The @ramstack/hotkey
package is a very small and lightweight library for handling hotkeys.
The library weighs around 1.3KB and approximately 750 bytes when gzipped.
npm install --save @ramstack/hotkey
<script src=""></script>
<script type="module">
import { registerHotkey } from "";
You can specify either the element itself or its selector as the target for key events.
For global listening across the entire page, use window
or document
registerHotkey("#app", "Ctrl + K", e => {
The function returns a cleanup function that allows you to unsubscribe from event listening.
const cleanup = registerHotkey(...);
// Unregister the hotkey when they are no longer needed
If you wish to prevent hotkey handling on certain elements, add the data-hotkey-ignore
to the respective element.
<div id="app">
<!-- Ignoring hotkeys on the input element -->
<input type="text" data-hotkey-ignore>
Alternatively, apply it to the parent if you want to exclude an entire group of elements at once.
<div id="app">
<!-- Ignoring hotkeys on form elements -->
<form data-hotkey-ignore>
* Registers a hotkey on the specified target element.
* @param {EventTarget | string} target - The target element on which the hotkey will be registered.
* @param {string} hotkey - The combination of keys for the hotkey, e.g., "Ctrl+Alt+Delete".
* @param {(e: KeyboardEvent) => void} handler - The function to be called when the hotkey is triggered.
* @param {string} [eventName="keydown"] - The name of the event to listen for (default is "keydown").
* @param {HotkeyEventListenerOptions | boolean | undefined} [options] - Additional options for the event listener.
* @returns {() => void} - A function to unregister the hotkey.
function registerHotkey(
target: EventTarget | string,
hotkey: string,
handler: (e: KeyboardEvent) => void,
eventName?: string,
options?: HotkeyEventListenerOptions | boolean | undefined): () => void;
The target element on which the hotkey will be registered. Use window
or document
for global hotkeys.
registerHotkey(window, "Win + PgUp", e => {
console.log("Do something");
The combination of keys for the hotkey, e.g., Ctrl + Alt + Delete
The hotkey description is a case-insensitive. Spaces are not important. Standard key names are used.
You can find them here Key values for keyboard events
In addition, there are also aliases for some key names:
const aliases: Record<string, string> = {
"esc" : "escape",
"ins" : "insert",
"del" : "delete",
"up" : "arrowup",
"down" : "arrowdown",
"right" : "arrowright",
"left" : "arrowleft",
"pgup" : "pageup",
"pgdn" : "pagedown",
"break" : "pause",
"scroll" : "scrolllock",
"scrlk" : "scrolllock",
"prtscr" : "printscreen",
"win" : "meta",
"windows" : "meta",
"cmd" : "meta",
"command" : "meta",
"comma" : ",",
"period" : ".",
"quote" : "\"",
"singlequote" : "'",
"colon" : ":",
"semicolon" : ";",
"plus" : "+",
"minus" : "-",
"tilde" : "~",
"equal" : "=",
"slash" : "/"
The function to be called when the hotkey is triggered.
The value of this
inside the handler will be a reference to the element.
It will be the same as the value of the currentTarget
property of the event argument that is passed to the handler.
registerHotkey("#el", "Ctrl + K", function(e) {
console.log(e.currentTarget === this); // logs true
As a reminder, arrow functions do not have their own this context.
registerHotkey("#el", "Ctrl + K", e => {
console.log(e.currentTarget === this); // logs false
The name of the event to listen for.
You can subscribe to events on keydown
(used by default) or keyup
registerHotkey(window, "Ctrl + Up", e => {
}, "keyup");
Additional options for the event listener. See Options.
* Extended options for hotkey event listeners.
export interface HotkeyEventListenerOptions extends AddEventListenerOptions {
* If specified, ensures that only trusted events are handled.
trusted?: boolean;
The trusted
option ensures that only events marked as trusted are handled.
This can help prevent synthetic or untrusted events from triggering hotkeys.
registerHotkey(window, "Ctrl + S", e => {
}, "keydown", { trusted: true });
In this example, the hotkey will only trigger for events that are marked as trusted, preventing manually dispatched or synthetic events from interfering.
A function that, when called, unregisters the hotkey.
const cleanup = registerHotkey(...);
// Unregister the hotkey when they are no longer needed
Bug reports and contributions are welcome.
This package is released as open source under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.