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Apurv Ghai (MSFT) apurvghai
Dynamics 365 Developer Support Program

Microsoft Texas

Laender Oliveira laenderoliveira
Desenvolvedor .Net

Grupo Autoglass Brazil

Shubham Bhati Shubh2-0
Dedicated to Innovating with Technology | Exploring the Boundaries of Tech | Passionate about Creating Elegant Code

Masai School Banglore

Adric adricl

Melbourne, Australia

Dave Black udlose
I solve difficult problems

Black Box Solutions, Inc. Austin, TX

Niloy Datta niloydatta000
Got stuck in between Ctrl+Z & Ctrl+Y

Dhaka, Bangladesh

LukeScrewdriver LukeScrewdriver

MEI System Italy

Tr4200812 tr4200812,LED [2006] <<<<perfect,Led. idocasee.☆ 🚌 543 year 2568-2025

Mojtaba Siadat mojtabasiadat
I am a software developer with a special focus on Microsoft .NET. I have designed and build many web applications using C# and ASP.NET Core.
Luis Miguel Sánchez LuisMiSanVe
🇪🇸 💻 Spanish Fullstack Developer

ADV SI Spain

Mikhail Mnotice
27 y/o. Exploring the world… 1 line at a time.
Anselmo Leonardo Leonerdy
Apaixonado por tecnologia, estudante de programação e desenvolvimento Mobile.
Halenur İncedere halenurincedere
Jr. Full Stack Developer

Ankara, Turkey

Ferhat ACAR FerhatACAR
Passionate IT professional with a keen eye for innovation and 4 years of hands-on experience. Specializing in Agile DevOps and a vast array of programming langu

Ford Otosan Turkey

Aline Nunes Analistarjx
Estou aprendendo a cadastrar no git hub.
Tony Ruiz tonyruizo
Software Engineer

Florida, USA

QhyNLP-Coding Language Expert derricka20
My is Derrik Adkison a passionate advocate for accessible software development, I brings a wealth of expertise to the QhyNLP community.


Jack Jack5316
Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Electronic Science & Technology


Mohamad Roumieh roumieh124497
Hello, I'm Computer Engineer, like to code.

United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi