast world of computer science and software engineering.


Edgar Sedose
Certified GCP Professional Cloud Developer. Software Engineer. Backend developer


卷尺 ChrisSong1994
In-depth research, do what you say


Sett Sarverott Sarverott
Metallurgist, Artificer, Technomancer
Po-Heng Shen-po-heng
Software engineer focus on machine learning, deep learning, and generative AI to bridge software development and machine learning.
