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Mark Galante markgalante
JavaScript, React, Node. Currently a frontend engineer at Yoco Technologies Inc. South African in Amsterdam.

Yoco Technologies Inc. Amsterdam

Jihong Kim jihongeek

@GDSC-DEU Changwon, South Korea

Luka Mamukashvili USLTD
Hardcore fan of milsim and realistic games, terminal wonders and SCP. Computer Science (English sector) Freshman at International Black Sea University LLC

Tbilisi, GE

Sujithkumar SujithJr
Thinking different.!

@pudding-app Chennai, India

Shefki Esadi shral Vienna, Austria

servostar Servostar
Hi there! My name is Sven Vogel alias teridax/servostar. I am a firmware developer trainee at ABB.

ABB AG Germany

zxs424 zxs424
Guilin University of Technology/major in Information and Computational Science

Guilin University of Technology Guilin

Isaac Poole isfopo

Switcher Studio Ann Arbor

Vitaly Kuprin vkuprin
Crafting web, mobile & desktop apps with TypeScript 🚀


Barto unameit10000000
Indie dev⛵ Creator of things🪄 Casting Wishes 💫 Buildinginpublic @bitfeedai🕹️



OASISS BASINESS LTD المملكة المتحدة

Youness un3ss
A man with a mission

FalconBytes Casablanca

Murilo Silva Zafkiel45
Developer debugging!


Zaka ZakaHaceCosas
I'm Zaka and I Make Stuff :]

Spain, best country ever

윤성연 steven-yn
the 'nevertheless' always exists

@datamaker-kr Korea, Daejeon

Mikhail Kulik camelot1399
JavaScript developer
Emad Yazdankhah emaDBytes
Passionate Full-Stack Development Aspirant | Business Information Technology Student | Trilingual


Ruslan Kerimov ruslankerimov

Yandex Saint Petersburg

Sahedul Islam Rony sahedulislamrony
A human being 💀

Jashore University of Science and Technology Cumilla , Bangladesh

Kristian Binau kristianbinau
Full-Stack Developer @ Ordbogen

Ordbogen A/S Odense, Denmark

jackie chan-max
done is better than perfect
Nicholas Velten nfvelten
TypeScript full-stack developer

Ligue Telecom Brasil

HYEBIN KIM khv2644511
Software Engineer (Front-end)

Seoul, Korea

Vladyslav Pavlenko pvlvld
Studying CS at the National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute". Developer of the “Соняшник” telegram bots


Laura L. tchnorider
⚡ ⌨️ ⚡

@algoritmosii Montevideo, Uruguay

Wangxi WangXiaoxi
Practice makes perfect

Xiaomi Beijing China