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Ahmed Hemeda A-Hemeda
Software Engineer | .NET Developer

Route Cairo, Egypt

Rami Chalhoub ramichalhoub
Solutions Architect, Software Engineer | Software Architecture & DDD Enthusiast | Tech & Coffee Addict | Keep Learning, Keep Growing

Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Olti Berisha olti18
👋 Hi, I'm Olti Berisha. 💻 Developer | Open-source contributor. 🔗 Check out my projects!


Wanwisa srimuang* Accuweaty24

Ask, bloomberg, Google 🇪🇺

Matheus Wisch Wisch096
Full-Stack Developer

EadTech Barreiras - Bahia

My name is Li BoBo.I am an optimistic and outgoing student.
Davi Oliveira davicbtoliveira
Software Engineer

404 Brazil

Guven Guven-K
Junior Software Engineer. Currently on my way to becoming a professional programmer.

London, United Kingdom

Pedro Paula PedroRicoPaula
Web Developer

Açores, Portugal

Leonardo Bulcão LeonardoSena1
.NET | C# Developer

Brasil - São Paulo

JeanJacques23 Jean-23

Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

Jakko dev-jakko
.NET enthusiast


Software Engineer | .NET / C# / SQL || Go / Web in spare time for Motorsport Software & Data Solutions


Hossein Bakhshipoor bakhshipoor

Avalan Smart Trade Tehran, Iran

Arslan Muhannad Arslan1st

Mi_Arslan Solutions (MAS) Ramallah, Palestine

Young-Hwan Oh YoungHwan90s
.NET & Node.js Developer

@aglgw Seoul, South Korea

David Apollo davidapollo11
Web developer!


Giocoliere giocoliere
I'm working at the @creepercraftnet / @otakuforge & @creeperhub projects. "A human..i guess"

@creeperhub & @otakuforge Europe

atashi08 allysa08
to be come a Pioneers

@pioneerchain Pasig, Philippines

Vikash Kumar kumarvikash-prog
Learning Web development to Really Build Something Good.
Ömer omeradiyaman
Computer Engineering