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Jasper Kense Jkense

Leapfrog Rotterdam, the Netherlands

Abhijeet Anil Rathod Abhijrathod
Developer Network Admin


Janet Jose janetjotw
Senior Technical Writer | API Documentation Specialist | Former Programmer

Austin, Texas

Ahtsham Ulhaq digitalperception

Digital Perception UG Munich

TaylorLi TaylorDurden
Fullstack web developer, seeking for remote job.
Kyle Pollock Kylepollock
Web Developer in Training at Kickstart Coding

Kickstart Coding San Francisco, CA

Sakib Hossen sakibint
8yrs old going to be 8B with @ideaus


Wow Rakibul wowrakibul
Writer of 3,000+ poetries and still writing. UX/UI and Visual Product Designer with Frontend Engineering. CEO & Founder of @Seen-Design-Lab

Seen Design Lab Los Angeles

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Wesley Owens J-W-O
👋 Hi there! I'm Wesley, a passionate cybersecurity enthusiast. I enjoy contributing to projects that enhance security and protect against cyber threats.

Hewlett Packard Colorado

Tuan Duc Tran tuanductran
I am a Front End Developer (VueJS, NuxtJS) | UI Design (Bootstrap, Tailwind CSS) and Community Development.

@vnodesign Viet Nam

Mateusz Stepaniuk stepaniukm
TypeScript Node.js Developer


Always thirsty for beer and knowledge

@Bitwarden Earth-616

gunk1n gunk1n

Voronezh, Russia

Michael msiller455
Software Engineer and Educator based in Los Angeles.

Los Angeles

Kevin Mauel | tony-stark.eth tony-stark-eth
PHP/Symfony - TS/Svelte - Solidity/Foundry


isiaka abubakar Rightpartners
I am average black

Rightperners Nigeria

Maksym greenwi4
🔧 Tech and AI enthusiast. 🤝 I enjoy helping people and solving problems. 📈 Always learning and exploring new technologies.


ipuke ipukeone
german fulltime procrastinator - founder of shit life syndrome :):


🇵🇸 Arman (devnull) armandwipangestu
Junior Web Developer | Network Engineer | System Administrator | Cloud Engineer | DevOps Engineer


Lukas N Ghosty-chan
💀 Self-taught Full-Stack with years of in-game coding 🖥 Dev, 🐳 Ops, ⚙ Sys 🎮 Gamer open to nearly every idea 🤣 open-source advocate


Suke Han hansuke
Full Stack Web Developer


Filipe Oliveira filipeoliveiraa
Software Engineer @GLanDrive, Brand Manager @APBI and CTO at @GivingTuesdayPT

@GLanDrive @APBI @GivingTuesdayPT world.

Rajat Singh prajat
gopher ~ engineering backends with @golang, senior software engineer @ magicpin, undergrad @ DTUite '2K20

magicpin (Samast Technologies) New Delhi

Mustafa TOKER mustafatoker

@freebirdsystems Turkey

Shakhzod Shukrulloev TornadoRadon
Software Engineer

SOFTEX : UYSOT Uzbekistan Navoiy

Sean van osnabrugge
Just a lowly network/UC tech seller that is stumbling his way across the crazy GitOps universe....

Microsoft Toronto, Canada