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Leyla Kandalova kandalova
Developer Dancer Meme lover
Martin Harawa Marhardal
Software Developer & UX and UI Designer & Database Developer. Solving real-world problems with bug-free programs.

@HashTag-Technologies-Limited Lilongwe Malaŵi

founder of codemaster alighasemi889
💫Front-end developer

CodeMaster IRAN

Nick Hoàng nick-hoang
Nick is a full-stack .net developer, Umbraco specialist and a self taught mobile app developer with 5+ years experience within digital agencies

Code Brewery Hanoi, Vietnam

Ian Carter Kulani Iankulani

Accurate Cyber Defense Mzimba

Ole Jørgen lmfaole
Front-end @fremtind

@fremtind Oslo, Norge

Grace Mora gizmora
I could be doing great things...
Elves Vieira elvessilvavieira
An adept Computer Engineering graduate specializing in software development.

Praia - Cape Verde

Luke Janssen lukejans
A curious individual


Achmad F. Ibrahim acfatah
Vue.js Front-end Web Developer

Temerloh, Pahang, Malaysia

Mario Rodriguez mariorodriguez255
Estudiante de Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Multiplataforma, complementando mi formación de manera autodidacta como Frontend Developer.

Arroyomolinos, Madrid

dris dris-e
1171 days without committing envs

DRIS LLC Minnesota

Maggie Wachs maggiewachs

CivicActions Bedford, NH

Luiz M. S. Jeronimo L-d3v
Desenvolvedor de Software em Formação. Cursando S.I
yooson YoosonChan
宁缺毋滥 The best or go without.

Earth Dream

Sungmann Cho chosungmann
👨🏻‍💻 🎼 📚 🍽 ☕ 🧳 🎫 🙏🏻

HYBE IM Seoul, South Korea

Timothy T. Joe TimTJoe
Full-Stack Web Developer. Intern @ RoviaGate Technology, LLC.

RoviaGate Liberia, West Africa

Slendi slendidev


amir mohamed amir-mohamed446
working as an customers agent service in Hermès

Hermès France

Andrew Allen Bruce andrewallenbruce
Healthcare Data Analyst


XueFLY w-xuefeng
Yes, I called my self "faquir"
