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Aditya Kumar Singh AD17YAKR
Trying to Learn How to be a developer.


Oshiosan oshiosann
I'm Oshiosan. I'm from Japan. In the IT industry, I'm just quietly breathing. The homelab repositories on my GitLab(on-premises) are synced with this account.


Felipe Leite FelipeLeiteDS
Merging entrepreneurial drive with academic expertise, I combine analytical thinking and business savvy as a Data Professional.

Vancouver, Canada

Shawn R10836

Zhejiang University

Salim Ali Salim-Ali-94
i am an engineer working in the field of full-stack development

HealthDart South Africa

Researching projects CannabizOmecha
kLANDestINe;arLY. ..1990= C A.I.(LIEN) MAN(ager).
Dora Aumada Intelli-tech1
Creating and developing in a organization can be very difficult but with the creator's of Github you can honestly reach your GOALS!!! #1 Recommended 😺🤖🚀


Yiğit Ali Demir JpnTr

@Bos-Batarya Eskişehir

Jack Jack5316
Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Electronic Science & Technology


Huy Cao (John) kics223w1
Make product for 💻


Rodolfo Guerrero scar813710

Antioquia, Medellin, Colombia

Pranav Arya PranavArya37

Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh

Glitch glitch047
Generative AI | LLM | DevSecOps | IT & CyS | Cyber Warrior | Writer | Researcher | Music Composer |
Cleyson Duarte Cleysond10
Developer and scientist computer that is passionate about solving problems through tech solutions.

@abletechteam Recife, PE

ELI elicarlos-stack
FATEC - Segurança da Informação


Su Yun manxisuo
非著名公司程序员。 擅长Qt、JavaScript、Python、Java和Node,在学习Kotlin、Haskell、Go和Scala,搞过一些Hadoop和Spark。 喜欢思考和钻研,热爱新鲜事物,希望永远写代码。

Nanjing, Jiangsu, China


dandre Budapest

Brice Friha bricefriha
I'm a dev, as you might have guessed😁 In my spare time, I code useless stuff Basically, also my job is my passion 😁 So, I like contributing to projects

Ireland, EU

Sonu kumar Sahani SonuSahani
making games with JavaScript

Bharat Interactive Kolkata

Eduardo Miranda borisdvlpr
cloud developer


LuqueH LuqueH

ByteBot Cochabamba, Bolivia